Friday, July 30, 2010


Do any of you know someone with an addiction? It isn't a pleasant situation. Families are torn apart, health, finances and sometimes lives are sacrificed in the fight against an addiction. Commonly, we think of alcohol and drugs when we address this issue. Those are the most visible addictions. Most of us now have computers in our homes, a most valuable tool, also a gateway to pornography. There are people who spend countless hours "clicking" across the Internet at one porno site or another; this is a legitimate mental disorder (get a girl friend). Some folks have a shopping addiction (not you honey), they can't wait to run to the mall and buy, buy, buy until they are buried in debt with no way out. Food is a huge addiction, especially in America; doughnuts, burgers, pizza, hot dogs, chips, nuts, candy and buffets on every corner contribute to this addiction.
Over the last several months, we have seen the results of a deadly addiction, spending the taxpayer's money with wild abandon. Stimulus, health-care, bail-outs add up to a debt crisis that is unsurpassed in the history of the United States; yet, our President, wants to continue on this road to financial oblivion. We are rapidly moving toward an unsustainable debt crisis that can turn us into the next Greece.
On July 1, 2010, the Congressional Budget Office ("CBO") (non-partisan) said "...national debt would soar to 87% of the Gross Domestic Product by 2020, and exceed its historical peak of 109% by 2025 and hit 185% by 2035...uncharted territory.." On July 27,2010, the CBO states our intergovernmental debt will exceed 200%; the debt we owe to foreign governments (Communist China). This debt could be called in and it would be "due and payable". The CBO also stated "...increases in taxes would now probably slow the recovery...the longer debts and deficits go unaddressed, the greater the risk of a crisis..higher interest rates, more foreign borrowing, less private investment and lower income growth (will lead) to the possibility of a full blown fiscal crisis (Greece).
We now have 14.6 million Americans without jobs; the newest job figures show 457,000 NEW applications for unemployment benefits. Obama-nomics are not working, yet his administration's addiction to spending will not cease. Germany, France, and even Sweden have been critical of Obama's direction of the American economy; yet, in his arrogance, Obama refuses to see the disaster which is ahead. We will soon lose the Bush tax cuts and potential investors will be unable to help our economy grow: that double-dip recession will soon be a reality. As Americans, we need to have an "intervention" for Barack Obama, his addiction is making America sick; and it could be fatal!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


When you were a kid did you ever have a secret? You must remember a time when there was something that you only wanted your closest friends to know, and no one else: a confidence, something not to be betrayed to another soul; that is the essence of a secret. "Whatever you do, don't tell Mom!" "If Dad finds out he will kill me!" Do either of these statements sound familiar?

In baseball and football the teams have signals and a play book. These are sensitive areas to the team; they are secrets, that if revealed to opponents could lead to defeat. A couple of years ago an NFL coach (who will be nameless) was fined for stealing signals from his opposition. Even the Mafia takes great store in the keeping of secrets, as it was said in "Goodfellas": "Always keep your mouth shut, and never rat on your friends!"

As a former service man, I was privileged to know things that were "classified", some of that information remains "classified' today; not for public consumption, information that if released, could do damage to the security of the United States of America; "CLASSIFIED!"

When is the right to know more important than national security? This is a difficult question. If there is the remotest possibility of the loss of an American serviceman's life then information must remain secret!

Recently "wikileaks" revealed over 90,000 classified documents to the general public. Even Robert Gibbs, who I seldom agree with, said "...potential harm to those keeping us safe...", in regards to this leak. There are those who don't believe this is serious. Any leak of classified information has the potential of aiding an enemy in the quest of killing our troops, and ultimately, our citizens.

Who is "wikileaks"? Julian Assange is the founder and editor-in-chief of this organization. He has said he has the final say-so on all publications. Mr. Assange is not an American citizen; he was born in Australia in 1971. He was investigated for computer hacking by the Australian Federal Police. He has, on occasion, fled to avoid arrest for his spurious activities. He has paranoid delusions that the Pentagon is pursuing him and his life is in danger if he enters the United States. He is a man of unstable nature. He has little formal education, yet he espouses his intellect at every opportunity. I must reiterate, he is not an American citizen! What right does this malcontent believe he has in breaching our national security? It is incumbent on our law makers to investigate this incident. It is necessary to prosecute those responsible for the jeopardy our country may now face.

Instead of worrying about what is said on cable news or talk radio, our Congress should take a long look at those who are really a threat to our nation's well being. During WWII, there was a saying "Loose Lips Sink Ships!" We could learn a lot from those words; perhaps our Congress should read them again!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Adolph Wasn't Understood!"

Mel Gibson, wow, what a path of self destruction he has taken. Mel, just a few years ago, was the sweetheart of Christians around the world. His version of the "Passion of the Christ" was so well received in the Christian community, he was practically canonized. The film made a billion dollars, and played to packed theatres. I attended with a church group, and as a student of the bible, I found it factual and compelling.

Not long after Mel's success with the "Passion" he fell from grace. Mel, who has admitted to problems with addictive behavior, got drunk and was arrested. During the course of his arrest, he made statements about Jews that were less than "complimentary"; revealing a side to Mel that was less than attractive. Recently, Mel has been involved in alleged domestic abuse. Once again, Mel let his mouth run and showed a side we didn't want to see. "Drunk and stupid is no way to get through life" was said in the movie "Animal House", that is a pretty good axiom. Our words have a tendency to follow us around for a very long time.

Last Sunday, Oliver Stone was being interviewed and said some things that will follow him around for a very long time.

Stone, a long time admirer of Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan dictator, is best known for his film "Platoon" about a soldier in the Viet Nam war. He also is responsible for the film "JFK", a compilation of rumor, fantasy and spurious conjecture. If you ever want to waste three hours of your life, rent this movie.

In his latest interview,he made these remarks, "Hitler was an easy scapegoat" and the "Jewish domination of the media" has kept people from a proper picture of Hitler. He wasn't drunk when he said this; maybe he's just stupid. Another statement was that "He (Hitler) was Frankenstein, but there was also a Doctor Frankenstein; German industrialists, the Americans and the British, he had a lot of support." From this statement, I realized that Mr. Stone is talking out of his BUTT! If he had any real knowledge of Hitler, he would know that Hitler played the German industrialists like a violin; that was his plan from the beginning (Rise and Fall of the Third Reich); check it out for yourself. British support, don't make me laugh. After Chamberlain screwed up in Munich, the British had immediate remorse. Churchill was an early critic of Hitler, recognizing him as a monster, even before he became Prime Minister of England.

It seems apparent to me that Oliver Stone is just enamored with dictators. I'm surprised he didn't defect to North Viet Nam during the war. Chavez, Castro and Mao are some of his heroes. Now, his anti-Semitic (he is part Jewish) attitude, has been revealed for everyone to see. He made a clumsy apology about his remarks, but the toothpaste is out of the tube. America now can see him for who he is, and it's not good for Ollie!

Mel was drunk and stupid; what is Mr. Stone's excuse? We should all remember this the next time we choose to go to any of his films. He has a poisoned mind. Don't let him infect you!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Turn On the Lights!"

Before I retired, I used to set up medical equipment in private homes. Oxygen, c-pap, bi-pap, hospital beds and other types of medical equipment were my daily tasks. We all think we know about poor health until we see sick people first hand, every day. I saw people in their late 90s and children as young as 6 years old with medical troubles that would send the average person running for the hills. I entered homes that I wouldn't tie my dog up in! Most of us try to keep a clean house and most of our family and friends are the same. Some people live in filth; and they don't mind! Every time I entered a home, I had a set routine of cleaning my hands and wiping down equipment, in an attempt to maintain some semblance of cleanliness. When I left those houses, I would get into my van and once again clean my hands before entering the next patient's home.

I had a patient in a small town who lived in a house trailer. He was a veteran and he was bedridden. He had his teenage grandson living with him. When I entered the trailer it was black as pitch. When the teen turned on the light, I saw thousands of roaches run in every direction, fleeing the light. When I entered the house, only the light of a television illuminated the house. Only when total light was brought into the room did I see the severity of the roach problem. When kept in the dark problems are hard to see. We need to shine light on our problems.

S.B.1070, the Arizona immigration law, has turned the "light" to our infestation of illegal aliens in America. Since its inception in April 2010, illegal aliens have been moving away from Arizona. In one school district, 70 students were pulled out of classes by their illegal parents in anticipation of the implementing of the illegal immigration initiative. Some advocates of the new law have said "Enforce the law and most illegals will deport themselves", and this seems to be true at this point. Some are leaving to return south of the border, while others are heading for the "sanctuary cities" around the nation, who are willfully disobeying the law.

As the date of enforcement approaches, many illegals are holding yard and garage sales to get cash to move out of Arizona's Phoenix area. Wendi Villasenor said "Everyone is selling up the little things they have and leaving, we have no alternative. They have us cornered."

These illegals have a sympathetic argument, displaced and faced with possible criminal arrest. I'm sorry for them, yet I'm sorrier for those Americans who suffer daily because of this influx of illegal entrants to America. It is not only the criminal elements of gang members and drug dealers; it is also those illegals who work for below average wages, who keep legitimate citizens from attaining gainful employment in our ailing economy. I don't want illegals to receive government benefits, or tuition breaks; those should be reserved for legal citizens and legal resident aliens (you know, taxpayers).

The scattering has begun, the lights are on, no corner of the house is safe, they will crawl under every chair and behind every wall. It's time for us to call the "Orkin Man", and support Arizona's initiative and follow suit across the nation; otherwise, your house will have the next infestation!

Monday, July 26, 2010

"Man of the Year!"

I'm an amateur historian; I find the history during WWII fascinating and compelling. At no time in human history have we seen the face of complete evil so well defined as we did during the NAZI rule of Germany.

Germany was a cultural center of Europe; writers, artists, composers and philosophers were icons the world over; then WWI changed everything. In an ill conceived war, Germany challenged all of Europe and was crushed, both militarily and economically. The German people were given the burden of the entire war cost and it plunged Germany into an economic crisis that makes our "Great Depression" look like a garden party. Out of this mire of starvation, inflation, loss of national identity and political upheaval, rose the NAZI Party. It was driven by the oratory of Adolph Hitler. He provided those dispossessed German citizens with an excuse for their troubles; Zionist control of the world finances and their pollution of the German race. Most of us know what happened next; the darkest period of human history since the "Inquisition". Yet, during this period, there were people right here in America who cheered Hitler and lauded his efforts to heal Germany's woes. Prior to our entry into the war, there were religious and political figures who praised Hitler's accomplishments in his pursuit to restore Germany. He was Time Magazines "Man of the Year", so I guess that's not such a big honor.

Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has been praised by several world leaders, Castro, Ahmadminejad and Putin are among his supporters. American celebrities, Danny Glover and Oliver Stone, are extremely verbal in their support of the "democratically elected" leader. They believe Venezuela is a paradise, even though the people are virtual prisoners of the government, and their economy hangs by a very thin thread. He is a supporter of Iran's nuclear ambitions and a hater of the "Yankee Empire" (that's us).

We have been assisting the Colombian government for several years in their battle against the drug cartels with funds and advisers. Recently outgoing Colombian President, Alvaro Uribe, presented photos, videos and maps of rebel camps inside the Venezuelan border. Chavez says this is "doctored" evidence and broke off diplomatic relations with Colombia. He has also said "...any armed aggression against Venezuela from Colombian territory, or anywhere supported by the Yankee Empire, ..we would suspend oil shipments to the United States". This action will have a crippling effect on the United States, and an even bigger impact on the Venezuelan economy. This great "democracy" is barely existing at a poverty level, thanks to Chavez's socialist programs. The closest he has become to embracing the United States is when he shook hands with Barack Obama; the embrace was like a bully intimidating a schoolboy. Personally, when I saw it, I felt a little sick to my stomach. Obama smiled and looked uncomfortable.

We now have a moratorium against drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and platforms are being removed by oil companies. We don't drill on land, even though environmental impact would be minimal (regardless of what the tree huggers say).

Isn't it time for Americans to start acting like Americans; stop cheering for those who are a detriment to our nation; those who threaten, those who hate, those who wish to destroy us. Our first allegiance is to the United States of America, not Venezuela, Iran, Cuba or any other nation. Our policies should benefit America first and foremost. Energy independence is extremely important, and we must use what is available on our own soil or we are prisoners of the rest of the world. Pursue other sources, yes, of course, but until we perfect those sources, we must use what we have. I hope Mr. Obama will wake up, and I hope America will wake up. The "Man of the Year" in Venezuela is trying to hold America hostage. What should we do?

Friday, July 23, 2010

"Responsible Party"

As most of my regular readers know, I love sports analogies. At times, life situations can be illustrated by sports with amazing clarity.

In baseball, we have an owner, a manager, umpires and ballplayers. In America, we have the people (owner), the government (manager and coaches), umpires (court system) and players (states). Each member of this group has certain responsibilities to carry out in order to play a successful game. When any member doesn't fulfill their area of responsibility, there are problems in the "game". The manager can't play all the positions during the game, yet he is ultimately responsible for the failure or success of the team. A manager can't run out of the dugout, across the field, knock down the right fielder and try to catch the ball; he would be perceived to be a fool and a man who had no confidence in the team. The right fielder wasn't trying to do the manager's job by catching the ball; he was fulfilling his responsibility to the team. The right fielder had a better perspective on the play than the manager; he was right there, not across the field. Both the manager and the right fielder must follow the rules of baseball or the umpire will step in and enforce the rules.

As we speak, the Department of Justice is in Federal Court protesting the Arizona immigration law. They believe that only the Federal government has the right to enforce our border laws. Arizona believes that their citizens have the right to be protected by all law enforcement officers in all criminal situations, including protection from criminal illegal aliens. Arizona also argues that the Federal government has not fulfilled their responsibility of securing our border; therefore, Arizona took necessary action for protection and security. The Arizona law is a mirror of the Federal statute; it expands nothing and allows police to do their job, serve and protect.

There have been several theories about why the Obama administration is fighting this immigration initiative; one of the most talked about is that this administration is pandering to the Hispanic votes in America in order to gain an edge in the next election. Obama and his minions have offered horrific scenarios of police arresting people as they take their children out for ice cream, or walking down the street to buy a newspaper. As we see the law revealed,we see how ludicrous this type of rhetoric is.

I wonder if Mr. Obama is sure he wants to win this battle? If Barack Obama is successful in this quest, then he must accept all the responsibility of everything that happens on the Arizona border. Every robbery, every burglary, every theft, every beating, every rape, every murder perpetrated by an illegal alien on the citizens of Arizona will now be the total responsibility of Barack Obama. He refused the help of the Arizona government in the protection of American citizens. My Dad once said "Be careful of what you wish for, you may get it!"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

" A Good Soldier!"

I am a huge fan of all the "Godfather" movies; well written, suspenseful, well acted and directed. The cast was stellar; Brando, Pacino, Keaton, Duvall and Talia Shire are just some of the actors who gave compelling performances throughout the trilogy. In "Godfather II", Michael (Pacino) was in the midst of a senate organized crime investigation. The government had a witness, Frank Pentangeli, who was going to testify directly about Michael's involvement in the crime family. During the film, Tom Hagen visits Pentangeli in prison and speaks to him about loyalty and the benefits his family could expect if he acted as a loyal "soldier". At the senate hearing, Pentangeli denies any criminal connection with Michael Corleone, throwing the hearing into confusion. Later, as federal agents are watching over him, he goes into the bathroom, sits in the tub, and "opens up his veins", submitting to his Godfather's wishes; making sure no connection is left for the investigation to follow. Pentangeli put his loyalty to the Godfather before his own life.

Over the last few days, a firestorm has developed over a woman named Shirley Sherrod, an official of the U.S.D.A. A video of Ms. Sherrod was aired that had been edited to give a partial impression of Ms. Sherrod's presentation to her audience (the NAACP ). In a complete viewing of her speech, a totally different picture of her intent was revealed than the edited version purported. The video was so volatile that the Department of Agriculture, seemingly under their own initiative, forced her to resign. She made statements that she was called three times as she drove home and was told to "pull over right now and resign", the "White House wants your resignation now", " If you don't resign, you will end up on Glenn Beck's show tonight!" She was then promptly fired! I guess Glenn Beck is a very scary guy to the present administration. Oddly, when Beck commented on her firing, he said she never should have been fired; her statements were taken out of context.

Yesterday, Thomas Vilsack, the Secretary of Agriculture, had a press conference apologizing to Ms. Sherrod for the hasty action of his department. If he took the blame once, he took it fifty times during the press conference. He said over and over again that this decision was his, with no influence from the White House. He fell on his sword so many times, I'm surprised he didn't leak all over the podium. Robert Gibbs did his best dancing around the issue when it came to answering questions in regards to White House involvement in the firing. He looks so uncomfortable when he's unsure of the truth! This quick distancing from the White House is too transparent. Is it possible that somebody in the White House called on political loyalty to keep this scandal from reaching into the administration's inner circle? The perceived fear of FOX NEWS from the White House is interesting. If one tells the truth, fear should not be an option.

The Obama administration moved in ways that would have made "Don Corleone" proud. Cut your losses, deny any involvement; "Make them an offer they can't refuse". Pentangeli ,oops, I mean Vilsack, was a good "soldier", he opened up his political veins for the "Godfather".

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

" False Teachers!"

Many years ago I had a 1972 Gremlin (no laughing). We were newly married and Jimmy Carter was already busy destroying the economy; gas was approaching $1.00 a gallon! I sold my "gas guzzler" to get something cheaper to run. It had a three speed standard transmission on the floor. Like all cars, it had its share of problems; but it was cheap to run. I had a problem with the transmission. Not to get too technical, the shift lever fits into a ball in the transmission, and slides back and forth to change gears. The ball connecting the lever had popped the collar and I had to fool with it to change gears. I had to go to work, so I had my wife call a local transmission repair shop to fix my problem. I gave my wife specific instructions, saying " This is what the problem is (mentioning the problem of the lever popping), don't let them sell you anything else", then I went to work. When I returned home that evening ,my wife told me what the repair shop said. They told my wife your husband was absolutely right; they made the repair and my Gremlin again hit the hi-way. It's important to know what you're talking about or people will take advantage of you because of your ignorance.

Two days ago, I had the experience of watching a video from MOVE-ON, the leftist site run by George Soros. It was a character assassination of Glenn Beck about his Christian beliefs. It was a monologue of insults and false statements about Mr. Beck. Previously, I had seen a program in which Mr. Beck explained the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. It had no political motive; it did show the flaws of "black liberation theology". He had two protestant ministers on the show to add to the shows credibility. Glenn Beck has been quite candid about his relationship to Jesus, and the impact Jesus has had on his life. This has never been a political issue with Mr. Beck.

I am an Elder in a local church; I spend some time with the bible; I have taught Sunday school; I have delivered a few messages at Sunday worship services. Currently, I have been involved with a friend of my wife who has questions about God and his plan for salvation. I have many friends who are members of the clergy, and I have great respect for all of them. I have a real problem with people who use Jesus as a "cash cow", or a way to espouse false teaching. I won't mention names, but remember Jesus never had a Rolex!

As I listened to Glenn Beck explain the Gospel on his show, I sat stunned. It is obvious to me that Glenn Beck knows exactly what he's talking about! As a layperson, he is extremely well informed when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and God's plan for the salvation of mankind. I don't believe even Billy Graham could have given a more clear explanation of the Gospel than Beck did. When he finished, he asked the ministers if he had left anything out; they said it was flawless. Beck then went on to make this statement "Don't trust me alone, read and check it out for yourself". Every good pastor says the very same thing, check what I am telling you against the bible.

George Soros and his flunkies certainly must fear Beck to make such a personal and spurious attack against him. I guarantee you this; they don't know a thing about the Gospel message of Jesus Christ; and some day, they will answer for it to someone more powerful than me or Mr. Beck. Don't take my word for it; check out the bible, try Revelation!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"5 Year Old Mentality"

Did you ever watch five year old children fight? I don't mean hit each other; I refer to the yelling contest that they engage in when they engage in "conflict'. It is never their fault, they always have a scapegoat, they always have someone else to blame. "Johnny made me do it", or "You never told me not to do it Dad" are common answers when these tiny politicians plead their cause.

Yesterday, Barack Obama did what every five year old does when he doesn't immediately get his way. He cried that someone else is responsible for his failure; it's never him. I remember the "lab coat guys" he surrounded himself with when he was forcing his socialist health-care bill through Congress. This attempt to give validity to his program was almost laughable in its theatrics. He was saying "Look America, I'm surrounded by doctors; they believe me". Yes Barack, all doctors wear lab coats whenever they travel.

Obama is all about showmanship and presentation, and very little about substance. When he touted health-care, he had a lot of platitudes and slogans, but when details were inquired about, there was little response. He did do his best to blame the Republican Party for slowing up his process of its passing. What nerve they had asking that the bill be read before it was passed! Damn those obstructionists! As his popularity sinks, he looks at people like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly and blames them for his unhappy situation. Who are they to criticize him; he's BARACK OBAMA!

In the White House Rose Garden, he took the podium to, once again, place blame on somebody else. He, once again, pulled out his favorite whipping boys ; the Republicans. He paraded some people in front of the camera who are victims of Obama-nomics, unable to find work. I, along with all Americans, feel badly about their situation. This is the problem with dumping money on government "pork" and strangling our financial community.

He said the Republicans are blocking the unemployment extension, like villains in a silent movie. In reality, the Republicans just want to handle any extension in a responsible way. The Republican leadership is blocking this current initiative because it calls for further debt extension. They want the administration to use existing funds to finance this proposal. They believe Barack Obama has plunged us into enough debt! Barack is busy pointing fingers and calling names, instead of telling the truth to America. Americans are tired of this "WAH! WAH! WAH!", attitude from Mr. Obama. Say what you will about George Bush, I didn't hear crying like this from the White House when he was in office. Grow up Barack, act like a big boy now, and stop casting the blame!

Monday, July 19, 2010

" Are You NUTS!?"

Do Americans like to give up on anything? We are, historically, a tenacious bunch. We like to pursue our undertakings to their end; to see things through. We like to hold our ground and grit our teeth. Weakness is not part of the American nature.

On December 16, 1944, Americans entered the area known historically as the "Battle of the Bulge" at Bastogne. It would prove to be one of the turning points of WWII. The Germans referred to the roads surrounding Bastogne as the "road octopus"; a navigational nightmare. The Bastogne area was critical to the Allied strategy; Eisenhower ordered to "Hold at all costs!" Elements of the 101st Airborne were in the middle of it all. They were completely surrounded by Germans, their hospital had been overrun, there was no safe area, they could not be re-supplied; they were cut off. If any situation seemed hopeless, this was it. On the 22nd, the Germans sent a surrender party to the American camp, under the cover of a white flag. The message sent to the division commander was that there would be total annihilation unless the Americans capitulated. When the message was delivered to division commander, General Tony McAuliffe, his reply was "Us Surrender?, AW NUTS!!" The single reply of "NUTS" was sent to the German commander. While that was going on, American forces encircled the German armor and the tide of battle changed; it was the Germans who were forced to surrender. Americans don't like to give up!

Barack Obama wants the Congress to ratify the new START agreement; the reduction of our nuclear arsenal, giving away some of our national defense, as an "olive branch" to the rest of the world. The pursuit of nuclear disarmament is noble; at this time it is foolish. Mr. Obama wants to reduce our nuclear arsenal by 40%; from 5000 weapons to 3000 within the next ten years. It also rules out the development of new weapons and restricts our use of those weapons that are now available to American defense.

As we face Iran, North Korea and now the interference of Venezuela and Syria in this hotbed of nuclear pursuit, is giving up our arsenal a good idea? Michael Turner (R-Ohio) made this statement "While the administration pursues deep cuts in our nuclear forces in the hopes that others will follow; Iran and North Korea programs continue unabashed." Are we binding our hands against possible dangerous foes? Once again, Barack Obama is showing weakness to the world; once again, he is kneeling in submission. Strength, not weakness, is all that dictators understand! It's time to hang on to our weapons, not lay them down!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

" Professor Irwin Corey, New Economic Czar?"

Many years ago there was a comedian named , "Professor Irwin Corey", whose claim to fame was that he was the "world's foremost authority". The "Professor" made numerous appearances on Ed Sullivan, Jackie Gleason and the Tonight Show. He would appear in tails with a disheveled hair style and exhibit a confusing demeanor. He had a routine in which he would address questions of the day. He would answer with a hilarious display of double talk and topical jokes. If he didn't know, he would make it up! He would move the facts to support his theories to hilarious ends.

Our nation now sits on an economy that, at best, can be regarded as stagnant. Most states have unemployment rates of over 8%, and some as high as 13%. Thousands of unemployed Americans have seen their unemployment benefits expire over the last few weeks, with little hope in sight for possible employment opportunities. After 18 months of wild spending, America has made virtually no progress in the pursuit of regaining employment for those displaced workers.

Recently Vice-President, Joe Biden, has made a statement that the Obama administration has "saved" 3 million jobs in the economy. The only problem with this is that this figure is totally theoretical; there is no valid way to measure a saved job, it is totally subjective, without grounding in fact. A fact is that 2.5 million jobs have been lost, and job gains are minuscule. Obama-nomics have done more damage than repair to our national job growth. It's odd that just a few days ago, Mr. Biden said "There is no possibility of restoring the lost 8 million jobs", and now he is the smiling face of victory over our failing economy.

The Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America has serious doubts about the economic theories of the current administration. They have stated " just six months from now, Americans will be hit with the largest tax increase in history in precisely those areas that would have the greatest negative impact on investment and jobs....", in reference of the removal of the Bush tax cuts.

In a scathing letter to the President, the Chamber of Commerce said "...this approach has failed to return our economy to a path of robust growth...", "....policy choices are actually eliminating good job opportunities for American workers..." and,"...needlessly prolonging the economic agony of the recession for millions of Americans and their families."

Is this administration just "making it up as they go along"? Is Barack Obama expecting his followers to believe it "just because he said so". Obviously, those who have a real handle on our economy see things differently than our President. Happy faces and fanciful theories don't erase the facts of an ailing economic policy. How much longer will America travel down this path? America needs truth from our President, not spurious claims.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


How many of you have young children, or grandchildren who participate in T-Ball or little league? Kids are so much fun to watch when they are just learning a sport. I used to coach girls softball, and I can't remember a time when I had more fun. It was great when I could make a "break-through" with any of the girls, showing them something that would make them a better player. Smiles were large when a young girl hit a softball for the first time, or made that first catch of a ball that previously scared them to death. Mistakes were always part of the game; otherwise,the coach's job wasn't necessary. I'll bet everyone reading this has seen a young boy or girl stand in the outfield, looking around at nature, while a ball bounces by them, totally unaware of the game being played at the time. Suddenly, they hear the shouts of coaches, and parents, "GET THE BALL!!!", echoing all around them. Almost immediately their eyes flash and they spin around like a runaway top, charging after the ball. For some in the crowd it is a disaster, for others it is just funny. That child will remember that play for a very long time, as many of his team mates will remind him of it regularly. A valuable lesson can be gleaned from that experience; pay attention to what is going on around you! As years pass, some of those kids will move along to high school and college level sports. They will have received years of instruction in their chosen sport. Some of them, a select few, will move to the professional level. At that level, mistakes take on a whole new meaning, and are not easily tolerated by coaches and managers. Players are expected to know their business.

A few days ago there was a town hall meeting held in the 27th congressional district of California, by Congressman Brad Sherman. Mr. Sherman had one of those caught unaware moments while taking questions from his constituents. He was questioned about allegations that the Department of Justice had a policy of non-prosecution of voter intimidation if the complainant was white and the defendant was black. He responded with this statement, "I am extremely sure we do not have a policy at the Department of Justice of never prosecuting a black defendant when the victim is white." He was then asked about the New Black Panther party incident at the Philadelphia polling place during the last national election, which has been on the FOX NEWS network recently. Now the real OOPS moment came! Mr. Sherman said he was unaware of the incident! The chorus of catcalls and boos are probably still echoing through the California redwood trees. He was like the deer caught in the headlights, frozen and clueless!

Mr. Sherman now has made statements that he didn't know about the incident because the "main stream" media didn't cover it. Perhaps that's true (it probably is). Shouldn't a congressman be informed on levels higher than cable news? Is he saying that not one senator or congressman ever mentioned this incident at all? Does this mean that FOX NEWS is the only voice in America that believes this incident has important implications on our justice system?

Washington needs to pay attention to what is happening around them. The ball has passed them by and the crowd is screaming. They are supposed to be "Big Leaguers", not "T-Ball" players. It's time for our representatives to get their "heads in the game", or we will bring in players who will!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

" TEA Party Racism???"

"If you tell a lie often enough, it then becomes the truth"; this statement is very true in its use to give validity to a false premise. Adolph Hitler used this principle before attaining power in Germany. He perpetuated lies so effectively, over 6 million people were exterminated. The Ku Klux Klan has been trading on this philosophical garbage for generations in their pursuit of "racial purity". Generating hate has been a political tool for a very long time; ask any Jew! They are the experts on oppression, slavery, murder and prejudice. Hate groups are alive and well throughout the world. Right now we are dealing with radical Muslim hate groups who spread hate and lies against the people of America and her allies across the world. We even have domestic hate groups; the "New Black Panther Party" is venomous in their rhetoric, calling for the murder of "crackers" on massive scale across our nation. They even advocate the murder of "cracker babies"; hate at its most horrific. Black Americans have suffered for many years at the hands of those idiots who believe in the "purity of America"; those low foreheads who wear pointed hats to cover their pin-heads and any others who buy into this satanic philosophy. We, as Americans, are all obligated to expose these people for who they are, and do our best to destroy their credibility.

In February of 1909, the NAACP was formed after lynching took place in Springfield, Illinois, after a race riot. I don't know all the details, but I'll bet those morons with the sheets and pointy hats were involved somehow! The stated goals of the newly formed NAACP was to secure for ALL PEOPLE the rights guaranteed in the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments of the United States Constitution. The keywords of ALL PEOPLE are very important; it is not limited to any racial or ethnic group, it applies to all Americans. When any organization isolates itself by race, creed or national origin, it swims in very treacherous waters.

Recently, the NAACP has announced it was going to issue a statement condemning the TEA Party movement, as an organization that tolerates racism, "...harboring racist elements that are a threat to our democracy..."! Well, I don't want to jump to any conclusions, so I looked up some facts about the TEA party demographics in relation to race and compare it to the demographics of the population of the United States. The United States of America is basically broken down to 78% Caucasian to 22% black, Hispanic and Asian in the most recent population studies. Now comes something I find astounding; the most recent study on TEA party demographics show that the party is broken down to 77% Caucasian and 23% black, Hispanic and Asian. I got my figures from the U.S. census and the CATO institute, who I have used in the past as they have a reputation of impartiality.

Since the inception of the TEA party, I have yet to see any proven example of racism. Not one word has been captured on video showing any racist commentary from any member of the TEA party; and we all know every event is covered by the media like a blanket. I'm sure there are probably some "closet racists" somewhere in the TEA party, but as a group, this indictment of racism is unfounded and seems politically based. I'm sure there are some members of the NAACP who believe that poison that the "New Black Panther Party" spews, but I doubt that those morons are few and far between and don't reflect the main-line views of the NAACP.

The TEA party has shown itself to be a movement about a more Constitutional government, and absolutely nothing about racial control or any other dribble of that type.

If the NAACP wants to retain its credibility with the American people, it should re-examine its position on the TEA party. Americans can't see the validity of your claims of racism. You have no proof!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"What Happened to American Spirit?"

Mark Twain once said," When I was fourteen, my father was the dumbest man in the world; when I became twenty-one, I was amazed at how much he had learned!" Every time I think of Twain's statement, I recall my youth and my attitude about life. Everything was simple and clear at the age of fifteen. I was naive, easily influenced, eager to embrace ideas that today, I would find ridiculous. Fortunately, for me, I had a very intelligent Mom and Dad who understood my youthful innocence and naivety. They took the time to explain how life worked; if you don't work, you don't eat. Save your money, don't overextend yourself with undo credit debt. THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH! This belief was dominant during my childhood. There was a welfare system for those truly in need; yet most people felt it was a last resort after all other options were exhausted. Then something happened after the Kennedy murder; LBJ installed the "Great Society" and the "War on Poverty", launching an avalanche of social programs of public entitlements. Abuse of the new welfare reforms began; it became a "cottage industry" as more people took up the pursuit of a government check, and gave up the pursuit of gainful employment. Low income housing, food stamps, and aid to dependent children gave a soft bed to poverty. Why work when the government will subsidize every aspect of my life? The "welfare mindset" was born. Amazingly, the very programs that were devised to cure poverty actually stimulated poverty. The incentive to "get off your butt and go to work" was removed, replaced with the career welfare family.

We now have a man in the White House who is the "Universal Champion", when it comes to government entitlements. He constantly talks about how Americans should feel guilty for success, how we must share the burden of the rest of the world. He believes we must lower our standard of living because people across the world don't have electric lights. He feels anything American citizens need should be provided and regulated by the government. The government should decide what proper wages are. The government should decide how your health-care should be regulated. The government knows best and will take care of you; cradle to grave.

We now have a generation of people who believe, we who work, we who are responsible, we who live within our means, should pay for those who don't do any of that. They believe it is the government's responsibility (taxpayers) to foot the bill for people who won't be responsible for themselves.

I believe there are people who legitimately deserve welfare, and they should receive it. I also believe each case should be examined as to its legitimacy. Prosecute those to the limit for cheating the taxpayer. Make it a requirement to do something, even if it is just answering phones or picking trash up, for those that are physically capable of performing those tasks, if they want a government check. Make welfare uncomfortable; make it more attractive to have a real job. Perhaps, then we will pull ourselves out of these economic doldrums. Individual responsibility has made this country the beacon of success it has become to the world. All we need do is look to Greece or Sweden; riots in Greece, the world's highest suicide rate in Sweden, both nations with huge government entitlement programs; yet, our President pursues a path to "big brother ism", government control and regulation. If this course of social activism through government control persists, America will dissolve before our eyes. Ambition, achievement, the quest for success, is the real solution to America's economic troubles. Let's restore the "American Spirit", that's how we became America!!

Monday, July 12, 2010


I like pizza; I'm Italian-American! I especially like pizza from small neighborhood "joints". Those places are usually family owned, warm, personal and family oriented. One of my favorite places had a kitchen that you could look into and watch the pizza maker go through his paces; tossing the dough, spreading the sauce, putting on the toppings and putting the pizza into the oven. I could watch the entire process; beginning to end. The open kitchen not only provided some entertainment, it also showed the patrons the care and ability that went into each pizza. Some people say, "If you saw what went on in a restaurant kitchen, you would never go out to eat again!" An open kitchen can ease your mind. If you are going to consume something, it is nice to know who and how it was prepared.

We now have a "new cook" in our health-care kitchen; his name is Dr. Donald Berwick. He is Harvard educated and he will be taking over the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid with responsibility over 90 million enrollees. He will have an impact on the every day decisions of physician and hospital care for all of those citizens. He says he has a goal of trimming 500 billion dollars from the systems over the next ten years. I wonder at whose expense will he do that? He has made statements like, " Any health care funding.... must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the care is by nature redistributional..", he sounds a lot like Barack Obama. When asked about Britain's health care system, his response was " I love it!" He advocates cutting costs by adopting some of Britain's National Health Service (NHS) and National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), both analyze cost effectiveness on treatment of disease in relation to a patient's age and quality of life.

Let's look at British health care; that Dr. Berwick "loves". In 2009, the British Health care Commission reported over 1200 deaths attributable to, "appalling standards of care...,patients receiving improper medication.. patients left unattended after accidents covered in blood and without pain relief." More than 50% of patients wait over 18 weeks for entrance into hospitals and doctor's appointments. Deaths from prostate cancer are astronomical in Great Britain, a cancer that is very treatable when caught in a timely manner. Dr. Berwick has stated British health care is, "The world we wish we had!" The CATO Institute, a non-profit public research foundation, stated NICE has effectively put a dollar amount to how much a citizen's life is worth, about $44,000. "The world we wish we had!"

Yes ,America, this is the man that Barack Obama slipped into your health-care system while Congress was in recess: appointed without examination, without approval other than Obama's. I ask you, would you like to have this man as your personal physician? He is now making decisions for 90 million Americans! We didn't get a chance to see how this "pizza" was made; we were just told to "EAT IT!"

Friday, July 9, 2010

" Division and Poor Leadership"

There are thousands of high schools in America, most have football teams. The goal of each team is to; first, win the conference; then, win the district; and then, win a state championship. The goal of the players is to do all of those things plus be the very best player in their individual positions. Every high school football player wants to be an "All-State" player. When a player is named all-state, doors open for him, colleges seek him out; he is on a path for success. That player also realizes that he could not have achieved his goal without the team behind him. Division on a team will guarantee defeat. Pitting defense against offense will cause a rift that destroys the fabric of the team and victory; both for team and individual becomes nearly impossible. The QB can't succeed without a good offensive line, good running backs, and good receivers. All members on the defense must know their coverage assignments or their opponents will tear them apart at the seams. There is a school of thought that says if you pit players against each other they will perform better, they believe it encourages competition. It also encourages animosity among team members; friends become enemies, the concept of team is lost and victory is seldom achieved.

Since the election of 2008, our nation has been a divided team, our "head coach" has done his best to magnify our national differences and minimize our similarities. The latest debacle of voter intimidation by the radical hate group, "New Black Panthers", perpetrated against white voters is a perfect example of the current administration supporting division and dissension among Americans. A conscious decision to deny the rights of voters by the Obama administration, to ignore threats from violence prone thugs against honest citizens once again shows the segregation of social groups by this administration. We have heard the speeches pitting wealthy against poor, conservative against progressive, business against unions and urban against rural. The negative influence that is generated from this administration permeates our current society.

Barack Obama touted himself as the man who would unite America; the one who would bring us all together. He was to be the historic president, yet polls show an approval rating that is lower now than any man who has held the office at this point of his administration, lower than any of his predecessors. Having lived through the turbulent 1960s, I have seen a country divided, yet, I don't believe I have ever seen a president like this one before. His pursuit of personal achievement seems more important to him than what the American people want. I remember Richard Nixon, at his best and his worst, yet I don't believe Nixon ever did anything that would deliberately plunge our nation into such chaos.

I've heard the phrase, "divide and conquer", yet I see no victory here for the people of America. Barack Obama tries to put American citizens at odds with one another, while back dooring our Constitution to achieve his socialist ends. The man who claimed to be the most transparent leader our nation would ever have seems to be the most devious.

We have little chance to be "All-Americans" on any team that is coached by Barack Obama. He is a divider, a twister of rules, an imposer of will, a deceiver of America. Barack Obama is a BAD PRESIDENT!! I hope America can survive two more years of his spurious leadership. I hope we can correct his deluge of mistakes!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"The Next President?"

Thirty second sound bytes, short personality television spots, and short blurbs in newspapers and magazines seem to be what the average American voter uses to make his decision in the voting booth.

Way back in the "olden days", people were more interested in the real beliefs of candidates for public office. Good looks, smooth talk, funny stories and catch phrases didn't fly so well at the birth of the American system of government.

Each day, I receive "Founders Quotes" from my lovely wife on my e-mail. I urge my readers to check these out. Men like Washington. Jefferson, Franklin and Thomas Paine certainly had a lot more to say than today's crop of pseudo- intellectuals that masquerade as statesmen. Back then, there were no speech writers, or pollsters taking the pulse of the voters, to see what will be the popular position. Perhaps it was because the leaders of the past were not career politicians trying to preserve their jobs on the public payroll. Perhaps they weren't in love with the power of public office and more in love with freedom and justice. Back then, our Constitution was more than a suggestion, it was the law of the land, not open to interpretation. Back then, public service meant to serve the public; not to be served by the public! Where are those leaders now!?

Last June, South Carolina had its' primary elections. Much to the surprise of democrats across the state, a man named Alvin Greene won the primary. He received 60% of the votes cast, an overwhelming number, a mandate from an informed electorate! The only problem with this to the democrats is that nobody had a clue as to who Alvin Greene was! He spent virtually no money on his campaign other than the fee to put his name on the ballot. Perhaps this was a brilliant tactic. If no one knows anything about you, they can't criticize you. Let's see what we can find out about Alvin Greene. Alvin is 32 years old, he was in the Air National Guard where he was involuntarily discharged, and he is unemployed. He has been charged with felony obscenity charges for showing pornography to a University of South Carolina student. I believe Alvin has some character issues. I believe Alvin's opponent, Jim DeMint, will have a fairly easy campaign to run this fall.

The point of this is to show how ill- informed the American voter is today. We are influenced by television spots and catch phrases. Campaign posters and You-Tube videos are more important than what we need to know about our prospective leaders. Maybe we will ask what "Change" means before we run headlong into it before the next election. Alvin Greene is the poster boy for checking out our candidates; but he is the obvious one. How many unqualified candidates slip through the cracks? How many others have issues of character? Be careful America or Alvin could end up in the White House!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Protect Yourself At All Times!"

I like boxing. I've been a boxing fan most of my life. I have a heavy-bag hanging on my deck and I spend time every day "working it" (it helps me when I think of our economy). At the start of every bout, the fighters are given instructions by the referee; keep your punches up, go to a neutral corner in case of a knock down and finally, PROTECT YOURSELF at all times. Never drop your guard, keep your hands up, expect your opponent to take any advantage you allow him to have; advice from any good trainer. Your trainer and corner man can't fight the fight for you; once the bell rings you are on your own. Watching a fight is not the same as fighting it. The fighter is the one feeling all the body blows and stinging jabs; he is toe to toe, he feels the pain of the battle. Those who watch from a distant seat, or watch the conflict on television can only truly understand a portion of what the fighter is dealing with in the ring. The spectator always has advice about the fight to those sitting around him; he has the gift of painless analysis. He also doesn't have the advantage to see what is happening in the clinches, the ability to see the look in the opponent's eyes and measure the toll of the blows that have already been landed. He is not up close and personal!

Yesterday, the Justice Department filed suit against Arizona in an attempt to overthrow their border security efforts. Eric Holder (protector of voter intimidation) said in effect, Arizona doesn't have the right to protect its' citizens from criminals invading their communities.

Arizona is number 2 in the WORLD in kidnapping. This fact, alone, tells us that Arizona is suffering more than anyone in Washington can understand; yet Obama says," the border is safer now than it has ever been!" Murder of honest citizens on their own property by drug dealing illegals is a real threat. "The border is safer now than it has ever been." Threats have been sent directly threatening police officers in Arizona from brazen drug gangs! "The border is safer now than it has ever been". Last year foreign national from outside Mexico, namely the middle-east, were caught coming across the border; we don't know how many got through! "The border is safer now than it has ever been."

In truth, Barack Obama is using our southern border as a political tool to pander to Hispanic voters in an attempt to expand his base at the expense of the safety of the people of Arizona. This transparent political maneuvering is unconscionable. Over 60% of the people of America support Arizona's efforts to protect itself from this foreign invasion. As the federal government sits on its' hands more and more, illegal criminal aliens cross our borders every day. "The border is safer now than it has ever been." Arizona only wants to enforce the law that the Obama administration insists on ignoring. You're not in the "ring" Mr. President; you aren't absorbing any of those body blows. I guess, to Barack Obama, this is just a political contest; not a fight for life for the people of Arizona!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Philadelphia Burning!"

I don't know how many of you have seen the movie "Mississippi Burning"; a great film. It is a docudrama about the murder of civil rights activists in the early 1960's. Willem Dafoe and Gene Hackman were the stars in this compelling tale of the deep south in a turbulent time. It was a revealing story of how embedded the Ku Klux Klan was in that society. It was an indictment of racism in America. It was based on an incident of three civil rights workers from the north who were murdered when they went to Mississippi to register black voters. They were kidnapped by local Klan members, some were members of the police department. They were pulled over, tortured and murdered. Washington turned the case over to the F.B.I.; a massive investigation followed. Corruption and racism were exposed. The prosecution gained national prominence, as our nations dark side was held up to the light of day, not a pretty sight. As long as I can remember, racism and prejudice have been "hot bed" issues. Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, immigrants of all types have experienced the oppression of ignorance by "marginal" thinkers; you know "morons". Our government should be on constant alert to guard our citizens against any infringement on their rights; no matter what philosophy or color they may have.

Last week, FOX NEWS interviewed J. Christian Adams, formerly of the Justice Department Civil Rights Division, who said that the Justice Department has a policy of not prosecuting voters' rights complaints when the victims were white! Upon investigation, Mr. Adams has an exemplary reputation and was at the top of his grade when he resigned his position; his only "axe to grind" was integrity. He cited the case of "Black Panthers" outside of a Philadelphia polling place brandishing batons in a threatening fashion of intimidation toward those entering the polling place. This incident was captured on video tape, yet the Justice Department has dropped the charges; even though a conviction had already been reached in court. Eric Holder has been silent so far about these allegations; but he can't continue to stonewall this issue without appearing guilty to the American people. This apparent use of the Justice Department to "get even" for past wrongs is a perversion of the law. I don't know what personal feelings Mr. Obama or his Cabinet members may have about white people, but those feelings and opinions have no place in the protection of rights under the laws of the United States of America. In Philadelphia, as in Mississippi, our government is pledged to pursue violations of every citizen's civil rights. Any policy, written or "unwritten", which gives a blind eye to intimidation to any group is not tolerable or acceptable.

Mr. Obama, try to remember the phrase, "equal protection under the law"; that means everybody without regard to race, creed, or national origin. You and your appointees are obligated to be even-handed in enforcement of all our laws, regardless of personal feelings. Mr. President, remember "Of the People, by the People, and for the People..." ; that means EVERYBODY!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Independence Day, Happy Birthday!"

Don't you like birthday parties? When I was a kid, birthdays were a great thing at our house. Mom, Dad, Nona, Uncle Salvatore and all of us kids; a party for us all was a big event. Mom would always prepare a great dinner, the cake was something to behold; large enough to feed us all, filled with cannoli and a frosting of whipped cream and butter cream, my mouth waters just thinking about it. The room was completely crowded as we waited for Mom to enter the room with the cake, lights were turned off and the candles illuminated the room and the faces around the table. The strains of "Happy Birthday" filled the air, and the designated honoree usually had a smile that threatened to split their ears from its wideness. Dad would glow with happiness as he surveyed the table; he was always happiest when surrounded by his family. Mom and Nona were always busy taking care of the needs around the table, making sure that there was enough coffee, plates and napkins to meet every need. Dad would usually ask how it felt to be a year older. Sometimes stories were told about the previous year in the guest of honor's life; both good and bad. Gifts were brought to the table and the "Polaroid" was put through its paces. The table always had pictures lined up and drying in order to insure memories of the occasion. Birthday celebrations are great fun.

We now approach the Independence Day holiday, America's Birthday. 234 years old on the Fourth, America continues to celebrate its conception. The dream of individual freedom, the dream of self governance, the promise of a chance to pursue happiness, were the gifts we were given on that fateful day in 1776. Thirteen "family members" sat at that first birthday party; now thirty-seven more surround the table. Every state, every city, town and village will have parades, make speeches, and enjoy fireworks in celebration of our nation's birth. Over the years, our nation has had some growing pains and some bumps in the road; yet America endures. Our strength lies in our people. Chests swollen with pride in America will be prevalent this week-end. "God Bless America" will be played at countless picnics, barbeques, and parades. Veterans will march and children will wave small flags. All this, because many years ago, a small country stood up for freedom against tyranny. The spirit of America is un-matched anywhere in the world. Let's all stand together this week-end to remember how privileged we are to be citizens of this great nation. Let's remember our freedom comes at a cost. The cost is to be aware of anything that threatens our freedom and our constitution, and to stop those threats. Enjoy America, protect her freedoms, there is no other nation like her. Cheer, sing and wave our flag with pride! America, the land of the free, and the home of the brave; let's keep it that way!!!!

(this is my last blog until next Tuesday, off for a "Birthday" party")