Wednesday, June 2, 2010

" Wash Me!"

When I got my first car, my Dad told me," If a man has a dirty car, he probably has a dirty house". My Dad was a stickler for a clean car, something he passed on to me. I can't stand a dirty vehicle. I wash my car at least once a week, weather permitting, and once or twice a year I do a mass detailing of our car and truck. Vacuuming, shampooing, trunk, and truck bed are meticulously gone over in an attempt to keep them in top condition. Door jambs are cleaned of all grease and then re-lubricated for the next year. Tires are scrubbed, white letters are bleached to like new whiteness at every cleaning; our vehicles look good!

A car or truck is a big investment, if you don't take care of them they will fall apart in front of your eyes. If you develop a habit of preventive maintenance, your vehicle will last a very long time, with good service.

Have you ever walked down the street and seen a car with the words "WASH ME!", written in dirt across the car? I would be ashamed to let our vehicles get into that type of condition. No one wants to be shamed into doing something, it's humiliating, it hurts our pride, it makes us feel foolish and inadequate. We sometimes make up excuses for not doing those things that we should be doing.

A governors' conference will be taking place in Washington in the upcoming days; Governor Brewer of Arizona asked for a meeting with President Obama during that time. At first, the governor was told Mr. Obama was too busy to meet with her, scheduling conflicts were blamed. This seemed very odd, as the administration was quite verbose about criticism of the new Arizona immigration policy and one would think the President would be eager to converse with Arizona's chief executive to exchange ideas. The American public was a little surprised at Mr. Obama's refusal to see the governor, as he has been so verbal in his opinion of opposition to the Arizona law. After all, isn't this the President who wanted dialogue between those of differing views? Oh, now I remember; he had a golf date and he had to see a champion soccer team; that certainly took precedence over an issue of national importance. Well ,guess what happened; after a reexamination of his schedule the President has found the time to speak to Governor Brewer. How fortunate is that!? The great big "WASH ME!" sign had an effect on the President; he is going to do something, even if it's just for show. Thank you Mr. President, for doing this, even if you had to be shamed into it!



  2. He doesn't have the capacity to deal with real problems. Had to be shamed into a meeting and refused to participate in substantial conversation, halting discussion of items he did't want or couldn't argue. He is a joke! Great Blog! We need to get it out there!
