Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"The Russian Bear"

"Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly", a statement from a children's story, yet it contains a valuable warning. Many times deception and disaster come cloaked in a cloud of friendship. I remember a picture in my history book of Hitler shaking hands with Stalin upon the signing of a non-aggression pact. Both were smiling and seemed friendly. Stalin later found out Adolph wasn't such a nice guy. In the movie "The Godfather", Don Corleone said, "Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer". A boxer will sometimes lure his opponent into a corner, feigning injury or weakness, only to render a knock-out blow to his foe. Just days before Pearl Harbor, Japan had diplomats in Washington, happily conversing with our president in a charade of friendship and cooperation.

Last week, President Barack Obama had a meeting with Russian President Dimtry Medvedev. This meeting was lauded as a renewal of friendship between two of the world's most powerful nations. This was to be a benchmark to a new era of trust and truth between former ideological foes. The photo-op of Obama and Medvedev seems eerily familiar to me.

A few days ago, the F.B.I. made a series of arrests of suspected Russian spies! Ten people were taken into custody on conspiracy charges. They have been accused of trying to gather information on United States foreign policy by attempting to gain the confidence of people in the government. Assistant U.S. Attorney, Michael Farbiarz, said "this is just the tip of the iceberg", a sobering statement. It also seems disturbing to me that statements have been made alleging that Barack Obama was aware of this situation before his handshake with the Russian president. The possibility of Obama knowing this and then embracing the Russian leader can be taken as another example of Obama's lack of experience as he dismissed the gravity of this surreptitious act.

Vladimir Putin has taken issue with the arrests as a trivial matter. This is certainly to be expected from the former K.G.B. chief. Robert Gibbs said this incident would have no effect on the new era of cooperation with the Russians and the United States.

We have given up our missile defense shield in Eastern Europe; we have made compromises over sanctions on Iran because of the Russians. Now, we are turning a blind eye on undercover foreign agents operating on our shores. WHAT ARE YOU DOING MR. OBAMA? Before a bear kills, he grabs you around the shoulders in a huge hug; then he disembowels you with his rear claws; the claws you don't see!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

" Stubborn or Stupid?"

Why do we have coaches on a team? The answer: to show us our mistakes, and attempt to correct them. Everybody who has ever participated in a sport has heard some criticism from a coach or trainer. In boxing, your trainer can be invaluable; his experience can help to keep you from catching a beating by learning some simple fundamentals. Slipping a jab, bobbing your head, lateral movement, and cutting off the ring, can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Raw talent rarely can carry any athlete through a career. The White Sox had a player called Dick Allen. I once heard Harry Carey say, "Here comes Dick Allen, a million dollars worth of talent and ten cents worth of brains!" Dick didn't like to practice or take instruction.

If we refuse to learn from our mistakes our destiny is failure. If we do the same things over and over again, the results will always be the same.

The G-20 Conference just ended in Toronto. It was attended by the United States, Germany, France, Great Britain, Japan, Canada, Russia, Italy, China, India, Brazil and South Korea; plus several emerging nations. This group represents 85% of the world's economic output: a staggering number.

The near default of Greece is of great concern to these nations. The fruits of massive government spending have virtually destroyed the Greek economy. This near collapse has caused the Greek government to offer some of her nation up for auction in order to avoid complete economic destruction. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, is seeking to put some restraint on government spending and entitlements in order to avoid the crisis that Greece is now facing. Germany is now realizing the failure of socialist economic theory. Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Halper, is advocating "fiscal consolidation"; spending cuts and added taxes. Socialist Canada is now recognizing the failed path of government control. These sentiments have been echoed across the board from most of the world's leaders, except for one prominent voice. Barack Obama continues to advocate more spending and continued stimulus packages from the government. Mr. Obama fails to see the "handwriting on the wall", he refuses to admit continued spending and the pursuit of greater debt is a foolish policy destined for failure. He insists that the world maintain spending, even though there have been riots in France, Germany, and Greece over failed government programs and financial irresponsibility.

I'm afraid Mr. Obama is beyond learning from his mistakes. I don't know if it is arrogance or ideology, but, Mr. Obama seems willing to rush headlong into economic disaster rather than admit to the realization that he could be wrong. His fellow world leaders see the problem and wish to change course. Does Barack Obama have the ability to admit to error? Will the American economy collapse because Obama won't change?

Monday, June 28, 2010

"Where is Arizona!?"

I'll bet most of you remember the television show "Cheers". It had a great ensemble cast, who complimented each other with every line. It was well written and very funny. One of my favorite characters was Cliff Claven, the know-it-all mailman. Cliff had an explanation for everything. If Cliff didn't know something, he would make it up. Nearly every episode had some great example of Cliff's "knowledge" of innocuous facts, no matter what anyone asked, Cliff knew something about it. I found myself looking forward to hearing Cliff's observations from his endless "fount of knowledge". I can't imagine anything much more embarrassing than being shown as a fool in front of a group of people because you don't know what you're talking about; and everybody else does!

I remember Barack Obama, while making his run for the White House, saying he would go to all 57 states during his campaign. The press had some fun with that statement. Maybe the vote from those 7 extra states helped him out; you know that Cook County counting system. I remember Joe Biden talking about how F.D.R. went on television to tell the people about his plans to save the American economy back in the 1930s. Sorry Joe, no television back then, but, it was one of Joe's funnier gaffs.

Last week Milwaukee County Supervisor, Peggy West, made a very interesting statement. It seems Ms. West didn't know that Arizona shares a border with Mexico. She said, "...Arizona, a state way removed from the border...", in regards to Arizona's new immigration action to protect itself from illegal aliens. Wow, what a "Clavenism", this will follow her around for a while.

Let's see who Ms. West is. Ms. West received a degree in human services from Milwaukee Area Technical College (this is some endorsement for that school). She worked in human services for ten years before being elected to the Milwaukee Board of Supervisors. She was on the Milwaukee Democratic Committee executive board. She was the 2004 Hispanic Woman of the Year. It's really too bad she can't read a map of the United States.

This statement reveals something most telling about the democrat party. Even if you don't know what you're talking about, remember to follow the party line on every issue. I hope the people of Milwaukee are sufficiently embarrassed by Ms. West's lack of common knowledge about something a fifth grader should know. Perhaps those folks will think a little more about how much their prospective elected officials really know before they cast their next ballot. This practice should hold true across the entire nation. Find out what these people know, and how much of what they say is just so much "smoke up your butt". The final responsibility of having an idiot or a liar in office lies with us; we need to do our homework!

Friday, June 25, 2010

"Change in Command, Not Opinion"

As a former "non-com", I was privileged to have private conversations with many officers in many situations. I've exchanged private thoughts with platoon level officers, brigade level officers, and some command level officers. All conversation was held in confidence; this was understood, and policy of the military. A fly on the wall at any of those conversations would have heard some very interesting comments about some very prominent political leaders of the day. I heard the words "bumbling morons", used in reference to several members of Congress and the White House, on numerous occasions. This was years before George Bush or Barack Obama. Men in uniform have opinions, yet, most of the time these opinions are kept private. We respect the chain of command and we exercise confidentiality. A Commander-in-Chief, regardless of who he is, deserves a united front from his military; especially in time of war.

Earlier this week, General Stanley McChrystal resigned his post as commander in the war in Afghanistan, after an article in Rolling Stone magazine revealed comments from McChrystal and his aides that were less than complimentary about the current administration and its policy in Afghanistan.

McChrystal's mistake was letting the "fox in the hen house". He never should have allowed anyone from the media to get into the personal conversations of he and his men. I believe part of this mistake is because McChrystal is a "soldiers' commander"; he is all business, not political. He has proven himself in combat; he's gotten his fingernails dirty and understands what is necessary to attain victory in a very practical way. He's used to candor; not always an asset to politicians. Honesty is fine, just not in public.

Barack Obama really had no other option than accepting McChrystal's "resignation". Although, I'm sure he took some pleasure from this act, as Mr. Obama doesn't respond well to criticism of any type from anyone. My personal opinion is this is a giant blow to Obama's ego; it publicly raises a question about his leadership capabilities. I wish I could be around at those Joint Chief meetings; I'll bet they have opinions too. Now, all of this lands in Obama's lap, win, lose, or draw!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


In my younger days, I spent my time between card games, the race track, and a favorite tavern. Daryl was the owner, as a matter of fact, I only knew the tavern as Daryl's, even though that wasn't it's actual name. It was a blue collar place, not one of those noisy singles bars. Most of the patrons were working class guys; construction workers, printers, carpenters, and electricians. One of the "regulars" was Pat the "iron worker". Pat stood about 6' 4", and weighed around 225. He was a fairly quiet guy with a dry sense of humor and calm demeanor. Pat was also extremely strong. On one occasion, I remember some of the balls on the pool table being stuck in the table after Pat put in his quarter. A commercial pay pool table is about as heavy as a refrigerator full of food. Pat wanted to play pool, and he was serious. He reached down under the table with one hand, lifted the table to waist height, and shook it like a toy! The balls released and I had new respect for Pat!

Daryl had a substitute bartender, his name was "Big Mike", and he was big. He was a match in size for Pat. He was also a blow hard and a bully. He used his size to intimidate smaller and weaker men. "Big Mike" was a jerk.

One day while Mike was filling in for Daryl, Mike was exposed for what he was. Pat was in the bar minding his own business; Mike was spouting off at some poor guy in the bar. Pat said, "Mike, why don't you leave him alone, he's not bothering anybody?" Mike turned to Pat and glared at him mumbling a remark I didn't hear. Pat's expression changed as he rose from his bar stool and leaned across the bar. I'll never forget what he said, he looked directly into Mikes eyes and said, "You're making me mad, and believe me, you don't want to make ME mad!" I saw the color drain from Mike's face as he physically backed up and whimpered a weak "sorry" to Pat. Provoking Pat was a bad idea.

The point of this illustration is, if you look for trouble, and you look in the wrong place, you may live to regret it. Recently, Iran has done its' best to provoke Israel. It is no secret that Iran wants Israel destroyed. The constant haranguing statements about a middle-east without Israel; the denial of the Holocaust, and other provocative remarks are commonplace from the Iranian regime. Israel is well aware of Irans' nuclear ambitions, and the potential threat Iran is to Israel's security. Iran now, under the umbrella of "aid" to Gaza, is threatening to break an Israeli blockade to deliver "humanitarian" supplies to Gaza. This is a deliberate act of provocation; an attempt to cause Israel to use deadly force and ignite an already volatile situation. The Iranians must remember that Israel is not the United States, they will not wait. Israel will defend itself and they won't use limited response. This is especially dangerous now, as the United States seems to be distancing itself from Israel. No one will hold Israel back. I know reason doesn't rule very much in Iran; but Iran would be well served in reconsidering this provocative act. Back off while you can!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"The National Pastime"

In 1956, I went to my first baseball game with my great uncle Salvatore. I was only nine years old, and I was very excited. We were one of the first families on our block to have a television, and I still remember WGN televising Cubs and White Sox games in glorious black and white. I remember my uncle dressed in long slacks with suspenders, a clean and pressed white shirt, and a straw hat, slightly cocked on his head. Back then, nobody had team hats, jerseys, t-shirts, or jackets. As a little kid, this was an adventure of epic proportions; CTA bus ride, huge crowds, and that smell that only is found at a ball park. When we entered the ball park I was amazed; nearly every man in the place was dressed like my uncle. Back then, my uncle's outfit was proper attire for a baseball game. People still booed the umpire and cheered the home team just as they do today. The fans were enthusiastic and fun to be around. Conversations surrounded us as people exchanged ideas and opinions about the progress of the game. From that day on I was a baseball fan, and I've loved the game all of the rest of my life.

I'm sure back then there were people who behaved badly during those baseball games. Drunks and morons will always exist in our society; spoilers of many good times. Back then, a couple of dollars could give you a great day at the ball park, including ticket, transportation, hot dog and soda; pretty good value. Today, a day at the ball park costs what a family vacation used to cost. People spend well into the hundreds of dollars for a day of fun at "the old ball game". Major League baseball is big business; it also has a certain responsibility to its fans. It is incumbent on the Commissioner of Baseball to have some standards of conduct for those who attend a baseball game. Bud Selig is baseball's commissioner; everything that happens of any consequence each day in baseball crosses his desk. He is the responsible guy.

Over the last two weeks we have had inter-league play on the schedule. As a Sox fan I can tell you this is huge. It is the only time of the year, outside of post season play, that the Sox see the Cubs on the field. Tickets for this game are at a premium; scalping is not unheard of. Fans are passionate and partisan; and they expect a great experience. I'm sure the Yankees vs. Mets series is just as important to New York fans; city rivalries go deep.

Last week, Lady GaGa went to the Yankees-Mets game. I'm sure there were numerous families there to root for their heroes and to enjoy the experience of Major League baseball. Lady GaGa added to the experience in a public display of bad taste, and bad behavior. She showed up in a Yankee jersey and not much else. She flashed obscene gestures at the press and some fans; she used obscene language and generally ruined the baseball game for many of those around her. This type of behavior may be okay at a back alley "cock fight"; it has no place at the National Pastime. GaGA is a marginal talent at best; I've seen her and I don't get it! She was using this baseball game as a place for self promotion; it was "hey look at me" time feeding her overblown ego. Now it is time for Bud Selig to step up and ban Lady GaGa from entrance to all future Major League Baseball events. He must send a message that baseball is still meant for family consumption. Commissioner, let's keep baseball the "National Pastime", not a celebrity "photo-op".

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Behind Closed Doors"

Most of my readers know I like baseball. I'm a lifelong White Sox fan, and proud of it! I like baseball history and have spent much time watching Bob Costas on his specials about the old time ball players of "way back when". As a boy, I remember those names like Ruth and Gherig as great icons of the game; as great heroes. I remember my great uncle Salvatore talking about Ty Cobb with reverence. Cobb, a devastating batsman and fielder was also known for his fierce competitive spirit. He would slide into a base with his spikes held high in the air, using them as a weapon against a potential tag by the opposing infielder. Unknown to many of the fans of his day, Ty Cobb was also a Georgia boy, and a stone cold racist. Cobb was a hater. Of course, the newspapers of the day never said anything about this; such a revelation would have been taboo about a man who was the hero to so many of America's youth. Behind closed doors Cobb was quite verbal about his feelings, careful not to let the general public know his true feelings, thus protecting his image.

Behind closed doors many things are said that are not for public consumption. When those "confidential" remarks escape those closed doors, we see sides of people that we don't expect.

Recently, we have had a look behind closed doors at the White House. Alleged conversation between Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and President Barack Obama states that Mr. Obama has no intention to enact any border reform until he can obtain comprehensive immigration reform. If this is true, it means that Obama is holding the border hostage for political reasons. If this is true, it is a despicable act for a Chief Executive who is sworn to protect our borders.

Before I condemn Obama, I want to talk about Jon Kyl. Who is he? In April of 2006, Mr. Kyl was listed by Time magazine as one of "America's 10 best Senators". The National Journal listed him as one of the top conservative senators in the nation. He has served on the Republican Policy Committee as chairman, and the Republican Conference chairman. He is the Senate Minority Whip. He is extremely popular with his constituency winning his last election with a 53.3% majority victory. Kyl has a proven track record of integrity in office; his word is good. I find it difficult to believe that Senator Kyl would fabricate a conversation to achieve a political end; with his popularity among voters, it would be foolish and unnecessary. I believe Mr. Kyl is telling the truth. Accepting Kyl's statement as truthful reveals some damning character traits about Barack Obama. It shows a Chief Executive who will put his political agenda ahead of the good of the American people. Citizens' safety is secondary to politics. It shows a willingness to sacrifice the lives and well being of Americans in order to maneuver the public into accepting his point of view. He knows all the poll numbers, as does the American people, yet he continues in his personal vision, even if it means being derelict in his duty to protect our borders. I'm quite interested in seeing Mr. Obama's reply in this situation. Behind closed doors is the real man. Is this the man America voted for!?

Monday, June 21, 2010

"Whipping Boy!"

Back in the time of the colonies in America, our system of punishment was much different than it is today. Public punishment was the order of the day. Puritan leadership took harsh measures to anyone who displayed behavior not acceptable to the community. Public humiliation was an accepted method of punishment. Most of us read the "Scarlet Letter" in high school, poor Hester with that big red A on her dress; today she'd be a rock star. The "whipping post, stock, and the pillory" were common uses of public punishment. Regardless of the weather, the perpetrator of a crime was taken to the village square; there they were turned over to the ire of those passing by. Throwing of rotten vegetables, cursing, and other physical abuse was the sport of those passing the victims of colonial justice. Wow, I'm sure glad those days are over.

Did any of you watch the Congressional hearing last week when Tony Hayward, B.P. CEO, was being questioned? I'm not a fan of B.P., I know they are the ones who must bear the blame for this environmental and economic disaster. I have the same angst as everybody else when I pay $40.00 every time I pull up to a gas pump. I believe we should be investigating the root causes of this incident. I believe anyone who is found responsible should suffer the consequences of their actions or inactions, as they contributed to this disaster.

Politicians are like the "Great White Shark"; they can smell blood in the water. Those committee members certainly smelled blood during that hearing last week and they took after Tony Hayward in a feeding frenzy, taking every excuse to ravage the executive with questions that were leaving scars on him throughout the session. It is obvious that Hayward wasn't going to admit to anything at this time, and he kept his cool under questioning. His attitude was frustrating to his questioners, and it showed in their demeanor. Congressional dignity went out the window as their question went from actually trying to seek a response to general insult and disdain for Hayward. In the end, nothing seemed to be accomplished other than the vicarious "flogging" of the embattled CEO by the committee members.

My personal feeling about this hearing is this was used as a political theatre to showcase committee members as those with "righteous anger" against the "evil oil company". It seemed like those questioners were saying, "Look at me America, I'm pissed too!" Where was this emotion when the American people were standing outside the Capital Building protesting the forced health-care bill? I guess after years of lies and phony concern from politicians, I've become a little jaded; I just don't believe what they are doing is genuine. They are like bad actors who over play their emotions during a drama. B.P. will end up paying for this mess when it is resolved. If Congress wants to exert some pressure, they should turn to the White House and ask why we turned down help in the beginning of this debacle. Why did it take weeks for Obama to make a real response of any kind to a mega-disaster? Using Tony Hayward as a "whipping boy" will not make these questions go away. What about these questions, Mr. Obama? Will you ever answer them? America is waiting!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

" Being Dad!"

Sunday is Father's Day. All across America dads of every size, shape, and color will be treated like proverbial kings by their adoring wives and children. Countless steaks, pizzas and barbecued ribs will be ingested by dads everywhere in America. It's a good day to be a dad.

I've spoken of my Dad on several blogs in the past. As most of you already know, I hold him in the highest esteem. A day doesn't go by that I don't think of him and his impact on my life.

Today, I'd like to talk about Father's Day from a father's perspective. A man never knows what it is like to be a father until he is one. Before I was a father, I was an uncle. It's great fun being an uncle. You get to buy toys, candy and gifts of all kinds. You get to play and laugh with your niece or nephew to the point of exhaustion; when all that is over, you get to go home. When you visit them, you are greeted like a " Hero-Clown-Santa Claus "; somebody who they know is there for a good time. The uncle business is great! I carried pictures in my wallet, proud to show them off at any time, and proud to admit to being a godfather.

There are some big differences between the uncle business and the father business. As a father, every time you look at child, you are reminded of the fact that this little face depends on you for everything; food, clothes, medical care, and guidance to adulthood. You are the "measuring stick" for what a good man should be. From the date of that child's birth, your needs are now secondary; all considerations and priorities belong to that child for the rest of your life. It sounds overpowering when you stop to think about it; but God, in his wisdom, gives fathers a special gift, father's eyes, the ability to forget all personal hardship, to melt with love at the sight and sounds of your children. Feelings we cannot duplicate with anyone else are felt toward our children. Times spent with our children are superior to any time spent in any other pursuit. We swell with pride at every achievement; and suffer with every childhood injury. You get to see them at their best and at their worst. You sometimes have to be the "bad guy" in times of misbehavior; and you hate it.

I've had a lot of fun in my life, yet nothing has been better than being "Dad". My daughter has grown into a fine young woman. She calls me nearly every night; it is the high point of my day. Being Dad is truly God's blessing! Whenever I see a young father, at a restaurant or the mall I make it a point to say,"Remember every day, it will go by like lightening; being Dad is the best job you'll ever get!" To all of the Dads who read this, I wish you the best Father's Day; enjoy your kids!


One of my favorite seasonal movies is "A Christmas Story". Every year, I watch it with great anticipation. I believe everyone around my age can find something to identify with during this film. I remember my mother bundling me up in winter clothes to the point of being trapped in them. I remember those hated rubber boots that always removed your shoes whenever you took them off. I remember schoolyard confrontations. One of the most memorable scenes of the movie is the "frozen flag pole dare". For those of you who haven't seen it, a group of boys at recess dare one another to touch their tongues to a flag pole in cold winter conditions, as some didn't believe their tongue would stick to the pole. The dialogue was perfect, the "dare system" used by young boys was uncanny in its realism. As they argued about the theory of the sticking flag pole, it degenerated into the dare; first, it was "I dare you!", followed by "I double dare you!", then culminating in the infamous "I double dog dare you!!"; the ultimate dare to a ten year old boy. Well, you can guess the rest of the incident; stuck tongue, fire department, and chastisement from the teacher. The results of the "Double-Dog-Dare"!

Yesterday, the United States announced new sanctions against Iran in order to pressure them into changing their nuclear ambitions. The sanctions were directed toward the Iranian financial community, targeting dozens of Iranian companies in an effort to separate them from the world financial community. The U.S. also encouraged other nations to increase pressure on the rogue regime of Ahmadinejad in a concerted effort to force change. This was kind of a dare, and like any dare there was a response. The lunatic, Ahmadinejad gave a speech. In the town of Shar-e-Kord, Ahmadinejad stated that Iran would not only continue in their present efforts, but begin the development of four new uranium enrichment facilities for the "peaceful" purposes of medical use. He continued his rant by calling out the U.N., and the U.S. He stated Iran would dictate the terms of negotiation, not the west. He has totally rejected previous proposals by both the United Nations and the United States. He is now making the "Double-Dare" in his challenge to anyone who tries to impose any conditions on Iran's nuclear ambitions.

What is left? Obviously, Ahmadinejad has no respect for either the U.N. or the U.S. and no matter what sanctions either entity attempts to institute, Iran will continue to ignore them. Neither the U.N., nor the U.S., seems to have the fortitude to make any kind of forceful move to put a halt to this dangerous regime, and Ahmadinejad knows it! What are the United Nations and the U.S.'s next move? Could it be the "Double-Dog-Dare"!?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Rhetoric, Tax, Blame and Excuse!"

When a football coach is preparing for a game, he watches film from his opponent's previous games. He looks for weaknesses; he plans strategies to deal with the possible problems that may arise during the game. He surrounds himself with assistants that have expertise in each area of the game; he can't be expected to know it all. He knows the abilities of his players, and he has back-up players in the event his "starters" fail in their duties. His quarterback always has alternate play options at every snap of the ball. There is always a "plan B" available to help achieve success. Any coach who walks on the field with a game plan so rigid that he can't adapt to the unexpected, is virtually guaranteed to lose. I've seen coaches on the side lines of a game furiously drawing up plays in the feint hope of dealing with a situation that they were not prepared for. After a losing effort, most of those types who were caught unprepared have news conferences. Excuses reign supreme, blame is cast out liberally, and an irate attitude is easily seen.

Last night, President Obama addressed the nation on the B.P. oil crisis. Once again, he made references to the previous administration as being at fault. Once again, he alluded to previous abuse of authority in regulatory agencies. Once again, he wants to place the blame on George Bush. The problem with the oil platform absolutely lies with B.P., proper repair and maintenance belongs to them. The fact that this well had to be drilled so deep lies with the environmentalists who have a fear of drilling near land. Drilling closer to the shore, where divers could do hands on repair would have greatly reduced the damage that has already taken place. At the time of this accident, several foreign powers offered help that could have had an immediate impact on the spill; their offers went unanswered by the administration. Mr. Obama said we can capture 90% of the oil as it escapes, yet he has no grounds to back up that claim. He mentioned B.P. as the demon in this tragedy. Granted B.P. holds the bag in this situation, but the lack of action by this administration in the start of this travesty cannot be overlooked. The answer from Mr. Obama was further government regulation, a new watchdog agency. Isn't it a better idea to use the present system in the way it was supposed to be used from the start? Those who have abused their position should be fired and possibly prosecuted, if applicable, and replaced with people who will do their jobs with integrity.

Finally, I find it interesting that Mr. Obama called for prayer from the American people in this situation, especially when he decided not to participate in the National Day of Prayer not very long ago. Personally, I find this action as disingenuous and an attempt to mend fences with the Americans who, each night, bend their knees asking for Gods' help in preserving our nation and its' freedoms. I'm sorry Mr. President, but it all sounded too political to me. I'm not buying it, and I don't think the American voter will either! Coach, you weren't ready!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

" Caught On Video!"

Most of us know the name Hugh Grant. He's currently making films and has had some measure of success. He is handsome and amiable. Now, he is coming into his own in the movie industry. A few years ago things were not going quite so well for Mr. Grant. Some of you may remember the scandal. Mr. Grant was caught in the company of a "professional" lady (wink nod), in the performance of her duties. This incident became fodder for the "gossip sheets" for quite a while. His interlude was mentioned on all the late-night television shows, and generated monologues for some time afterwards. I'm sure if Mr. Grant had the opportunity to go back in time to alter his actions, he would gladly do so. He will be forever remembered for his poor choice, regardless of the successes that may follow.

Most of you know the name Bill Kurtis, his voice and persona grace many documentaries viewed on A&E and the Biography Channel. His career started as a newsman in Chicago many years ago. What I remember about Bill Kurtis is, while at a news feature in a Chicago park, Mr. Kurtis jumped into the water to save a drowning child. This was not a publicity stunt; it was an act of selfless bravery that will be remembered forever.

Recently, Congressman Robert Etheridge (D-N.C.) was caught in an awkward position. Upon being approached by a young man with a microphone and a camera, he was asked if he supported all of President Obama's agenda. Instead of answering the question or responding with a "no comment", he decided to grab the young man tightly and sternly, demanding to know who he was. It was obvious to anyone viewing the video footage that the young man wanted to free himself, yet the Congressman wouldn't release him. The video was very disturbing. After the video has been viewed on most of the networks, Mr. Etheridge has issued an apology: "I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction and I apologize to all involved." Although he has expressed his regrets, I'm sure any future political opponent will make plenty of hay with this video. The real issue is "what is so bad about admitting to being a supporter of President Obama's agenda?" Why did that question elicit such a strong reaction? Is admitting to supporting Obama's policies now tantamount to political suicide? These questions must certainly be asked. Etheridge, a seasoned politician, could have reacted better; yet he chose to become physical. This reaction seems like a panic reaction; something done out of fear. This will now follow Congressman Etheridge for a very long time. "Act in haste and repent in leisure." I'll bet he remembers this axiom from now on!

Monday, June 14, 2010

" FLAG DAY!!!"

I was birthed by the hands of Betsy Ross. George Washington was my father. At first, nobody knew how long I would be around; after all, some pretty powerful people wanted me destroyed.

In the beginning, some farmers, tradesmen and storekeepers got together to defend my right to fly. They were a valiant bunch, those rag-tag volunteers, but they sure had the stuff alright.

First, I had thirteen stars in a circle; then, I grew as the years went by. I stood with Andy Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans. Boy, we really surprised some folks then! We didn't pick a fight with anybody, but we weren't afraid of a scrap. If somebody came looking for trouble they would find it messing with us.

We hit a bump in the road in the 1860s. Our folks had a tough time for a while, but we held together pretty well, and made life better for all of us. I ran up San Juan Hill with Teddy Roosevelt, he was quite a guy. I marched with the Dough boys in WWI, and spit in the Kaiser's eye. I landed on Omaha Beach, and I was raised on Mount Suribachi; one of my best pictures. I was carried up Pork Chop Hill in the packs of some really tough guys. I flew over Khe Sanh while some marines did their jobs. I've been to Iraq a couple of times, in Freedom and Desert Storm.

I've traveled quite a bit in my time. I've been to wars, parades, picnics, and funerals. Sometimes' I fly at half-mast, to honor those who paid the big price.

I'm the American Flag; there is no other like me. I stand for freedom and bravery. Some folks don't like me, and that's okay, but if you don't, then don't come asking for help when trouble finds you. I hope to fly a good many more years, with the help of God and good people.

I just wanted to say thanks to all who salute me and cover their hearts in allegiance; it's been my pleasure America!

Friday, June 11, 2010

" Mad Dog, What Should I Do!?"

How many of you remember the Iran Hostage Crisis during the Jimmy Carter presidency? It dragged on for 444 days; it was the blackest mark on an awful presidency. It showed how weakness and appeasement are never a good option. Oddly, on the day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, the Iranians released the hostages. Perhaps it wasn't really odd. Perhaps the Iranians knew Reagan wasn't the same as Jimmy Carter. Carter wanted to negotiate with a rogue government; reason will not function in the face of tyranny. Fear of retribution is much easier for tyrants to understand. When a police officer confronts a mad dog, his best alternative is to shoot the dog; talking to that dog will not prevent him from harming innocent people, he is a clear and present danger. Forming a committee won't have any effect on a mad dog. Getting a group of neighbors together to make a decision would be a waste of time. A mad dog needs to be eliminated permanently. What can be gained by trying to reason with madness? Does anybody believe that we could have reasoned with Hitler? Saddam Hussein had mass graveyards filled with the bodies of men, women, and children; those he suspected of possible "treachery" towards him. Could we really expect to reason with him?

The present Iranian government is venturing into dangerous waters. The present Iranian government is pursuing nuclear weapons with great vigor. The present Iranian government doesn't give a damn what the rest of the world says!

Once again, the United Nations has issued sanctions against Iran. Once again, Iran laughs at the U.N.! Their leader says the sanctions are like "used tissues" to us! Once again, the United Nations has proved to be a useless organization. If you read the sanctions, you will see a clause preventing the Russians from selling a missile delivery system to Iran; in order to get the Russians on board that clause had to be deleted. Does anyone else smell this stink? Israel is directly threatened by a nuclear Iran. Don't be surprised if Israel takes action to defend herself! I would hope our president would act in the same manner; but I feel he is too weak. America used to lead the world in the defense of peaceful people. Now, we wait for popularity polls to make policy. Will we wait for a "mushroom cloud" to appear over Israel to act? The longer we wait, the more weakness this tyrant perceives. It's time for America to act in the best interest of its people and its strongest ally in the middle-east.

If we can count on anyone else in the world, it would be Israel and Britain; the rest of the world couldn't care less. Mr. President it's time to lead, not follow. It's time for strength, not weakness. Sanctions are "used tissues". Mr. Obama, flex America's muscles, protect our people!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

" Championship Rounds!"

I love the "Rocky" movies. The story of the underdog is appealing, it lifts up the spirit, it gives hope when all seems lost. It shows courage in the face of situations that seem insurmountable. In "Rocky II", after Rocky has his eye operated on, he goes to the room of Apollo Creed and asks him if he gave Rocky his best in the ring. Apollo replied that he did. Rocky thanked him. Even though Rocky lost that fight, he had the triumph of knowing he took all that the great champion could give, yet he wouldn't give up, he gave his best. A true champion wants an opponent who will test him. A true champion wants to say, "Hit me with your best shot!" If you believe in yourself, you want that challenge, you want that great opponent. Anybody can fight softball challengers and build up a record of wins, but when that record is reviewed, we see a list of names that is less than stellar in the ability to put up a real fight. Taking on weak challengers is a sign of not having the confidence to face a legitimate foe; it is a sign of cowardice.

Recently, a group of leftist organizations have sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission to "monitor" what they perceive as hate speech on talk radio and the cable news networks. Rush Limbaugh was a specific target from these left wing organizations. FOX NEWS was not specifically mentioned, yet it was alluded to. Media Justice, the Rainbow Push Coalition, The League of United Latin American Citizens, the National Association of Latino Independent Producers, and Common Cause are head hunting conservative commentators and conservative news organizations in their quest to silence any opposition to their left wing agendas. I will be the first to admit Rush is caustic in some of his commentary. He will not pull punches, he will not take it easy on those with whom he disagrees. This is why he has a regular listener-ship of over 20 million people. He makes his points with a rapier wit that cuts close to the bone of his adversaries. He doesn't use racial epithets or slurs; he does use sarcasm and it can hurt. He is a tough opponent.

This attempt to muzzle opposing views is quite disturbing, and quite telling of those who wish to narrow the information available to the American people. These groups must fear those who are reaching America with something other than the liberal dogma they want to perpetuate. Obviously, the left can't stand up to a real "contender", they want nothing but "palookas" who can't put up a fight. I believe we are smelling fear on the left. I don't think they will last too many more "rounds" against a real contender!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

" Deafening Silence"

As most of you know, I grew up in the late fifties and the early sixties. I actually saw the great change in "rock-n-roll" music when the "British Invasion" came to America. People like Jerry Lee Lewis, Clarence "Frogman" Henry, and Del Shannon were being replaced by the Animals, the Yard birds, and the Rolling Stones. A new sound was taking over the popular music genre. The most successful of all the British groups were the Beatles. From the early to late sixties they dominated the record charts with a tremendous string of hit singles and albums. Lennon and McCartney were at the top of the music world, and they are still regarded as the musical geniuses of rock-n-roll. During that era, there were countless groups that were known as "One Hit Wonders", who hit the radio with a single that played well, but were never heard from again. The Beatles have withstood the test of time; they are legendary. I really like Beatles music. It is the standard for me when it comes to judging what passes for music today. If I had to write a rock song,my first choice to help me would be Paul McCartney; he is a music icon.

Last week,the Library of Congress hosted the Gershwin Award for Popular Song. It was attended by most of the "heavy hitters" in Washington, including our President, Barack Obama. The evening was one of music and celebration of McCartney's contribution to the music industry. Everything was light and well received until it came time for Mr. McCartney to accept his award. The musician stood before the captive audience and uttered this remark, "It's a fantastic honor for the Gershwin family to give me this incredible award and for me to be awarded it by the Library of Congress. And, in fact, after the last eight years, it's great to have a president who knows what a library is." I was astounded by McCartney's insult to our former Chief Executive. Mr. Bush has not, and will not, respond to this disrespectful statement from a foreigner; he has too much class for that.

My real complaint about this incident is the non-response from our current sitting president. This is just the latest in a multitude of insults toward Mr. Bush. As a gentleman, Mr. Obama could have made a statement about McCartney's insult, yet he has chosen to remain silent. Even though Obama is on the other side of the fence politically from George Bush, it was poor form for him not to condemn McCartney's remark. After just one and a half years, he should have some understanding of the difficulty of the presidency, and he should respect Mr. Bush's dedication and hard work in that office. The silence of Mr. Obama speaks volumes about his character. I hope the voters show the same respect to Obama and his supporters at the polls, as he showed our former president. You could be the next "Nowhere Man"!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Hidden Faces"

In 1957, a movie came out called "A Face in the Crowd"; it was written by Bud Schulberg, and directed by Elia Kazan. The star was a young actor named Andy Griffith, not the character we are used to as Mayberry's lovable sheriff, but a manipulative television personality who could influence millions. Briefly, Griffith's role was as a drifter found in a local jail in a small southern town by a radio hostess who was looking for interesting characters who were in the custody of the sheriff. "Lonesome Rhodes"(Griffith), was an amiable type with a hard edge he kept hidden from the interviewer. When her broadcast was aired, the reaction from the locals was one of vigorous affection for the Lonesome character. The film traces his ascent to stardom and influence; it also shows the hidden villain inside the folksy philosopher. His downfall comes when he makes remarks about his audience in front of a microphone he doesn't know is open. His real persona is revealed, and his power collapses. Appearances aren't always what they appear to be.

Yesterday, Helen Thomas resigned from Hearst Publications after making remarks about Israel that were verging on anti-Semitic. She said "They should go back where they came from." This was in reference to the people of Israel. Ms. Thomas has been a person of influence in Washington since the middle 1950's. She has covered every President since Eisenhower. Her interviews and opinions have been lauded by many. She tendered her resignation on June 7th in the aftermath of her questionable remarks.

I follow Glenn Beck, a person of influence to many people. I enjoy Beck. We share similar political and social views. I'm sure all of us have people whose words and opinions we respect, yet we must all remember they are only people not "gods". What I like about Beck is he researches what he says, and challenges those of opposing views to prove him wrong. He has revealed all of his personal flaws to his audience, he admits to his weaknesses.

When we invest our trust in other people, we would be well served in finding out who they are; what they believe when they are not in the public eye. John Edwards, Jim Baker, Spiro Agnew, and O.J. Simpson are just a few names that surprised the American public in the revelation of who they really were.

When we go to the polls in November, it would be in our nation's best interest to educate ourselves as to the prospective candidates' real beliefs. After all, ambiguous campaign promises, and bias press releases will not tell the whole tale. Remember, it's not always "What you see is what you get"!

Monday, June 7, 2010

" Dire Distress"

Last week, a lady named Debbie Anthony appeared on the news. She had some complaints from her neighbors. It seems Ms. Anthony was flying an American flag upside down, and her neighbors took offense. They felt it was disrespectful to our flag. I understand her neighbors' feelings, as I am a regular flag flier myself. When Ms. Anthony was interviewed, she said she had been flying the flag in this manner for about six months as a protest to the way our country was being governed.

The nautical reason for flying the flag upside down is "...a signal of dire distress of life and property...", an emergency situation.

As I researched this story, I found several other recent incidents of other Americans doing the same thing for the same reasons as Ms. Anthony. I find this interesting. All those who have entered into this unusual protest are average, normal, everyday Americans. None are of the radical ilk, they are just plain tax-payers; plain folks, with plain common sense and concern for the direction America has turned toward. Extreme spending, high unemployment, weak defense, and a disregard for the peoples' will are consistant in all of the interviews I read. Arrogance of office holders is also a common complaint. Fear that America is bound for destruction seems to be the base of it all.

Common sense from common people; the kind of people who have carried America on their backs since its' inception; the kind of people who don't protest at the drop of a hat, quiet, law abiding citizens. They see the handwriting on the wall as this current administration continues on a path toward fiscal destruction. Soon our debt will surpass our productivity; then our fate will be sealed.

"A signal of dire distress in extreme danger of life and property", sounds like the situation we are in alright. I wonder if Mr. Obama and his minions have the common sense of the "common" people? Soon we may all have to fly our flags upside down.

Friday, June 4, 2010

" Business As Usual !"

We all know a story of someone who has said they were pulled over by the police for a traffic infraction and were able to "get off" by offering the officer a bribe. This has never happened to me. Personally, most of the police officers I've had contact with were very professional and projected an image of honesty and integrity. The police officers I count as personal friends are among the most trusted and honest people I know. I'm sure there are dishonest police officers out there, fortunately I haven't met them. I believe most Americans don't endorse any corrupt practices in any way, shape, or form; we are an honest people. We expect the highest ethics from our elected officials; although we are disappointed on a regular basis by both political parties.

We are facing a Congressional Election in November. The primary season has been in full swing for a while, and the prospective field of choice is coming together. As Americans, we deserve the most varied choice possible; nothing hand-picked. We want people in office who want to serve the people, not the party.

When a potential candidate considers running for office, should his thought process be influenced by partisan influence by those who hold high office? Most of us are familiar with the Joe Sestak controversy; and the offer to get a position from the White House if he withdrew from the Pennsylvania senatorial primary. I heard the statement from Sestak about being approached by former President Clinton. My opinion is, this is the most contrived excuse I've ever heard. Why did it take this long to come out, especially if it was a totally hypothetical offer?

Now, it seems that Deputy Chief of Staff, Jim Messina, has made a job offer to Andrew Romanoff, the Colorado Speaker of the House, for those very same reasons that Joe Sestak was approached about previously. Romanoff even produced a White House e-mail; it outlined several positions that would be available to him upon his withdrawal from a challenge to Michael Bennet, a staunch Obama supporter. This is potentially illegal conduct. Are we going to see more of this conduct from Mr. Obama's administration? Is he willing to pull out all the stops in order to preserve his quest for total control?

I'm sure Mr. Obama has properly insulated himself from possible direct involvement in this situation; after all he is from Cook County. How much more can the people of this fine country put up with before we react? Obama promised a transparent and open administration, yet we see no change. We need to put a stop to "business as usual". How about letting the people choose their candidates Mr. Obama, it's really their government, HONEST!!!!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

" The Flight Home"

Not long ago, I was in Las Vegas Nevada, "SIN CITY", although we aren't big time gamblers, we did spend some money on the "one armed bandits', and they are well named. We ate too much food, stayed up too late, and generally changed our system into something we would not normally experience. I can thankfully say we did nothing to be ashamed of; we were on good behavior, even in "SIN CITY"! In Las Vegas, one sees every strata of society, the very wealthy, the very poor, the first-timers, the "Vegas veterans", the extremely odd, and the rarest of all; the residents of Las Vegas.

Each hotel and casino is a virtual sea of neon lights, music, bells, and conversation at a noise level slightly below that of human endurance. It is loud in Vegas! It is confusing too. This cacophony of lights and sounds can alter ones sense of clear thinking; and the value of a dollar loses its reality as money is so freely thrown around by the exuberant gamblers. Everyone is a potential winner when they get to Vegas!

When we boarded the plane to go to Vegas, the other passengers were happy and laughing, exchanging stories, buying cocktails and snacks; most looked like children on their way to the "Wonka Chocolate Factory". All things seemed possible on the flight up. On the flight home, the scene was quite different, quiet was deafening, few drinks were ordered, little conversation was exchanged; it was very subdued. Reality had fallen upon these travelers. It seems Vegas had lost its luster, and broken its promise of instant wealth. My Dad said to me many years ago, "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is." My Dad was a wise man.

Nearly two years ago, we listened to a man who was promising us a transparent government, a fiscally sound government, an end to our foreign conflicts, the closing of Guantanamo jail, a coalition of cooperation between parties, and secure borders. He never really said how he would do this, he just said he would. He had rallies of wild supporters, ambiguous slogans, and the phrase, "Fundamentally Change America" (I'm still trying to figure out what that means). All of the bells and whistles were in full swing, his face was everywhere, his promises flowed like wine at an Italian wedding. The voters, like those passengers on their way to Las Vegas, were euphoric at the promises that had been made, at the prospect of making history, at the possible "Fundamental Change" that would be coming.

Reality has now set into America, the unfulfilled promises, the empty words, and the politics as usual in Washington has reared its ugly head. That man who promised so much has done nothing but plunge us into the deepest debt our nation has ever had, he has thrown our nation under the bus in front of the rest of the world on his "apology tour", and he has proved to be inept in handling of the securing our borders and domestic environmental crisis. He has lost his luster.

We are now those passengers on the way back home. The faces on the plane don't smile much except to try to hide the pain and disappointment of unfulfilled expectations. Their wallets are empty, their joy is gone; they just want to get back home.

All the noise, all the hoopla, all the music and rhetoric are over; the party is over. It is now time to clean up the mess. America is beginning to clean up the confetti, and sweep up the garbage of failed promise. We must continue this in November. Mr. Obama, the "Party Is Over"!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

" Wash Me!"

When I got my first car, my Dad told me," If a man has a dirty car, he probably has a dirty house". My Dad was a stickler for a clean car, something he passed on to me. I can't stand a dirty vehicle. I wash my car at least once a week, weather permitting, and once or twice a year I do a mass detailing of our car and truck. Vacuuming, shampooing, trunk, and truck bed are meticulously gone over in an attempt to keep them in top condition. Door jambs are cleaned of all grease and then re-lubricated for the next year. Tires are scrubbed, white letters are bleached to like new whiteness at every cleaning; our vehicles look good!

A car or truck is a big investment, if you don't take care of them they will fall apart in front of your eyes. If you develop a habit of preventive maintenance, your vehicle will last a very long time, with good service.

Have you ever walked down the street and seen a car with the words "WASH ME!", written in dirt across the car? I would be ashamed to let our vehicles get into that type of condition. No one wants to be shamed into doing something, it's humiliating, it hurts our pride, it makes us feel foolish and inadequate. We sometimes make up excuses for not doing those things that we should be doing.

A governors' conference will be taking place in Washington in the upcoming days; Governor Brewer of Arizona asked for a meeting with President Obama during that time. At first, the governor was told Mr. Obama was too busy to meet with her, scheduling conflicts were blamed. This seemed very odd, as the administration was quite verbose about criticism of the new Arizona immigration policy and one would think the President would be eager to converse with Arizona's chief executive to exchange ideas. The American public was a little surprised at Mr. Obama's refusal to see the governor, as he has been so verbal in his opinion of opposition to the Arizona law. After all, isn't this the President who wanted dialogue between those of differing views? Oh, now I remember; he had a golf date and he had to see a champion soccer team; that certainly took precedence over an issue of national importance. Well ,guess what happened; after a reexamination of his schedule the President has found the time to speak to Governor Brewer. How fortunate is that!? The great big "WASH ME!" sign had an effect on the President; he is going to do something, even if it's just for show. Thank you Mr. President, for doing this, even if you had to be shamed into it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

" Arizona Insult!"

I believe in respecting the beliefs of others. Because of the varied cultures in America, we all benefit. We were founded with the idea that individual rights were the key to giving our citizens the ability to reach their greatest potential. The root of our Congress is its ability to express the wishes of the states which each member represents; to respect the will of the American citizens, and honor their opinions.

Foreign dignitaries often visit our nation, and they are usually greeted with honor and respect. We have had the former Soviet Union Premier, Nikita Khrushchev, visit this country during the cold war. While he was here, he made the usual communist rantings on his visit, criticism of our free market, and our "oppressed" people. Most Americans looked at his statements as foolish ideological garbage. He was not invited to speak to Congress, we knew he would say things that would be an insult to America, and the house of democracy was not a place for his criticism. By the way, the U.N. let him rant to his heart's content.

A little over a week ago, the President of Mexico went before our Congress to complain and criticize the people of Arizona, a sovereign state, about its policy on illegal aliens within its borders. He had the audacity to criticize a state that has suffered countless criminal acts of violence, unnumbered acts of drug smuggling, and fear of possible kidnapping from illegal entrants over our porous border. There has yet to be any proof to say that this law is possibly unconstitutional. As it is a reflection of the federal law, its opponents will be hard pressed to continue in their criticism.

The most heinous act in this whole debacle was those members of our Congress giving the Mexican president a standing ovation over his condemning statements about a sovereign American state and its' citizens. Those standing were mostly democrats; after all those illegals are all potential democrat voters. Those who stood up should be ashamed; current polls have shown a heavy majority of Americans all across the nation are in support of Arizona's effort to protect its citizens in spite of a federal system that has virtually done nothing to correct the problem.

Mexico should clean its' own home first. We are not the dumping ground for Mexico's problems; we are not responsible for their economic problems. We need not feel guilty for those who have problems south of our border. The Mexican president would be better served by addressing his own congress, correcting their own immigration policy, and putting their own criminals in jail.

Those who stood up should stop and remember who they are representing, legal American citizens, not border jumping criminals; and not the Mexican government! After all, the Mexican president was just a visitor, not a citizen!