Wednesday, April 14, 2010

" We Should All Be Heard "

The "Tea Party" has been all over the news lately. Voices, both pro and con, have been loud and long about this political movement. The members have been accused of being NAZIS and racists, gun nuts, and uneducated. I find these general indictments both ridiculous and insulting. As a conservative I understand the frustration of the members of the "tea party movement", they are upset by a government that is growing by leaps and bounds, and a growing deficit that will soon tax our citizens into oblivion. They see a poor policy of national defense, and a disregard of our Constitution as it is written.

I've recently heard of a movement on the internet from the left to infiltrate "tea party" demonstrations and act in the roles of "racists, NAZIS, and illiterates" in an attempt to cast an aspersion on the validity of the "tea party". They also say they want to incite violence. What are the folks on the left so afraid of ? Is their position so threatened by this group that they must try to disrupt the free speech rights of the "tea party" by staging controversy?

We now live in the world of video recording of just about everything. Video cameras are everywhere, they are at intersections recording traffic violations, in stores watching employees and customers alike. Public events are a virtual sea of recording devices. When the healthcare bill was passed several allegations of threats and racial epithets were made, yet, nothing to date has been shown to be truthful. The media, and the private video community have yet to come forward with any proof of these allegations. Is it possible that these events didn't take place? Is it possible that these events have been embellished to something more than what they were? I'm sure the "tea party" has its share of nuts, just like any other political movement, this is only a reasonable assumption, yet by and large these people are hard working Americans who are tired of the direction this administration is taking our country.

As an American, regardless of political affiliation, I find it offensive that any group should face this type of unscrupulous action in an attempt to undermine the validity of their position. What's next? Disrupting political demonstrations is the first step in political oppression. The next step is a "gulag or concentration camp". America should not be travelling down this road, we are founded on the right to dissent, the right to opinion. Any faction that feels differently should examine their patriotism. When any group has its free speech infringed upon, all groups are threatened; this is when we are in danger of losing America!


  1. I feel this should be proposed as the "28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution"

    "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ."

    This might make things run more smoothly for our country and create bi-partisanship - we can only hope!!

  2. We can ot sustain such a large debt, generations will suffer, only a consumer driven economy will be a viable remmedy. Higher taxes will only slow the economy and limit investment.Limited investment means slow job growth, which in turn means a longer recession. Common sense.
