Monday, November 9, 2009
"King Barack and His Court"
Do the years 1789-1799 mean anything to you? Unless your a history buff , or a political junkie like me these years probably don't have much significance for you. These are the years of the French Revolution , the fall of the monarchy of Louis XVI and Marie Antionette . Let's examine the social and political climate of the times , just for fun. The nation was ruled by a number of dukedoms and baronets similar to congressional districts , those "representatives" had the responsibilities of collecting the tax and reporting to the King on the state of their areas of responsibility. In reality the common folks were feudal slaves to a government in which they had no real impact as to their needs. Anything that the King and his court wanted to do was done , no matter what the consequences would be on the population. France was suffering under high unemployment , an unmanageable national debt , and high food prices . When confronted by the fact that the people had no bread Marie Antionette said , "Let them eat cake!", rather callous don't you think?! It wasn't long after that Marie received a hair-cut which removed her head. The feudal citizens rioted in the streets , yet nothing was done to reconcile their woes , the arrogant monarchy didn't believe the peasants would do anything against their oppressors. Does any of this stuff sound familiar , history is fun! Let's see how this applies today, more fun! Over the last several months many of our citizens have participated in the "Tea Party" movement to demonstrate to our government their dislike for the current agenda this administration is pursuing . Hundreds of thousands , possibly millions of citizens have peacefully protested against policies they believe are not in the best interest of the people of the United States. We are faced with an unemployment rate that is not going to diminish any time soon. Our national debt is verging on science fiction in it's frightening growth. Has anybody besides me noticed the rising cost of food , as our dollar is inflating at light speed. Saturday the Obama congress pushed through a health-care bill that has little to no support from the American people , similar to those dukes and barons who did whatever they wished and damn the public opinion. Obama praised the Pelosi led congress for their work in the advancement of his agenda , totally ignoring the citizens who had gathered to protest practically at the door of the White House. How much further will Barack the first, push the American people before they reach their boiling point. Recent elections were a message to our "King" that the "peasants" are not happy. We won't storm the "Bastille" , but we will storm the polls next year. Americans will remember how they have been ignored , and next year many symbolic heads will roll down Capitol hill. Soon the reign of Barack the first will end as we arise to re-take control of our nation. "Viv le America!"
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