Friday, December 18, 2009

"New Years Resolutions"

Next week it will be 2010, another year has slipped away, and now we must wonder what the future holds for us. I will be celebrating another birthday in the next few days, entering my "golden years" so to speak, and I am realizing it now whether you want it or not God forces some wisdom on you. Of course some folks call my wisdom mindless rambling, I'll just chalk that up to youthful inexperience. When I was a teen I believed I could solve the worlds problems single handed, everything that was wrong was the fault of the rich and powerful, now I'll admit some rich and powerful people have done some bad things, but they can't be blamed for it all. I'm sure there are a few poor folks and some middle class folks that have done some of the damage in today's world too. Each of us has an effect on everyone we come in contact with on a daily basis, no matter how slight we think it might be. Remember the movie "It's a Wonderful Life", the entire theme of the film is the impact of one man on the lives of many. The lead character George Baily had spent his entire life looking out for the needs of others even when it interfered with the direction he wished for his own life. As most of you know the story George gets into a situation where he could go to prison through no fault of his own, and he is given the gift of seeing the world as if he never existed. The impact he made through his sacrifices was astounding, and even though he was facing possible prison George begged God to give him his life back as it was. We all know George got a happy ending, which is usually standard in Hollywood, yet we must remember in life a happy ending isn't guaranteed. We are given a chance when we are born, given by God, a chance to do the right thing, to give of ourselves, to put others needs ahead of our own. Oftener then not we don't take the high road, this is not a judgement it is a truth, we are all basically selfish people, me included. I'm from a generation who wanted to know "What's in it for me?", and the answer is sometimes nothing. The Bible says "Don't store your treasures here on earth where they will rust and burn", everything we hold dear, cars, homes, property, and wealth is all just temporary and will pass away with time. The only thing that one really leaves behind is how he impacted the lives of others, it is the only thing of real value that we have to give. Look to your children, grand-children, sisters and brothers, and see if you have done anything to influence their lives in a positive manner. As this new year approaches we all make promises to change, yet most of us give them up in a few weeks; this year vow to make a difference in the lives of others. It doesn't mean you have to get a "Nobel Prize",all you have to do is put somebody else first, try it you might like it.

This is my last posting for 2009 as I will be spending time with my family, to all my readers I wish you the Merriest Christmas and the Happiest New Year!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Christmas Thoughts"

A week from today is Christmas Eve, many of us will be travelling to the homes of loved ones to celebrate with food, music, laughter, and story-telling. I am looking forward to spending time with my daughter who will be spending a few days with us. I always find it curious that at this time of the year so many hate groups surface to cast aspersions on the reason for the Christmas Holiday, Jesus of Nazareth. Even if one is a non-believer why would you be so verbose in your criticism of this person who gave a message of love and forgiveness to the world? When joy should be the order of the day many people use this time to call those who believe as judgemental and intolerant. Isn't it odd that those who preach tolerance for every cause from saving a tree frog to "climate change"(sorry it is turning out to be a fraud) will not give the same consideration to the largest segment of believing Americans, our Christian population. The world over is filled with people who vigorously oppose the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus, many forfeit their lives in the cause of teaching His words to an un-informed populous. How has this "carpenters son" become such a threat to so many people? Some retail stores don't even say "Merry Christmas" for fear of offending customers who don't believe, schools have problems with calling this the Christmas Season. Our society likes the idea of toys and gifts, food and drink, back-slapping and joke telling; yet mention what this holiday is really all about and the room will suddenly become quiet followed by murmurs of criticism and disdain. We in the United States are most fortunate to have a constitution designed by Christians, with Christian values; this is not a very popular statement in today's world, yet without those values America would not be the country that it is today. "Season's Greetings","Happy Holidays",and "Best Wishes" now express this season at the greeting card section of the store, "Merry Christmas" is segregated from the other cards, perhaps so they won't "infect" the other cards. As your family gathers together please take the time to talk about what Christmas is all about, find a Bible, find a passage, tell the story of Jesus's birth. For those few minutes that you spend talking about Jesus you will gain a new perspective on Christmas, perhaps some of you who are a bit older will remember when Christmas wasn't a dirty word. Enjoy your festivities, have a good time, I'm sure Jesus wants it that way; just remember it's His birthday!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"Take Back America!"

Well fans look what happened yesterday, Iran launched a missile with a test range of 1200 miles. I guess they weren't being exactly truthful when they said their uranium enrichment program was for peaceful purposes. "I will engage in talks with other nations without conditions.", remember that statement folks, only a very "wise" man could have said that. We are now beginning to reap what the United Nations and Barack Obama have sown with their weak willed response to a rogue nation's efforts to intimidate and coerce the rest of the world. How many of you who are old enough to remember think Jack Kennedy would react to today's actions by an evil nation bent on attack toward the free world? I believe we would see the Persian Gulf filled with American carriers and destroyers, and troop carriers filled with battle ready marines. Sending a message of strength is the only thing an aggressor will understand.Ahadminejad is no different then Hitler, Mao, or Stalin; he is a single-minded tyrant with no ability to honestly reason on a diplomatic level with any country or world body. Over a period of the last eleven months we have seen a policy of apology and weakness dominate the current administration. It is my sincerest belief that our current president believes that by shear force of his personality he can manipulate the rest of the world. I believe Barack Obama has a "messiah complex", he believes he is "all knowing" and he will be the savior of humankind. Before he took office we all knew how far to the left his views were, and upon his election he filled his cabinet with leftist yes-men to sit and nod in agreement with anything the "holy one"said. We are even seeing his immense ego at work on his health care agenda, although the vast majority of American's are opposed to this program Barack Obama is dedicated to it's passage. He believes that the will of the people is secondary to the will of the "messiah". I ask all of you to honestly look back over the last eleven months and count the questionable decisions and policies that this man has implemented thus far. This is just the beginning of his "reign", what can we next expect to see? With the brazen missile launch yesterday we can see just one of Obama's policies literally blown up in his face. Weakness in defense, failure to admit to mistakes, and an ego the size of a "blimp"are not a very good combination for a chief executive. Unless the people of America make a change in next years elections we can only look forward to the continued march toward America's demise as a free nation and a leader in the world forum. Let's stand up and clean house in the next election, TAKE BACK AMERICA!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Sleeping With The Fishes!"

Being Italian one of my favorite movies is the "Godfather", it has been lauded by many as the greatest film ever made, surpassing "Citizen Kane"for the top spot. One of my favorite scenes takes place at the Corleone compound after the attempt on the Don's life. In the Don's darkened office Sonny, Michael, and the family's "capos" are deciding what move they must next take in retribution for this heinous act.Luca Brasi was Don Corleone's most feared enforcer. As they sat in the office the door opened and Sonny was handed a package, when he opened it a rolled up newspaper with a dead fish in a bullet-proof vest was revealed. Clemenza, one of the "capos" said it was a Sicilian message, "Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes". This week we have been watching the "demoncrats" doing everything they possibly could to come to some type of compromise to push "Obamacare" through the senate. We have seen deals offering hundreds of millions of dollars in "pork" to senators to purchase their "integrity"and buy their votes. Now we have seen Harry Reid back-peddling on the "public option" and medicare cuts. Over the last few weeks the senate democrats have been hidden behind closed doors "cooking up" a bill that initially would force Americans into a plan whether they wanted it or not. Fortunately the American people have made their feelings known loudly enough that some of our senators actually took notice. Some , like Joe Lieberman, are doing it because of integrity, others out of political survival. The "Godfather", Obama, said he wants his plan ready for his signature before year's end and has been pressuring his "capos" to use some "muscle" to get it done. Congressional "arm-twisting" and deal making have been in high gear for months yet the country still have been steadfast in it's opposition to "an offer it can't refuse". It's time for America to stand up and send "Obamacare" to "sleep with the fishes". We need to show this "mob" that they can't just send in some "heavy men" and force us into submission. Next November we need to put those senators and congressman who are part of "The Family" on a "Hit List". Sorry "Don Barack" this time we won't accept your "offer", your agenda can "sleep with the fishes!!"

Monday, December 14, 2009

"Your In Charge Now!"

Caesar, Napoleon, Hannibal, Attila, Alexander, Mussolini, Hitler, and now George W. Bush; yes our former president has been back-doored by Barack Obama again! It has been bad enough that our current Chief Executive invokes George Bush's name every time something goes wrong in the Obama administration, now he has accused our former president with a cavalier attitude in regards to sending troops into harms way. Mr. Obama is in many ways like a spoiled child who must find some one to blame when things are not going the way he wants them. It's never his fault, or he is being attacked by the far right; he loves excuses. Like a spoiled child the left-leaning media has been telling him from the beginning of his administration that he is wonderful, amazing, stupendous, and omnipotent; and he now thoroughly believes it. I'm sure he must tell himself he is the greatest thing since "sliced bread",and there is no way he could make a poor decision, therefore anything that goes wrong must lie in the previous administration's policies. I have become used to Obama's blame game in regards to taking any responsibility for policy that doesn't work. When we elected a man of weak character we shouldn't be surprised by this type of attitude. This week-end, in my opinion, Obama crossed the line as he accused the previous administration of an attitude that was almost carefree when it came to sending troops into harms way, and that we entered into this conflict as a conquering army seeking glory through warfare. As an American I'm infuriated by these statements, no man who has ever been in a combat situation has ever gone in for the glory, he goes in for the cause of security of his country and the protection of his family. George W. Bush may not have been the perfect president, but I know he didn't receive any personal gratification from sending American soldiers and marines into deadly conflict. Since the election in 2000, there has been an unspoken agenda by the Democrat party to inflict as much negative influence toward George Bush as possible, his intelligence was called to question, his military record was disparaged by spurious and counterfeit documents, and a general disrespect toward his right to hold his office. What I found to be most gratifying was President Bush's lack of retaliation to his constant criticism. When George Bush showed his righteous anger toward an unprovoked attack on our sovereign shores I was happy to know that my president was as upset as any patriotic citizen should be when wronged by an aggressor. Barack Obama never uses the word victory in regards to our "war on terror", and I find this to be a disturbing fact. Doesn't he think victory over our enemy is something to be desired? Thank God his predecessor felt victory was important and the enemy knew it, and the American people knew it! This cheap character assassination by Obama is beneath the office of President of the United States. When will Barack Obama stop using George Bush as a whipping boy to deflect attention from his lack of leadership ability. It's time to grow-up Barack, put on your "Big Boy Pants" and be a man. It's your job now, stop blaming others like it or not you are running the show, so stop looking backwards!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

"NBC Puppet-Master!"

Remember a few weeks ago when the White House declared FOX NEWS an enemy of the state. After that Joe Klein had an article calling FOX treasonous. The Obama administration made a concerted effort to freeze FOX from any real contact with the White House giving them minimal cooperation during interviews and press conferences. This effort to ostracize FOX seemed to be cooling off in recent days, yet now something much more sinister is taking place. Many years ago, when I was just a boy Madison Avenue Ad agencies were accused of using subliminal advertising to entice the public to buy their advertised products. There was even a senate investigation into this spurious practice which resulted in some regulation into this questionable method of "drumming up business". I'm a big fan of good "cop" shows. I nearly cried when NYPD Blue went off the air, it had fine actors, well thought out scripts, and a reality seldom seen on television. I honestly can't remember any episode that tried to exploit any political message either from the left or the right during it's entire run. The series had several Emmy Awards and was highly praised by critics and the public alike. Last week Dick Wolf, the "guru" of the "Law and Order" franchise had on an episode in which Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Bill O'Rielly were referred to as "hate mongers" that preyed on the fears and prejudice of the people in regards to illegal immigration. Wolf has shown who he is by underwriting this character assassination masquerading as drama. I have been a listener and viewer of these commentators for several years and I will attest to the fact that although Rush may be a bit caustic he has never, ever spoken anything that could remotely be construed as "hate speech", he is truthful to the point of being painful; perhaps that is why he is so vilified by the left. Glenn Beck also is someone who manages to strike a nerve with the left as he continues to reveal the flaws and radical thinking that continues to flow out of Washington, yet as with Limbaugh I have yet to hear anything one could identify as "hate speech". Bill O'Rielly is the most fair and balanced commentator on television today and takes personal pride in the fact that he will show both side of every issue regardless of his personal beliefs. NBC is in the hip-pocket of the Obama administration and have been their since Obama became a presidential candidate. I'm sure no one will admit it ,but in my "heart of hearts" I believe the philosophy of the writing of this script was some how influenced by our current Democratic administration. Personally I often enjoyed many of the "Law and Order" shows and it's numreous spin-offs, but after this obvious attempt to demonize people just because of their political opposition to NBC's political agenda I won't waste any more of my hours on anything presented by NBC or Dick Wolf. What bothers me the most is those countless viewers that watched this program and have never seen or heard Limbaugh, Beck, or O'Rielly and will believe what was said without actually knowing any of the facts. The next time you turn on your television be careful, somebody may be messing with your mind!

Friday, December 11, 2009

"American Dreams"

As I look out my front window I see a peaceful street lined with trees, well kept homes and well maintained lawns; this is the kind of place many people call home in this wonderful and amazing country. I spent many years working hoping that one day I could cut my own lawn and shovel my own snow. Living in small town America I've found the dream that my Dad had always talked about. He often told me he wanted to live in a place where you could hear the crickets chirp. There are few places on this planet where a person can have the possibility of not only chasing their dreams, but actually catching them. America promises the pursuit of happiness, not a guarantee, a chance to try. No nation on earth has more success stories then the United States of America. If I began listing names the volumes could fill a library. We all know about Trump ,Turner, Forbes, and Gates, yet there are thousands more who have become doctors, judges, educators, and entertainers. All of them can thank the promise of America for their success. Recently five Americans were taken into custody in Pakistan when they were attempting to join Al Qaida. We must ask ourselves why Americans are attempting to join a terrorist organization that is our nations avowed enemy. What perversion has taken place in this land of promise?On 911 we were brutally attacked by this group of fascist Muslims, and now we are faced with the enigma of Americans wishing to aid those affiliated with those same thugs. Has political correctness gone so far over the edge that we now are practically urging our populous to be sympathetic to the very people who wish to see their homes burnt and their children murdered. Radical Islam is our enemy, perhaps this is not a popular statement, but it is true and the sooner we face facts the better off our nation will be. I don't have any problems with anyone, regardless of their race or religious background, who come to America in search of the dream that this country provides. I have major problems with those who come here to subjugate our laws and pursue the destruction of the American way of life. During the first 11 months of the Obama administration our president has been on an apology tour to the world telling every person in ear shot how sorry we are for defending our nation. In reality after 911 we suffered no further domestic attacks from radical Islamists, something we can all thank George Bush for, a show of strength is always the best deterrent to terror. I believe Mr. Obama's apology tour has to bear some of the responsibility for this appearance of home grown terrorists. He has projected a feeling of American guilt to our people, thus validating those who hold perverse ideas to act on them. As Americans we must face the fact that the man who sits in the White House is more interested in being a citizen of the world then maintaining the United States in a place of prominence as leader of freedom in a world that is rapidly turning toward a one world government. The fact that we are treating war criminals as common law breakers is a sign of our softening so we can appear more lenient toward aggression. If this shift continues very soon we will not be America much longer, we will become an extension of the United Nations. At times we need to say we are America, those who don't like us are free to leave at any time, try Venezuela I hear they have a nice climate!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Special Friends!"

I got some great news this week, A.C.O.R.N. has been cleared of wrong doing. Yes fans that bastion of the poor downtrodden, that organization which has stood for the little man, has been exonerated of it's alleged misdeeds. I know I sighed with relief as I found out that this institution of hope for the common man is once again able to hold it's head high and once again go to the public trough to gorge itself on taxpayer's money! Yes my fellow Americans this corrupt, partisan, thug run organization has declared itself innocent of any wrong doing in regards to the damning video evidence of their spurious practices. They have not addressed their actions against voters as they were video-tapped during their efforts of intimidation at the polls. How hypocritical is it that the media should even consider this as a serious investigation into A.C.O.R.N.'s obvious abuse of the public trust and misuse of public funds. It will be interesting to see how this self examination is received on Capitol Hill. Personally as a citizen of Illinois I'm sure our "fair minded and dignified" senators, Durbin and Burris, will do their "rubber stamp"best to go along with the fantasy investigation's findings, as their loyalties lie in Cook county and the Oval Office rather then the search for truth. We once had Everett Dirksen , and Paul Simon as our representatives, men of great character and wisdom who were above partisan politics and dedicated to the proposition that the good of America comes first. The whole idea of self investigation when accused of public corruption is ludicrous! Remember when Nixon fired his "Special Prosecutor" because he didn't like the direction of his Watergate inquiries, perhaps that is why we are seeing such a soft handed attitude toward A.C.O.R.N. . If we expand this idea of self investigation to the ridiculous we could have let Charles Manson run his prosecution, Bernie Maddoff edit the financial records of his gigantic swindle. A.C.O.R.N. is just one face in a cast of characters in this administration's questionable stable of supporters. It has now been caught with it's trousers down, exposed for what it is, a political crony who feels it can do anything without consequence. What will the Obama Justice Dept. do about this situation? I may sound jaded, but I believe a blind eye will be turned and nothing of any real meaning will happen to this "friend of the family". As we watch the "Messiah" accept his Nobel Prize what more can we expect from an administration that reeks of favoritism for friends and deception toward the public? Public confidence in the president is at an all time low for any president at this point in his administration, yet he continues in his agenda of weakness and personal glorification. When will Mr. Obama begin to conduct himself as a president of all the people, no longer a candidate trying to get re-elected? Please Mr. President start to protect America and forget those "special friends", you are president of all the people!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"My Adrienne"

On Monday I talked about December 7th. and it's significance to the people of America, and the world. Today I would like to speak about a date which is important to me. On December 9th. 1977 I married the most amazing woman in the world. Does she have super-powers; only when dealing with me. Sometimes you know things even before you say them out loud. When I first met my Adrienne I knew there was something special about her, she radiated kindness toward everyone; not that phony stuff most of us run into but real genuine concern for other people. She was family oriented, very important to an Italian guy. She was attractive without being gaudy, well dressed and tasteful, not overly made up because she was certainly pretty enough on her own. I was basically a street guy who spent most of my time in card games and at the track, when I wasn't at the local tavern with my buddies. In some ways we were very different, yet we were drawn together, this is how I know God was hanging around. I wasn't in the market for a regular "girl friend" at the time we met, but I gave up tickets to a Pink Floyd concert to go with her to a friends house and play "penny poker". Now you must understand that when I played poker it was usually for alot more then pennies, and I was not known for any game that included "wild cards". I was a serious gambler, so this was a major deal for me.I didn't say so that night but I knew that I would have Adrienne for my wife. After that night I spent nearly every available minute with her, and when I wasn't with her I was thinking of her. When she met my Mom and Dad they fell in love with her, and my Dad said he knew what was coming next. On December 9th. the weather was horrible with 7 foot snow drifts and temps in the single digits, but we didn't want to wait and drove to the Niles courthouse and tied the knot in front of Judge George A. Geocaros , who commented that we must really love each other to come out in this awful weather to get married. We have certainly covered quite a bit of ground since that cold December morning, yet I have never tired of looking at her from across a room or hearing her voice in our darkened bedroom. Many things in life can make a difference, Adrienne has made me a better man just because I never want to disappoint her. We have produced a beautiful and intelligent daughter who has been the light of our lives. We both serve in our church and we both thank God for the life He's given us. As you read this I hope each of you can experience the happiness I have found with my wonderful and beautiful wife. Sometimes life can be so hectic that we forget to tell those who are so important to us how we feel about them. Take some time to tell your spouse who they are to you, I promise you won't regret it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Fresh Fire"

One of my favorite songs sung at our church is called "Fresh Fire" , the verse says ,"Fresh fire let it fall , Oh Lord hear our call, send your Spirit like a rushing wind, we need fresh fire." Don't all of us at one time or another need a boost in our spirits when things seem to be getting unbearable? Those of us who believe in a strict constitutional government with a minimum of interference of the central government have not had an easy time of it this year. This year we have been plunged into a massive debt, government takeover of the auto industry, government regulation of the banking industry, promotion of a socialized medical program, and a submissive attitude toward U.N. influence on our own constitution. If anybody has a right to be a little depressed this year it is conservative America. As the Christmas Season approaches I'm sure we will be bombarded with the usual parade of Jesus haters who want to destroy His holiday. Have I said enough for you to call the suicide hot line yet? Take heart America things are not terminal yet, the wind is beginning to shift. We must all try to remember last summer when throngs of American citizens, at their own expense, protested against the socialist agenda toward which this administration is pushing our nation. We have witnessed the A.C.O.R.N. debacle, showing just how corrupt and partisan they have been revealed to be. We have seen Van Jones forced out of a place of influence in our government when his questionable radical beliefs were revealed by Glenn Beck and FOX NEWS. Just recently we have seen the myth of global warming shown to be an elaborate conspiracy of perverted facts and spurious science. We have also seen the "Anointed One" drop in popularity as America awakens to the fact that Barack Obama isn't what he has touted himself to be. Sarah Palin has become a breath of fresh air on the political scene, she has a common sense attitude that is already viewed as a threat by the left-leaning media and the Obama administration. We are approaching a new year and as we enter 2010 we should take heart, we must remember career politicians are animals who crave survival over ideology. Those who have been around Washington see that the President's policies are not being received as happily as the administration would like, hundreds of thousands of citizens are visibly upset, and some off year elections have sent a message to those who are up for re-election next year. America is getting some "fresh fire" from those American conservatives that have stood up and shook their collective fists in the face of a government that is refusing to listen to reason. 2010 is the year when we can get back some of the America that was given away in 2008. As citizens lets get some "Fresh Fire", America is ours let's take it back!

Monday, December 7, 2009

"America Responds"

December 7th. 1941,a date so significant even our current crop of college students might remember it. I know I'm a bit sarcastic, but every time I have seen the coming generation questioned about who government officials are and what their duties are the students usually have the "deer in the headlights" look.To get back to today's topic , the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese that launched our involvement in World War II. This war dictated the direction our nation would take for the next 70+ years. After World War I we, as a nation, thought we were finished with dealing with world conflicts. Hitler , Mussolini , and Hirohito were far in the future we had an economic boom and everything was "hunky dory"in the good old U.S.A. . Then we had a rude awakening, the Stock Market crashed plunging us into the "Great Depression"and all American faces turned inward, paying little attention to the affairs of the rest of the world. Germany was in economic collapse,Italy was being wooed by the fascist dream of a return to the glory of Rome, and the Japanese were serving their "god"ruler Hirohito, and , like Cassius they all had a "lean and hungry look" toward the rest of the world. Hitler used the economy and anti-Semitism to beguile the German people , Mussolini preyed on ethnic pride, and Hirohito used his "deity" to order his people into deadly conflict. America was caught flat-footed as Japan bombed our Pacific Fleet on a hazy Sunday morning in our beautiful Hawaiian territory. Suddenly America was shocked into reality as we were attacked on our own shores. President Roosevelt roused the nation with one of his finest speeches and Congress responded quickly to mobilize the country into a war mode. From 1941 through 1945 the people of the United States responded as never before, or since, to a threat to our way of life from a foreign invader. The people willingly submitted to rationing food , gasoline, and un-necessary travel all for the good of America's war effort. When the "Towers" were destroyed by un-Godly terrorists, for a little while, we re-captured the spirit of that generation of years ago, proud and determined to show those who would threaten us that we would not allow it. Today four Navy Seals are facing a court-martial board, charged with giving a bloody lip to a Muslim terrorist who was ranked as one of the most sinister of his ilk. Can you imagine members of the O.S.S. being prosecuted for roughing-up a Nazi collaborator during W.W.II, it wouldn't even have been considered. As an American, and someone that has worn my country's uniform I'm flabbergasted that we are persecuting our heroes. When will we come to the reality that we are at war, not a police action, sometimes people will get hurt. A split lip is a small thing when we consider that four Navy Seals trained as commandos with weapons could have easily beaten him to a pulp and left him for dead, exercised extreme restraint in his capture. We are not a nation of killers, remember we captured Nazi war criminals and none of them were ever mistreated after they were taken into custody. Let's spend today remembering what this day means to countless Americans who responded to their greatest generational challenge , and hope that we can emulate them as we face those who's mission is to destroy us. God Bless America!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I would like to spend time today remembering my father. Ten years ago today my Dad passed away and a day doesn't go by that I don't think about him. My Dad was the youngest of three brothers , born in 1925 of immigrant parents from Sicily. Even though he was the youngest my Dad seemed as if he was the eldest brother , as he assumed the caretaker roll in the family. My grandmother , Nona , lived with us as did my great-uncle Salvatore. As the oldest of seven children I spent alot of time with Dad . My Dad and I were the only early risers in the family , we would wake up on Saturday mornings have some coffee and after a while my Dad would inevitably say, "Nobody else around here is getting up let's go for breakfast!". I remember countless breakfasts with Dad as some of the best times of my life. We would talk about life in general , growing up in the "Great Depression" , being Italian , or how a man should act. After breakfast we would hit discount stores and look at fishing equipment , or army surplus clothing.It's funny the things you miss as you get older , I'd trade a Bears Super Bowl for one more breakfast with Dad. He never complained and was always good and kind to everyone. He held down two jobs for many years , denying himself so his children would never know want of anything . Not that we were spoiled , we all knew how hard Dad worked , he would often come home and fall asleep in the bath tub from exhaustion. Whenever we went anywhere everyone wanted to be around him , he had a quick smile and an amazing sense of humor. When he looked at my mother you could almost touch the love he felt for her. In over fifty years of marriage I never heard a cross word exchanged between them. My Dad wasn't much for shedding tears , the only time I saw tears in my Dad's eyes was when my uncle Sammy , my Grandmother , and my brother Bill died. He was the strongest person I've ever known , we always knew we could count on Dad no matter how bad a situation appeared. His children were his pride and joy , he always seemed happiest when surrounded by his family. As we got older and produced grand-children he was really in his glory. My daughter still talks about times she spent with "Gramma and Grampa" with a light in her eyes and a smile on on her face. I wish I could tell him today how important he has been in my life , anything I learned about being a man I learned from him.Of the many blessings I've had in my life I count my Dad as one of the greatest.I could probably go on and on about Dad and his impact on, not only my life, but, the lives of all those he touched. I hope by this small tribute those who read this can remember some fond memories of their parents and treasure them. Have a great day,I will because I took time to remember Dad.

Friday, December 4, 2009

"Class President"

I remember high school , at the time it seemed to be the most important thing I would be doing in my entire life . As a freshman all you wanted to do was fit in and be cool , and stay away from juniors and seniors who had a tendency to use freshmen for their own amusement. As an adolescent my first concern was not to be a "dork" in front of the girls , after all that was the reason I showered every day and used "Brill-cream" to make sure my hair looked "cool". Every thing I did back in high school was about my image. Of course underneath the "cool exterior" was a kid without a clue. By the time my sophomore year came around the freshmen of a year ago were finding their identity as to who they were in the social strata of high school's pecking order.The main thing was popularity , more important then grades , more important then your family , it was the "be all and end all". The boys gravitated toward sports , the girls were most interested in how to impress each other. Everything that was done in those early years as we approached adulthood was about making an impression , presenting an image. Barack Obama is the most image conscious man who has ever sat in the "Oval Office". Every move that comes out of the Obama administration is about image and control. When he spoke at West Point he wanted to convey his commitment to the war in Afghanistan without giving the image of a man who wanted war ; he failed miserably. He failed to convince those on the right of his commitment to victory , and he failed to convince those on the left of his commitment to troop with drawl . Barack Obama wants to be all things to all men , yet by doing so he is losing his identity , the right will never believe him and the left is rapidly losing their belief in his dedication to their socialist agenda. Barack is quickly becoming a man of ambiguous statements and cloudy decisions , no way to be the most "popular boy in class". With "G.W." there was little doubt as to his commitments , or his position on issues , like him or not. Barack Obama seems to be campaigning for his re-election rather then behaving like a sitting president doing what is in the best interest of our nation. As Barack Obama continues in his term in office when will we see this man as he truly is , a man possessed with image and power , a man who holds those who oppose his ideology as enemies that he must destroy?As of now we don't really see him clearly, as if we are looking through clouded glass , not quite able to discern what he is , as he tries to convince us that he his all things to all Americans. Barack Obama wants to be our "class president" forever , yet we don't know who he is. He's tall , well spoken , and handsome . These are great traits for a high school class president , but not good enough for President of the United States . Remember this is not a popularity contest!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Don't Be Fooled!"

How many of you remember "Millie Vannilie" they won a "Grammy" for the best single release several years ago. After the ceremony to the surprise of the music world it turned out that the two-some had "lip-sinc'd" their music and someone else had actually done the singing.It was a standing joke for a very long time.I find it amazing that two phonies managed to fool the entire music industry so well that they were able to achieve the industry's highest award.I can almost see them standing at the podium , wide smiles , waving their awards in the air to cheering throngs of admirers;the cream of the music industry.We have all heard the term "egg on your face",well I guess the omelettes were flying pretty good after the realization that so many "experts" were fooled by the acts of simple con-artists. Americans as a rule don't take too lightly to those who try to fool them. I don't think too many "Millie Vannilie"c.d.'s were flying off the shelves after their deception was revealed.Something new was revealed this week in the world of science , it seems that all of the panic over "Global Warming" is turning into a massive con-game of managed information neglecting all proof of the spurious nature of the claims of it's supporters. We all remember Al Gore , the "Guru" of global warming , as he received the "Nobel Prize" for his work on the issue climate change. He had the humility of the Pope as he accepted his award , what a great moment in human history; or at least the history of the confidence game. Not long after receiving the Nobel Prize Mr. Gore was nominated and received an "Academy Award" for a movie called "An Inconvenient Truth", based on his best selling book. As more facts are being revealed about this conspiracy of deception perhaps his book should be viewed as a work of fiction , not fact. As we have seen those who question Mr. Gore's credibility are dragged away from open forums , and denied the ability to bring other views into the argument. The pseudo-intellectuals of the entertainment industry will now have their moment of embarrassment as they will see how easily they were led by the "All-Knowing" Al Gore. I only hope that this realization opens up some of the minds of our citizens in regards to other issues where facts have been turned and managed to appear as something they are not. We should not be fooled into believing we need programs that in reality are not in our best interests. Beware America , remember the spurious figures about job growth , how opinions on health care have been twisted to virtually eliminate opposing facts. America let's not be fooled , let's listen to all sides of important issues ; otherwise we may be buying a load of baloney we won't be able to digest!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Game Plan!"

Anyone who has followed my blog already knows I'm a football fan , it's a great game filled with strategy , kind of like chess with bruises. The history of the game is filled with great coaches , each of which have left their imprint in coaching history. It is well known I love the Chicago Bears , sometimes not an easy thing to do. In the early 70's the Bears got into the play-offs for the first time in many years , Jack Pardee was the head coach , it was early in the career of Walter Payton. As usual the Bears relied on dominant defense to control the game. The offense was pretty limited , Walter Payton and a cloud of dust! Their introduction to the play-offs was against the Dallas Cowboys , Roger Staubach , Tony Dorsett , and the legendary Tom Landry as their head coach. The Bears play-off hopes ended after one game as the Cowboys defeated them , with a 35-14 victory. The Bears were too easy to figure out. Several years later a much different Bears team entered the play-offs , Walter Payton was still the anchor of the offense , he was surrounded with talent at the other skill positions and a head coach who would not tolerate poor effort on any level , Mike Ditka . Opponents were never sure what the bears would do on any possession , thus they became a very difficult opponent. Prior to practices during the Bears Super Bowl run security at their camp was very tight . The logic behind this is , never let your opponent know what is coming at them. Last night Barack Obama gave a speech about his military plans in regards to our situation in Afghanistan . He said he was giving the minimal amount of troops possible to re-enforce our men and women , who have been waiting since August for some help in their efforts. He also did something which I personally consider very irresponsible , he announced a date for with drawl! I can only imagine what the leadership of the Taliban and Al Qaida were saying after Obama said when he was bailing out in 18 months. Obama just sent our game plan to our enemy , what a brilliant move?! I would love to hear what career soldiers were saying behind closed doors after Obama cut them off at the knees. I don't think even Jimmy Carter was dumb enough to make this kind of mistake, of course he had some military experience. All our enemies need to do now is sit on their hands for a few months and wait for our troops to leave , then they can launch their band of terrorists loose on the rest of the world with little to no opposition . America we will now reap the results of putting a man in office who had no military experience , plus a man with a left-wing base that hates the armed forces. What other decisions will this weak President make? It seems he is more interested in not offending the world's Muslim population then defending us from the threat of re-newed terrorism. I believe Mr. Obama should remember who he represents , not Islam , the people of the United States of America ! You are the Commander-in-Chief , ACT LIKE ONE!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"The Money Tree!"

I'm a home owner , who has never had a bail-out of any kind , I live within my means. I was taught not to spend more then I make. My mother used to say ," Go out in the yard and shake the tree and see if any money falls out", I soon found out we didn't have a money tree in our back yard. As we enter the Christmas season Americans are facing an economic situation that doesn't favor much discretionary spending , most of us are minding our finances carefully.Over Thanksgiving our church donated dinners to several families who are facing a severe financial crisis at a time while their children look to them for some simple Christmas presents. The "horn of plenty" that once was America seems to be disappearing before our eyes as un-employment continues to climb our Congress has been pushing a health-care bill that will give us an added debt unprecedented in U.S. history. We have suffered as a nation because of "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac" , giving out loans to those who couldn't afford them , then watching the bottom fall out of the market because of these spurious institutions. We have troops in harms way in the middle east and our Congress wants to issue a war tax to finance our military commitments. The proposed tax would start at 1% to people earning $30,000 and get progressively higher as ones income rose. I seem to remember a candidate who promised tax relief to lower income families , but I guess we can all forget that one.As Harry Reid bought votes for Obama-care he promised hundreds of millions of dollars for pork projects to those senators who were sitting on the fence , we as a nation are tightening our belts on all fronts in our daily lives. If we need finances for our efforts in Afghanistan wouldn't it be more prudent to use that "pork bribe money" to help our troops , rather than grease the wheels of Obama-care! Last January we plunged our country into tremendous debt , and we have been digging a deeper hole continually since then. It seems that our Congress wants to "shake the money tree" again rather then exercise good judgement in the financial responsibilities of our nation. Unless we make our voices heard to those now control our monetary interests , life in the United States will be altered in ways that are nearly beyond comprehension. Sweden pays over 40% in taxes , soon it will be us if we allow these current policies to move forward. America let's tell Congress they can't "shake the tree" any more , we are suffering while they spend like "drunken sailors"on a causes that the majority of the people don't want. Let's put some coal in Congress's stocking this year!

Monday, November 30, 2009

"It's Not Funny Barack!"

This week-end a couple crashed the White House to attend a Presidential party . To say the least this is certainly a little embarrassing for the Secret Service . What is supposed to be the most secure area in the United States was breached by a young couple in an evening gown and a tuxedo . I guess this little episode could give some future terrorists ideas on how to enter a secure area , after all who needs a plan when a good fashion consultant will be all you really need if you want to walk in to the White House un-obstructed. If this is an example of the height of our expertise in national security what are we in for when real terrorists decide to take violent action in public places? Most people will probably laugh this incident off , but the bigger picture is quite frightening. Do you realize if some lunatic shoots Obama Joe Biden will become our chief executive , and if something happens to him Nancy Pelosi will get the job. This is more horrible then a "Jason" or "Freddie Kruger" movie. Our national security is becoming more porous each day and I believe this is a direct result of the lax attitude of the Obama administration toward world security and soft treatment of rogue nations. Obama made overtures during the election toward Iran , and Korea that he would be willing to negotiate without conditions , a position of weakness not strength. In a prize fight this is called dropping your guard , a quick way to get caught flat-footed and knocked cold. Recently Iran was found to have a secret uranium enrichment plant , and the "mighty" United Nations did the usual song and dance about it with "nasty letters" and toothless sanctions. The Iranians have responded with virtually flipping off the U.N. and our pacifist President by announcing it will build 10 more enrichment plants . This projected face of weakness is now coming home to roost , we have had a terrorist shooting at a military installation , and strangers have walked into the White House un-challenged by the Secret Service. The actions of the Iranian government shows how little regard they have for the American influence in the world body , after all they can't even keep their own house secure. I also find it odd that Obama's choice to shake hands with his uninvited "guests",treating this as an elaborate joke instead of a breach of security. I'm interested in Mr. Obama's response to Iran's new plans , will it be serious or something of little concern? Small mistakes lead to large mistakes , perhaps the next mistake of security won't be a joke , perhaps thousands of American lives will be forfeit. Who will sneak into "secure borders" next , who will be the next rogue nation to thumb their noses at the U.N. and the Obama administration? Mr. Obama it's time to get serious about security, It's No Joke!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

"Giving Thanks"

This will be my only posting this week as I will be taking time away to be with other family members out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday.This being said I would like to take this time to talk about giving thanks. What should we be thankful for? I personally have many blessings in my life . First I must be thankful to my Creator who loved me enough to give His Son for my salvation from sin , the gift of love which is immeasurable through it's sacrifice. Secondly I am extremely blessed with a wife of thirty-two years who is the love of my life ,I really don't know how I rate spending my life with her. Now I must speak of my daughter , she is my heart in my hand , she is a delight to be around and the best part of myself , God gave me an amazing blessing with her. Next is my extended family , sisters and brother , their spouses , my nieces and nephews , and a brand new grand-niece who I will see for the first time this week. Being an Italian-American family is an amazing experience , every re-union is emotional and profound as we re-establish our relationships with both tears and laughter , and much great food! Now I must speak of my best friend Phil , he is closer to me then I can describe , I value him as a brother , even though we may be miles apart we speak to each other and it is as if only a day has passed since we have seen each other . Now I would like to speak of my church family , from my pastor , who I count as one of my best friends , to all the members of our congregation , the love of God is a presence that is pervasive as soon as you walk in our doors , something I am most grateful for. The final thing I would like to talk about is our wonderful country , The United States of America ,where we have freedom that is unmatched anywhere in the world. I am grateful for the "Founding Fathers" who gave us a document so well written we can still rely on it's validity today, over two-hundred and thirty years later. God has given the people of America a great blessing unlike any other nation in the world , individual freedom , we should remember this on a daily basis , and never take it for granted , it could slip away. As you spend time with friends and loved ones this week think about what has been given to you , freedom to worship , family , and a great nation in which to live . Take time to thank God , He did this all for you.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Bottomless Pit"

We are in grave danger , the far left is in the process of hi-jacking our constitutional rights and most of America is sitting back and allowing it to happen. Tonight the Senate led by HarryRied will attempt to push through the first phase of Obama's socialist health-care program. The devious left is doing this under the cover of darkness on Saturday night , while most Americans are out of the house going to movies or having dinner out. The transparency of the Obama administration is a myth , this entire bill was composed behind closed doors with no input by anyone of conservative belief involved in it's construction. This nation is being turned into a virtual monarchy with "King Barack" imposing his will upon a nation that has demonstrated it's displeasure with the policies of socialism and oppressive taxation. If Reid has his way tonight it paves the way for quick approval by the "demoncrats" through the Senate . Once it gets passed in the Senate Pelosi and her minions will rubber stamp a plan that will plunge our children and grand-children into the pit of debt that they may never recover from. I'm sure "His Majesty" will make an elaborate gesture with the signing of this travesty , proclaiming it as a great victory for our un-suspecting nation. I only hope the "demoncrats" take all the credit for this pariah so when the lack of patient care and the high taxes reap their ugly fruits the American people will know who they can thank for their woes. On November 22nd. 1963 our nation suffered a great tragedy when John F.Kennedy was murdered by a lone assassin . the action of Lee Harvey Oswald turned our nation upside down in just a few seconds. Tonight November 21st.2009 could be another date that could turn our nation upside down by the act of another lone "lunatic". I pray that God has mercy on us tonight and this travesty is defeated before our nation falls into a pit from which it may never be able to escape!

Friday, November 20, 2009

"Caught In The Act!"

Were you ever caught doing something wrong when you were a kid? Each of us probably have at least one story from their youth about being caught in the "act". Our first reaction is to deny guilt at all costs . When my daughter was very young we had a small play room on our enclosed porch where she could write on her blackboard , play with her guitar , dolls , and all the rest of her treasures. On one occasion I can vividly remember I walked out to her room to find that the venetian blind had been pulled down , collapsed on the floor. Being the "Ogre" that I am I confronted my frightened daughter with this "horrible" discovery. It was almost comical as I could see the look of panic in her eyes as she tried to explain that she was not guilty of this terrible crime. Both my wife and I knew no one else had been in her play room , there was no question of my daughter's guilt , yet I had to admire her tenacity as she continued to protest her innocence in spite of overwhelming evidence. Eventually , after explaining to her that there was no possibility of anyone else who had the time or the opportunity to have committed the "act" , my daughter admitted her guilt and threw herself on the "mercy of the court". At the time we decided to suspend any punishment , we decided to let her know it was better to tell us the truth then try to lie her way out of a bad situation. I'm happy to say a small object lesson has yielded a wonderful daughter who anyone would be proud to have. The moral of this story is it is always better to tell the truth rather then deny a mistake , deception is not a good option. On October 31st. President Obama said " It is clear that the recovery act has now created and saved more than a million jobs.",the following day November 1st. Treasury Secretary Timothty Geithner said the actual figure was 640,00 jobs saying "This is fact". On Thursday November 19th. White House spokeswoman , Elizabeth Oxhorn , said "This is an unprecedented undertaking. And we know it's not 100% accurate." Recently on a White House web-site it was stated jobs were recovered in congressional districts that did not exist!! When questioned about this Obama was not concerned and labeled this a "side issue" of little importance. When has deception become a "side issue" in matters of public trust? Is this the "tip of the iceberg"of deception in the Oval Office? Have we not seen the juggling of figures in relation to other issues where the distribution of funds is at best cloudy? It seems the Obama administration has been caught in the "act", now it is up to the American people to call for proper investigation of this spurious activity and deliberate deception of basic issues of national importance. Mr. Obama you will not get a free pass this time , too many people's lives are in disarray waiting for jobs that aren't coming !!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


When I was a young teen I worked for "Riverview Park" in Chicago, it was the premier amusement park in the mid-west. The season for the park ran from Memorial Day through Labor Day , six days a week with Mondays off. The park featured rides like the "Bobs , Silver Flash , Fireball , and Wild Mouse" , I won't list them all it would take up the whole column. I'll bet during the course of the summer eighty percent of Chicago and the suburbs populous attended the park. Along with the rides there were attractions like the "Freak Show", penny arcades , shooting galleries, and games of skill .As I can now attest most of the skill games were rigged so one could never win the big prizes. When the park closed at season's end many of the "side-show" people would travel with the carnival circuit from one small town to another. As a side job many of these people "worked" as pick-pockets while the unsuspecting public were roaming about the carnival looking around rather then protecting their wallets. One can hardly blame the town-folks as they watched the rides and their children run around , who would pay attention to the occasional "bump" of a stranger in the crowd. The carnival was a perfect distraction. Eric Holder , our attorney general , wishes to try the 911 conspirators on trial in New York City the scene of the attacks. If this takes place in New York it will turn into a "circus" the press will have a field day , the security costs will be astronomical ; it will make The O.J. and Michael Jackson trials look like parking violations. It will be 24-7 coverage,what a side-show.Oh by the way we also have a trillion dollar health-care debacle that the congress wants to pass going on at the same time.I don't want to seem jaded , but wouldn't a distraction like this trial be a great dodge to mask and push through a bill that the voting public has already voiced reservations about it's validity. As the public would be consumed by the spotlight that glares upon the spectacle of the "Trial Of The Century"the administration could possibly sneak the bill through congress and up to Obama's desk for approval. We should be very careful about what is going on behind our backs and not be distracted by the "bump" of this trial. The American tax-payer doesn't need his pocket picked by the Obama health-care program. Don't let these pick-pockets fleece the people of the United States of America . We will be losing more then a few bills and a couple of credit cards , it will be over a trillion dollars . America don't be distracted!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Winning Game Plan"

Remember the 1985 Chicago Bears , perhaps the greatest single season performance of any football team in N.F.L. history. I have been a Bear fan since Moses was found among the bull rushes. As a lifetime fan I have suffered through many seasons that were at times most pain full to watch. In 1985 my dreams of football Nirvana came to fruition , the Chicago Bears became the champions of the world. The Bears achieved this revered position by dominating their opponents in a way that has become legendary in the N.F.L. to all teams that boast of great defense. I remember each game as if it was yesterday , I remember the look of panic on the faces of opposing quarterbacks as the jaws of the defense closed over them , several times a game. Opposing game plans were thrown out the window as the Bears dictated the action of their frustrated victims. Side-line cameras showed coaches working feverishly trying to find a way to combat the onslaught of the relentless defense. The key to the Bears success was their ability to take the game away from their foes , to impose their will on their challengers. When the Soviet Union fell during the Reagan administration it was because of the strength of the United States military. We had the ability to out-gun the Soviets , and we destroyed them economically as they tried to match our defense spending. Weakness has never been a position to work from if you wish to achieve victory in any venue. Currently the Obama administration is "Bowing at the waist" in front of the entire world , both in defense and economic policies . We have been steadily weakening our economy as our national debt is climbing at a rate that is beyond historical measure . As Congress continues it's pursuit of Federal Health-Care the acquisition of still further debt looms quite large , not only to the American public , but also the rest of the world. Our continued weakening posture towards the world's thugs , like Chavez , and Ahdminejad and Obama's lack of commitment to our troops in Afghanistan have given us an image of a weak appeaser. The only place where Obama likes to flex his muscles is when he touts his socialist domestic programs that seem to be more and more against the will of the American people. Our nation is facing a moment in history where weakness is not an option. The security of our nation hangs in the balance. We used to be the leader in the world's agenda , now we are becoming just a member of the pack , as Obama's dream of making us citizens of the world continues. The lack of experience ,and the pursuit of personal ideological visions of Barack Obama have done damage to our nation which will be difficult to repair. We no longer operate from strength . Is this the "Change" America wants? Peace through "giving up"? Strength through responsibility , not passivity and weakness will keep America safe and solvent. Wake up Mr. President your game plan STINKS!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Second Amendment Rights"

I am an American gun owner.Every five years I have to renew my F.O.I.D. card , a requirement to own and purchase a firearm. There are hundreds of thousands of people just like me all over the United States . We all have different reasons for owning weapons , some are hunters , some are peace officers , some want them for target shooting , and still others want them for home protection. The second amendment to our constitution gives our citizens the right to keep and bear arms , yet there is a segment of the population that is adamant about resending that constitutional right. Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago is a vociferous opponent of gun rights , as is Barack Obama , both men believe taking guns away from honest citizens will help control gun violence in our nation. Although this is a laudable goal , it is based on the premise that the legitimate gun owners are the people committing the majority of the acts of violence connected with firearms. The basic right of self protection is something that resides in the innermost feelings of all individuals , we will protect those people in our lives who are most precious to us. The right to defend our household from violent intruders , be they rapists , killers , or child molesters ; we all have the right and the obligation to those we love to protect them with whatever means are available to us. Police response time is usually at least 15-20 minutes to most calls , in that time how much damage do you think a felon can do i? If you live in a rural area response time for the police is multiplied , and if you add in the road conditions during inclement weather you are left virtually defenseless. Criminals don't carry F.O.I.D. cards , they don't pass a background check , they don't go to legitimate firearms dealers to purchase their weapons of choice. The idea of taking firearms out of the hands of honest citizens to limit crime is ludicrous . Let's see how many "Crips or Bloods" are willing to surrender their weapons in the interest of public safety . Armed honest citizens are a benefit to a free society , they are responsible and courageous , willing to step up in situations when law enforcement can't be there in a timely manner. As noble as the idea of gun control sounds , it is a mistake in a society in the real world , crime will continue , and without an armed citizenry criminal's will only be emboldened. We must act to protect our second amendment rights before it's too late. Don't allow another piece of our constitution be destroyed Mr.Obama , the people won't stand for it!

Monday, November 16, 2009

"American Justice!"

Most of us at one time or another have had to go to court for one thing or another , be it a traffic violation or a matter of an estate claim or some other legal concern. Our court system is perhaps the finest in the world , it is designed to protect it's citizens from unlawful prosecution , and it provides the assumption of innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Our founding fathers provided it's citizens with a system intended for those who operate within the system of our republic to receive proper treatment when laws and ordinances have been breached in civil or criminal situations. During times of war we have a system of military justice as a system of investigation and prosecution for those who have chosen to use methods of war and terror against our nation. Captured military , and those involved in espionage and terror are covered under the military criminal code. Those covered under the military code don't receive the access to civilian court system that American citizens and resident aliens have. The reason behind this is because of the nature of their crimes that they must be handled through our military courts. Their infractions usually involve crimes against the republic that are subversive and an immediate threat to it's citizens.Can any of you imagine a court case in our criminal system with Hermann Goering , Martin Borman , or Alfred Jodl as the defendants , this would be a media circus and much of the evidence would be ruled as hear-say under the civil court system , thus in-admissible in a civil court. The Obama administration is refusing to recognize the acts of war and terror against our nation by giving captured terrorists access to our civil court system. These people have shown by the nature of their crimes that the American system that this administration wishes to protect them with is the very system that they seek to destroy. We all remember the O.J. Simpson trial . What would happen if we witnessed a travesty like O.J.'s trial , only this time we freed people whose only aim is to murder all of those who freed them? Why can't Barack Obama understand how wrong it is to give murdering war criminals the same benefits that the peaceful citizens of the United states receive? This is a military situation not a civil crime! If we were to capture Osama Bin Laden would we prosecute him as a terrorist or the head of an organized crime family? Do you see how ludicrous this premise is?This situation is no different then the war trials after World War II , we must show our enemies we mean business . Please Mr. Obama , for the first time , SHOW SOME STRENGTH!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!"

Most of us remember the toy , the "jack-in-the-box", turn a crank , music plays , and a clown pops out.We all see the look of surprise on a baby's face when the clown pops out, fun and cute.I remember the first time I discovered jelly donuts , a great invention , a donut with a jelly surprise inside , the work of a genius. Every year at Christmas my wife and I would have a surprise present for my daughter, after all the presents were opened , it was always something special that she wanted but didn't expect. One year it was a nintendo game , another year it was a keyboard . As a parent it was one of the most fun things we did each year. The shock in my daughters eyes was priceless , surprises are fun most of the time. When are surprises not much fun? Not to many weeks ago we were surprised to find out about secret nuclear development in Iran , not a good surprise , we also found out about Van Jones the self avowed communist,former czar in the Obama administration , another bad surprise. Remember Kevin Jennings , the school safety czar with connections to N.A.M.B.L.A. the pedophile group, a horrible surprise.Now Congress has cooked up another surprise for the American people , it's called health-care, it promises to be the answer to all of our problems in regards to medical protection , it sounds just great , let's look at he hidden surprises inside this "jack-in-the-box". Did you know that you could face a large fine and time in prison if you fail to accept the government's plan? It's called "making an offer you can't refuse". Did you know the projected debt of this program has been artificially diminished , experts say it could be twice to three times as costly as Congress stated it would be, this is an awful surprise. Did you know there were hidden taxes in this bill which would punish small business owners who turned down government efforts for forced insurance, wow , a lot of surprises in this "jack-in-the-box'!?How many more surprises does the Obama social upheaval have in store for us? Wage control , housing control , diet control , THOUGHT CONTROL!?,what's next?We need to be very warry or the next surprise might be that America has turned into Sweden , or worse yet Cuba. Please Mr.Obama No More Surprises!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Is your appearance before others more important than your personal responsibility? I am a regular church attender , not because it is a weekly social event , but , because it is an honor and a duty to spend time as a body of believers to gather and praise God . My usual routine on Sunday morning is to get up around six , walk and feed the dog , shave and shower , then get dressed. As my wife and daughter will attest I'm pretty basic when it comes to dress , jeans or sweat pants , t-shirts or sports jerseys , and I'm ready to go. On Sunday I abandon my casual attire for a more formal appearance , I'll opt for a coat and tie , shined shoes , and my "good" watch. Not to blow my own horn I teach Sunday School and have served on the church council for a number of years , believe me this is not a position of status , it is work that can sometimes be very difficult . Making decisions on any level isn't always fun , when you are making decisions that are for a church is much more difficult . Your first responsibility is to God , every time you make a decision you pray and ask for His help. Regardless of any decision one makes there is always somebody who won't like it. People who have attended a church for a number of years have a tendency to take ownership of that church. The truth is that the church belongs to God not the congregation.I have spent many hours trying to explain the workings of the council to disgruntled church members , at times council members bear the brunt of much criticism. We could easily just give in on unpopular decisions , but then we would be denying our responsibility not only to the congregation but to God. It seems our government has forgotten it's responsibility to the American people . Presently our president is in Japan talking about nuclear proliferation , giving up more of our nuclear capability . He wants the rest of the world to see us as a nation determined to move to the background of the world power structure. It seems every move that has been made by the Obama administration on foreign policy has been to weaken our position as a world leader. We have given up our nuclear umbrella in eastern Europe , and done little to nothing about Iran and Korea , we are sitting on our hands about sending troops to Afghanistan to aid our armed forces. Obama reminds me of a dog that lies on it's back , submitting to it's master, giving up it's freedom , to yield itself ! Obama's responsibility is to defend and protect the constitution and the people of the United States Of America , yet he seems more determined to impress the rest of the world with our passivity. Barack Obama , through his actions is derelict in his responsibility to the American people , he is leaving us in a submissive posture before those who wish the United States failure and collapse . As we have seen through Obama's total disregard for the will of the people in his domestic policy he is only interested in himself and his appearance to the rest of the world. How much more can our nation stand , all for the sake of the "Messiah's" image!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Breach of Allegiance"

Last week we witnessed the murders of thirteen Innocent soldiers at Fort Hood , in Texas . As Americans we all felt a sense of vulnerability as a fortified military installation was breached by a killer on a mission . I remember my time on military posts and the one thing I was assured about was that we were in a secure area , no one would get near our area without security clearance , and definitely no un-authorized weapons would ever be allowed in. Army officials must bear some of the responsibility for the acts of murder that took place last week. As the facts are beginning to unfold about Major Nidal Malik Hasan we are seeing our military really dropped the ball when it came to recognizing a real threat to our troops , and possibly to our civilian population. Hasan was a born and raised American , he lived in south-western Virginia , was educated there and received most of his medical education courtesy of the United States Army , and the taxpayers. When you swear yourself into the army you promise to defend and protect the constitution and the people of the United States , most of us who have taken that oath have taken it very seriously.This is more then words it is a pledge of honor and truth. Treason is defined as a crime of serious acts of disloyalty against one's sovereign nation , which undermines the offenders government through subversive behavior. E-mail communication between Hasan and Al-Qaida operatives and militant Imams have already surfaced which certainly give us a real look at the motives of Hasan's mind-set, as he attacked those soldiers who represented the nation he decided to betray. The punishment for treason is usually death , and I whole heartedly agree this crime merits death. The administration has yet to admit this was an act of terrorism , the words mentally ill , and disturbed individual are permeating the accounts of this act by those who would not wish to offend the Muslim population. As Hasan was busy murdering soldiers he shouted to Allah , he was committing an act of Jihad against the devil from the west. Mr Obama needs to recognize this as what it is , an act of terrorism and treason against the United States Of America. The longer he waits in defining this as a terrorist act , the more weakness he shows to our enemies . When Hasan shouted to Allah he broke his oath of allegiance to the country that provided him with freedom and education . This was the act of a traitor. For the first time since Mr. Obama has become president he can act on the behalf of the American people , instead of taking the path of political expediency. If we don't call this treason we will be putting the entire population in jeopardy , we will be giving license to radicals of all ideology's to do their worst and hide in the guise of mental illness. Do the right thing Mr. President call it what it is!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Thanks Vets!"

Today is Veterans' Day , I normally have a political message , but today I would like to do something different. I would like to talk about some of my family members. My uncle Chuck was a member of the 101st. Airborne division , he made the jump on D-Day over Normandy , he received a Silver Star and was among those men who liberated the concentration camps where the Nazi's murdered over six million Jews and countless others. He also liberated the "Wolf's Lair" where the lunatic , Hitler , held many of his confidential meetings as he pondered decisions that shook the world. Uncle Chuck never talked about any of his experiences during the war , I learned everything about him second hand from my mother and father . They told me uncle Chuck was a big hero , but you would never know it by talking to him , he was modest and kind ,and loving to everyone he came in contact with , I guess a real hero would act that way. My uncle Sammy was a scout with the 5th. army , his was the first unit to land at Anzio in Italy, the scouts were the equivalent to marine recon outfits perhaps the most dangerous assignment of any landing force. During the course of the attack my uncle was separated from his unit , and some of the fascist sympathizers turned him over to the Nazis. He was taken to a Nazi prison camp , he suffered daily beatings from the Nazi prison guards , was malnourished and when he escaped he was about ninety pounds , he was about one hundred fifty when he enlisted. He received a Bronze star and a Purple heart , he never spoke of anything about his service. My father would talk to me about uncle Sammy and tears would come to his eyes when he spoke of his brother's suffering. Uncle Sammy was my favorite uncle , he was smart , funny ,and athletic, he was my sponsor at my confirmation ,and ha gave me my first baseball glove. To this day I still become emotional when I think about him. My uncle Jim was in the Navy and served at Pearl Harbor, my uncle Bill and my uncle Jack both served in the pacific theatre. My uncle Richard served in Korea. When Veterans' Day rolls around each year I try to take the time to remember what all of these men did , yet none of them ever made a big deal about any of it. I'm not the only person who has "heroes"in his family, if you have a dad or a brother or uncle who have served take the time to say thank you , and I love you , they will probably will tell you it's no big deal , but believe me it is !

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"The Company You Keep"

A few days ago the people of Berlin celebrated the tearing down of the wall constructed by the communists to hold in the citizens of east Berlin . This was a landmark for freedom for all nations. Jack Kennedy's speech to the people of Berlin is considered one of the best of his political career , it moved not only the people of Germany , but the people of the entire free world. When Ronald Reagan called for Mr. Gorbachev to "Tear Down That Wall!",he spoke to the hearts of free men and women everywhere. American Presidents have historically stood for freedom to every nation that craves the rights of choice that we are blessed with through our constitution. Barack Obama has turned down a request to address the people of Berlin on the occasion of the anniversary of the "Wall's" demise. Mr. Obama felt this occasion was not important enough to make a personal appearance , unlike appearing on Letterman or Leno , we all know those are appearances of international gravity and importance. Until a few months ago no sitting president would have considered turning down a request to make a speech extolling the victory of freedom over oppression. Individual freedom is the dream that has been the cornerstone of America's promise to all those who have sought to enter our shores , a land where a chance is given for all citizens to pursue their dreams. What has happened to the office of the President Of the United States , has it become diminished , become less , lost it's prestige ? Our current president has become a parody of those men who revered this most prestigious of all political offices in the world. When Oprah , Letterman , Leno , and Bill Maher are given more access to the White house than the Dali Llama we must question Mr. Obama's respect for his mantle as the representative as the first citizen of our nation. My personal belief is that Barack Obama believes he is more important then the office he holds , he believes he has an "anointing" that makes him somehow more important then the people he is sworn to serve. Great office should make a man humble , yet , Obama has shown the signs of one who feels he must impose his will rather then yield to the authority of those who he supposedly represents. As we watch Mr. Obama and his minions work to destroy the fabric of our constitution , we must do our best to show others what this man and his ideology is doing to our nation. As he showed so little regard for the people of Germany , he also shows the same disregard for the American people. I , personally , am ashamed to admit that this man sits in the same office as Jack Kennedy , and Ronald Reagan , they deserve better company!

Monday, November 9, 2009

"King Barack and His Court"

Do the years 1789-1799 mean anything to you? Unless your a history buff , or a political junkie like me these years probably don't have much significance for you. These are the years of the French Revolution , the fall of the monarchy of Louis XVI and Marie Antionette . Let's examine the social and political climate of the times , just for fun. The nation was ruled by a number of dukedoms and baronets similar to congressional districts , those "representatives" had the responsibilities of collecting the tax and reporting to the King on the state of their areas of responsibility. In reality the common folks were feudal slaves to a government in which they had no real impact as to their needs. Anything that the King and his court wanted to do was done , no matter what the consequences would be on the population. France was suffering under high unemployment , an unmanageable national debt , and high food prices . When confronted by the fact that the people had no bread Marie Antionette said , "Let them eat cake!", rather callous don't you think?! It wasn't long after that Marie received a hair-cut which removed her head. The feudal citizens rioted in the streets , yet nothing was done to reconcile their woes , the arrogant monarchy didn't believe the peasants would do anything against their oppressors. Does any of this stuff sound familiar , history is fun! Let's see how this applies today, more fun! Over the last several months many of our citizens have participated in the "Tea Party" movement to demonstrate to our government their dislike for the current agenda this administration is pursuing . Hundreds of thousands , possibly millions of citizens have peacefully protested against policies they believe are not in the best interest of the people of the United States. We are faced with an unemployment rate that is not going to diminish any time soon. Our national debt is verging on science fiction in it's frightening growth. Has anybody besides me noticed the rising cost of food , as our dollar is inflating at light speed. Saturday the Obama congress pushed through a health-care bill that has little to no support from the American people , similar to those dukes and barons who did whatever they wished and damn the public opinion. Obama praised the Pelosi led congress for their work in the advancement of his agenda , totally ignoring the citizens who had gathered to protest practically at the door of the White House. How much further will Barack the first, push the American people before they reach their boiling point. Recent elections were a message to our "King" that the "peasants" are not happy. We won't storm the "Bastille" , but we will storm the polls next year. Americans will remember how they have been ignored , and next year many symbolic heads will roll down Capitol hill. Soon the reign of Barack the first will end as we arise to re-take control of our nation. "Viv le America!"

Saturday, November 7, 2009

" God Bless Our Troops!"

On November 11th. we will celebrate another Veterans' Day , a day set aside to honor those who put their civilian life aside to devote a portion of their lives to the service of our country. My Dad served as did all of my uncles , my grandfathers , and great uncles . I served as well as several of my cousins. I never thought this was a terrible sacrifice for myself , nor did my father or his brothers . I was brought up believing we lived in the greatest nation on God's earth , and it was a privilege to take the time to wear it's uniform. Two days ago a lunatic gunman set it upon himself to ruthlessly slaughter un-armed members of our service personnel as they were preparing to begin their assignment to Afghanistan to fight terrorism. What has changed in our national conscience to bring about this type of violent behavior towards those who's job is to defend and protect our republic? When a sitting president begins his term by apologizing to the world for actions that were taken by his predecessor to protect our citizens and our allies , he must share some of the responsibility for these types of attacks. During my time of service the war in Viet Nam was found to be an unpopular cause by the "Hippies" and those who new little to nothing about what was actually happening "in country". When soldiers and marines returned home most were treated as criminals and psychotics , few were treated as heroes. The people at that time were told we fought in an unjust war that was a civil matter of the citizens of Viet Nam and we served no legitimate purpose there. Most of those who served then returned home to obscurity , no bands playing or cheering crowds . Today we are in danger of repeating this same type of treatment as the media trys to explain away this attack on our fine men and women as the result of post traumatic stress syndrome ,yet this lunatic never served in a foreign assignment. This is an insidious attempt to smear the purpose of our troops deployment against a real threat to our nation. In reality this was a terrorist attack at a government installation by an individual who was dedicated to a militant Muslim policy of Jihad against the United States.This nations first priority is the protection of it's citizens , everything else is secondary. Someone needs to explain this to our Chief Executive , as he seems to believe social programs take precedence over national security. This week as you read your newspaper , watch television news , or have a free exchange of ideas with someone else ; remember these things all became yours at a cost , an American soldier , sailor , or marine paid for these rights with their blood. When someone demeans those who serve they vilify the finest people our nation have produced. We need to identify our enemies and destroy them , not try to pacify those who give them a safe haven , either at home or abroad!Mr. President stop sitting on your hands and support our troops , that is your job!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

"King of Fools?"

All of us remember the show "Happy Days" , it had a character called "Potsie Webber" , he was known as the guy who was not the brightest bulb on the tree. There was an episode that was set during an April Fool's Day celebration at Arnold's drive-in where somebody was elected the "King of Fools" , to spare you the plot in the end Potsie wins and is crowned the King. Several weeks ago we had the treat of watching our so-called president speak to the United Nations , a group of fools , at that time he continued his apology tour as he bent over in front of the world to offer our collective rears to their tender care. This president has offered to enter into talks without condition to some of the worst abusers of freedom in the known world , but doesn't want to speak to Fox News . The revelation of nuclear plants in Iran went virtually un-contested by the U.N. , except for the usual letter of displeasure and the threat of sanctions that mean little or nothing to aggressive rogue nations. Iran promised to allow U.N. inspectors into their secret plant yet this has not come to fruition , is anyone really surprised by this? During the presidential election we were all informed about Mr. Obama's lack of experience , yet , the American voter marched happily along the primrose path and we put a man in the White House who has as his foreign policy advisor Joe Biden . Biden is a "dove" and possibly the worst possible candidate for dealing with a ruler who has total dis-respect for the rule of law. There is no one in the Obama camp who can step up to face an ever growing threat from a nation who is determined to end freedom as we , or anyone else recognizes it. Yesterday Iran tested a nuclear device , something the Obama administration said would not be possible for at least three years. Obama also said he believed Iran was purifying plutonium for peaceful purposes , not the development of nuclear weapons. Well "Gomer" "Surprise! Surprise ! Surprise!"you can't trust a lunatic! This president is more interested in a socialist domestic agenda then the imminent threat to the security of the middle-east and ultimately the United States of America . He is wasting precious time in sending help to our troops in Afghanistan yet he makes numerous public appearances to sell his radical health-care program . The economy could not possibly be handled worse then it is now , sky-rocketing un-employment, national debt climbing at light speed , and the promise of more taxes on the sector of the population that creates most of our jobs. America if we had an election today who would you nominate as "King of Fools"? I've already made my choice!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"All-Star Team?"

Have you ever been put in a situation where you had to put on a "happy face"?This usually occurs when things are not going well for you , or , you are experiencing disappointment over a decision that didn't go your way. When I was ten years old at the end of my first season of playing little league baseball we had an all-star game , every kid in the league wanted a spot on the all-star roster.I was sure I would get a spot , I had great stats at the plate and I played three positions well , every kid on my team told me I was surely going to be picked to play on the all-stars. I had my ego fed even more when players from other teams told me they were expecting to see me in the game . Needless to say I was pretty full of myself , I thought I was "the greatest thing since sliced bread". Well the day came when the all-star roster was announced ; much to my shock and disappointment my name was conspicuous by it's absence. At ten years old this was the greatest tragedy I had ever had to deal with . I snuck off and shed some tears , careful not to let anybody see my un-manly behavior. My Dad could see the anger and disappointment in my face , he told me I had to be a man about it and "suck it up" life doesn't always go your way. Every kid from the league showed up at the ballpark on the day of the game , and I was questioned by most of them as to why I wasn't on the field. I listened to my Dad and said the coaches picked the player that they thought were the best and I had to live with their decision. Inside I wanted to scream at those coaches , but I knew that a real ballplayer went along with the calls those in authority made. Today the Obama administration got a call from the people of the United States that the administration was not happy with. This president believes he is the greatest thing since "sliced bread" and he doesn't take disappointment well. White House spokesmen have put whatever spin they could on a situation that is an obvious slap in the face to the Obama administration. The loss of two gubernatorial races , one in Virginia a "bell weather" state that is a measuring stick in most elections , the other in New Jersey a solid Democratic state in virtually every election since the "New Deal". These results indicate a major shift in the political winds from only one year ago . Oddly enough the administration is treating this as an aberration not indicative of the will of the people across America.It's time for the Obama administration to start listening to those who are really in charge of this country , the people of the United States of America . We don't need to be the ones putting on a "happy face" while our elected officials go down a path we see as detrimental to our national well-being. Those in positions of influence need to recognize that the landscape has changed , the wind has shifted ,and the American people are watching them. Let's be careful America , it's our turn to pick out the next "all-star team", we can impact the way the game is played , and who plays it!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"The Next Big Game!"

A couple of years ago the New England Patriots met the New York Giants in the Super Bowl . This game was to be of great historical significance as the Pat's had won every game during the regular season , and no other team since the 1972 Miami Dolphins had a perfect season including the league championship. New England had practically walked through most of their opponents , and had even had a victory over the Giants a few weeks earlier in the season. The media gave little hope for the Giant's chances of victory over such an imposing foe. Tom Brady , the Pat's quarterback , was the picture of confidence practically guaranteed victory to his army of fans. Only stalwart Giant fans believed that their team had any chance against the juggernaut from New England. Victory was all but a forgone conclusion , until the day of the game. The Giants were inspired in all phases of the game , New England was caught completely by surprise . After the game the Patriots behaved like spoiled children , pouting and complaining as if they were entitled to the win just by the virtue of showing up on the field.Eleven months ago Barack Obama was sworn in as our Chief Executive and he was to have the most partisan congress I can remember any president having to support his agenda.This stacked deck looked so solid that any thought of opposition seemed futile at best and impossible at worst. Between Obama , Pelosi, and Reid it looked as if the Obama agenda would sail through the house and the senate as the country would suffer under a rubber stamp administration. Something amazing happened over the course of the few months following the inauguration , the people of the United States began to voice their concerns over the direction in which the nation was turning. Tea parties , and town hall meetings revealed real differences between the administration and the American people. The White House and Congressional leaders choose to ignore those citizens whose opinions did not agree with their agenda , even challenging their patriotism and intelligence.Yesterday in several eastern states election were held , and to the surprise of the current administration most of their liberal based candidates were soundly defeated , some in states that were staunch liberal strongholds. Like the New England Patriots , the liberal administration believed they were invincible , victory was a forgone conclusion , they dismissed their opponents as weak and dis-organized. Their opponent wasn't really the opposing party , it was in actuality the concerned citizens they so casually dismissed earlier in the year as un-American and un-intelligent. Perhaps now those in Washington who are looking at next years congressional elections will take some time before they jump head-long into more debt and high cost social programs that the tax paying public doesn't want. Overconfidence is the father of defeat , Mr. Obama is extremely overconfident and arrogant in his dismissal of those who have genuine concern over his game plan of high taxes and huge debt. Our "Super Bowl" is coming next November let's show them what a determined electorate can do , this is our country!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Are We Terminal?"

Over the last few days I have been fighting off a sinus infection that has been a nagging condition that refuses to leave my old but stubborn body. This miserable virus is trying to infect my entire system and take control my body.As I sit here with my Kleenex and red nose I'm reminded of the movie "The Fly". In the movie Jeff Goldblum plays a scientist who invents a machine to be used to transfer people or objects from one place to another , dis-assembling them to their molecular level and then re- assembling them at the desired location. Anyone who has traveled on public transportation would love to see some tax money spent on this project . As in all science fiction movies the main character always uses himself as a guinea pig , Goldblum enters his machine's transfer chamber , yet unknowingly allows a housefly to enter with him. He and the fly travel from one chamber to the other , during the course of the travel their molecules become mixed and unbeknown st to Goldblum his genetic structure is altered.At a pace that is barely recognizable in the beginning Goldblum begins his metamorphism into a new creature. As the fly's DNA takes over Goldblum becomes unrecognizable , a creature inhuman , an abomination unable to be controlled or reasoned with.During the last presidential election the people of this country, our nation has been infected by rogue DNA , radical socialist ideas that left unchecked will "fundamentally change America". When asked for advice on the well being of this fledgling republic George Washington said "avoid entangling alliances" , this can be interpreted as "watch what you sign", it is possible to sign away your national sovereignty. Thomas Jefferson said ,"The government that government that governs the least governs the best" , he believed we are a nation based on individual freedom not a caretaker regime that reaches into every aspect of it's citizens' lives. The more I see of the Obama administration the more corruption of our constitution and our basic national belief system seems to be degenerating into a socialist cess-pool of control and loss of freedom. We are involved in agreements at this very moment that could change America into a subservient power yielding our decisions over to a foreign body,setting aside our constitution in favor of that of an international agreement.This ideological infection is spreading at a rapid pace in the body of our government and unless we act in a rapid and decisive manner it will be too late to reverse this process. Our well-meaning electorate has allowed rogue DNA into our nation's body and the only cure is to act at the polls whenever we have an election on any level.Let's not wait until the creature has completely ,"fundamentally",changed our way of life . We are the last line of defense , if the creature takes over then we must bare the blame for not acting while there is still time ; e-mail , petition , speak to people on the street , do whatever you can. Don't let the virus become terminal!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Days Off"

I will be going out of town for a few days and plan on returning by monday of next week . I will have a new blog on tuesday. Until I return please keep an eye on Pelosi , Reid , and the gang at the White House , They may want to re-fund A.C.O.R.N. .Keep the faith!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Empty Barrel"

"Fox News peddles a fair amount of hateful crap.Some of it borders on sedition.Much of it is flat untrue." This quote was made by Joe Klein of Time Magazine. Lets examine what this statement really says ; "hateful crap" , not exactly great prose but still descriptive , yet is it truth? I have been watching Fox News for a very long time , yet I cannot remember any commentary one could consider hateful , I've heard things that were convicting , things that could make people under scrutiny uncomfortable , but , no personal attacks about the subjects race , creed , or national origin. And for their reporting this as "crap" I have yet to see anyone in any branch of the media or the government providing any facts supporting the statement , that Fox reporting is anything but truthful. "Some of it borders on SEDITION." This is a very serious charge , the legal term of sedition is "overt conduct ..tending toward insurrection against an established legal order".This also may include open violence against the laws. In 1798 president John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts that provided 2 years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine , in 1798 a pretty good piece of change , some of it's wording is " opposing and resisting any laws of the United States...writing or publishing false statements ". For Mr. Klein to make such a heinous accusation is both untrue and libelous , not to mention irresponsible. Mr Klein is noted for his far left rantings so his venomous remarks are not beyond the realm of his repertoire , yet he fails to provide any facts to back up his spurious accusations. Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannitty have offered Mr. Klein air time to prove his case , he has yet to respond . Is it possible that Fox reporting is cutting a little too close to the bone and the left felt it was necessary to send out one of their attack dogs , even though he had no teeth to use in his attack ? Being in the public forum makes persons and organizations open for criticism , but it dose not give license to assassinate the character of those being criticized. My mother always said the loudest noise comes from the emptiest barrel , there is a lot of truth in that statement. When unfounded accusations are thrown about with wild abandon we must consider the source and the source's motives. I'm sure all of us will be waiting a very long time to hear a response to Fox from Mr.Klein . Why don't you try to put something in that empty barrel next time , otherwise you will appear the fool!