Monday, January 27, 2014

"Obama Is No #42"

I’m a pretty old guy, and I can remember the tail end of Jackie Robinson’s playing days in Major League Baseball. I haven’t seen the new movie “42” about Jackie’s break into the game, but it is on my list. I have seen several programs and an old movie about him and he was truly an inspiring man.

There were many great black ballplayers back then in the Negro League and Branch Rickey, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, could choose from all of them and he chose Jackie, not only for his talent, but also for his character. Mr. Rickey knew the type of pressure Jackie would be put under and he believed Jackie was the type of man who could respond in a way that would reveal his fine character and open the doors for other black players to enter “the big leagues” with less stress and controversy.

Jackie never made an issue of his color when being interviewed, even though he suffered many insults and threats in his early days from both fans and team mates. Jackie did all of his “talking” on the baseball field, and nobody could argue against his results; he was a great ballplayer. His name is now forever enshrined in the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York.

Jackie never said “People hate me because I’m black”; he was a class act who never looked for an excuse and let his actions speak for themselves.

Recently, the “New Yorker” magazine published an interview with President Barack Hussein Obama. Obama, who has set a record for the lowest approval ratings of any standing president, was pensive and unhappy about his drop in the polls. Mr. Obama never addressed the scandals which have surrounded his presidency; SOLYNDRA, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, huge debt, Obamacare failure and weak foreign policy went unmentioned.

Mr. Obama appeared as a “victim” looking for sympathy, rather than a Chief Executive defending his administration.

In the past five years, we have seen former President George W. Bush castigated at every turn and blamed for nearly all of this administration’s failures, as responsibility is not a word that is too familiar to the Obama Administration. It seemed that all things wrong led back to G.W. and Barack could do nothing wrong.

In the interview with the “New Yorker”, Mr. Obama said “People hate me because I’m black.”

I was wondering how long it would take for this President to fall back on the “standard excuse” of the left when it came to criticizing Barack Hussein Obama. In a pathetic cry for sympathy, this man has fallen back to the “race card” as a way to blame his failure as a President on someone or something other than his ineptitude in the Oval Office.

The reality of Mr. Obama’s record setting low approval is the massive amount of failure he has accumulated while in office.

If racism was the cause of Mr. Obama’s abominable approval rating, why did America reelect him? People are unhappy because he is doing a LOUSY JOB!

Jackie Robinson won over the people with his ability on the field and his character off the field without ever complaining about his skin color.

It’s too bad Barack Hussein Obama doesn’t have the same character as Jackie Robinson, but class will always show itself from the inner man.

Monday, January 20, 2014

"Unite, NOT Divide"

This week, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will be remembered all across America. Dr. King is the man who is most identified with America’s Civil Rights Movement. He gave the ultimate sacrifice when James Earl Ray took his life with an assassin’s bullet. This tragedy is remembered as deeply as the murders of JFK, RFK and Abraham Lincoln.

In days following Dr. King’s murder, America erupted into riots, many cities were turned into areas of fire and violence; businesses were destroyed and parts of America were turned into “war zones”. In Chicago, Mayor Richard J. Daley said to the police “If you see someone with a fire bomb, shoot to maim or kill.” Those were extremely dark days in America’s history.

We need to celebrate Dr. King as the man who “held the mirror” to America’s face to reveal the wrongs that long remained unspoken in our society.

Today, there some who say they are carrying on the work of Dr. King, yet they seem to be “dividers” instead of “uniters” in the cause of American brotherhood.

Al Sharpton has become an “icon of Black racism”, as he finds racism under every tree and stone in America. To “Reverend” Sharpton, every situation is related to some racist motive, yet he seldom condemns the consistent “Black on Black” crime that decimates America’s Black community. The “Reverend” has cried racism so regularly it seems that is the only word in his vocabulary. Al Sharpton has done more to polarize the racial problems in America rather than trying to bring Americans together.

The “Reverend” Jesse Jackson is another voice who claims to be following in Dr. King’s footsteps. Perhaps fifty years ago his motives were pure, but today he has become a purveyor of rancor and hatred toward any person who holds a belief that doesn’t coincide with his. If you don’t agree with Jesse Jackson, you are almost assuredly going to be called a “racist” by either Mr. Jackson or someone from his entourage. Mr. Jackson has tried to interfere with private businesses, professional sports organizations and the entertainment industry in the guise of working for “civil rights”, even when his motives seemed more financial than existential. It seems Mr. Jackson is looking out for “No. 1”, more than the oppressed masses. Mr. Jackson loves power and influence and he wields it ruthlessly toward his opponents.

Are these two men the examples that the Black community should emulate?

I have three names I would like to present to the American Black community: Allen West, Herman Cain and Dr. Ben Carson.

These men are men who have achieved great success without ever trying to blame their problems on someone else. They all have tremendous backgrounds as overcomers of adversity; all of them revere the works of Martin Luther King, Jr. and all are conservative in their political philosophy.

These men are conspicuously absent from the speeches of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, as Mr. Sharpton and Mr. Jackson are “far left” liberals and would rather “slash their wrists” then say anything good about a conservative Black man.

Aren’t these men the living embodiment of Dr. King’s philosophy? These men have succeeded in America’s society on their own merit. They showed the power of self-determination and hard work that is the cornerstone of all American success stories.

Dr. King wanted equal rights, not preferred rights, not free rides to success.

Remember Dr. King this week, and remember that he never expected a “free ride” to success, just as Allen West, Herman Cain and Dr. Ben Carson continue to believe; they are the examples to be emulated, that are the achievers.

Monday, January 13, 2014

"Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera"

I remember a movie called “The King and I” starring Yul Brynner as the King of Siam. The film was a musical based on the play “Anna and the King of Siam”.

The King was a dictator who would make declarations followed by the statement “Let it be said, let it be done”. The King would make lengthy edicts with countless rules and regulations, sometimes followed with the words “etcetera, etcetera, etcetera……..” as an addendum, implying there would be more to follow. His Highness would parade around pompously like a prideful peacock as he barked out his dictates to his scribe; no one ever questioned his authority, they all feared him. This was fiction.

Nero was an Emperor of Rome, perhaps Rome’s most vicious ruler. It was believed he was a madman and all of Rome lived in fear of him as he would order death at any time without warning, and his word was law. No person in Rome ever questioned Nero as it would have invoked his wrath and a severe penalty from this horrid dictator. Nero was real.

Josef Stalin was the leader of Russia during WWII, and he was a feared leader by his people. Stalin ordered the deaths of tens of thousands of his own people; anyone he perceived as a political enemy was sent to a Gulag in Siberia, never to be seen again; his word was law. No one questioned Josef Stalin; he was real.

Adolph Hitler was the leader of Germany during its’ darkest period. Hitler seized power during a time of severe economic distress in Germany and subverted his way into total power in that troubled country. Hitler controlled everything in the nation when he took over, and millions of people died because of his decisions. He is probably the most evil man that has held power since time began; he was real. Nobody questioned Hitler; if you did, you died.

This week President Barack Hussein Obama received some unhappy news. It seems some of his appointments are under question as being “unconstitutional” and may have upsetting results for Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama has tried to use some “loopholes” to put people in positions of power and avoid the Congress for approval; kind of like “imposing his will” on the American people without consent.

It is no secret that Mr. Obama said on several occasions that he would “Do things on his own” when the Congress moved too slowly to suit him. I guess “doing things on his own” means twisting the Constitution to fit his will and his agenda.

We have a process in the United States of America, the Constitutional process; a system constructed to protect the people from the singular dictates of anyone who feels he is above the law. This process isn’t supposed to be “twisted” to fit any political agenda, regardless of the motives.

I don’t know if Barack Obama struts around his office like a “proud peacock” shouting out orders, glaring at those who disagree with him. I have seen expressions of anger on his face when things haven’t gone his way; he quickly smiles when those expressions come out, after all he must protect his image. He is real, and he is the President of the United States. I wonder if he has ever said “Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera……..”?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

"New Year, New Lies"

Have you ever heard the term “If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth”? The NAZIs did this on a regular basis in order to exterminate 6,000,000 Jews, along with Gypsies, Pols, Catholics and political enemies.

Klan and other White Power groups say “All blacks are lazy, shiftless and sub-human” and have touted that mantra for generations, drumming it into the heads of their followers until they all believed it to be truth. These types of lies continue to infect us today.

When lies permeate the national media, entire people may be misled and unethical and evil intentions may infiltrate the thinking of everyone that believes them.

“You may keep your doctor if you like him”; a lie, “Your insurance rate will go below $2400”; a lie, “If you like your plan, you can keep it”; a lie and “Benghazi was caused by a YOU-TUBE video”; a BIG lie! “Voter intimidation didn’t take place in the last election”; a whopper of a lie, “Our borders are safer now than ever before”; LIE, LIE, LIE! “We have a strong national defense”; unbelievable lie! “Americans don’t mind paying more taxes”; a stupid lie! “Food stamps and welfare are good for the economy”; a ridiculous lie!

All of the above lies have been told under the cover of the Obama Administration, with his knowledge and approval. The dispersion to the public of all these lies has been approved by the Obama Administration. The continued affirmation of these lies is still coming from the Obama Administration.

We are now in a new year, 2014, and we are waiting to see what “new lies” will come from the Obama Administration. Deception seems to be the watchword for Barack Hussein Obama; throughout the last twelve months we have seen him deny statements that have been well documented on video, yet he continues to say “that’s not what he meant” at the time.

The “party newspaper”, the New York Times, is now reverting back to the Benghazi murders being caused by a YOU-TUBE video, even though there are countless facts which show this to be untrue. Why is the New York Times churning up the ashes of this spurious story again? Is there a vain hope this will distract the American people of the dismal failure that Obamacare has shown itself to be? Is it possible that the Democrats that are up for reelection in November need an issue that will pull attention away from the misery caused by this new law that was voted in on STRCTLY PARTY LINES?

Is the New York Times doing its best to give tacit endorsement to Hillary Clinton for a 2016 presidential run so she may distance herself from the Benghazi disaster, for which she must share much of the blame?

America is seeing a “tower of lies” being built in order to “cleanse” the Democrats of the horrendous failures of the past six years so they can maintain power in Washington.

We are entering a Congressional election this year, and it will be an election which all Americans will have a chance to restore a ‘Constitutional Government” back to the people.

Lies, upon lies, upon lies have been told to all of America’s citizens since Barack Hussein Obama has entered the Oval Office, and if his party remains in power after the November election, all of us can depend on more lies and more deceptive practices from “the most transparent administration ever”. See through the “transparency” and “Throw the rascals out!”