Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Serve and Protect"

Most police cars have the words “Serve and protect” somewhere on their vehicle, and every police officer I know follows that motto. Americans are used to a police department that is there to keep them safe and away from harm.

I remember when I was growing up, my Dad saying to me “If you ever get into a bad situation, try to find a policeman, they will help you.” I have always believed that statement, and I told my daughter the same thing.

A good police officer will do anything to protect innocent civilians, even at the cost of their own safety. They are the arm of the government we look to when things get tough. I have several friends who are police officers, or former police officers, and they are all people of high integrity.

Obviously, there are cases of police officers who “go bad” but, by and large, they are the exception to the rule. They all go through extensive training and examination to become the protectors of the public, and not everyone is cut out for this job. A good officer is honest, trustworthy, brave, selfless and great self-control with the ability to make split second decisions. A good officer never tries to inflict pain on those he is sworn to protect! Don’t you wish all members of our government were as dedicated and ethical as our police community?

We are now under the “sequester rules” of mandatory budget cuts due to our Congress not coming up with a responsible budget. The Republican House has had several logical and fiscally designed alternative budgets, but the Democrat controlled Senate has yet to accept any of them. President Obama has submitted his own budget which has been dismissed by both houses of Congress because it calls for higher taxes and even more spending; it is a true exercise in futility.

The orders are now out to implement those “sequester cuts” and to inflict as much pain as possible on the American public from the Obama White House. Our airports are now suffering because air traffic controllers are being furloughed and flights are either being cancelled or given long delays. White House tours are being cut in another effort from Barack Obama to let the American people feel some pain. Oddly, there are areas in the airport spending programs that could be trimmed that would cause far fewer troubles to the general public than the furlough of traffic controllers, yet Obama won’t consider those cuts. I wonder if we could keep those people on the job if we cut some of those millions in foreign aid to countries which don’t seem to like us very much, or don’t the American people come first in the Barack Obama Administration?

Maybe the President could cancel some of his elaborate golf outings or lavish vacations that run into the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! I know he needs a vacation every four or five weeks, but couldn’t he keep it simple once in a while; you know, rent some videos and order a pizza and stay home like the rest of us regular folks.

In actuality, Mr. Obama is playing the spoiled child once again because he’s not getting his way and he wants to punish the average American citizen.

When will Barack Hussein Obama show the same character that we expect from an average police officer, or firefighter, or nurse or E.M.T.? Personally, I don’t ever see that day coming because we have a spoiled, self-absorbed demigod instead of a dedicated public servant sitting in our nation’s most powerful office!


(Early post this week – I am going on vacation just like the President!)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"False Security"

What is a false sense of security? I believe it is underestimating the ability of a potential threat from any opponent. In boxing, it could be taking your opponent too lightly, or taking his ability as something less than what it is.

Mike Tyson was perceived as an indestructible and invulnerable champion. Tyson walked through almost all of his opponents with little concern for their ability to defeat him. Tyson destroyed nearly every fighter in his path to the championship, leaving most of his challengers lying on their collective backs, looking up at the ring lights.

Tyson became the youngest heavyweight champion in history by defeating Trevor Berbeck after only two rounds with a devastating knockout. Tyson then went on to unify the title by destroying Michael Spinks with a 91 second knockout in the first round.

Fight after fight, Tyson defeated one top fighter after another; he looked like a fighter who could retire with millions of dollars and an undefeated record. Tyson's big pay day was to be against Evander Holyfield, the number one challenger in the heavyweight rankings, but before he would fight Holyfield, he had a "tune-up fight" with a fellow named James "Buster" Douglas in Tokyo, Japan. Every one in the boxing community wrote off Douglas as a glorified sparring partner who would only last one or two rounds before Tyson would then dispatch him with his patented upper-cut.

Early in the fight, it looked as if the fight would follow the script as Tyson knocked Douglas down with a violent hook; but to everyone's surprise, Douglas got up and lasted out the round. Most of the fans believed Tyson would come back in the next round and "finish business" with Douglas, but to the shock of everyone in the arena, Douglas began to pile up rounds in his favor as he broke Tyson's rhythm with a long and effective jab and an occasional right-cross. Tyson's eye began to swell and he was in an unfamiliar position, behind on points and an opponent who seemed to have figured him out.

Then the 10th round began; Tyson came out of his corner looking tired and confused. Douglas continued to pummel the bewildered Tyson; jab, jab, jab, left, left, left and Tyson was wobbled. Douglas finished with a quick left jab followed by a long over-hand right, and Tyson fell into the corner, his mouthpiece hanging out of his mouth. Tyson couldn't get to his feet in time and James "Buster" Douglas, the glorified sparring partner, was the new Heavyweight Champion of the World! I guess "Iron Mike" took his opponent too lightly, and he had a false sense of security.

A couple of years ago, Osama bin Laden was killed by a Navy Seal team and a victory dance was done by the Obama Administration. Don't get me wrong, the killing of bin Laden was a good thing, but it wasn't the be all and end all of terrorism in the world and it didn't break the back of radical Islamic terrorists. Every sympathizer of radical Islam is still in the terror business, and each of them is willing to go to any length to advance their cause of world domination by radical Islam.

This week, in Boston, terrorists set off explosive devices at the Boston Marathon on "Patriot Day". Three people have lost their lives and hundreds were injured by the explosions. The types of devices were quite prevalent in their use in Afghanistan against American troops and civilians. They were filled with metal chards and ball-bearings meant to inflict as much injury as possible to the innocent observers of the Marathon. No group has taken "credit" for the attacks as of this writing, yet I find it interesting that this was done on "Patriot Day"; it certainly smacks of a radical Islamic message.

We must ask ourselves this question: "Is America (Obama Administration) taking terrorists too lightly?" and "Are we living in a false sense of security?"

We have porous borders and very little has been done to close them; not only from illegal aliens, but also from terrorists from anywhere in the world

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"Who Was That Masked Man?"

"Who was that masked man?" This phrase was used at the ending of most episodes of a very popular television series when I was growing up, "The Lone Ranger". The Ranger was a masked lawman who never did a bad deed in his life, and was on a quest to bring justice to the old west. Even though the outlaws always covered their faces with a bandana that was tied around their heads, people were always accusing the Ranger of being an outlaw and he sometimes used his mask as a ploy to fool the "bad guys".

Sometimes a villain would try to show the Ranger as a villain to the unsuspecting townsfolk, spreading lies and rumors to discredit the hero. Tonto, his noble companion, would always be there to help the Ranger when things got too tough. When the final scene was concluding, truth and justice always prevailed and all of the lies and rumors were proven false and the "bad guys" got their just punishments; and the true liars were exposed! The Ranger would ride off into the sunset with a hearty "Hi-Ho Silver", never asking for a reward for his services.

A few weeks ago, there was a prayer breakfast in Washington which was attended by our President, Barack Hussein Obama. In the past, these were usually apolitical meetings that gave generic prayers and were more of a photo-op than a prayer meeting. This particular meeting became something quite different from meetings of the past, and our President was made a bit uncomfortable.

A speaker named Dr. Ben Carson spoke about the Bible and the principle of tithing as applied to our current tax system. He was very eloquent in his presentation explaining that every American should have "skin in the game" when it came to resolving America's fiscal problems through each one sharing responsibility, regardless of economic class. This is in direct contrast to Mr. Obama's belief that only the wealthy should be responsible for relieving our 16 trillion dollar deficit.

When this meeting ended, Dr. Carson became a sought after guest on several television and radio talk shows (mostly conservative shows).

Since that prayer breakfast, Dr. Carson has been referred to as "the flavor of the month" by liberal reporters and talking heads on the left, practically calling him an "Uncle Tom". I'm sorry I forgot to mention he is a black man, and as you know, any black person who is a conservative is perceived as a token by the left. He seems to be getting an image as a "bad guy" from those who wish to portray him as less than what he is.

Who is Dr. Ben Carson? Dr. Carson was born September 18, 1951 in Detriot, Michigan in a home that wasn't too affluent. His mother left school in the third grade and married a Baptist minister at the age of 13. She later divorced the minister, but didn't seek welfare and chose to work three jobs to support her family. Ben's mother pushed her children to read and learn, grooming them in a way to strive for personal success.

The lessons and example of Dr. Carson's mother helped him to become the man he is today. Dr. Carson is the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins; this is America's most prestigious medical facility. Dr. Carson has a GIANT BRAIN! Dr. Carson also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from former President George W. Bush; I'm sure the left will have some comment about this because the medal was from old GW!

Some conservative groups are already talking about Dr. Carson as a possible Presidential candidate in 2016, and the left is already feeling threatened by his possible entry into national politics.

If you have not had a chance to listen to Dr. Carson, I strongly urge you to do so; he is a man of great character and intelligence, who believes in America and her Constitution; he is quite a bit like "The Lone Ranger"! "Who is that Masked Man!!"

Friday, April 5, 2013

"It Is, What It Is!!"

What does honesty mean to you? I believe honesty is straight dealings and straight talk when we deal with all people. Umpires and referees are supposed to be honest in their professions; you know, “calling it like they see it” in all situations. If a ballplayer misses a throw, or bobbles a ball, they call it an error; if a lineman jumps before the hike, he is called off-sides. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen an official in any sport apologize for a call or for “hurting the feelings” of a player.

In the world of law enforcement, we seldom see a police officer apologize to a rapist or armed robber for the words they exchanged during the course of an arrest; after all, a felon is a felon, no matter how one may try to “sugar-coat” that fact.

In America, we take great pride in a free and honest press, where we always hope to hear the true facts in all reporting without any tinge of “political correctness”. Wouldn’t it be awful to live in a place where the truth took second place to editorial opinion?

Jesse James was a train robber, John Wesley Hardin was a gun-man and killer, John Dillinger was a bank robber and killer and Charles Manson was a killer. I don’t believe I could get much of an argument about the above statements from anybody; these are all statements of truth without any “political correctness” or editorial opinion involved. I believe the press of all of those eras would agree with all of those statements as true representations of those men mentioned.

Most of us have heard of the Associated Press; it is a “non-profit news agency” based in New York City. We have seen A.P. listed on the by-line of many news stories of all of our local newspapers for many years. We have learned to accept the words of A.P. as “gospel”, reporting that has integrity without editorial opinion or political correctness. The organization was formed in 1846 by Moses Yale Beach and has had a reputation for honest reporting for many years.

This week the Associated Press has made the decision to stop using the term “illegal immigrants” in their reporting. They decided it wasn’t appropriate terminology and prefer the term “undocumented” as more fitting. We now have political correctness usurping the integrity of the press. We now have the compromising of principles invading truthful reporting of the news. Perhaps we can now call NAZIs “misguided German politicians” or pedophiles as “overzealous child lovers”. When does the idiocy of political correctness end? When do we start being honest about what people are and what they are doing?

Crossing the border at night and trying to sneak into America is ILLEGAL; it is a CRIME, punishable by arrest and incarceration in prison. Those who commit this CRIME are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, not “undocumented immigrants”. These people that committed this crime are ILLEGAL, and are subject to all laws and punishment which this crime merits.

It is too bad that an organization like the Associated Press has decided to sacrifice its integrity for political correctness. I urge all of you who see an article in your local newspaper with a by-line from A.P. to be careful of how much stock you put in its truth; it may just be “POLITICALLY CORRECT!”