Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I write this blog in sincere disappointment. At 10:15P.M., FOX NEWS announced Ohio in the camp of Barack Obama. For nearly four years, I have seen this president shred our Constitution and pursue an agenda of tax and spend our nation into near economic collapse. I have seen our national defense steadily weakened by his submissive attitude toward the tyrants of the world. I have seen him leave our greatest friend in the Middle-East alone in a time of great strife. I have seen him conceal facts from the American people and the Congress in attempts to cover mistakes and possible crimes inside his administration.

Tonight, I saw the fruits of having an uneducated electorate, ignorant of the issues and swayed by sound-byte politics. Even after seeing an inept debate performance, his supporters continued to believe this man was qualified to be re-elected.

I have heard this man say that our Constitution was obsolete. He has done his best to bend and twist the meaning of our most sacred document. He has filled his advisors with socialists and miscreants of politics who are determined to radically change our American system of government.

We have seen a cover up of facts in Benghazi which the media shoved under the rug to protect this man until he could slide through the election.

I have genuine fears about four more years of this type of leadership in America. We can only expect more of the same in an additional four years of Barack Obama.

We will continue to have a divided Congress, and this gives me a little hope, as it may be able to stop some of the damage a second Obama term will bring.

All we have left is the House to continue to investigate and pursue this questionable behavior of this man’s administration, and perhaps, over the course of time, bring some truth to light about his hidden secrets. I believe we will see further rising unemployment numbers and restricted investment from business because of the suppressive healthcare bill.

November 6th may go down in history as Americas worst mistake, as our people failed to answer the call of our Founding Fathers and placed an ideological despot in the White House for a second term.

Our nation is now in God’s hands, and only God can correct the mess we have plunged ourselves into tonight. I hope He shows mercy on America for we have made a HUGE MISTAKE.

(I am taking a month off to recuperate from this evening; God Bless America!)

Friday, November 2, 2012

"Last Chance Before Armageddon!!"

It is now the final weekend of Election 2012, and I’m sure there will be a bombardment of political advertisement over the next three days. Since the spring, we have heard millions of words spoken by each candidate for every office that is open. Television has made a fortune in ad money, and voice-over actors will be able to live for five years on the money they made in commercials. I’ve heard more slogans than I thought it was possible to stand. So far, I believe the American people feel the same way I do.

What we will finally come down to is who has told the most truth to the American people. How much “spin” and twisted facts have we heard from the prospective candidates. Does Barack Obama really need four more years to complete his agenda, or is he just saying he will continue on his present road with no visible changes? Does Mitt Romney’s background in business give him an edge in job production and balancing our overblown budget? Did Barack Obama give us the “most transparent administration ever”, or were the last four years a series of closed meetings and presidential stone walls on delicate issues? Have we had a President who dealt with us in an honest and open way, or have we seen the highest office in the land used to hide pertinent information from several Congressional Investigations in order to protect certain individuals from lawful prosecution? Did we see our sitting President reduced to a petulant school boy during the debates, while his challenger came prepared with facts for which the President had no defense? Have we seen our President sink to his lowest levels as he resorted to personal attacks against Mr. Romney calling him a liar on several occasions with absolutely no proof of his charges? Do we have video proof of our President making “secret promises” to the President of Russia that the American people know nothing about? Are there any other secrets about this President that the American people know nothing about? Have we seen a pattern of blaming others for the mistakes this President has made during this term? How many will he “Throw under the bus” in the next four years? How many more times will he stand on the corpse of Osama bin Laden and beat on his chest, while the bodies in Benghazi are still warm?

We have 72 hours left before we enter the voting booths and make our choice. All the hours of speeches will be over, and all that is left is your franchise, your vote.

Four years ago, American voters made the biggest mistake in our political history. We confused making history with making a wise choice. We wanted to send a message to the world about our ability to look past a man’s ethnic and racial background; but we never checked his ability in the process. We have been suffering for a bad choice since 2008!

How much deeper can a newly elected Barack Obama make our debt, 20 trillion or 30 trillion? What is the number of government entitlements that he will finally settle on in four more years? How many more benefits will he bestow on the illegal aliens who continue to invade our nation?

America can only stop this on Tuesday, it is our LAST CHANCE or Armageddon may be our next stop! Look at the direction the last four years have taken us, and decide if you want four more!

(I will not have a blog on Monday, but I will be back on Wednesday; I hope with some good news!)