Do you remember the name "Pravda"; it was one of the communist newspapers in the old Soviet Union. Pravda spouted the party line in all issues; alternate opinions in the Soviet Union weren't too well received. Soviet Gulags were filled with men and women who openly spoke or wrote anything that was critical of the government. All government policies were sacrosanct and beyond the reach of criticism from anyone. If you dared to speak against the government, off to prison you'd go!
In Germany, after Adolph Hitler took power; the Gestapo made sure criticism of the Third Reich was made impossible through murder and imprisonment. Doors were kicked in and people were hauled off never to be seen again. The Fuhrer didn't appreciate dissenting speech from anyone! We all know what happened to those who questioned the "Little Corporal", and his ideas about National Socialism! Criticism of NAZI policies was discouraged!
I love our first amendment rights! Free speech is a great thing and we are most blessed to have it in America; yet we should never take it for granted. I say things in my blogs that are not very complimentary about our current President; it is my right to do so. I'm sure there are people who don't like what I write; that is their right. I don't like much of what Barack Obama has done since he took the office of President, and I'm quite verbose about it; I feel safe in my criticism under my first amendment guarantee. No American government should ever stifle free speech or criticism of any administration!
I have owned many Ford products in my life. I still fondly remember my 1991 F-150 pick-up truck, as one of the most reliable vehicles I've ever owned. Ford didn't take any government bail-out money from the Obama Stimulus, and I laud them for this. Smart business has made Ford a profitable and successful company. Recently, Ford has been running commercials with ordinary customers about the vehicles they have purchased, and they have been very effective. One commercial in which a customer stated he bought his Ford because Ford didn't take government bail-out money; this certain commercial is being pulled out because of alleged pressure from the Obama White House. Evidently, a veiled threat was made, saying the Ford commercial was too critical of Obama's bail-out of the auto industry. A call from the White House can be an intimidating thing; it brings about thoughts of "audits" and "investigations" that could be initiated from "BIG BROTHER"! I understand Ford pulling their ad because of the fear of a spurious investigation and inquisition.
What we must ask ourselves is this; what is coming next? If a successful corporation can be bullied by any administration, what will that administration stifle next? Who that criticizes this administration now is safe? Will we face "audits" from the IRS? When will our doors be "kicked in" because we have the audacity to criticize the powers that be?
(This is my last blog this week, I have numerous appointments so I will talk to all of you on Monday; if the "secret police" don't come and get me!)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"Droppin' Those Gs!"
I'm of Italian heritage; I grew up in a neighborhood that was predominantly of Italian heritage and we all had similar households. We had a certain amount of Italian spoken in our homes and I'm sure most of us remember some of the "words" that mean things only to us. My wife is of Jewish heritage, and grew up in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood, and I'm sure she still knows "words" that only have meaning to her and her friends of Jewish heritage.
The movies have given America a look inside their perception of what they believe Italian homes are like. Movies like "The Godfather", "Goodfellas", "Rocky" and "Saturday Night Fever" project a speech pattern that most non-Italians believe is the norm for Italian-Americans. To an extent this may be true, as many young people feel they must "play the role" if they have any Italian blood in their veins. I rarely say "AYYY!", or "WHOAA!", and I have never "Whacked!" anybody (although I have thought about it). I never say "Forgettaboutit!" or call my fellow Italians "Dagos" or "Guineas"! I find this type of language disrespectful and insulting to people who produced DaVinci and Verdi. I believe a command of the English language is a mark of intelligence; I dislike being "talked down to".
Barack Obama made a speech recently to a predominantly black audience for political support, which is fine, yet I believe Mr. Obama was talking down to his audience. During the course of his speech, he began "dropping his Gs" at the end of his words; "complainIN, grumblIN" were two examples of this speech pattern. I, obviously, am not a black man, but I most certainly would have been offended at this blatant attempt to "lower" the caliber of the speech to appear as "one of the crowd". I'm sure Rudy Guilianni never said "AYYY!!" to an Italian-American crowd; it would have been an act of disrespect to those folks. Slang and street talk won't endear any politician to his audience. Mr. Obama's speech wasn't well received by his listeners for both his speech pattern and his content, as he chided his audience about "cryin", saying they should take off their "bedroom slippers" and "puttin in their marchin boots". The black community in America is at an unemployment rate of over 20 per cent, and I don't think casting a shadow over their situation will help Mr. Obama.
Mr. Obama, I believe that Harvard education that we have all heard about would be better served if you didn't purposely butcher the English language to pander to the crowd; it is a disservice to Harvard, and the crowd!
The movies have given America a look inside their perception of what they believe Italian homes are like. Movies like "The Godfather", "Goodfellas", "Rocky" and "Saturday Night Fever" project a speech pattern that most non-Italians believe is the norm for Italian-Americans. To an extent this may be true, as many young people feel they must "play the role" if they have any Italian blood in their veins. I rarely say "AYYY!", or "WHOAA!", and I have never "Whacked!" anybody (although I have thought about it). I never say "Forgettaboutit!" or call my fellow Italians "Dagos" or "Guineas"! I find this type of language disrespectful and insulting to people who produced DaVinci and Verdi. I believe a command of the English language is a mark of intelligence; I dislike being "talked down to".
Barack Obama made a speech recently to a predominantly black audience for political support, which is fine, yet I believe Mr. Obama was talking down to his audience. During the course of his speech, he began "dropping his Gs" at the end of his words; "complainIN, grumblIN" were two examples of this speech pattern. I, obviously, am not a black man, but I most certainly would have been offended at this blatant attempt to "lower" the caliber of the speech to appear as "one of the crowd". I'm sure Rudy Guilianni never said "AYYY!!" to an Italian-American crowd; it would have been an act of disrespect to those folks. Slang and street talk won't endear any politician to his audience. Mr. Obama's speech wasn't well received by his listeners for both his speech pattern and his content, as he chided his audience about "cryin", saying they should take off their "bedroom slippers" and "puttin in their marchin boots". The black community in America is at an unemployment rate of over 20 per cent, and I don't think casting a shadow over their situation will help Mr. Obama.
Mr. Obama, I believe that Harvard education that we have all heard about would be better served if you didn't purposely butcher the English language to pander to the crowd; it is a disservice to Harvard, and the crowd!
Monday, September 26, 2011
In my younger days, I was a man who liked an occasional game of chance; I would rarely turn down an invitation to a good poker game. At times, some of these games became a little pricey and quite a bit of money was lying on the table. I remember one game where a close friend of mine lost his car. We always had one hard and fast rule; no wild-card games. If you are a "parlor gambler" who plays for pennies or just for "fun", you have probably engaged in games that include wild-cards. For those of you who don't play poker, a wild-card is any card that can be designated to enhance your hand. Games like "Acey-Deucey", with aces and deuces wild, or "baseball" with 3s and 9s wild, can lead to a hand with six kings or eight queens; no real gambler will sit in at a game like that. Wild-cards can change the entire strategy of a poker player's skills; there is no way to plan your hand with the presence of wild-cards. You won't find any wild-card games in Las Vegas or Reno!
Next year, we will be having our nation's biggest "Poker Game", the Presidential Election of 2012. In November, Americans will be gambling on who they think will do the best job as Chief Executive in the United States for the next four years. The Democrats will most likely re-nominate incumbent President, Barack Obama, barring a "dark horse" who could possibly challenge him.
The Republicans have a field of politicians, few of whom could be labeled as progressive or liberal, and all of whom are conservative when compared to our current President. There is one person running for the nomination who differs from the rest of the field in one area; he is not now, nor has he ever been a politician: that man is Herman Cain, CEO of the Godfather Pizza chain. Mr. Cain is a businessman with common sense, conservative ideas and a candor that seems to ring true to many prospective voters. Mr. Cain is the "Wild-Card" in the Republican race for the presidential nomination. Oh, by the way, Mr. Cain is black, yet those supposed racists from the Republican Party seem to be embracing him anyway; now there is a shock for you! Mr. Cain's entrance into this race has been welcomed by many conservative voters, including the TEA Party (you know, the racists). Should Mr. Cain win in the primaries and receive the nomination of the Republican Party, it will most certainly cause many on the left consternation because they will be forced to abandon their charges of racism against almost every conservative American. You see how much a wild-card can screw up your game!
I like Herman Cain; I don't know if he can get the nomination or if he is the best candidate; but he is a "game changer" for the entire field of candidates and our incumbent President. I can't wait to see what cards the dealer will turn next, in America's "Big Game"!
Next year, we will be having our nation's biggest "Poker Game", the Presidential Election of 2012. In November, Americans will be gambling on who they think will do the best job as Chief Executive in the United States for the next four years. The Democrats will most likely re-nominate incumbent President, Barack Obama, barring a "dark horse" who could possibly challenge him.
The Republicans have a field of politicians, few of whom could be labeled as progressive or liberal, and all of whom are conservative when compared to our current President. There is one person running for the nomination who differs from the rest of the field in one area; he is not now, nor has he ever been a politician: that man is Herman Cain, CEO of the Godfather Pizza chain. Mr. Cain is a businessman with common sense, conservative ideas and a candor that seems to ring true to many prospective voters. Mr. Cain is the "Wild-Card" in the Republican race for the presidential nomination. Oh, by the way, Mr. Cain is black, yet those supposed racists from the Republican Party seem to be embracing him anyway; now there is a shock for you! Mr. Cain's entrance into this race has been welcomed by many conservative voters, including the TEA Party (you know, the racists). Should Mr. Cain win in the primaries and receive the nomination of the Republican Party, it will most certainly cause many on the left consternation because they will be forced to abandon their charges of racism against almost every conservative American. You see how much a wild-card can screw up your game!
I like Herman Cain; I don't know if he can get the nomination or if he is the best candidate; but he is a "game changer" for the entire field of candidates and our incumbent President. I can't wait to see what cards the dealer will turn next, in America's "Big Game"!
Friday, September 23, 2011
"Class Clown"
Did you have a "class clown" when you were in school; you know that guy who would make remarks during class or eat bugs in the playground? I think all of us remember someone like that. We would usually laugh at him, and that is exactly what he wanted. Guys like that need attention and will do almost anything to get it. Unfortunately for them, their actions usually ended with a trip to the "office" and a talk with the principal; or worse, a conference with their parents. I'm sure we've all walked by the office and seen the "seats of shame" where those "class clowns" and other miscreants sat waiting to find out their fate, nobody looked too happy to be there. Those poor souls all got their moments of attention and now they pay the price. Strangely, I don't remember any of the "wise remarks" made by those "sages of the classroom" as well as I remember their "rewards" for making them. Today, I just remember them as foolish and not too bright; but in the fifth grade, you are allowed some foolish behavior; as an adult, it doesn't go over very well.
Yesterday, Iranian lunatic, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, made a speech to the United Nations. As I have written several articles about Mr. Ahmadinejad in the past, I wasn't expecting any surprises from this "empty barrel" of echoing hatred. Mr. Ahmadinejad is the poster boy for "birth control"; his parents could have been better served watching late night television instead of conceiving this misanthrope. Once again, Ahmadinejad questioned the Holocaust, as he is one of the world's most vocal anti-Semites and is dedicated to Israel's destruction. This lunatic stated that the 9-11 attacks were "mysterious", insinuating U.S. government involvement in this crime against humanity. He even said Osama bin Laden's burial at sea was a "cover up" by the United States!
At this point of his speech, American and some European representatives walked out of the auditorium in disgust. As usual, he condemned the United States system of free enterprise and our republican form of government. In the end, he proved himself to be the same fool he has been in the past, continuing his insane ranting and hate filled rhetoric.
When will this "class clown" be called into the "Principal's office"? How many members of his "class" are paying attention to him? I don't hold much hope that the United Nations will do anything to limit the poison that this dangerous fool says, or does. If this "Class Clown" decides to really "act up", what will the result be?
Yesterday, Iranian lunatic, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, made a speech to the United Nations. As I have written several articles about Mr. Ahmadinejad in the past, I wasn't expecting any surprises from this "empty barrel" of echoing hatred. Mr. Ahmadinejad is the poster boy for "birth control"; his parents could have been better served watching late night television instead of conceiving this misanthrope. Once again, Ahmadinejad questioned the Holocaust, as he is one of the world's most vocal anti-Semites and is dedicated to Israel's destruction. This lunatic stated that the 9-11 attacks were "mysterious", insinuating U.S. government involvement in this crime against humanity. He even said Osama bin Laden's burial at sea was a "cover up" by the United States!
At this point of his speech, American and some European representatives walked out of the auditorium in disgust. As usual, he condemned the United States system of free enterprise and our republican form of government. In the end, he proved himself to be the same fool he has been in the past, continuing his insane ranting and hate filled rhetoric.
When will this "class clown" be called into the "Principal's office"? How many members of his "class" are paying attention to him? I don't hold much hope that the United Nations will do anything to limit the poison that this dangerous fool says, or does. If this "Class Clown" decides to really "act up", what will the result be?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
"Taking the 5th!!"
I like gangster movies; obviously, I believe the "Godfather" is the benchmark for all gangster movies. I saw Michael in "Godfather II" sit in front of a Senate Committee on organized crime and it seemed very authentic. Having grown up in the 50s and 60s, I saw several Senate hearings on television. I remember the Kefauver Committee on organized crime during the middle 50s when some Mafia members were questioned by the Senate panel. At times, during the hearing, the man being questioned would lean over to his attorney and after council from him he would invoke his 5th amendment right against self incrimination. I remember a newspaper kept a count as to how many times the men questioned "took the 5th" during their time on the stand. It was very interesting watching men with well-documented connections to organized crime use our Constitution to shield them from honest inquiry. Although this constant using of the 5th amendment created an air of guilt, it was a perfectly legal maneuver, and is the right of every citizen in America. One funny statement was made when a man questioned answered that he "refused to answer on the grounds that his answer could incinerate him"; and he may have been right. Many of those questioned were in fear of their "Bosses", who would eliminate them or their families without conscience in order to protect themselves: "taking the 5th" was an easy way out for those alleged lawbreakers.
Solyndra, the "Green" corporation that was highly touted by Barack Obama, is now under Senate investigation. Solyndra received 528 million dollars of the Obama stimulus to create "green jobs" in America. Since receiving these funds, Solyndra has gone bankrupt, sticking America for the loss of over 1/2 billion dollars. Strangely, when this same company tried to get funding from the Bush administration, it was turned down as a bad risk; one expert said this company would probably go bankrupt by September of 2011; how prophetic was that? When Barack Obama took office, Solyndra was put on the fast track for funding; do you find this suspect? If this wasn't criminal it was, to say the least, very bad judgment!
Friday, Solyndra executives will be questioned by the Senate, and they have already stated that they will be taking the 5th amendment during questioning. I can understand bad business decisions and suffering a loss; that is not criminal, so why the 5th? Who, or what, is being protected by this action? How far up the ladder could this hearing go; could it reach the White House? These men may not be wearing "silk suits and fedoras" but they are certainly using a "thugs defense" while on the stand. I think they may be taking orders from "The Don"!
Solyndra, the "Green" corporation that was highly touted by Barack Obama, is now under Senate investigation. Solyndra received 528 million dollars of the Obama stimulus to create "green jobs" in America. Since receiving these funds, Solyndra has gone bankrupt, sticking America for the loss of over 1/2 billion dollars. Strangely, when this same company tried to get funding from the Bush administration, it was turned down as a bad risk; one expert said this company would probably go bankrupt by September of 2011; how prophetic was that? When Barack Obama took office, Solyndra was put on the fast track for funding; do you find this suspect? If this wasn't criminal it was, to say the least, very bad judgment!
Friday, Solyndra executives will be questioned by the Senate, and they have already stated that they will be taking the 5th amendment during questioning. I can understand bad business decisions and suffering a loss; that is not criminal, so why the 5th? Who, or what, is being protected by this action? How far up the ladder could this hearing go; could it reach the White House? These men may not be wearing "silk suits and fedoras" but they are certainly using a "thugs defense" while on the stand. I think they may be taking orders from "The Don"!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
"Theft From The U.N."
I live in Central Illinois; I've been a resident of Illinois my entire life, except while I was in the Army. The first fifty years of my life were spent in Chicago, which I remember fondly. I, like all Illinoisans, spent time visiting Wisconsin and Indiana; it was like going to a foreign land when I was a young boy. When we crossed the border, it was like an event to all of us kids; we didn't know what to expect from those strangers from another state!
Wisconsin is a very pretty state; it has some rolling hills, which to someone from Illinois is quite an attraction; it has lots of "cheese stores" which my mother liked and it is filled with Green Bay Packer fans, which I didn't particularly care for, but all in all, it is a nice place to visit. But, as the old saying goes, "I wouldn't want to live there". Luckily, we are separated by the border with little chance of being annexed by Wisconsin. I would be very upset to find out that Wisconsin wanted to take parts of Illinois as its' own; it doesn't have that right, although they could take some politicians who most Illinoisans wouldn't miss!
The United Nations is trying to take parts of Israel and give them to Palestine in order to create a nation that, at this time, doesn't exist. I find this infringement from a third party into something that is clearly an Israeli issue quite disturbing. I don't believe the U.N. has any real jurisdiction in this matter; it seems to advocate the forced release of territory from a sovereign nation into the hands of what is basically a terrorist organization whose agenda is the destruction of the Israeli people. If the U.N. tried to take some land from France or Germany and surrender it to another nation, do you think they would stand still for it? Perhaps the United States should give some territory back to Mexico (although they already seem to be doing this): I think our Congress would not greet this with much acceptance.
Most of the U.N. has already embraced the idea of giving away Israeli land to the Palestinians, with little argument from anyone. The United States has said they are against this, and President Obama said if this passes, he will stop monetary aid to Palestine. What Mr. Obama should do is stop paying 22% of the U.N. budget if this passes; that will get their attention!
The United Nations and all of its member nations have no right to redistribute the territory of any other nation. All this action will do is make the Middle-East even more unstable than it is now, and give all those Israel haters more ammunition for their hatred.
As an American who believes in a free society and autonomous government, I hope the Israeli Prime Minister dismisses this illegal resolution. This is further proof of the U.N. agenda against the people of Israel. Stand strong Israel; this is your land!
Wisconsin is a very pretty state; it has some rolling hills, which to someone from Illinois is quite an attraction; it has lots of "cheese stores" which my mother liked and it is filled with Green Bay Packer fans, which I didn't particularly care for, but all in all, it is a nice place to visit. But, as the old saying goes, "I wouldn't want to live there". Luckily, we are separated by the border with little chance of being annexed by Wisconsin. I would be very upset to find out that Wisconsin wanted to take parts of Illinois as its' own; it doesn't have that right, although they could take some politicians who most Illinoisans wouldn't miss!
The United Nations is trying to take parts of Israel and give them to Palestine in order to create a nation that, at this time, doesn't exist. I find this infringement from a third party into something that is clearly an Israeli issue quite disturbing. I don't believe the U.N. has any real jurisdiction in this matter; it seems to advocate the forced release of territory from a sovereign nation into the hands of what is basically a terrorist organization whose agenda is the destruction of the Israeli people. If the U.N. tried to take some land from France or Germany and surrender it to another nation, do you think they would stand still for it? Perhaps the United States should give some territory back to Mexico (although they already seem to be doing this): I think our Congress would not greet this with much acceptance.
Most of the U.N. has already embraced the idea of giving away Israeli land to the Palestinians, with little argument from anyone. The United States has said they are against this, and President Obama said if this passes, he will stop monetary aid to Palestine. What Mr. Obama should do is stop paying 22% of the U.N. budget if this passes; that will get their attention!
The United Nations and all of its member nations have no right to redistribute the territory of any other nation. All this action will do is make the Middle-East even more unstable than it is now, and give all those Israel haters more ammunition for their hatred.
As an American who believes in a free society and autonomous government, I hope the Israeli Prime Minister dismisses this illegal resolution. This is further proof of the U.N. agenda against the people of Israel. Stand strong Israel; this is your land!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
"An Empty Tool Shed"
When I get the morning paper, I read the obits first, then sports and finally the comics. I read "Blondie" every day. I think Dagwood is hilarious, all he thinks about is food and naps; I identify with him! Dagwood has a neighbor named Herb who borrows things from Dagwood instead of buying his own things. Some of us may have neighbors like Herb. I have a lawn mower, a power washer, a hedge trimmer, a chain saw and sundry hand tools and yard items that I store in my shed. I worked a long time to acquire all of my tools, and I make it a practice not to lend them out because many people who borrow things bring them back broken or filthy; it is always accompanied by an apology. I got this way because of my father who kept his tools sorted and clean and stored properly. I don't have any right to my neighbors tools; he paid for them and I didn't. If I were starting a contracting business, I couldn't go to a different contractor and ask him to use his steam shovel or bull dozer: he worked hard to pay for that equipment; I didn't! I have no right to expect someone else to foot the bill for me.
Barack Obama has revealed his "new plan" to reduce the deficit, TAX THE WEALTHY. Oddly, this sounds a lot like his old plan, just like all his new plans sound like his old plans. Mr. Obama wants an additional tax hike on America's investment class; the only group in the United States that has any chance of creating jobs!
I don't know why Barack Obama hates the wealthy, but he does. Barack Obama resents people who have attained great monetary success and believes they should give their money to people who haven't taken the risks and done the hard work it takes to succeed. He has already used the threat of Medicare and Medicaid cuts to frighten senior citizens to push his new tax agenda.
There is an old saying "A poor man never gave me a job!", and this is true. Mr. Obama must face facts; his economic policies have hurt America deeply; his health care debacle is a huge mistake and should be REPEALED. China practically owns America due to a dollar so weak that it has lost respect around the world economy! Obama's remedy is to suck more money away from those who can create jobs; this is stupidity! The words "class warfare" has been used by both sides of the aisle over Obama's proposal. This is worse than class warfare; it is a direct attack on the free market from a man who has never held a job outside of "community organizer". If America wants to get on a fast track to a DOUBLE-DIP RECESSION, all we need to do is listen to Barack Obama. Less tax and less regulation will help us more than trying to tax America to death. Pretty soon now, if we continue on this path, our neighbors "tool shed" will be empty; then who do we borrow from?
Barack Obama has revealed his "new plan" to reduce the deficit, TAX THE WEALTHY. Oddly, this sounds a lot like his old plan, just like all his new plans sound like his old plans. Mr. Obama wants an additional tax hike on America's investment class; the only group in the United States that has any chance of creating jobs!
I don't know why Barack Obama hates the wealthy, but he does. Barack Obama resents people who have attained great monetary success and believes they should give their money to people who haven't taken the risks and done the hard work it takes to succeed. He has already used the threat of Medicare and Medicaid cuts to frighten senior citizens to push his new tax agenda.
There is an old saying "A poor man never gave me a job!", and this is true. Mr. Obama must face facts; his economic policies have hurt America deeply; his health care debacle is a huge mistake and should be REPEALED. China practically owns America due to a dollar so weak that it has lost respect around the world economy! Obama's remedy is to suck more money away from those who can create jobs; this is stupidity! The words "class warfare" has been used by both sides of the aisle over Obama's proposal. This is worse than class warfare; it is a direct attack on the free market from a man who has never held a job outside of "community organizer". If America wants to get on a fast track to a DOUBLE-DIP RECESSION, all we need to do is listen to Barack Obama. Less tax and less regulation will help us more than trying to tax America to death. Pretty soon now, if we continue on this path, our neighbors "tool shed" will be empty; then who do we borrow from?
Monday, September 19, 2011
"You're Not The King!!!"
One of my favorite movies is "The Naked Gun" starring Leslie Nielson: this was the first in a series of films with Nielson portraying Frank Drebin, a dedicated and totally inept detective. There are too many scenes to mention all of them where Drebin exhibits some form of idiocy that makes me laugh out loud: one that does stick in my head is when he addresses a press conference about the forthcoming visit of the Queen of England. Frank says, "We will do our best to protect the Queen on her visit to Los Angeles; because no matter how silly the people of America feel about the idea of a Queen is, she will be well protected here." I laughed out loud the first time I heard that line, but if one thinks about it, I'm pretty sure most Americans find the idea of a king or queen is pretty silly. We are a country who likes the idea of self rule; nobody should have dictatorial power over us, nobody should be able to subvert our Constitution. Our Constitution is designed to reflect the will of the American majority. We have a system of "checks and balances" to assure us that no one person or group can twist or misuse our Constitution. I like this system, even when things happen that I don't agree with, because it is supposed to be what the majority desires for America.
Dictators all want the full power of government with no one to answer to; those who don't agree are usually sent away, never to be seen again. Not too many people who were critical of Hitler or Stalin lived long and fruitful lives: their governing bodies of representatives were little more than "rubber stamps" for anything these evil men wanted. I don't ever want America to live under the whims of a dictator or self appointed king!
Last week, our president spoke before a Hispanic group in Washington about illegal immigration. Mr. Obama stated that on this issue "I'd like to work MY way around Congress." He said he mentioned this at an earlier speech to "La Raza", the racist Hispanic group which advocates allowing criminal illegal aliens free citizenship. As I wrote earlier this month, Obama is engaged in a policy of ignoring most illegal aliens and allowing them a virtual free pass into our schools and welfare system.
Numerous polls have shown that the American people have very strong feelings against this "back-dooring" of criminal illegal aliens into the United States, yet Barack Obama feels he has the right to ignore the will of our people. NO ILLEGAL ALIENS SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO ANY GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS; THEY ARE CRIMINALS! The American people have been very vocal about how they want this issue addressed, yet Barack Obama has turned a deaf ear to LEGAL CITIZENS and wants to WORK HIS WAY AROUND CONGRESS to achieve his agenda.
Americans need to remind Barack Obama that he is not "The King"; and he is obligated to follow the laws of the land under the Constitution of the United States of America. In America, it's not "good to be the king"!
Dictators all want the full power of government with no one to answer to; those who don't agree are usually sent away, never to be seen again. Not too many people who were critical of Hitler or Stalin lived long and fruitful lives: their governing bodies of representatives were little more than "rubber stamps" for anything these evil men wanted. I don't ever want America to live under the whims of a dictator or self appointed king!
Last week, our president spoke before a Hispanic group in Washington about illegal immigration. Mr. Obama stated that on this issue "I'd like to work MY way around Congress." He said he mentioned this at an earlier speech to "La Raza", the racist Hispanic group which advocates allowing criminal illegal aliens free citizenship. As I wrote earlier this month, Obama is engaged in a policy of ignoring most illegal aliens and allowing them a virtual free pass into our schools and welfare system.
Numerous polls have shown that the American people have very strong feelings against this "back-dooring" of criminal illegal aliens into the United States, yet Barack Obama feels he has the right to ignore the will of our people. NO ILLEGAL ALIENS SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO ANY GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS; THEY ARE CRIMINALS! The American people have been very vocal about how they want this issue addressed, yet Barack Obama has turned a deaf ear to LEGAL CITIZENS and wants to WORK HIS WAY AROUND CONGRESS to achieve his agenda.
Americans need to remind Barack Obama that he is not "The King"; and he is obligated to follow the laws of the land under the Constitution of the United States of America. In America, it's not "good to be the king"!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
"Doubled Up!"
I do quite a bit of writing about my past; I like to reminisce about the times of my youth. It is fun to remember those days gone by; the places we went and the people we knew will forever be etched into our being. Years always make things seem better than they actually were; this is a gift from God. I like "good old days" stories; I even belong to a group that posts about my old home town.
Many years have passed since I've lived in my old home town; I do visit on occasion and drive by the "haunts of my youth" with fondness of memory. I don't believe I would move back there again, as some things have changed and the neighborhood seems somehow smaller to me. I remember when the last of us kids moved out of my parents' house. We all made weekly visits, but now we were grown with families of our own, and no one was prouder of their children than my parents. After we left, Mom and Dad took time to travel and have some fun. I remember their trip to Italy and the fun they had there. They spent time connecting with old friends and going out to dinners and special events together. I'm sure all of my brothers and sisters were happy to see them enjoying their lives without the responsibility of worrying about us.
Yesterday, the Chicago Tribune posted an article about more Americans "Doubling Up" in our tough economy. What they are talking about is family members moving back into their parents' homes after "leaving the nest". This spring, there were 21.8 million households that have "doubled up", once again filling up Mom and Dad's homes across America. Those moving in range from 25 to 34 years of age; 14.2% of all young Americans. This statistic doesn't count students living at home. This is a terrible indictment of our current economic woes, not only for the unemployed, but also the burden that is now being inflicted on our senior population, who exist on pensions and Social Security.
It is a possibility that the "Golden Years" aren't quite as reachable as they were in the past. Thirty-three months of record unemployment and no actual economic growth added to record government spending is stealing the retirement of those people who spent their lives working to make America a great nation. No good parents will turn a deaf ear to a child; even a 34 year old child, when they need a place to live and food to eat. This travesty rests solely with our current administration and an economic policy that has stunted our ability to create jobs and spent billions on projects that have proved fruitless. This administration believes the solution is FURTHER SPENDING, MORE GOVERNMENT WASTE!
My daughter is very successful in her career and self sufficient; the answer to a parent's prayer. Unfortunately, many parents aren't as blessed as we have been and they are now living out their "Golden Years", once again being the providers for their children. If we want to put an end to "doubled up homes" we need to evict the residents at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.!
(This is my last post this week. I need some time off Friday! See you all Monday.)
Many years have passed since I've lived in my old home town; I do visit on occasion and drive by the "haunts of my youth" with fondness of memory. I don't believe I would move back there again, as some things have changed and the neighborhood seems somehow smaller to me. I remember when the last of us kids moved out of my parents' house. We all made weekly visits, but now we were grown with families of our own, and no one was prouder of their children than my parents. After we left, Mom and Dad took time to travel and have some fun. I remember their trip to Italy and the fun they had there. They spent time connecting with old friends and going out to dinners and special events together. I'm sure all of my brothers and sisters were happy to see them enjoying their lives without the responsibility of worrying about us.
Yesterday, the Chicago Tribune posted an article about more Americans "Doubling Up" in our tough economy. What they are talking about is family members moving back into their parents' homes after "leaving the nest". This spring, there were 21.8 million households that have "doubled up", once again filling up Mom and Dad's homes across America. Those moving in range from 25 to 34 years of age; 14.2% of all young Americans. This statistic doesn't count students living at home. This is a terrible indictment of our current economic woes, not only for the unemployed, but also the burden that is now being inflicted on our senior population, who exist on pensions and Social Security.
It is a possibility that the "Golden Years" aren't quite as reachable as they were in the past. Thirty-three months of record unemployment and no actual economic growth added to record government spending is stealing the retirement of those people who spent their lives working to make America a great nation. No good parents will turn a deaf ear to a child; even a 34 year old child, when they need a place to live and food to eat. This travesty rests solely with our current administration and an economic policy that has stunted our ability to create jobs and spent billions on projects that have proved fruitless. This administration believes the solution is FURTHER SPENDING, MORE GOVERNMENT WASTE!
My daughter is very successful in her career and self sufficient; the answer to a parent's prayer. Unfortunately, many parents aren't as blessed as we have been and they are now living out their "Golden Years", once again being the providers for their children. If we want to put an end to "doubled up homes" we need to evict the residents at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.!
(This is my last post this week. I need some time off Friday! See you all Monday.)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
"Losing Your Fan Base?"
I'm a Bears fan, and have been one for over fifty years. Sometimes it is difficult to be a Bears fan; hopefully this year it will be easy to be a Bears fan. I saw them win in 1963; back then, it was the NFL Championship; the Super Bowl hadn't been invented yet. I saw them win in 1985; I don't think I've ever been prouder of the Bears as they crushed the league to powder under their famous "46 Defense". Between those years, I sat through many seasons of misery, frustration and disappointment; any real Bears fan will attest to this. One thing about us lovers of the "Monsters of the Midway" is that we are loyal; even as we have endured many hours of less than stellar play we remain loyal. During the 1985 Super Bowl run, I found many people who cheered wildly for my Bears and that was great, except a few years later those same people couldn't name a single player from the teams that were less than successful. Some folks only stick around when a team wins, and they abandon them when that team is faltering. I sat at Soldier Field, in the rain, when the Bears won a single game against the New Orleans Saints; the only victory of the season. I'M A FAN! I don't think I'll ever lose my dedication to the Chicago Bears.
Today, Associated Press posted an article from Mercury News saying that a poll recently taken in California stated President Barack Obama's support has fallen below 49% of registered voters. His job approval rating has dropped to 46%.
California is a hot-bed of liberalism, always stalwart supporters of the agenda of the left. This is the major cheering section of Barack Obama and his progressive policies. It may be possible that Californians are finally waking up to the fact that endless entitlements, stagnant employment numbers and no clue of how to remedy any of this will be found under Barack Obama. Hollywood believes Mr. Obama can do no wrong; but it may be possible Mr. Average American believes something different. The Obama administration hasn't scored any touchdowns with the voters in regards to his economic policies. His claim to fame, "Obama-care", is losing its luster under the burden of enormous debt and unemployment numbers that are not falling. His latest so-called "cure for unemployment" is just warmed over policies from the beginning of his term in office that has yet to produce fruit.
Mr. President, your "die-hard fans" are turning in their jerseys and thinking about supporting the "other team". There are 14 months until a new "season" starts, and the fans are thinking about a new "team captain" and it may not be Barack Obama calling the plays in 2014!
Today, Associated Press posted an article from Mercury News saying that a poll recently taken in California stated President Barack Obama's support has fallen below 49% of registered voters. His job approval rating has dropped to 46%.
California is a hot-bed of liberalism, always stalwart supporters of the agenda of the left. This is the major cheering section of Barack Obama and his progressive policies. It may be possible that Californians are finally waking up to the fact that endless entitlements, stagnant employment numbers and no clue of how to remedy any of this will be found under Barack Obama. Hollywood believes Mr. Obama can do no wrong; but it may be possible Mr. Average American believes something different. The Obama administration hasn't scored any touchdowns with the voters in regards to his economic policies. His claim to fame, "Obama-care", is losing its luster under the burden of enormous debt and unemployment numbers that are not falling. His latest so-called "cure for unemployment" is just warmed over policies from the beginning of his term in office that has yet to produce fruit.
Mr. President, your "die-hard fans" are turning in their jerseys and thinking about supporting the "other team". There are 14 months until a new "season" starts, and the fans are thinking about a new "team captain" and it may not be Barack Obama calling the plays in 2014!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
"No Heils in America!"
I started school in the early 1950s. My Dad and my Uncles were all veterans of WWII. My Grandmother and my great uncles were all naturalized citizens. My great uncle Louie was a veteran of WWI; I have one of his medals hanging in my house. I never heard anything negative about living in America from any of those folks. Every morning from 1st grade to high school, I remember reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each school day. All of our assemblies started with the "Pledge", and all of our athletic events started with the National Anthem; I remember no controversy in regards to those practices. As a veteran, I feel this is a good practice for our children. No matter what others may think, the United States of America is the best and freest country on the earth. This nation offers the best chance for success to its citizens; more than any other nation, be it socialist, communist or monarchy, our republic is the crown jewel of all nations. If we didn't believe this, why did so many of our young men and women give up their lives for its existence? I take great pride in being an American. When the hippies were holding up pictures of Ho Chi Min while our soldiers and marines were dying in Viet Nam, I could feel my stomach turn at their lack of respect for our nation.
A group in Brookline, Massachusetts wants the Pledge of Allegiance pulled out of the town schools; they feel it is reflective of a totalitarian regime! When I heard this I was flabbergasted! To equate America with a totalitarian state is ludicrous and insane. I would like to know any other country that gives more freedom to express than America. I would like to know of any other country whose citizens willingly serve in a military without conscription and field the finest military in the world. These people must be left-over hippies who believe America is a bad place; although none of them seem to be in too big of a HURRY TO GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! These people say they are patriotic, yet they diminish America at every turn.
Loyalty to America isn't a "seig heil"; it is a pledge to stand behind our nation and the principles our founding fathers believed in and tried to pass on to us. Groups like this are trying to draw our children away from the ideals those great men of the past stated in our constitution. We have had over forty presidents; each voted in, and out, by the citizens of the United States of America; these are hardly the acts of a totalitarian nation. My fellow Americans, we must ask ourselves what is to be gained by the elimination of a pledge of loyalty to this great nation? If you are a socialist or a communist, perhaps you have your reasons; "eliminate loyalty and you eliminate the nation". I don't think five minutes a day in a pledge of loyalty to America will damage any children; it might even be a benefit. Try to remember George Washington and Abraham Lincoln never had salutes that included their names; no "heils" in America!
A group in Brookline, Massachusetts wants the Pledge of Allegiance pulled out of the town schools; they feel it is reflective of a totalitarian regime! When I heard this I was flabbergasted! To equate America with a totalitarian state is ludicrous and insane. I would like to know any other country that gives more freedom to express than America. I would like to know of any other country whose citizens willingly serve in a military without conscription and field the finest military in the world. These people must be left-over hippies who believe America is a bad place; although none of them seem to be in too big of a HURRY TO GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! These people say they are patriotic, yet they diminish America at every turn.
Loyalty to America isn't a "seig heil"; it is a pledge to stand behind our nation and the principles our founding fathers believed in and tried to pass on to us. Groups like this are trying to draw our children away from the ideals those great men of the past stated in our constitution. We have had over forty presidents; each voted in, and out, by the citizens of the United States of America; these are hardly the acts of a totalitarian nation. My fellow Americans, we must ask ourselves what is to be gained by the elimination of a pledge of loyalty to this great nation? If you are a socialist or a communist, perhaps you have your reasons; "eliminate loyalty and you eliminate the nation". I don't think five minutes a day in a pledge of loyalty to America will damage any children; it might even be a benefit. Try to remember George Washington and Abraham Lincoln never had salutes that included their names; no "heils" in America!
Monday, September 12, 2011
"A Real Hero vs. a Pseudo-Intellectual!"
Yesterday was the anniversary of the cowardly terrorist attacks of 9-11. Everywhere you looked were ceremonies and flags flying in remembrance of this crime against America. We spoke about it in church, we heard about it at the start of all the football games, we had news coverage of it on all the cable channels; America continues to be moved and angered by this heinous action.
In New York, at the site of the towers, President Obama and the First Lady were present, as were former President Bush and his wife Laura. Oddly, New York Mayor Bloomberg didn't want clergy or first responders at this ceremony, especially since they were the first ones there when this disaster took place. Political correctness is idiocy, Mr. Mayor!
When former President Bush took the podium, you know, the man who has been castigated by the media for years; he was greeted with cheers and applause by the crowd in attendance. This fine man quoted a letter from Abraham Lincoln as he addressed the crowd; it was subdued and appropriate for the occasion; he is still "presidential".
Paul Krugman, a leftist columnist for the New York Times, wrote a blog condemning George Bush and Rudy Giuliani as "fake heroes". It was the usual leftist ranting about the war in Iraq and Bush's wish to destroy Saddam Hussein. Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner in economics. He is a professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (very appropriate); he has a B.A. from Yale and a P.H.D. from M.I.T. He was born in 1953, and my guess is he was a "hippie leftist" during the Viet Nam War; he has no military background in his records. He refused comment on his blog; could he have been afraid of what those comments could have been?
The New York Times used to be the standard for printed news all over the world; sadly, they have a diminishing readership and little influence in the real world outside of the left-wing loons. I believe history will have a much different verdict of George W. Bush than our current leftist pundits profess. I thank God we had a strong man in the White House on 9-11; I can't imagine what would have happened had Jimmy Carter been sitting in the Oval Office on that fateful day.
Regardless what that hateful Paul Krugman may say, America knows how fortunate we were to have a man who behaved like a hero in the White House on September 11, 2001!!
In New York, at the site of the towers, President Obama and the First Lady were present, as were former President Bush and his wife Laura. Oddly, New York Mayor Bloomberg didn't want clergy or first responders at this ceremony, especially since they were the first ones there when this disaster took place. Political correctness is idiocy, Mr. Mayor!
When former President Bush took the podium, you know, the man who has been castigated by the media for years; he was greeted with cheers and applause by the crowd in attendance. This fine man quoted a letter from Abraham Lincoln as he addressed the crowd; it was subdued and appropriate for the occasion; he is still "presidential".
Paul Krugman, a leftist columnist for the New York Times, wrote a blog condemning George Bush and Rudy Giuliani as "fake heroes". It was the usual leftist ranting about the war in Iraq and Bush's wish to destroy Saddam Hussein. Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner in economics. He is a professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (very appropriate); he has a B.A. from Yale and a P.H.D. from M.I.T. He was born in 1953, and my guess is he was a "hippie leftist" during the Viet Nam War; he has no military background in his records. He refused comment on his blog; could he have been afraid of what those comments could have been?
The New York Times used to be the standard for printed news all over the world; sadly, they have a diminishing readership and little influence in the real world outside of the left-wing loons. I believe history will have a much different verdict of George W. Bush than our current leftist pundits profess. I thank God we had a strong man in the White House on 9-11; I can't imagine what would have happened had Jimmy Carter been sitting in the Oval Office on that fateful day.
Regardless what that hateful Paul Krugman may say, America knows how fortunate we were to have a man who behaved like a hero in the White House on September 11, 2001!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
"Little Faces, and America's God"
Every day, I stand on the corner crossing grade schoolers on their way to school. I spend a little time talking to most of them. This morning, two sisters stopped to show me the things their mom got for them at a local garage sale; a key chain with shells on it, and a blue hair wig; they were quite excited to show me these things; their eyes sparkled and their speech animated. The boys crossed in groups talking loudly, some passed a football in front of the school: these young children make me smile on a daily basis; many thank me for helping them cross the street; I love polite kids!
This weekend we will be remembering the murderous attack America suffered on 9-11; it has been ten years since those cowards destroyed the Twin Towers and erased over 3,000 innocent lives. These are the same people who strap explosives to children to murder more innocent people in the name of a god. A similar practice took place in Viet Nam, as children were also sent into crowds of American soldiers with explosives hidden under their clothes. What could be more heinous than using children for the purpose of murder?
We have been told to be tolerant of others by our government. Tolerance of other people's beliefs is fine, as long as those beliefs don't infringe on the rights and well being of anyone else. My God teaches me that murder is wrong, and no one should be murdered in His name. My God wants people to come to Him, yet He allows everyone to make their own choice in belief. My God never has said if you don't believe in Him, you should be murdered. My God is a God of love, and would never send aircraft into any building on a mission for Him.
We should do all in our power to stop those fanatics who wish death and destruction on our great land. We need not be tolerant of murderers and lunatics. Those who choose to threaten the well being of America are subject to the wrath of the United States of America.
We should spend Sunday in reverent remembrance of those who were murdered; and we should dedicate our nation to the defense of all those "little faces" that I see every day, those who enjoy liberty in our great nation. Pray for America every day; ask God to protect and guide us. Our enemies will not take it easy on us; their god says we are supposed to "convert or die". My God says "Love thy neighbor". Which God is God?
This weekend we will be remembering the murderous attack America suffered on 9-11; it has been ten years since those cowards destroyed the Twin Towers and erased over 3,000 innocent lives. These are the same people who strap explosives to children to murder more innocent people in the name of a god. A similar practice took place in Viet Nam, as children were also sent into crowds of American soldiers with explosives hidden under their clothes. What could be more heinous than using children for the purpose of murder?
We have been told to be tolerant of others by our government. Tolerance of other people's beliefs is fine, as long as those beliefs don't infringe on the rights and well being of anyone else. My God teaches me that murder is wrong, and no one should be murdered in His name. My God wants people to come to Him, yet He allows everyone to make their own choice in belief. My God never has said if you don't believe in Him, you should be murdered. My God is a God of love, and would never send aircraft into any building on a mission for Him.
We should do all in our power to stop those fanatics who wish death and destruction on our great land. We need not be tolerant of murderers and lunatics. Those who choose to threaten the well being of America are subject to the wrath of the United States of America.
We should spend Sunday in reverent remembrance of those who were murdered; and we should dedicate our nation to the defense of all those "little faces" that I see every day, those who enjoy liberty in our great nation. Pray for America every day; ask God to protect and guide us. Our enemies will not take it easy on us; their god says we are supposed to "convert or die". My God says "Love thy neighbor". Which God is God?
Thursday, September 8, 2011
"Vanishing Act!"
After "American Idol" was over, my wife and I got involved in "America's Got Talent", a variety talent show with a million dollar prize and a show in Las Vegas for the winner. The show is entertaining and showcases all types of performers; singers, dancers, dare-devils and magicians are just a few of the different acts one can see. I like magicians, but you don't see too many of them nowadays. I enjoyed watching David Copperfield and Doug Henning, as their tricks were always large scale and impressive. The king of magicians was Houdini, who was not only a great magician, but also the world's greatest escape artist. He was the first man to escape from a straight jacket while hanging upside down. He was chained into a trunk and dropped into a river, while in a straight jacket and escaped! Houdini was amazing; that man could really pull off a trick until his appendix ruptured and killed him while performing an escape from a water tank; sometimes a trick can go wrong. Houdini was always trying new illusions to entertain his audience so his act wouldn't get "stale"; after all, nobody wants to see the same act over and over again.
Tonight, our President, Barack Obama, will be addressing a joint session of Congress to explain his "new" economic program for job growth. This is a very dramatic forum for this type of speech. Joint sessions of Congress are usually reserved for a declaration of war, or State of the Union messages. This will supply Mr. Obama with a Democrat cheering section; he may need one. He has promised something that will change the course of America's unemployment dilemma. Last month, America didn't add ONE NEW JOB to the economy, and today's report on new unemployment claims have risen again. The "Summer of Recovery" we were promised last year didn't show up. The leaks I have heard about tonight's speech have said it is more spending by the federal government; $300,000,000,000 more. This is another Stimulus, regardless of the name he may use.
Mr. Obama isn't Houdini, although he may be trying to trick us into spending more money that we don't have on a plan that hasn't worked for the last three years! Tonight we will see how much of an "escape artist" Barack Obama really is. We will see if he can create an illusion that will fool America one more time, or use the same old tricks he pulled off in the past.
America, we must not fall into another attempt at failed economic theory from a president who has failed consistently since his first day in office. It is time for Americans to be the "magicians" and make Barack Obama "Disappear"!
Tonight, our President, Barack Obama, will be addressing a joint session of Congress to explain his "new" economic program for job growth. This is a very dramatic forum for this type of speech. Joint sessions of Congress are usually reserved for a declaration of war, or State of the Union messages. This will supply Mr. Obama with a Democrat cheering section; he may need one. He has promised something that will change the course of America's unemployment dilemma. Last month, America didn't add ONE NEW JOB to the economy, and today's report on new unemployment claims have risen again. The "Summer of Recovery" we were promised last year didn't show up. The leaks I have heard about tonight's speech have said it is more spending by the federal government; $300,000,000,000 more. This is another Stimulus, regardless of the name he may use.
Mr. Obama isn't Houdini, although he may be trying to trick us into spending more money that we don't have on a plan that hasn't worked for the last three years! Tonight we will see how much of an "escape artist" Barack Obama really is. We will see if he can create an illusion that will fool America one more time, or use the same old tricks he pulled off in the past.
America, we must not fall into another attempt at failed economic theory from a president who has failed consistently since his first day in office. It is time for Americans to be the "magicians" and make Barack Obama "Disappear"!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"Let's Keep America American!"
I have seen films of the Olympic Games in Germany when Hitler was in power; as the nations passed the reviewing stand, each country would dip its flag in front of the dictator, except one, the United States of America. The refusal of the U. S. to dip our flag was something the German leader didn't appreciate, but he didn't make an issue of it. Back then, our flag really meant something to ALL Americans; and the idea of yielding to any other flag was unacceptable to all of our citizens.
In the same way, we feel that being an American sets us apart from other nations because of the way our Constitution shows us how important our individual rights are to us; no other laws are allowed to usurp our Constitution. Today, we seem to be willing to allow other governing bodies to affect our legal decisions; this is not legal under the Constitution of the United States of America. We enter into treaties with other nations, but those treaties have no influence on our American Constitution, and they never should!
America is slowly being indoctrinated into the belief that we should move the idea of American Exceptionalism out of our view of America. Our current Chief Executive has made statements to the effect that we should be more like Europe (he should move there).
Recently, I saw an article from the New York Times that endorses the idea of Sharia Law in some areas of the United States as a way of welcoming Muslim culture in America. I've written about Sharia Law in the past; it is barbaric and inhumane and has NO PLACE in the American legal system. Churches have doctrines which they follow, yet none of them usurp civil law. If this policy is accepted, it sets a dangerous precedent, and is totally against our Constitution.
On a related issue: at an elementary school in Colorado this week, our flag was lowered and replaced with the flag of Saudi Arabia! This was a private school; but federal law prohibits any other flag to be flown higher than the flag of the United States. Once again, America seems willing to give in to "political correctness" for the purpose of assuaging a minority group. These things are piling up all across America and they must be stopped! America's laws are defined under our Constitution; no other document or belief system is an option. The American Flag is the flag of our nation, and NO OTHER FLAG should ever fly above it. For those who want Sharia law and a different flag to live under, I have one suggestion: GO AWAY; GET OUT OF AMERICA! Those of us who like it here wish you well in you search for a better place; and don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out!
In the same way, we feel that being an American sets us apart from other nations because of the way our Constitution shows us how important our individual rights are to us; no other laws are allowed to usurp our Constitution. Today, we seem to be willing to allow other governing bodies to affect our legal decisions; this is not legal under the Constitution of the United States of America. We enter into treaties with other nations, but those treaties have no influence on our American Constitution, and they never should!
America is slowly being indoctrinated into the belief that we should move the idea of American Exceptionalism out of our view of America. Our current Chief Executive has made statements to the effect that we should be more like Europe (he should move there).
Recently, I saw an article from the New York Times that endorses the idea of Sharia Law in some areas of the United States as a way of welcoming Muslim culture in America. I've written about Sharia Law in the past; it is barbaric and inhumane and has NO PLACE in the American legal system. Churches have doctrines which they follow, yet none of them usurp civil law. If this policy is accepted, it sets a dangerous precedent, and is totally against our Constitution.
On a related issue: at an elementary school in Colorado this week, our flag was lowered and replaced with the flag of Saudi Arabia! This was a private school; but federal law prohibits any other flag to be flown higher than the flag of the United States. Once again, America seems willing to give in to "political correctness" for the purpose of assuaging a minority group. These things are piling up all across America and they must be stopped! America's laws are defined under our Constitution; no other document or belief system is an option. The American Flag is the flag of our nation, and NO OTHER FLAG should ever fly above it. For those who want Sharia law and a different flag to live under, I have one suggestion: GO AWAY; GET OUT OF AMERICA! Those of us who like it here wish you well in you search for a better place; and don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
"Adolph Would Be Proud!"
I lived in a predominantly Italian-American neighborhood growing up. At one end of the block were the Attore and Nuzzo families; we also had the Tornabene family; there were countless families whose names ended in "vowels". We all had some common bonds because of common culture; when visiting a friend's house, we were undoubtedly asked to eat something; it is impolite to refuse food in an Italian home. I was never impolite! We all were taught respect to older people, and our parents were strict in the enforcement of this rule. Everybody who was old enough was a surrogate parent, with the ability to yell at you; and also to protect you. All of the fathers did very different jobs; there were bankers, dry cleaners, butchers, mechanics and contractors, just to name a few of the different occupations our dads had. Some of them were Republicans, and some of them were Democrats; all of them were Americans who only wanted the best for their nation and their families. Most of the political talk in my house was done in a normal tone of voice; I never heard anything personal said about someone who had a political difference with my parents. I believe this was a credit to their generation; a generation that gave so much to America. I believe it was that way because of what their generation saw before WWII in Europe. Germany was a hotbed of political dissidents and antisemitic hatred. Rioting and rabble rousing caused death and injury to throngs of Germans even before the rise of Adolph Hitler. Poor economics with runaway inflation had nearly destroyed their nation; they all looked to blame one another; sometimes with violent reactions.
This week-end, Jimmy Hoffa of the Teamsters Union, a union with a very clouded history, spoke at a rally for Barack Obama. The speech was reminiscent of speeches given in Berlin by a short man with a "Chaplin" moustache. It was rhetoric filled with hatred and blame: Josef Goebbels couldn't have written it any better. Hoffa stood on the podium, arms waving in sweeping gestures, shouting at the top of his lungs in condemnation of the members of the TEA Party movement. He indicted those Americans with the problem of our stagnant economic situation. In a "thug-like" phrase, he said they were "son-of-a-bitches", who needed to be "eliminated"! Does this not remind you of the "Little Corporal"? Mr. Hoffa had no facts to prove any of his allegations; only threats and epithets; just hateful rantings! After Hoffa left the speakers stand, Barack Obama took over with his prepared statement; he said nothing of the vocal poison that had preceded him. This was tacit endorsement of hatred by Barack Obama; the man who wanted to "stop the hateful rhetoric". I guess it all depends on who this rhetoric is directed toward; Eh, Mr. Obama?
As Americans, we cannot allow the poisonous verbiage of a street thug incite us to violent action; especially when that thug has so much to gain from his support for the current administration; we all know how Mr. Obama feels about unions and "sweetheart contracts". I laud the TEA Party for their stand against the destruction of our Constitution and expansion of the Federal Bureaucracy. The real threat to America lies in those who wish to silence the truth; and nobody knows how to "shut people up" like the Teamsters!
This week-end, Jimmy Hoffa of the Teamsters Union, a union with a very clouded history, spoke at a rally for Barack Obama. The speech was reminiscent of speeches given in Berlin by a short man with a "Chaplin" moustache. It was rhetoric filled with hatred and blame: Josef Goebbels couldn't have written it any better. Hoffa stood on the podium, arms waving in sweeping gestures, shouting at the top of his lungs in condemnation of the members of the TEA Party movement. He indicted those Americans with the problem of our stagnant economic situation. In a "thug-like" phrase, he said they were "son-of-a-bitches", who needed to be "eliminated"! Does this not remind you of the "Little Corporal"? Mr. Hoffa had no facts to prove any of his allegations; only threats and epithets; just hateful rantings! After Hoffa left the speakers stand, Barack Obama took over with his prepared statement; he said nothing of the vocal poison that had preceded him. This was tacit endorsement of hatred by Barack Obama; the man who wanted to "stop the hateful rhetoric". I guess it all depends on who this rhetoric is directed toward; Eh, Mr. Obama?
As Americans, we cannot allow the poisonous verbiage of a street thug incite us to violent action; especially when that thug has so much to gain from his support for the current administration; we all know how Mr. Obama feels about unions and "sweetheart contracts". I laud the TEA Party for their stand against the destruction of our Constitution and expansion of the Federal Bureaucracy. The real threat to America lies in those who wish to silence the truth; and nobody knows how to "shut people up" like the Teamsters!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
"Talk To Each Other"
Monday is Labor Day; a day off, and the unofficial end of summer. School is now in full swing across the nation, pools are closed, beaches are empty and football season is a reality! When we were kids, my Dad would load up the car and take us to the "Chain-O-Lakes" in northern Illinois; we had a boat there and a sand beach to swim in. We all knew the next day we were going back to school and we wanted the day to last forever. This was our last chance to escape reality before the routine of the school year took over our lives. Don't get me wrong, we all liked school well enough; but after all, it wasn't the beach, or "crusin'" with the radio blasting. Soon, we would feel the crisp cool of autumn mornings, and leaves changing colors and falling on the lawn that I would have to rake; way back then you could burn your leaves at the curb. Neighbors would gather around their piles of smoking leaves, and many conversations were begun in the sweet musk of those leaves.
Today, we don't burn leaves anymore; we put them in environmental bags for proper disposal; nobody stands by the curb and talks to his neighbor about the happenings in the community, or how badly their local team did in the last baseball season. Today we sit in the dimness of our homes; hunched in front of a computer screen, or stretched out in a recliner, watching a 52" television. We have become separated from each other. We have some local festivals, yet we don't have too many block parties anymore. Way back in my younger days, Mom and Dad knew all our neighbors and their children; and that was in Chicago. Now, we seldom exchange words with neighbors, escaping into our homes as soon as we get back from shopping or work.
America has become a great nation because of the multitude of people who have taken the time to talk to each other. Our modern society has driven a wedge between people as technology has pulled us into our own insulated little world. The only people I know who gather on a regular basis are those who attend church.
Our nation is being maneuvered because of our separation from one another. Stereotypes are being used to portray segments of our community as less than loyal Americans. Half-truth and innuendo seems to be rampant in today's dialogue. The word racism is used like a "flame thrower", covering masses of good American people who wish to voice their opinion in a democratic forum.
Tuesday we are back to business as usual in America. We cannot continue to pursue this path of character assassination and blanket hatred of each other. I urge all of us to talk to each other about the issues; not the rabble rousing crap that some people thrive upon. Summer is coming to an end; no "cruisin" and no beaches; if we don't meet reasonably we may not get a summer next year. Don't be blinded by mindless rantings about any group; ask somebody who is in that group. Talk to each other!!
(This is my last blog until Tuesday; enjoy your holiday. T.P.)
Today, we don't burn leaves anymore; we put them in environmental bags for proper disposal; nobody stands by the curb and talks to his neighbor about the happenings in the community, or how badly their local team did in the last baseball season. Today we sit in the dimness of our homes; hunched in front of a computer screen, or stretched out in a recliner, watching a 52" television. We have become separated from each other. We have some local festivals, yet we don't have too many block parties anymore. Way back in my younger days, Mom and Dad knew all our neighbors and their children; and that was in Chicago. Now, we seldom exchange words with neighbors, escaping into our homes as soon as we get back from shopping or work.
America has become a great nation because of the multitude of people who have taken the time to talk to each other. Our modern society has driven a wedge between people as technology has pulled us into our own insulated little world. The only people I know who gather on a regular basis are those who attend church.
Our nation is being maneuvered because of our separation from one another. Stereotypes are being used to portray segments of our community as less than loyal Americans. Half-truth and innuendo seems to be rampant in today's dialogue. The word racism is used like a "flame thrower", covering masses of good American people who wish to voice their opinion in a democratic forum.
Tuesday we are back to business as usual in America. We cannot continue to pursue this path of character assassination and blanket hatred of each other. I urge all of us to talk to each other about the issues; not the rabble rousing crap that some people thrive upon. Summer is coming to an end; no "cruisin" and no beaches; if we don't meet reasonably we may not get a summer next year. Don't be blinded by mindless rantings about any group; ask somebody who is in that group. Talk to each other!!
(This is my last blog until Tuesday; enjoy your holiday. T.P.)
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