Have you ever held back a statement or opinion in order to spare someone's feelings? I think most of us have done this on one occasion or another. Sometimes we feel sorry for someone, or we fear they will take our words the wrong way. We don't want to risk destroying a relationship with our words. These are all well intentioned reasons for not speaking, yet by our silence, we are doing our friends a disservice. Our friends, if they are truly our friends, want to know the real us, not a superficial persona that creates a facade to be accepted by all people.
Two days ago the "birther" controversy was dredged up once again. The President produced his certificate, and I thought it was finally put to rest. Unfortunately, new rumors of forgery and deception have surfaced. I believe we should pay no more attention to this issue; it is a pointless distraction when there are real problems to deal with. Even if this were true, our legal system, which moves at the speed of a tortoise, would drag their collective feet to resolve this allegation.
All the aforementioned being said, I will now stick in my "2 cents". This isn't really about the whole "birther" thing; it is more about the cacophony of charges of racism from folks on the left. This isn't a racial issue. It's about the qualifications of any individual who seeks to lead the United States of America. Obviously, there were real questions about Mr. Obama's place of birth; and Mr. Obama did little to resolve the question until two days ago. I'm glad he finally did something. My real problem is that any question concerning Barack Obama is eventually reduced to a racial issue. The black people of this country deserve better than this constant drumming of racism over legitimate concerns over the leadership capabilities of Barack Obama. Al Sharpton, Whoopi Goldberg, Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan consistently cry racism if anything is said in criticism of this President. In all honesty, I feel this is a form of "black racism" and the philosophy of victimization that has been perpetrated by fear mongers over the last fifty years. I remember Richard Nixon, and the barrage of complaints and allegations of his presidency. No one complained about his treatment at that time. Perhaps it was prejudice against Quakers!
This "invisible wall" of protection around Barack Obama must be torn down. No matter how ineffectual his leadership may be, it is always protected by the cry that criticism or investigation is racially motivated.
As a conservative, I now state, I believe Barack Obama is a bad President; not because he's black, because he is a "stone leftist" with weak leadership capability, and a total lack of grasp of the position he holds. I DON'T CARE IF HE IS BLACK, WHITE, GREEN OR ORANGE! HE IS A BAD PRESIDENT! If you are a supporter of Mr. Obama, that is your right; defend him on the issues; not on his RACE! Sorry liberals, it's not about COLOR!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Two days ago I read an article saying at least half of all Egyptians want to end their treaty with the Israeli government. Yesterday, I read that the United Nations wants to put Syria on the Human Rights Commission. Gas is now at $4.00+ a gallon; weather emergencies are tearing up huge areas of America; an Afghan officer has murdered nine Americans in a machine gun attack: these seem like some pretty important stories to me. I guess I'm just not in touch with the real important issues of the day. Here are the real stories that merit our collective attention more than any others.
Story number one is the NFL draft starts today! Yes, fans, the most important story of the sports world is going to happen today as hundreds of young hopefuls wait anxiously for their names to be called by a professional football team. I promise you that all around America today, football fans are going to be glued to their television sets, on the edge of their seats, to see who their favorite teams pick from the young prospects available. There will be cheers and jeers as names are called by team representatives. Fans are sitting with lists of each player's names and positions, seeing who will fill the voids that kept their teams from being "Super Bowl" champions.
Story number two is the "Big Wedding" of William and Kate in England. Yes, the whole world is waiting for the "Royal Vows" to take place. Every major news agency is present in breathless anticipation of the couples' upcoming nuptials. Coverage on most news stations will begin at 4:00 A.M. eastern time. I'm sure there are people all over the world who will be setting their alarms to view this "monumental" event. The buzz over this wedding has been overwhelming; from who will be there to what they will be serving at the wedding feast; people can't get enough news about this festive occasion. Personally, I now know more about the "Royal Family" than I ever wanted to know before.
Story number three is THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE!! Yes America, Barack Hussein Obama has finally shown us his birth certificate; what a relief! This has been going on since 2008, when the Clintons brought up the issue of Obama's birth. It has gotten press coverage off and on since the presidential election in '08. I hope this will finally be put to rest. If he wasn't born here, it's our fault that he was elected; then we weren't doing due diligence in our examination of him as a candidate; we screwed up. I wish Obama would have addressed this long ago instead of allowing it to fester, like an oozing sore. Part of the blame for this distraction must rest with him.
These are what seem important today to most people, or at least what the media feels is important to the people. The Middle-East is a gigantic bomb waiting to explode, jobs are still as scarce as "hen's teeth", our dollar is inflating quicker than the "Goodyear Blimp" and Japan is in the midst of the worst nuclear disaster of the century! We need to ask ourselves where our priorities lie. Not only America, but the world, in general ,needs to take a hard look at itself. We have MAJOR PROBLEMS TO DEAL WITH! We need to get our collective heads straight, and put this stuff on the "back burner" and focus on the task of "keeping the world from exploding!" PEOPLE, WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT?
Story number one is the NFL draft starts today! Yes, fans, the most important story of the sports world is going to happen today as hundreds of young hopefuls wait anxiously for their names to be called by a professional football team. I promise you that all around America today, football fans are going to be glued to their television sets, on the edge of their seats, to see who their favorite teams pick from the young prospects available. There will be cheers and jeers as names are called by team representatives. Fans are sitting with lists of each player's names and positions, seeing who will fill the voids that kept their teams from being "Super Bowl" champions.
Story number two is the "Big Wedding" of William and Kate in England. Yes, the whole world is waiting for the "Royal Vows" to take place. Every major news agency is present in breathless anticipation of the couples' upcoming nuptials. Coverage on most news stations will begin at 4:00 A.M. eastern time. I'm sure there are people all over the world who will be setting their alarms to view this "monumental" event. The buzz over this wedding has been overwhelming; from who will be there to what they will be serving at the wedding feast; people can't get enough news about this festive occasion. Personally, I now know more about the "Royal Family" than I ever wanted to know before.
Story number three is THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE!! Yes America, Barack Hussein Obama has finally shown us his birth certificate; what a relief! This has been going on since 2008, when the Clintons brought up the issue of Obama's birth. It has gotten press coverage off and on since the presidential election in '08. I hope this will finally be put to rest. If he wasn't born here, it's our fault that he was elected; then we weren't doing due diligence in our examination of him as a candidate; we screwed up. I wish Obama would have addressed this long ago instead of allowing it to fester, like an oozing sore. Part of the blame for this distraction must rest with him.
These are what seem important today to most people, or at least what the media feels is important to the people. The Middle-East is a gigantic bomb waiting to explode, jobs are still as scarce as "hen's teeth", our dollar is inflating quicker than the "Goodyear Blimp" and Japan is in the midst of the worst nuclear disaster of the century! We need to ask ourselves where our priorities lie. Not only America, but the world, in general ,needs to take a hard look at itself. We have MAJOR PROBLEMS TO DEAL WITH! We need to get our collective heads straight, and put this stuff on the "back burner" and focus on the task of "keeping the world from exploding!" PEOPLE, WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT?
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
When I was a boy, I would go to the ball park early, in the hopes of seeing my favorite players as they arrived. There was a special entrance into the park that said "Players Only" in large letters; it had a security guard outside; he was a nice guy, but he wouldn't let you in. He knew all the players by sight, they would greet him on the way in, and they would say hello to all of us "little-big leaguers" who loyally waited to see them. I asked the guard one day if he ever let anybody in who wasn't a player? He told me that even if Mayor Daley himself came to that gate, he couldn't let him in; Mayor Daley wasn't a member of the Chicago White Sox. Mayor Daley knew Bill Veeck, but that didn't give him the privilege of going in the "Players Only" entrance: that entrance was a magical place; it took you into the locker room, and then, onto the playing field: that field was Comiskey Park, a place where only official White Sox were allowed to tread. We could look at the field, as spectators, but we couldn't walk on it.
Kansas just put a law into effect that requires a photo identification card from anyone who wishes to vote in their elections. It requires any person at a polling place to present a photo I.D. card; absentee voters must enclose a copy of their birth certificate or photo I.D. in order to have their votes count. The new law also requires proof of United States citizenship for those who register after January 1, 2013.
Guess who doesn't like this new law? The A.C.L.U. isn't happy about the new Kansas law! They don't like the idea of prospective voters bearing the expense of producing a birth certificate or a photo identification card. They believe this law will exclude the poor from the voting process. In actuality, this law will exclude people who are not entitled to vote in the United States from voting in America; this is a pretty good idea! This is an idea all the rest of our states should adopt! Cost for birth certificates is reasonable, and accessible to all "legal" Americans. The cost, certainly, is worth the privilege of voting in America.
Why is the A.C.L.U. really against this? What is bad about making sure only real Americans vote in American elections? Vote fraud is rampant across this country. Manipulation of elections is a disease that we cannot permit to exist anymore. I lived in Cook County; and I know these things happen. Our border is a screen door with a "big hole" in it! We must do our best from giving illegals a constituency in our government; regardless of the leftist pressure groups.
I want to praise Kansas for their action to protect our process; their example of a pro-active stance against illegal voting is something to be lauded by all Americans. Washington isn't making any efforts to protect our voting privileges; ignoring voter intimidation and the invasion of illegal aliens.
If you are not an "official member of the team", you can't walk on the "playing field"! YOU CAN WATCH THE GAME, BUT, YOU CAN'T PLAY!!
Kansas just put a law into effect that requires a photo identification card from anyone who wishes to vote in their elections. It requires any person at a polling place to present a photo I.D. card; absentee voters must enclose a copy of their birth certificate or photo I.D. in order to have their votes count. The new law also requires proof of United States citizenship for those who register after January 1, 2013.
Guess who doesn't like this new law? The A.C.L.U. isn't happy about the new Kansas law! They don't like the idea of prospective voters bearing the expense of producing a birth certificate or a photo identification card. They believe this law will exclude the poor from the voting process. In actuality, this law will exclude people who are not entitled to vote in the United States from voting in America; this is a pretty good idea! This is an idea all the rest of our states should adopt! Cost for birth certificates is reasonable, and accessible to all "legal" Americans. The cost, certainly, is worth the privilege of voting in America.
Why is the A.C.L.U. really against this? What is bad about making sure only real Americans vote in American elections? Vote fraud is rampant across this country. Manipulation of elections is a disease that we cannot permit to exist anymore. I lived in Cook County; and I know these things happen. Our border is a screen door with a "big hole" in it! We must do our best from giving illegals a constituency in our government; regardless of the leftist pressure groups.
I want to praise Kansas for their action to protect our process; their example of a pro-active stance against illegal voting is something to be lauded by all Americans. Washington isn't making any efforts to protect our voting privileges; ignoring voter intimidation and the invasion of illegal aliens.
If you are not an "official member of the team", you can't walk on the "playing field"! YOU CAN WATCH THE GAME, BUT, YOU CAN'T PLAY!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
"I'm Back!"
It seems like I haven't written anything for years, although it has only been two weeks. Quite a bit has happened since we last met; Barack Obama is blaming everyone on earth for oil prices sky-rocketing, except himself. Joe Biden proved what a great speaker Obama is by falling asleep during a Barack speech. Joe, try to look like you're paying attention! Donald Trump certainly looks as if he's ready to toss his hat into the "presidential ring", and quite a few Americans seem happy about that. Glenn Beck and Mike Huckabee are at odds with each other over the First Lady's commitment for healthy diets; come on guys, is this something worth fighting over? NATO is screwing up royally in Libya; what a surprise that is! Everybody seems to think the "Royal Wedding" should be the number one news story; can somebody tell me why? It looks as if Ron Paul may take another White House run; this time, Americans may think a little more of his policies. Obamanomics is still not working, and WIKILEAKS is leaking more secret information.
The most exasperating story recently seems to be 450 members of the Taliban have escaped from an Afghan prison. Yes America, 450 people dug a tunnel and crawled out of a "secure" prison. How many troops do we have there? What a great ally the Afghans must be to allow this type of incompetence in security? Who runs the prison system there? Is it Moe, Larry or Curly?
Is there any good news out there, anywhere? World bodies aren't worth anything; "too many cooks in the kitchen", certainly seem appropriate today.
The President of the United States used to be "The Man", when it came to world leadership, but it seems today, not so much. Barack Obama wants America to be a nation happy to be on the "back burner" in world issues. Libya is the mess it is today because of Obama's half-hearted leadership, and fear of making a decisive statement when this situation began. Only when it appeared that the rebels had the upper hand in Libya, did Obama call for the ouster of Qaddafi. What will he do if the rebels fail? Barack Obama has kicked off his re-election campaign, and it is a poor re-run of 2008. The Bush administration has been resurrected as a "whipping boy", oil companies are, once again, demonized and the TEA Party is again described as racists.
America is a nation in crisis, economically, defensively and ideologically. We continue to receive ambiguous statements and blame to others from Barack Obama. It is now two-and-a-half years since we've entered the "Era of Hope and Change"; all, most of us now have, is little hope and only "pocket change". We have to get a bank loan for a tank of gas, and tomatoes cost as much as t-bone steak; this is a change no one needs! I hope the Republicans can provide America with a real choice in the next election; and I hope America is better informed than it was before the last presidential contest. I hope, come November 2012, I can wish Barack Obama a healthy retirement. He's certainly done enough!!
The most exasperating story recently seems to be 450 members of the Taliban have escaped from an Afghan prison. Yes America, 450 people dug a tunnel and crawled out of a "secure" prison. How many troops do we have there? What a great ally the Afghans must be to allow this type of incompetence in security? Who runs the prison system there? Is it Moe, Larry or Curly?
Is there any good news out there, anywhere? World bodies aren't worth anything; "too many cooks in the kitchen", certainly seem appropriate today.
The President of the United States used to be "The Man", when it came to world leadership, but it seems today, not so much. Barack Obama wants America to be a nation happy to be on the "back burner" in world issues. Libya is the mess it is today because of Obama's half-hearted leadership, and fear of making a decisive statement when this situation began. Only when it appeared that the rebels had the upper hand in Libya, did Obama call for the ouster of Qaddafi. What will he do if the rebels fail? Barack Obama has kicked off his re-election campaign, and it is a poor re-run of 2008. The Bush administration has been resurrected as a "whipping boy", oil companies are, once again, demonized and the TEA Party is again described as racists.
America is a nation in crisis, economically, defensively and ideologically. We continue to receive ambiguous statements and blame to others from Barack Obama. It is now two-and-a-half years since we've entered the "Era of Hope and Change"; all, most of us now have, is little hope and only "pocket change". We have to get a bank loan for a tank of gas, and tomatoes cost as much as t-bone steak; this is a change no one needs! I hope the Republicans can provide America with a real choice in the next election; and I hope America is better informed than it was before the last presidential contest. I hope, come November 2012, I can wish Barack Obama a healthy retirement. He's certainly done enough!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
"How Much a Gallon!?"
The American worker has a great history. He (or she) has been here since the Revolutionary War. At first, he was a farm hand, or a blacksmith. As our nation developed into metropolitan cities, he became factory workers, warehouse workers and railroad builders.
He moved across the nation to work on oil rigs and cattle ranches. He moved south to work in furniture factories and coal mines. Wherever the opportunity for work presented itself, the American worker showed up. From the meat packing houses of Chicago, to the fish canning plants in San Francisco, Americans report for work. We have a rich history of trying to protect our workers; the foundation of unions and books like "The Jungle" helped the American worker to be the most protected worker in the world. As our industrial community grew, our working class became the most affluent on earth; buying homes, cars, televisions and appliances that were once only limited to the rich.
The American worker has always "stood tall" in times of American need; some stayed home to keep us strong in our military production, others volunteered in droves to bravely face anyone who was a threat to America or her allies. There are no cowards in the rolls of American workers. They suffered through recessions and depressions with little complaint; they are America's backbone! We are facing one of America's most challenging economic futures in her history. The NAFTA agreement caused American jobs to shrink radically, and it appears we have moved from a manufacturing nation to a service oriented nation. Many people have made career changes over the last few years.
Our present economy is fragile, unemployment is still very high, our national fiscal policies are questionable and the average American working person has been put in a precarious position. All one has to do is walk into a grocery store to realize things are definitely not as they once were; prices are climbing higher at a daily rate, and fuel costs are outrageous. Starting wages have fallen to levels of the late 1970s, and the future of the American worker seems dark. Just a year ago, the government tried a "cash for clunkers" program, thus eliminating affordable transportation for the new generation of American workers.
When a new hire is making $350.00 a week, he can't spend $21,000 on a small car, and his opportunity to buy a car worth $4,000 to $6,000 has been eliminated. Most of those workers are driving around in vehicles that eat quite a bit of gas; but they are stuck in a bad situation and relief doesn't look like it is showing up. About a week ago, our President, Barack Obama, said "If people are complaining about gas prices, they should trade in their gas-guzzlers for more fuel efficient vehicles." This statement shows how much concern our President has for your economic woes.
Are you making $8.50 an hour? Get out and buy a new car; YEAH RIGHT! Perhaps, if Mr. Obama had addressed our fuel concerns domestically, we would not be paying $4.00+ a gallon of gas right now. Instead of using our natural resources to alleviate a bad situation, he tells the struggling American worker to go further into debt. I guess Mr. Obama really likes debt, as he has plunged us into such a huge one! Now, Mr. Obama and his minions want to raise our debt ceiling; he will just print more money.
If you think gas prices are high now, wait until your inflated dollar causes your gas to be $10 to $15 a gallon at the pump. American worker, you cannot continue on this path. If we allow these policies to continue, soon we will all be living in cardboard boxes, and eating cornmeal on a daily basis! Workers, please think about what has happened so far under the watch of Barack Obama! ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW THAN YOU WERE IN 2008? (This is my last blog until the Tuesday after Easter, have a wonderful time with your family and friends. T.P.)
He moved across the nation to work on oil rigs and cattle ranches. He moved south to work in furniture factories and coal mines. Wherever the opportunity for work presented itself, the American worker showed up. From the meat packing houses of Chicago, to the fish canning plants in San Francisco, Americans report for work. We have a rich history of trying to protect our workers; the foundation of unions and books like "The Jungle" helped the American worker to be the most protected worker in the world. As our industrial community grew, our working class became the most affluent on earth; buying homes, cars, televisions and appliances that were once only limited to the rich.
The American worker has always "stood tall" in times of American need; some stayed home to keep us strong in our military production, others volunteered in droves to bravely face anyone who was a threat to America or her allies. There are no cowards in the rolls of American workers. They suffered through recessions and depressions with little complaint; they are America's backbone! We are facing one of America's most challenging economic futures in her history. The NAFTA agreement caused American jobs to shrink radically, and it appears we have moved from a manufacturing nation to a service oriented nation. Many people have made career changes over the last few years.
Our present economy is fragile, unemployment is still very high, our national fiscal policies are questionable and the average American working person has been put in a precarious position. All one has to do is walk into a grocery store to realize things are definitely not as they once were; prices are climbing higher at a daily rate, and fuel costs are outrageous. Starting wages have fallen to levels of the late 1970s, and the future of the American worker seems dark. Just a year ago, the government tried a "cash for clunkers" program, thus eliminating affordable transportation for the new generation of American workers.
When a new hire is making $350.00 a week, he can't spend $21,000 on a small car, and his opportunity to buy a car worth $4,000 to $6,000 has been eliminated. Most of those workers are driving around in vehicles that eat quite a bit of gas; but they are stuck in a bad situation and relief doesn't look like it is showing up. About a week ago, our President, Barack Obama, said "If people are complaining about gas prices, they should trade in their gas-guzzlers for more fuel efficient vehicles." This statement shows how much concern our President has for your economic woes.
Are you making $8.50 an hour? Get out and buy a new car; YEAH RIGHT! Perhaps, if Mr. Obama had addressed our fuel concerns domestically, we would not be paying $4.00+ a gallon of gas right now. Instead of using our natural resources to alleviate a bad situation, he tells the struggling American worker to go further into debt. I guess Mr. Obama really likes debt, as he has plunged us into such a huge one! Now, Mr. Obama and his minions want to raise our debt ceiling; he will just print more money.
If you think gas prices are high now, wait until your inflated dollar causes your gas to be $10 to $15 a gallon at the pump. American worker, you cannot continue on this path. If we allow these policies to continue, soon we will all be living in cardboard boxes, and eating cornmeal on a daily basis! Workers, please think about what has happened so far under the watch of Barack Obama! ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW THAN YOU WERE IN 2008? (This is my last blog until the Tuesday after Easter, have a wonderful time with your family and friends. T.P.)
Monday, April 11, 2011
"Aces and Eights"
Do you remember the name "Wild Bill Hickok"? "Wild Bill" was the most famous "pistolerro" in the old west. He was famous for his lightening fast draw; he was deadly at close range. There have been numerous movies and television shows about Bill Hickok; some accurate, and some filled with typical Hollywood distortions. Bill was a Town Marshall for a while, and was a devoted gambler. Bill was also a very careful man. He knew that he was a target everywhere he went. When he stood at the bar, he always stood at the furthest place from the doors, so he could see who came in, and who left. Bill didn't like anyone standing behind him! Bill was said to be a good friend to those he trusted; and those folks were few and far between. Bill had a regular seat when he played cards; always having his back in a corner, not allowing others to walk behind him. Bill didn't make too many mistakes, but sometimes one mistake is all you need. Most western historians know this story, and it is backed up by all local accounts of this incident: Wild Bill wanted to get into a poker game one warm afternoon; he was itching for some action. His regular seat in the corner was filled, so Bill broke one of his most important rules and sat with his back exposed. As Bill looked down at a pretty good hand, "aces and eights", he was shot in the back by a coward who wouldn't have drawn on him face to face. Bill died that day; all because he made one mistake! When you are alone in your defense you can't afford to make mistakes; enemies are treacherous, and seldom fight fair! The Middle-East is kind of like that "old west saloon", and Israel is kind of like old "Wild Bill". All around that "saloon" are "hired guns" who want to destroy Israel; yet, they are all aware of the fact that Israel is too tough to take on face to face. In many ways, Israel is the "Fast Gun" in the Middle-East. Egypt has been at Israel's back for several years now, but that may soon change. Radical Islam groups are busy insinuating themselves into the "New Egypt", and their rhetoric is anything but friendly toward Israel. Iraq, Syria, Iran and Libya have made no secret of their hate for the people of Israel. Israel's "ace in the hole" has always been her friendship with America. Most of those bar-room bullies wouldn't be too aggressive because of Israel's "back up"; America! Since Barack Obama has occupied the White House, there is a perception of distancing America from Israel. Obama made his "apology tour" when he first became President, and since then, our policies in regards to Israel have become tepid in her defense. What has become of America's commitment to Israel? As an American, I find our new policies toward Israel very disturbing. Israel is, or was, our only true friend in the Middle-East. As Barack Obama has done his best to dismantle our missile shields and bow to Middle-East pressure against Israel, I believe Mr. Obama holds great responsibility for the atmosphere that is now pervasive in those nations that now are more brazen than ever in their calling for the destruction of Israel. I don't know if Israel can depend on America anymore. Personally, my advice to the Israeli people is make sure you get that "corner seat", and don't get caught with "aces and eights"; you are a true friend to freedom, and you deserve better from your "best friend"!
Friday, April 8, 2011
"The Absurd Left!"
I enjoy going to the grocery store with my wife. We live in a university town, and it is a close community; we know many people. A trip to the grocery store is a social outing! Stores in America are truly amazing; we have shelf upon shelf of different choices to make on our weekly shopping trip. I'll wager there are fifty different types of bread alone to choose from; over twenty types of coffee, hundreds of bags of chips and pretzels and enough eggs to make breakfast for a battalion of hungry soldiers. We have the freedom to choose whatever we want to buy in our grocery store. We have the liberty to make those choices, be they healthy, or, unhealthy. I like cheeseburgers, yet, I don't eat a steady diet of cheeseburgers; that is my choice, nobody else gets to make that choice for me. I remember sitting on the ground, eating C-rations out of a can and dreaming about lasagna, pizza and hot dogs; I couldn't wait to get home to "chow down" on Mom's cooking! I like choice; I don't like others choosing for me. I wouldn't like to find out my steak dinner was replaced with a plate of lima beans, because someone else thought it would be better for me to eat lima beans (yuk). I just saw a couple of articles about how New York, that bastion of freedom, is once again trying to tell people what they are allowed to eat! The New York City Health Department has made an edict regarding fried foods from work sponsored meals. It said their employees should cut their bagels in half and if they have cake, they can't have cookies too! It also seems that this same department wants to ban "Happy Meals" and are threatening restaurants with fines up to $2500 if they continue to serve meals of that type. Once again, we see government infringing on our freedom of choice; they believe we are unable to make a good decision without government regulation, or threats. It seems that New York politicians are trying to protect our lives by regulating our diets. Liberal New York seems to be the "protector" of those who are unable to protect themselves! GOOD FOR THEM, THEY ARE PROTECTING THE INNOCENT! Hold on here, just a minute, I need something cleared up. Does this mean they will also protect the lives of unborn children? Obviously, if french fries are a threat to human life, then abortion of helpless children is surely a threat to human life. If anyone is unable to protect themselves from a bad practice, the unborn are an obvious constituency. Personally, I would much rather see my elected officials pursuing an issue that actually pertained to saving a life, rather than interfering in what I will eat for supper! If this wasn't so tragic, it would be humorous; people are allowed to choose to terminate a baby's life, yet, they should not be allowed to eat fried foods! I guess a baby's life isn't as valuable as an "order of fries" in the eyes of the left. This is a typical example of the absurdity of government regulation. Remember, it's okay to "KILL THE BABY, BUT NO FRIES WITH THAT!"
Thursday, April 7, 2011
"Neil Sedaka Was Right!"
"Just tell me what I did wrong", "I'm sorry, it will never happen again", "Can I have one more chance, Sweetheart?"; "How can I make this right?"; have any of you ever heard, or used, these words or words that were similar? Remember that Neil Sedaka song, "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do"; he recorded it twice. Virtually, everyone has had break-ups during their lives; be they romantic, or friendships, break-ups are painful to all involved. Sometimes we make that last ditch attempt to salvage what we had; unfortunately, this is seldom successful. Restored relationships are usually strained and fragile; both parties are overly sensitive and afraid to offend each other. The closeness that was once shared is now gone. America has been the "best friend", "father figure", "protector" and "provider" to the world for a very long time. In times of disaster, the first call that is made is usually to the United States of America. America always responds with as much help as desired by the distressed people or nation. Floods, famine, earthquakes; all have been responded to by America. We have been the world's "good guy" since WWI. America is now in a very difficult position; we can no longer sustain the rest of the world; we are going broke due to over spending and poor leadership. When polled, the American people have made foreign aid the first thing they want in our budget to be cut. It seems Barack Obama's dream for America to become like the rest of the world is coming to fruition. We are just as screwed up as all of the other countries that have too many entitlements and not enough taxpayers! America has allowed herself to be manipulated by economic and ecological fringe groups which have done their level best to destroy the fabric of America. Our welfare rolls are swollen, and we get the added burden of illegal aliens on our economic system. Slow, almost non-existent, job growth is a plague across America, and a policy of taxing investment has only worsened the situation. An administration that has a policy of "class warfare" and "racial division" has only added to our distress. America needs to help herself first NOW! I'm sorry to say this to the rest of the world but; "The Gravy Train isn't running anymore!" The American system cannot sustain everybody else; we have too many of our own problems right here at home. America is now "one of the pack" in the world; I hope Mr. Obama is proud of his accomplishment; we are losing our uniqueness as a nation thanks to poor leadership and spurious ideology. So, to all of our friends in Europe, Asia, the Middle-East, and everywhere else that has called on America in the past, I'm afraid America should be taking her "phone off the hook" for incoming calls. Our well is drying out, and we need to "drill" for more "fiscal water". Sorry my friend, but "BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO!!"
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
"Who Will Blink First?"
When I was a kid, I would engage in all types of childish games; "step on a crack, break your mother's back", "I dare you to step over this line" or "knock this chip off of my shoulder" are a few of the things children will say on a playground to evoke a reaction from their peers. As boys get older, our "games" get more personal; remarks about another guy's mother could trigger a fist fight. At that age, everything is a test of manhood; you know, a "spitting contest", "who will blink first". Ladies I blame you for all of this; we behave like morons to impress all of you, so try to suppress your laughter. Personally, I've found out over the years, a good sense of humor will go farther than "fisticuffs", when trying to impress a lady. In high school, we participate in sports to impress girls and increase our "rep" with other guys; it's all about getting our way! Life has a way of showing us we will not always get things our way. We don't always "get the girl" or get that promotion that we are sure "we deserve". We learn that, at times, we must yield to those who are in charge. Our budget has been an issue for several months without resolution. Last November, the electorate said America is in financial trouble of the most severe type. Our deficit is bordering on "science fiction" in its' magnitude, and it seems we are throwing pebbles at a behemoth in our attempts to solve our debt-disaster. We have seen the House of Representatives offer a proposal to eliminate 61 billion dollars from the budget, and we have seen the Senate, under Harry Reid, stonewall this proposal as too severe. In actuality, we need a much deeper cut than the one the House suggests, but it's a start. A 14 trillion dollar debt is larger than most people can comprehend. Although 61 billion dollars is a staggering amount of money, in relation to 14 trillion, it is not even "pocket change"! It seems that a Federal shutdown is imminent. Neither House of Congress is budging on their numbers. It seems that the Republicans understand what happened last November, and the Democrats don't. Every economist with any sense is saying America must make a turn-around in spending or we will be another Greece, and it will be soon! President Obama had Representative Boehner and Senator Reid in a private discussion at the White House which seemed to have little success. Mr. Obama used his best "intimidation" tactics, but I don't believe John Boehner is going to blink. Perhaps, a government shutdown will send a message to all of Washington's free spenders. The days of "pork" and "earmarks" must come to an end; the voters are tired of "Cowboy Poetry" and "Bridges to Nowhere". Obama and Reid have "dug in their heels", and so has Boehner. What we now face is this: Who is in charge; American voters, or Pork Barrel Politics?"
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I had a friend who worked for the "Dominick's" food store chain, and I once asked her if she ever shopped at any other store. She told me she rarely shopped at any other store, and there was an unwritten policy of employees only shopping at "Dominick's". I guess this makes corporate sense; an employee should support their company rather than go to a competitor. I used to shop at "Dominick's", and I found it to be a well stocked store with a pleasant atmosphere (this is not an endorsement). I also shopped at other stores when it was more convenient, or I could get a better price on the items I was shopping for; but by and large, I usually shopped at "Dominick's". We are now face to face with $4.00 a gallon gasoline; and America is not very excited about paying this price! My wife and I shop the area for the cheapest gas prices, and we combine all of our errands to limit gas consumption. I live in "Small Town America"; median income is nowhere near what the major metropolitan areas are; $4.00 a gallon has a major impact on everyone who lives here. Last week, our President, Barack Obama, was in Brazil making a speech about Brazilian oil production. Mr. Obama was encouraging the Brazilian people to drill! Yes, my fellow Americans, the man who is supposed to be looking out for our well being is encouraging industry in another country. What is worse than this is this same man is doing virtually nothing about our existing oil reserves in America. In Europe, gasoline is $8.00 a gallon; they have an excuse, there is no oil in Europe! Now, I'm going to tell you some things you may not know, and you may get upset. In February of 2008, the United States Geological Survey said the Bakken oil formation in North Dakota could boost American oil reserves by 10 times their present level! Are you beginning to become upset yet? They believe there is anywhere from 175 to 500 billion barrels of removable oil from this area alone. This discovery was announced in 1951! Marathon Oil has invested in that area, in the belief that 700,000 barrels of oil are easily retrievable! Are you upset yet? Now comes the big shocker; there is an estimated 2 trillion barrels of oil in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming! Some scientists believe we have the ability to recover at least half of that oil, which would make us oil "independent" from OPEC! If Mr. Obama wants to invest in America, perhaps this would be a good place to start. If he wants to "Go Green", that's fine, but right now, America need to use what God gave her. How many jobs could be created if we pursued the reclaiming of our own resources, instead of sending for oil at a price of $340 billion dollars and 14 million barrels a day! What is Barack Obama doing? Our economy is as fragile as a "castle built from a spider web", yet he encourages other nations to do things he is suppressing right here in America! WELL AMERICA, ARE YOU UPSET YET?
Monday, April 4, 2011
"Off and Running!"
Have you ever heard the term "He didn't live up to the hype"? I remember Brian Bosworth; he tore it up in college football and was a first rounder in the NFL Draft. Brian was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread; he turned out to be toast; injury prone and only flashes of talent. I remember Tony Mandrich, he looked like the "Incredible Hulk" on the cover of Sports Illustrated, also a first round draft pick for the Green Bay Packers. Some folks say Tony was the biggest draft bust in football history; tons of high hopes with virtually no return. I remember Tommy Morrison, he was the next great heavyweight according to Sylvester Stallone; unfortunately, Tommy couldn't take the punches as well as his movie icon's alter ego "Rocky Balboa". Sometimes a good press agent, or a good amateur career, can give us "major league" expectations about someone, and we find out they never should have left the minors. These players were "all hype, and no hope". Yesterday, Barack Obama announced his "hat is in the ring" once again. He said he will run for another term as our Chief Executive, and his fund raising will begin anew. Personally, I'm happy Mr. Obama is choosing to run again, I couldn't think of a weaker candidate for the Democrats to run. Mr. Obama has done his level best in the last two-plus years and it has been a disaster! Our domestic situation at its' very best can only be described as stagnant; and at its' worst can be called an American Apocalypse. Gigantic debt coupled with huge spending and a health care plan riddled with misconceptions and spurious conclusions are the "highlights" of Mr. Obama's accomplishments thus far. He has called for "transparency", yet we have seen more "closed door" policy making than the old Soviet Union. Our foreign policies are the most inept I've seen since that disaster we called the "Carter Administration". Mr. Obama seems dedicated to the weakening of America. We have given up huge pieces of our missile defense shield, and decided to trust Vladimir Putin to give us a square deal. He has proven that he is reticent to commit to the military by his dithering over decisions that warrant expedited action. Mr. Obama always gives the perception of how all situations will affect him politically, rather than how they will affect America and her security and well being. We have seen the manipulation of our justice system in the "picking and choosing" what our Attorney General will prosecute, and what he won't. I will be very interested in his new campaign speeches. I would be willing to wager that once again, we will see George Bush brought up in an effort to try to, once again, shift blame and refuse responsibility for his actions. If I were running against Barack Obama, I would be gleaning the sound bytes and videos for the plethora of contradictions that define him as a President and as a man. Now, we will see more of the man who has never really stopped running for office; always the candidate, rarely the President!
Friday, April 1, 2011
"Don't Listen to the Wrong George!"
Have you ever been talked over; you know; when someone raises their voice to drown out what you are trying to say? This is an exasperating situation. We all want to be heard, no matter how foolish we may be; I know, because I've had my moments of foolish talk, and as foolish as they sound in retrospect, I still wanted to be heard! I remember as a child having "loud" conversations with my siblings; it seems that in the mind of a child, the higher the decibel level, the more likely to win the argument. As the eldest in my home, I used my age as a qualifier for wisdom; I held a certain power because of my age. Sometimes my arguments weren't valid, yet I continued to defend them, and my tone would always rise as my facts would sink. Power is not always the key to truth. The stifling of truth leads to oppression. Over the last several days, a very powerful man is trying to stifle the truth in a concerted effort to discredit FOX NEWS, and in particular Glenn Beck. If you haven't guessed by now the man to whom I am referring is George Soros, and his "octopus" of organizations which have been given "marching orders" to attack FOX NEWS, and Mr. Beck. David Brock, the founder of MEDIA MATTERS, said "The strategy that we had had toward FOX was basically a strategy of containment"; this has now moved to "War on FOX". The words used are "guerrilla warfare and sabotage"; SABOTAGE! MEDIA MATTERS has hired an elite crew of saboteurs whose job is to cast aspersions on FOX NEWS, Glenn Beck and various conservative pundits and websites. It looks like George Soros is raising his "voice" to cover up his spurious arguments and socialist viewpoints. This Soros propaganda outlet said Beck was losing his listeners, saying his radio audience has dropped below 400 stations, oddly, when the facts were revealed, Beck has 488 different listening venues as of today. It looks like George is making things up as he goes along! The real danger here is that wealth and power are trying to usurp the First Amendment through deception and unethical practice. America is based on the ideal of everybody being heard, whether we agree with them or not. Any unscrupulous attempt to stifle free speech should be taken very seriously by all Americans. Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, you deserve to be heard; if one is silenced, then all can be silenced. I prefer George Washington to George Soros!
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