Everyone who has read my blog knows I like baseball. There are countless stories of baseball legends doing amazing things on the field; some of these stories have almost become super-human in their description. Probably the most famous story in baseball is Babe Ruth's "called home run" against the Cubs. There have been countless accounts of the telling of this event from hundreds of sports writers and biographers of the Babe. In the movie "The Babe Ruth Story", the Babe, played by William Bendix, stood firm in the batter's box, looked directly at the pitcher, and pointed straight out to center field, thrusting his finger three times! This was very dramatic, although it probably wasn't true. The account I heard that sounds the most plausible was, as the Babe stepped into the batter's box, the sun was shining brightly in his eyes, he raised his left hand to get a better look at the pitcher, and someone in the stand said "Look he's calling his shot!" After that, Ruth hit a tremendous blow into the bleachers. Upon being interviewed after the game Ruth, the consummate showman, heartily agreed that he pointed to the stands and called his, now legendary, home run. Tens of thousands of people said they were at the park that day, in fact many more people than Wrigley Field could accommodate; yet, they all swore they were there. Truth and reporting is not always the same thing.
Saturday, Glenn Beck had his rally in Washington D.C., at the Lincoln Memorial. I, along with millions of people watched the event. It had been billed by the media as a conservative, tea party gathering. I'm sure most of those in attendance were of conservative philosophy; yet, the event was apolitical in nature. The main message was to restore honor, through faith, in our nation. There were no political signs that I could see, and the cameras scanned as much of the crowd as possible. There were American Flags, a virtual sea of American Flags that stretched along both sides of the Reflecting Pool to the Washington Monument. The crowd was mostly white people along with other Americans of other colors. This was not a racial event, it was a spiritual event. The speakers were all well respected men and women who gave a message of faith and hope for America. President Obama's name was never mentioned, as I said this was an apolitical event.
Yesterday, I began reading media accounts of this rally and I was flabbergasted, the words "false patriotism and hypocritical religiosity" jumped off the pages like flaming arrows. Character assassination seemed to be the order of the day in an overwhelming number of the articles. Beck made no money from this event, even though many critics said this would be used to enrich his bank account. On his show yesterday, he admitted to wearing a bullet-proof vest at his wife's request, as hate mail was, and still is, quite abundant from far left lunatics. The Washington Post said the crowd was around 87,000 people. I'm sure they would like to change that estimate, as photographs have shown, conservative estimates of 300,000, and as high as 500,000 people in attendance. Is it possible the Washington Post has a political agenda?
We must ask why is the left after Glenn Beck like a pack of attack dogs? Does he pose a threat to them? Why was it important to them to down play the number of Americans who attended this event? Why was the term racist alluded to when discussing this event? Is demonizing Beck so important that factual reporting doesn't matter anymore? I'm hopeful that those who didn't see this event will get an opportunity to view it at another time. See if "The Babe" calls his shot. Find out the truth for yourselves, obviously, the media isn't giving it to you!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
"ALIENS FROM MARS AT WHITE HOUSE!! NEW NAZIS WORSHIP HITLER'S BRAIN!! ELVIS AND BIGFOOT SPOTTED AT ROCK CONCERT!!!" Do any of you stop at the register in the check-out line and read those headlines and laugh out loud? Although, Elvis Is Alive!!! Oddly enough, there is a segment of the public that reads this stuff and believes it is real! These are the same people that don't believe we landed on the moon. Crazy headlines are expected from some publications; we all have an idea what those publications are. I remember seeing a picture of President Bush shaking hands with a "SPACE ALIEN"! I hope that those who publish these things aren't serious; but one never knows for sure. Americans love a good sci-fi movie, or horror story. The fantasy movies are very popular and are drawing throngs to the theatre in droves. I hope that when we go to those movies, we know that it isn't real! I've heard crazy theories from many people. Charlie Sheen believes we demolished the towers on 911 because of the way they fell. Numerous people have signed on to theories on the Kennedy Assassination, that range from a mafia hit to he is still alive and running the nation from a bunker. Crack-pot theories abound at every turn from many different sources.
Associated Press has a history of credibility. When people read something that has AP next to the story, they give it an accepted measure of truth.
Last week, Fidel Castro, former communist dictator of Cuba, made an accusation against former President George W. Bush. Castro has made allegations that Osama bin Laden is a C.I.A. agent and was ordered by President Bush to aid Mr. Bush in advancing the war by his video threats! Born in 1926, Castro became dictator in Cuba in 1959, overthrowing Batista's corrupt government. Fidel stepped down in July of 2006, when he turned over power to his brother (so much for free elections) Raul. He is now the "elder statesman" in Cuba. He said "Every time Bush would stir up fear and make a speech, bin Laden would appear threatening people with a story about what he was going to do", "..(bin Laden) jumped out exactly when President George W. Bush needed to scare the whole world.."! Sadly there will be a portion of the American public who will believe these rantings from the unhinged former dictator. Those who are fans of Hugo Chavez, and we all know who they are, will probably assign great credibility to Fidel's lunacy. This is equivocal to saying that Roosevelt was in a conspiracy with the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor in order to start WWII. Oh, by the way, there are people who believe that!
When an established news organization covers this type of idiocy they contribute to its credibility. Associated Press should leave this type of coverage to those "super-market gossip sheets" that deal with this ridiculous type of article. My Mom always said "Consider the source" when I heard things that were hard to believe: remember, it was Fidel Castro who said this stuff. CONSIDER THE SOURCE!!!
Associated Press has a history of credibility. When people read something that has AP next to the story, they give it an accepted measure of truth.
Last week, Fidel Castro, former communist dictator of Cuba, made an accusation against former President George W. Bush. Castro has made allegations that Osama bin Laden is a C.I.A. agent and was ordered by President Bush to aid Mr. Bush in advancing the war by his video threats! Born in 1926, Castro became dictator in Cuba in 1959, overthrowing Batista's corrupt government. Fidel stepped down in July of 2006, when he turned over power to his brother (so much for free elections) Raul. He is now the "elder statesman" in Cuba. He said "Every time Bush would stir up fear and make a speech, bin Laden would appear threatening people with a story about what he was going to do", "..(bin Laden) jumped out exactly when President George W. Bush needed to scare the whole world.."! Sadly there will be a portion of the American public who will believe these rantings from the unhinged former dictator. Those who are fans of Hugo Chavez, and we all know who they are, will probably assign great credibility to Fidel's lunacy. This is equivocal to saying that Roosevelt was in a conspiracy with the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor in order to start WWII. Oh, by the way, there are people who believe that!
When an established news organization covers this type of idiocy they contribute to its credibility. Associated Press should leave this type of coverage to those "super-market gossip sheets" that deal with this ridiculous type of article. My Mom always said "Consider the source" when I heard things that were hard to believe: remember, it was Fidel Castro who said this stuff. CONSIDER THE SOURCE!!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
"Restoring Honor, What's Wrong With That?"
"The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!" Franklin Roosevelt uttered these words in one of his most inspiring moments. I'm not a giant fan of FDR, but those are some pretty good words. It has been said the worst fear is fear of the unknown. Children fear the dark because they can't see what's in the room; "Monsters Under The Bed"! In combat, the worst part of the battle, is not knowing when enemy troops are going to show up; the waiting is unnerving. When a fighter gets into the ring he is filled with anxiety; even though he has prepared for the battle, he still doesn't know what his opponent will do once the bell rings.
On Saturday, Glenn Beck is hosting a rally at the Lincoln Memorial; it is titled "Restoring Honor". I have been following this proposed rally for a while. I like Glenn Beck, yet I still subscribe to finding things out for myself rather than accepting things blindly. As of today, I must say I find nothing that could be defined as objectionable to anyone attending this event, or watching it on television. It will take place on the steps where Dr. Martin Luther King gave his most famous speech, on the anniversary of that speech. Some people feel that Beck is trying to "steal" the legacy of Dr. King. Some people feel this is a chance for Beck to "self-promote". Some believe this rally is a "tea party" promotion, completely political in nature. Beck has taken all of his personal skeletons out of the closet a long time ago; there isn't much personal scandal to expose about him that he hasn't exposed on his own. I'm sure this aggravates his opposition greatly.
I looked at Media Matters website; you know the leftist site controlled by George Soros, and it is a cesspool of hatred and bogus information about this rally. Beck is called a megalomaniac holding a rally of "self-aggrandizement". Beck has been self-effacing since the inception of this rally. The most feared person at this rally seems to be Sarah Palin. The left has placed her somewhere between Bonnie Parker and Lucretia Borgia; a demon for sure. The most surprising attacks have been against Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King; she has been accused of "hi-jacking" the cause of her uncle. The NAACP has questioned her motives! She has been at the forefront of the civil rights movement since the beginning. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU!!?
Beck says he doesn't want any signs at this rally; although I'm sure an American Flag will be welcome. He insists this is not a political event, and I believe him. This is to be a salute to some brave Americans, not just soldiers, but everyday people who have stepped out for others; people of honor, thus the theme of the rally. We must ask ourselves why Media Matters and others on the left fear this rally? Why is Glenn Beck and those who support him castigated without reason? I will watch the rally on Saturday: perhaps you may want to watch it too? I'm curious to see what is so fearful about Glenn Beck and "Restoring Honor".
On Saturday, Glenn Beck is hosting a rally at the Lincoln Memorial; it is titled "Restoring Honor". I have been following this proposed rally for a while. I like Glenn Beck, yet I still subscribe to finding things out for myself rather than accepting things blindly. As of today, I must say I find nothing that could be defined as objectionable to anyone attending this event, or watching it on television. It will take place on the steps where Dr. Martin Luther King gave his most famous speech, on the anniversary of that speech. Some people feel that Beck is trying to "steal" the legacy of Dr. King. Some people feel this is a chance for Beck to "self-promote". Some believe this rally is a "tea party" promotion, completely political in nature. Beck has taken all of his personal skeletons out of the closet a long time ago; there isn't much personal scandal to expose about him that he hasn't exposed on his own. I'm sure this aggravates his opposition greatly.
I looked at Media Matters website; you know the leftist site controlled by George Soros, and it is a cesspool of hatred and bogus information about this rally. Beck is called a megalomaniac holding a rally of "self-aggrandizement". Beck has been self-effacing since the inception of this rally. The most feared person at this rally seems to be Sarah Palin. The left has placed her somewhere between Bonnie Parker and Lucretia Borgia; a demon for sure. The most surprising attacks have been against Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King; she has been accused of "hi-jacking" the cause of her uncle. The NAACP has questioned her motives! She has been at the forefront of the civil rights movement since the beginning. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU!!?
Beck says he doesn't want any signs at this rally; although I'm sure an American Flag will be welcome. He insists this is not a political event, and I believe him. This is to be a salute to some brave Americans, not just soldiers, but everyday people who have stepped out for others; people of honor, thus the theme of the rally. We must ask ourselves why Media Matters and others on the left fear this rally? Why is Glenn Beck and those who support him castigated without reason? I will watch the rally on Saturday: perhaps you may want to watch it too? I'm curious to see what is so fearful about Glenn Beck and "Restoring Honor".
Thursday, August 26, 2010
"The Mask of Michael Moore"
Is opinion something we form, or the gleaning of position of someone else? I have been watching Glenn Beck for some time and the one thing I have taken from watching him is that he never says "take my word for it"; Beck always says to research what he says. Do we always go beyond the political advertisement or the commentator? Do we, at times, just believe what is put in front of us? We live in a generation of movies, television and electronic communication that surpasses any previous time in history. People who appear in the media are "larger than life". Movie stars, talk show hosts, radio commentators and political pundits have our eyes and ears now more than ever. As Americans, is it incumbent on us to be more responsible than ever in finding out what these "experts" actually believe before we commit to their points of view?
Recently, Michael Moore has endorsed the actions of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking sensitive information to Wikileaks. Moore has called Manning's alleged acts "patriotic": he has said "He did a courageous thing and he did a patriotic thing". He said Manning was exposing "war crimes". In a lengthy statement, he said "He (Manning) essentially followed the Nuremberg principles, which is when you see something going on like this, when you see crimes being committed, when you see lies being told in order to bring a country to war, you have to speak out against it."
Joint Chiefs ,Admiral Mike Mullen, said,"(these leaks) might have already have on their hands the blood of some young soldiers or that of an Afghan family."
Who is Michael Moore? Moore was born in Flint, Michigan on April 23, 1954 to a working class family. He dropped out of the University of Michigan, and held some jobs in the print industry as an editor before he entered the movie industry. His far left views are a matter of public knowledge. Films like "Roger and Me", "Bowling for Colombine", "Fahrenheit 911", and "Sicko", all reflect his "honest" opinions of American society and her traditional policies.
I have recently seen a film called "Michael Moore Hates America". I recommend this film to everyone, regardless of your political philosophy. This film will open up your eyes in ways you have never expected. It is a documentary (unauthorized) about Mr. Moore which follows him around and "tells all"! Michael Moore is shown to be something other than what his followers believe him to be. He condemns the American free market, yet he is a multi-millionaire with all the trappings to go along with it. He insulates himself from those who seek to find out about his true beliefs. He is shown to be a master of the "big con".
As Glenn Beck says, "Don't take my word for anything". I urge anyone who has any opinion about this man to rent this movie. Before you allow anybody's opinion to influence your own, find out who they are! I believe Mr. Moore is just "cashing in" on whatever he is able to latch on to, and playing to his "audience". DON'T BE FOOLED BY MICHAEL MOORE!!!
Recently, Michael Moore has endorsed the actions of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking sensitive information to Wikileaks. Moore has called Manning's alleged acts "patriotic": he has said "He did a courageous thing and he did a patriotic thing". He said Manning was exposing "war crimes". In a lengthy statement, he said "He (Manning) essentially followed the Nuremberg principles, which is when you see something going on like this, when you see crimes being committed, when you see lies being told in order to bring a country to war, you have to speak out against it."
Joint Chiefs ,Admiral Mike Mullen, said,"(these leaks) might have already have on their hands the blood of some young soldiers or that of an Afghan family."
Who is Michael Moore? Moore was born in Flint, Michigan on April 23, 1954 to a working class family. He dropped out of the University of Michigan, and held some jobs in the print industry as an editor before he entered the movie industry. His far left views are a matter of public knowledge. Films like "Roger and Me", "Bowling for Colombine", "Fahrenheit 911", and "Sicko", all reflect his "honest" opinions of American society and her traditional policies.
I have recently seen a film called "Michael Moore Hates America". I recommend this film to everyone, regardless of your political philosophy. This film will open up your eyes in ways you have never expected. It is a documentary (unauthorized) about Mr. Moore which follows him around and "tells all"! Michael Moore is shown to be something other than what his followers believe him to be. He condemns the American free market, yet he is a multi-millionaire with all the trappings to go along with it. He insulates himself from those who seek to find out about his true beliefs. He is shown to be a master of the "big con".
As Glenn Beck says, "Don't take my word for anything". I urge anyone who has any opinion about this man to rent this movie. Before you allow anybody's opinion to influence your own, find out who they are! I believe Mr. Moore is just "cashing in" on whatever he is able to latch on to, and playing to his "audience". DON'T BE FOOLED BY MICHAEL MOORE!!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
"Clear and Present Danger"
In October of 1962, President Kennedy faced the most difficult crisis of his administration. The Soviet Union had placed missiles in Cuba. This was a direct threat to the United States and could not be overlooked. We see that the act of the Soviet Union presented a "clear and present danger" to our nation. Kennedy explored all of his options and decided on a naval blockade of Cuba, preventing any further import of questionable material from the Soviets. He also made it clear all missiles must be dismantled and sent back to Russia. In a further statement Kennedy said, "Any attack against any nation in the western hemisphere from Cuba would be considered an attack on the United States from the Soviet Union; and would be met with a full retaliatory response." Kennedy left no options for Premier Khrushchev; basically it was "GET OUT NOW" or bad things will happen to you. The build- up of weapons by a rogue nation was not an option, and would not be acceptable under any circumstance. The Soviets realized Kennedy meant what he said and withdrew her missiles. STRENGTH WORKS!!
I believe those of you who read my blog are educated in what is going on in our world today. Press conferences give little information other than bolstering the policies of the administration.
Recently, my old friend, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, announced the development of a new drone bomber: it has been called the "Ambassador of Death", a charming "nick-name; it is also known as "Kavar" the Arabic word for "striker". This bomber is capable of a 620 mile delivery; a long range threat. It can carry two 115 kilo-ton bombs or one 227 kilo-ton missile that can have nuclear capabilities. Peace loving leader Ahmadinejad has made his case for the new bomber. He has said "This aircraft, before it heralds death for humanities, is the messenger of dignity and salvation for humanity, and its main message is peace(?), friendship(?), and the prevention of any conflict and aggression." He also said, "Iran should attempt to acquire the ability to carry out defensive strikes against a perceived threat (Israel?)", "If there is an ignorant person...a tyrant who just wants to carry out aggression, then our Defense Ministry should reach the point where it can cut off the hand of the aggressor BEFORE he decides to carry out the aggressive act". Does anyone besides me see the veiled threat in this fanatic's statements? He has already shown total disregard for U.N. sanctions (toothless as they are). He continues to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. He is acquiring delivery systems for his weapons from Russia (our friend?). He has said "Try to imagine a world without Israel". Iran, with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as its' leader, is a "CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER" to the free people of the world. Ahmadinejad is a fanatic; he wants to bring about the Islamic "end of the world"; he wants to destroy Israel!
It is time to put our collective "foot down" on this tyrant. Our President is supposed to be the leader of the "Free World". The job Mr. Obama has, calls for toughness in bad situations; Kennedy knew this, Reagan knew this and George W. Bush (like it or not) knew this. What will America do now Mr. President? Will we allow this immediate threat to continue to grow? Mr. Obama, you need to lead; you need to toughen up! Forget those golf games and vacations for a while and be the PRESIDENT.
I believe those of you who read my blog are educated in what is going on in our world today. Press conferences give little information other than bolstering the policies of the administration.
Recently, my old friend, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, announced the development of a new drone bomber: it has been called the "Ambassador of Death", a charming "nick-name; it is also known as "Kavar" the Arabic word for "striker". This bomber is capable of a 620 mile delivery; a long range threat. It can carry two 115 kilo-ton bombs or one 227 kilo-ton missile that can have nuclear capabilities. Peace loving leader Ahmadinejad has made his case for the new bomber. He has said "This aircraft, before it heralds death for humanities, is the messenger of dignity and salvation for humanity, and its main message is peace(?), friendship(?), and the prevention of any conflict and aggression." He also said, "Iran should attempt to acquire the ability to carry out defensive strikes against a perceived threat (Israel?)", "If there is an ignorant person...a tyrant who just wants to carry out aggression, then our Defense Ministry should reach the point where it can cut off the hand of the aggressor BEFORE he decides to carry out the aggressive act". Does anyone besides me see the veiled threat in this fanatic's statements? He has already shown total disregard for U.N. sanctions (toothless as they are). He continues to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. He is acquiring delivery systems for his weapons from Russia (our friend?). He has said "Try to imagine a world without Israel". Iran, with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as its' leader, is a "CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER" to the free people of the world. Ahmadinejad is a fanatic; he wants to bring about the Islamic "end of the world"; he wants to destroy Israel!
It is time to put our collective "foot down" on this tyrant. Our President is supposed to be the leader of the "Free World". The job Mr. Obama has, calls for toughness in bad situations; Kennedy knew this, Reagan knew this and George W. Bush (like it or not) knew this. What will America do now Mr. President? Will we allow this immediate threat to continue to grow? Mr. Obama, you need to lead; you need to toughen up! Forget those golf games and vacations for a while and be the PRESIDENT.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
"God bless America, land that I love...", "My country, Tis of thee, sweet land of liberty...", "Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light, what so proudly we hail..."; most of us know these lyrics by heart. These words stir emotions in many of us. Webster says; PATRIOTISM: Love for or devotion to one's country. I love America, and I don't find it "hokey" to feel patriotic about this nation.
Last week, my wife and I went to the movies to see "The Expendables". If you go, don't expect to see "Citizen Kane" or "The Godfather". The film is an action movie, filled with guns, explosions, vehicle wrecks, good guys and bad guys. If you like action films, you will probably like this movie. There is no DEEP MEANING in this movie; it's just fun to watch! Sylvester Stallone and a plethora of action movie icons kick some bad guy butt. I saw it, and that's all there is to this movie!
Upon review in the Los Angeles times, our political society proceeded to read a political message into this movie, criticizing the fact that Americans were the "good guys". Wow, how political is Hollywood? Stallone said he had no agenda in the making of this film; it was made for entertainment purposes only; a chance for America to see a bunch of action stars in one film. The review said, "Apple pie patriotism is already behind the success of a cable news network (FOX NEWS?) and supports a large segment of the contemporary country industry (that sounds a little elitist). Why not a film too?"
Although this movie really had no agenda, this review obviously had one and it is very disturbing. American patriotism is unwelcome in Hollywood. Heart on your sleeve, love of country is somehow considered "out of vogue" with the Hollywood elite. What is bad about patriotism?
Some Americans have said some things about America that criticize; others have said things to raise the American spirit. I remember Michelle Obama saying, "For the first time, in a long time, I am proud to be an American." I have always been proud to be an American; I'm sure many of you have been too! Here are a few quotes from other Americans: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves", Abraham Lincoln, "We must always remember that America is a great nation today not because of what government did for people, but of what people did for themselves and for one another", Richard M. Nixon (surprised?). This is my favorite: "Sure, I wave the American Flag. Do you know a better flag to wave? I'm not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be!!" John Wayne; an American icon.
Those who find fault with patriotism need to look elsewhere for residence; try to find a better place. You'll be quickly disappointed. There is no other country like the United States of America. No one has our Constitution; no one has our liberties. Try to remember the words, "GOD BLESS AMERICA, LAND THAT I LOVE", and ask yourself, do I want to live anywhere else?
Last week, my wife and I went to the movies to see "The Expendables". If you go, don't expect to see "Citizen Kane" or "The Godfather". The film is an action movie, filled with guns, explosions, vehicle wrecks, good guys and bad guys. If you like action films, you will probably like this movie. There is no DEEP MEANING in this movie; it's just fun to watch! Sylvester Stallone and a plethora of action movie icons kick some bad guy butt. I saw it, and that's all there is to this movie!
Upon review in the Los Angeles times, our political society proceeded to read a political message into this movie, criticizing the fact that Americans were the "good guys". Wow, how political is Hollywood? Stallone said he had no agenda in the making of this film; it was made for entertainment purposes only; a chance for America to see a bunch of action stars in one film. The review said, "Apple pie patriotism is already behind the success of a cable news network (FOX NEWS?) and supports a large segment of the contemporary country industry (that sounds a little elitist). Why not a film too?"
Although this movie really had no agenda, this review obviously had one and it is very disturbing. American patriotism is unwelcome in Hollywood. Heart on your sleeve, love of country is somehow considered "out of vogue" with the Hollywood elite. What is bad about patriotism?
Some Americans have said some things about America that criticize; others have said things to raise the American spirit. I remember Michelle Obama saying, "For the first time, in a long time, I am proud to be an American." I have always been proud to be an American; I'm sure many of you have been too! Here are a few quotes from other Americans: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves", Abraham Lincoln, "We must always remember that America is a great nation today not because of what government did for people, but of what people did for themselves and for one another", Richard M. Nixon (surprised?). This is my favorite: "Sure, I wave the American Flag. Do you know a better flag to wave? I'm not ashamed of that, never have been, never will be!!" John Wayne; an American icon.
Those who find fault with patriotism need to look elsewhere for residence; try to find a better place. You'll be quickly disappointed. There is no other country like the United States of America. No one has our Constitution; no one has our liberties. Try to remember the words, "GOD BLESS AMERICA, LAND THAT I LOVE", and ask yourself, do I want to live anywhere else?
Monday, August 23, 2010
"Yes, No, I Don't Know?"
Should we be consistent in what we say? There is a phrase that says, "Let your yes, be yes; and let your no, be no." What does this mean? We all know about the "myth" of used car salesmen; they never tell you the truth, they say anything to make the sale. We don't know if their "yes means yes". I remember during the Presidential campaign between George Bush and John Kerry the term "flip-flop" became quite popular; this possibly helped contribute to John Kerry's defeat. On several occasions, Kerry was shown speaking on two sides of issues, thus giving the perception that he had no real position on any issue, or he was just saying what people wanted to hear. Mr. Kerry had no consistency in his statements; therefore he couldn't be trusted.
I have recently been talking about the proposed mosque in New York. There are very strong feelings on both sides of this issue. Some people are quite verbose in their opposition to its construction; while others are equally verbose in their support. This is a tribute to our 1st amendment. Opinions are like buses; there is a new one coming along every 15 minutes. In America, we all have our points of view, and we all want to be heard.
Last week, Nancy Pelosi was quite verbose about the people who are voicing their opinions about the mosque. She said there should be an investigation into those who oppose the building of the mosque. After this statement, many questions were raised about Ms. Pelosi's view of protest in America. We all remember Ms. Pelosi's statement that "tea party members" were "astro-turf" and wanted to "disrupt" the public dialogue; yet, in 2006, when speaking to a group of anti-war activists, she said "I am a fan of disruptors". It seems Ms. Pelosi loves protest as long as it is protest that she agrees with.
She now seems to be backing off of her statement to investigate those who protest. She has amended her words saying "I support the statement made by the Interfaith Alliance that we agree with ADL that there is a need for transparency (they love that word) about who is funding the effort to build this Islamic center. At the same time, we should also ask who is funding the attacks(?) against the construction of the center". Ms Pelosi, like Mr. Kerry, appears to be trying to get on both sides of this issue. What does this tell us about Ms. Pelosi? Now that national polls show America is overwhelmingly opposed to this building, and the democrats are sinking in public approval, she must appear a populist without making a commitment to the issue. Consistency and integrity are the real issue here. It appears Ms. Pelosi has very little of either of these qualities. Can you say "FLIP-FLOP"?
I have recently been talking about the proposed mosque in New York. There are very strong feelings on both sides of this issue. Some people are quite verbose in their opposition to its construction; while others are equally verbose in their support. This is a tribute to our 1st amendment. Opinions are like buses; there is a new one coming along every 15 minutes. In America, we all have our points of view, and we all want to be heard.
Last week, Nancy Pelosi was quite verbose about the people who are voicing their opinions about the mosque. She said there should be an investigation into those who oppose the building of the mosque. After this statement, many questions were raised about Ms. Pelosi's view of protest in America. We all remember Ms. Pelosi's statement that "tea party members" were "astro-turf" and wanted to "disrupt" the public dialogue; yet, in 2006, when speaking to a group of anti-war activists, she said "I am a fan of disruptors". It seems Ms. Pelosi loves protest as long as it is protest that she agrees with.
She now seems to be backing off of her statement to investigate those who protest. She has amended her words saying "I support the statement made by the Interfaith Alliance that we agree with ADL that there is a need for transparency (they love that word) about who is funding the effort to build this Islamic center. At the same time, we should also ask who is funding the attacks(?) against the construction of the center". Ms Pelosi, like Mr. Kerry, appears to be trying to get on both sides of this issue. What does this tell us about Ms. Pelosi? Now that national polls show America is overwhelmingly opposed to this building, and the democrats are sinking in public approval, she must appear a populist without making a commitment to the issue. Consistency and integrity are the real issue here. It appears Ms. Pelosi has very little of either of these qualities. Can you say "FLIP-FLOP"?
Friday, August 20, 2010
"Proper and Legal are Not Always the Same Thing"
My wife was raised Jewish. Her heritage is in the Jewish tradition. We embraced Jesus as our Savior many years ago, and are active in the Christian church. That being said, I feel empathy for her in her heritage. I am a WWII "buff". I watch quite a bit about that era; I read quite a bit about Germany and Japan during that period of history. At times, I will watch programs about the "Holocaust". We must never forget what happens when those whose purpose is evil attain power. I am careful not to watch too much about the "Holocaust" when my wife is home; it is very painful for her, as she lost family members to the NAZI lunacy of racial "cleansing". I try to be sensitive to her feelings.
Most of you know where I'm going with this analogy; the mosque in New York. I don't know anybody who is questioning the legality of building this structure; I know many people who question the judgment of building this particular building at that particular location. I, along with many of you, remember 911 vividly. I was at home, as I was working nights; I was getting my coffee and my wife called me, telling me to turn on the news. At that time one plane had flown into the Tower. I watched, transfixed, thinking "what a terrible accident"; then, the unthinkable happened, the second plane hit the other Tower. Accident disappeared and attack became the fact. Murder of innocent Americans was the motive; the only question was who did this? We now know radical murderous Muslim fanatics perpetrated this atrocity; and they were proud of their work!
America did NOTHING to deserve this unprovoked attack. The area surrounding this mass murder has become "hallowed ground" to most Americans. The memory of 3000 innocent lives have paid for that land. The people of America don't want a mosque built in that immediate area. All polls show an overwhelming majority, 60 to 70 per cent, object to this structure at this location. The Imam who is proposing this mosque is Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. He was born in Kuwait in 1948. He considers himself a moderate in his beliefs; yet, his words say something differently about him. Imam Rauf said, following the 911 attacks," I wouldn't say the United States deserved what happened. But the United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened. Because we, (United States), have been accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world. Osama bin Laden is made in the U.S.A. The Islamic method of waging war is not to kill innocent civilians, but it was CHRISTIANS in WWII who bombed civilians in Dresden and Hiroshima, neither of which were military targets." Are these the words of a MODERATE ? Would a moderate build a building in an area that would "twist the knife" in a still open wound?
President Obama has given tacit endorsement to the building of this mosque. He has played politics on this issue. He said what would be well received at a Ramadan dinner; he was playing the room to receive applause. He could have acted like a President instead of a politician; he chose not to. Legality is not the question Mr. President! Sensitivity to the American people is the issue. I wish, just once, I could see this President submit to the will of the people! Mr. Obama, could you please ACT LIKE THE PRESIDENT!!
Most of you know where I'm going with this analogy; the mosque in New York. I don't know anybody who is questioning the legality of building this structure; I know many people who question the judgment of building this particular building at that particular location. I, along with many of you, remember 911 vividly. I was at home, as I was working nights; I was getting my coffee and my wife called me, telling me to turn on the news. At that time one plane had flown into the Tower. I watched, transfixed, thinking "what a terrible accident"; then, the unthinkable happened, the second plane hit the other Tower. Accident disappeared and attack became the fact. Murder of innocent Americans was the motive; the only question was who did this? We now know radical murderous Muslim fanatics perpetrated this atrocity; and they were proud of their work!
America did NOTHING to deserve this unprovoked attack. The area surrounding this mass murder has become "hallowed ground" to most Americans. The memory of 3000 innocent lives have paid for that land. The people of America don't want a mosque built in that immediate area. All polls show an overwhelming majority, 60 to 70 per cent, object to this structure at this location. The Imam who is proposing this mosque is Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. He was born in Kuwait in 1948. He considers himself a moderate in his beliefs; yet, his words say something differently about him. Imam Rauf said, following the 911 attacks," I wouldn't say the United States deserved what happened. But the United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened. Because we, (United States), have been accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world. Osama bin Laden is made in the U.S.A. The Islamic method of waging war is not to kill innocent civilians, but it was CHRISTIANS in WWII who bombed civilians in Dresden and Hiroshima, neither of which were military targets." Are these the words of a MODERATE ? Would a moderate build a building in an area that would "twist the knife" in a still open wound?
President Obama has given tacit endorsement to the building of this mosque. He has played politics on this issue. He said what would be well received at a Ramadan dinner; he was playing the room to receive applause. He could have acted like a President instead of a politician; he chose not to. Legality is not the question Mr. President! Sensitivity to the American people is the issue. I wish, just once, I could see this President submit to the will of the people! Mr. Obama, could you please ACT LIKE THE PRESIDENT!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
"14th Amendment"
John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson are the names of some of America's most infamous killers. Gacy and Bundy are dead; Manson still sits in prison paying for his heinous crimes. Murder binds them together, also notoriety in their continued interest by the public in their crimes. There have been books, movies and television specials about all of them. Millions of dollars have been spent by the American public seeking to learn more about these men. Gratefully, none of the money generated by these products profit those criminals or their families. In America, you are not allowed to profit from the commission of a crime; you can receive nothing of value from the fruit of a poisoned act. An easy example is this: if someone steals a car and is caught, he will not get to keep that car because he spent time in jail. I know this sounds ridiculous, yet some people feel entitled to keep what they steal as long as they did the time (criminals aren't very bright).
Recently, the issue of "anchor babies" has been brought up in regards to the huge influx of criminal illegal aliens having children after they have invaded our borders.
The 14th amendment of the United States Constitution states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States of America; and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States..."
This sounds pretty clear in definition, yet there are some legal questions that must be raised. In July of 1868, this amendment was written to protect former slaves from being denied their constitutional rights as citizens.
Is American citizenship something of value? To me, being an American citizen is of great value; it gives us our rights under the Bill of Rights and all of the privileges granted under the Constitution and its' amendments. Should a criminal profit from his crime? I am not calling babies criminals; I'm saying these children are being used as a tool to gain something of value as fruit of a criminal act. Countless criminal illegal aliens cross the border on a regular basis very pregnant, in order to have their children born on American soil. This borders on criminal conspiracy; they illegally crossed our border with the intent of stealing American citizenship, and giving them an edge to remain in our country in spite of the commission of their crime. Perhaps we could change our law to read: "Those children born in the United States are free to remain within our borders as American citizens and wards of the state; but illegal entrants will not be exempt from deportation because of guardianship to those children."
We must do something to stem this invasion! We must not allow our Constitution to be manipulated by criminal illegal aliens. It is time to re-examine our laws; it's time to close up loop-holes. Criminals can't profit from their crimes. Few things in this country are as valuable as our citizenship. Don't let our citizenship be stolen!
Recently, the issue of "anchor babies" has been brought up in regards to the huge influx of criminal illegal aliens having children after they have invaded our borders.
The 14th amendment of the United States Constitution states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States of America; and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States..."
This sounds pretty clear in definition, yet there are some legal questions that must be raised. In July of 1868, this amendment was written to protect former slaves from being denied their constitutional rights as citizens.
Is American citizenship something of value? To me, being an American citizen is of great value; it gives us our rights under the Bill of Rights and all of the privileges granted under the Constitution and its' amendments. Should a criminal profit from his crime? I am not calling babies criminals; I'm saying these children are being used as a tool to gain something of value as fruit of a criminal act. Countless criminal illegal aliens cross the border on a regular basis very pregnant, in order to have their children born on American soil. This borders on criminal conspiracy; they illegally crossed our border with the intent of stealing American citizenship, and giving them an edge to remain in our country in spite of the commission of their crime. Perhaps we could change our law to read: "Those children born in the United States are free to remain within our borders as American citizens and wards of the state; but illegal entrants will not be exempt from deportation because of guardianship to those children."
We must do something to stem this invasion! We must not allow our Constitution to be manipulated by criminal illegal aliens. It is time to re-examine our laws; it's time to close up loop-holes. Criminals can't profit from their crimes. Few things in this country are as valuable as our citizenship. Don't let our citizenship be stolen!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
" Cast a Careful Ballot!"
THE SCOUT PLEDGE: "On my HONOR I will do my BEST, to do my duty to GOD and COUNTRY and obey the SCOUT LAW; to HELP other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, MENTALLY AWAKE, and MORALLY STRAIGHT."
THE SCOUT LAW:" A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent."
When I was a boy, I joined the scouts. It was very cool to be a scout, you had a uniform and you became an instant "good guy". The above statements are printed in the Scout Manual, and all scouts sign their names under them. When a scout reads them and signs under them, he is agreeing to live by those scout values and rules. These are pretty good rules! They tell you just what kind of an organization you are joining.
"We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, and violence in defense of the status quo." (does this mean not defending our Constitution?) "We are socialists because we share a vision of humane international social order (one world government?): based on both democratic planning and market mechanisms (controlling free enterprise?) to achieve equitable distribution of resources (redistribution of wealth?), meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships."
I researched this group on their own website to make sure these statements were correct. Some of the things expressed above sound noble and upright; some of the statements are disturbing in their implications.
Do you think our current leaders in the Obama administration should subscribe to these beliefs? The Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in our nation; it is a principal affiliate of Socialist International.
Allegations of a socialist agenda have clouded this administration and this Congress has abounded since Barack Obama and his people have taken over the reins of our government. The following list of names I am about to show you are only a few of our members of Congress who belong as believers in the principles of this organization. See if you recognize some of these people: John Conyers, Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, MAXINE WATERS, Jessie Jackson Jr., ALAN GRAYSON, Bobby Rush, and Dennis Kucinich. If these were all there were, I would write it off as a fringe group of left wing loons. Unfortunately, this is only a partial list! All in all, our Congress has more than these few; 70 members are members of this organization! Please check this out for yourself on the socialist web-site! Please check my facts for yourself! What is this revealing about our Congress, and our current administration? What direction is this present Congress and our President taking America!? We need major change in November! Please take the time to know for whom you are voting! KNOW WHAT THEY BELIEVE!!
THE SCOUT LAW:" A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent."
When I was a boy, I joined the scouts. It was very cool to be a scout, you had a uniform and you became an instant "good guy". The above statements are printed in the Scout Manual, and all scouts sign their names under them. When a scout reads them and signs under them, he is agreeing to live by those scout values and rules. These are pretty good rules! They tell you just what kind of an organization you are joining.
"We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, and violence in defense of the status quo." (does this mean not defending our Constitution?) "We are socialists because we share a vision of humane international social order (one world government?): based on both democratic planning and market mechanisms (controlling free enterprise?) to achieve equitable distribution of resources (redistribution of wealth?), meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships."
I researched this group on their own website to make sure these statements were correct. Some of the things expressed above sound noble and upright; some of the statements are disturbing in their implications.
Do you think our current leaders in the Obama administration should subscribe to these beliefs? The Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in our nation; it is a principal affiliate of Socialist International.
Allegations of a socialist agenda have clouded this administration and this Congress has abounded since Barack Obama and his people have taken over the reins of our government. The following list of names I am about to show you are only a few of our members of Congress who belong as believers in the principles of this organization. See if you recognize some of these people: John Conyers, Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, MAXINE WATERS, Jessie Jackson Jr., ALAN GRAYSON, Bobby Rush, and Dennis Kucinich. If these were all there were, I would write it off as a fringe group of left wing loons. Unfortunately, this is only a partial list! All in all, our Congress has more than these few; 70 members are members of this organization! Please check this out for yourself on the socialist web-site! Please check my facts for yourself! What is this revealing about our Congress, and our current administration? What direction is this present Congress and our President taking America!? We need major change in November! Please take the time to know for whom you are voting! KNOW WHAT THEY BELIEVE!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
"Wake Up Call!!"
Most of us have heard the term "Give them an inch, and they will take a mile". We had rules in our house growing up, as I am sure most of you had. I shared a room with my two little brothers, and being a typical older brother, I would spend time teasing and tormenting them once the lights went out! This is part of the job of a big brother. Unfortunately, my Dad didn't believe that part of the "big brother code"; perhaps it was because he was the youngest brother in his home. He "explained" to me his rules were to be followed. There were no exceptions to "Joe's Rules". He told me if we bent the rules for anybody, then we must bend the rules for everybody; then the rules are pointless. When I turned 16, I became eligible for a "DRIVERS LICENSE!" Yes, that most coveted possession to an adolescent, "WHEELS". I took drivers education classes in high school; I was told driving a car was a privilege; not a right. I was told I had to pass a test and qualify behind the wheel to receive that license. I had to prove I was old enough to drive before I could take the test. I had to have proof of residence in Illinois before I could take the test; I had to be "legal"!
Last week ,Associated Press released a story about three states, Washington, New Mexico and Utah issuing drivers licenses to criminal illegal aliens. I don't use the term undocumented as it gives an aura of legality to these uninvited invaders. Doesn't it seem strange that a government agency is giving validity to people who committed a criminal act as their first foot hit American soil? These people should be facing deportation, not receiving the "privilege" of a driver's license.
On August 10, 2010, in Prince William County in Virginia, an illegal criminal alien drove head on into a car driven by a nun, killing her and critically injuring her companion, also a nun. The killer's name is Carlos Martinelli Montano, he was drunk AGAIN, this was his third DUI within 5 years. This gets even more bizarre; Carlos has been awaiting deportation for over 2 years. After a DUI arrest in 2008, he was released on his own recognizance. He is now charged with involuntary manslaughter. ICE was supposed to get rid of him three years ago; Prince William County turned him over to ICE, yet Ice cut him loose! Off went Carlos, driving down the road, drunk, illegal, and dangerous!
Our roadways are dangerous enough, without the added hazards of criminal illegal aliens receiving driving privileges from states validating their residence by giving them drivers licenses. Some illegals have said it is difficult getting a job without a drivers license's, GOOD! We are not supposed to make it easier for illegals to get jobs here!
After drivers license's,what will we next give to these people? They are in our welfare system now; they receive special rates when trying to get into state run universities; now, there is talk about granting them Social Security benefits! When will our government come to the realization that these people are ILLEGAL!! Will our president and our congress ever wake up? Today, that nun would be alive if our government had done its job correctly. I'm sure this isn't the only incident of this type. Wake up Mr. President, wake up Congress. NO more liberties for illegal aliens!!!
Last week ,Associated Press released a story about three states, Washington, New Mexico and Utah issuing drivers licenses to criminal illegal aliens. I don't use the term undocumented as it gives an aura of legality to these uninvited invaders. Doesn't it seem strange that a government agency is giving validity to people who committed a criminal act as their first foot hit American soil? These people should be facing deportation, not receiving the "privilege" of a driver's license.
On August 10, 2010, in Prince William County in Virginia, an illegal criminal alien drove head on into a car driven by a nun, killing her and critically injuring her companion, also a nun. The killer's name is Carlos Martinelli Montano, he was drunk AGAIN, this was his third DUI within 5 years. This gets even more bizarre; Carlos has been awaiting deportation for over 2 years. After a DUI arrest in 2008, he was released on his own recognizance. He is now charged with involuntary manslaughter. ICE was supposed to get rid of him three years ago; Prince William County turned him over to ICE, yet Ice cut him loose! Off went Carlos, driving down the road, drunk, illegal, and dangerous!
Our roadways are dangerous enough, without the added hazards of criminal illegal aliens receiving driving privileges from states validating their residence by giving them drivers licenses. Some illegals have said it is difficult getting a job without a drivers license's, GOOD! We are not supposed to make it easier for illegals to get jobs here!
After drivers license's,what will we next give to these people? They are in our welfare system now; they receive special rates when trying to get into state run universities; now, there is talk about granting them Social Security benefits! When will our government come to the realization that these people are ILLEGAL!! Will our president and our congress ever wake up? Today, that nun would be alive if our government had done its job correctly. I'm sure this isn't the only incident of this type. Wake up Mr. President, wake up Congress. NO more liberties for illegal aliens!!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
"High Crime!"
Have any of you ever been betrayed by a friend? Has a buddy or girlfriend ever betrayed a confidence, or gone behind your back and deliberately hurt you? I remember in the "Godfather Part II", Freddo, Michael's brother, setting up Michael for assassination by an organized crime rival. Michael was crushed by the fact that his own brother could commit such a treasonous act against him. When I was sworn in to the Army, my oath said to follow lawful orders, and protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. This oath should not be taken lightly by a prospective soldier, sailor, airman, or marine. Every act you take in uniform is supposed to protect America and your fellow service persons.
United States Constitution:
Section 3: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them AID and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
I recently wrote about the Wikileaks Chief, Julian Assange, a self proclaimed genius, and social activist. His irresponsible organization has put the lives of all of our fighting men and women in jeopardy because of the leaks of confidential information to the ENEMY! He is not a citizen of the United States; he perpetrates this criminal behavior from the safety of a foreign land. Those men and women who will die because of his acts are his responsibility, yet he will probably never answer for their sufferings and deaths. He is not an American! He has no allegiance to this country; he's taken no oath.
Bradley Manning, 22 years old, Private First Class, working for intelligence in Baghdad, handling secret and sensitive security information for America, has been linked to the Wikileaks scandal. He is alleged to be Wikileaks contact and "leaker" to those sensitive, secret documents that were stolen from our country and given to our enemy.
The question I am raising: is Private Manning guilty of espionage or treason? If he is guilty, will the Army prosecute him for these crimes? Did these acts give AID to our enemies? It is reported that radical Muslim groups are already going through these document, searching for names of American sympathizers. If they are found, their lives will most certainly be forfeit.
There are some people who are so foolish, they believe Manning to be some kind of hero; in reality, Manning used his position of trust to betray the good people of the United States of America. I know he is only 22 years old, a shame, but age has no bearing on the gravity of his offense. Private Manning should be charged with treason; his acts gave AID TO THE ENEMY! I have no doubt that American lives will be lost because of Private Manning's treasonous acts. Ask yourself this question: in 1943, what would have been the fate of someone in the military for giving information to the NAZI regime? We are looking at a comparable act!
An example must be made of this soldier. Too young; sorry about that; you were young when you committed the crime. Some things are called "high crimes", treason is a high crime; especially from someone who has sworn to protect our nation. The maximum punishment must be sought in this instance. Perhaps, the next potential traitor will think twice!
United States Constitution:
Section 3: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them AID and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
I recently wrote about the Wikileaks Chief, Julian Assange, a self proclaimed genius, and social activist. His irresponsible organization has put the lives of all of our fighting men and women in jeopardy because of the leaks of confidential information to the ENEMY! He is not a citizen of the United States; he perpetrates this criminal behavior from the safety of a foreign land. Those men and women who will die because of his acts are his responsibility, yet he will probably never answer for their sufferings and deaths. He is not an American! He has no allegiance to this country; he's taken no oath.
Bradley Manning, 22 years old, Private First Class, working for intelligence in Baghdad, handling secret and sensitive security information for America, has been linked to the Wikileaks scandal. He is alleged to be Wikileaks contact and "leaker" to those sensitive, secret documents that were stolen from our country and given to our enemy.
The question I am raising: is Private Manning guilty of espionage or treason? If he is guilty, will the Army prosecute him for these crimes? Did these acts give AID to our enemies? It is reported that radical Muslim groups are already going through these document, searching for names of American sympathizers. If they are found, their lives will most certainly be forfeit.
There are some people who are so foolish, they believe Manning to be some kind of hero; in reality, Manning used his position of trust to betray the good people of the United States of America. I know he is only 22 years old, a shame, but age has no bearing on the gravity of his offense. Private Manning should be charged with treason; his acts gave AID TO THE ENEMY! I have no doubt that American lives will be lost because of Private Manning's treasonous acts. Ask yourself this question: in 1943, what would have been the fate of someone in the military for giving information to the NAZI regime? We are looking at a comparable act!
An example must be made of this soldier. Too young; sorry about that; you were young when you committed the crime. Some things are called "high crimes", treason is a high crime; especially from someone who has sworn to protect our nation. The maximum punishment must be sought in this instance. Perhaps, the next potential traitor will think twice!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"Double Edged Sword"
Do any of you know a person who is just too frank for their own good? You know; that person who said things he was only supposed to be thinking. Some people spend their lives "tripping over their tongues", blurting out words they couldn't pull back in. Brutal honesty is pretty hard to swallow. "Does this dress make me look fat?" What a loaded question that is. Is there a man out there brave enough to be honest in that situation? How many times have we watched a public figure dodge an issue during an interview: endless words without substance. How many of us remember the statement "It depends on what the definition of is, is"; what does that mean!? I hope I'm not the only American who looked puzzled by that answer from Bill Clinton.
Jay Leno makes a living saying things most people only think. Jay makes a very nice living blurting out words to millions of Americans on a nightly basis. He shows a real "non-partisan" attitude when it comes to making fun with truthful observations of America's current situations and those involved in them. I'm sure NBC doesn't tell Jay much about what he is allowed to say; he generates too much income for NBC for them to "rock his boat". I'm sure that some folks out there smile in an uncomfortable way when Jay does his monologue. Like the bible says "the tongue is a double edged sword" and that tongue can cut pretty close to the bone when commenting on a touchy subject.
Lately, Robert Gibbs has been having a problem with his words. Not very long ago Robert said that the democrats could lose control of the House of Representatives in the November election. That statement did not go over well with Nancy Pelosi! The "Queen of Congress" was very upset over Gibbs's remark; she had meetings behind closed doors (Dems really like those secret meetings) where Gibbs's remarks were fervently discussed. Now, a new controversy is surrounding the words of Robert Gibbs. In an interview, Gibbs stated that the "professional left" wouldn't be happy until we had Canadian health care, and, eliminated the Pentagon. This explosion of honesty was not well received by the democrats. Congressman, and resident buffoon, Alan Grayson said Gibbs should be fired calling Gibbs "Bozo the Spokesman". Robert Gibbs, to his credit, is sticking to his guns under fire from the far left of his party. He has already said he is not going anywhere.
This situation is putting Barack Obama in a tough position, as he is in the midst of trying to woo his far left base, where he has been losing support. If Obama hangs Gibbs out to dry, he may help his cause with the far left, but he will also show another poor choice he made in the appointment to a key position on his staff. That double edged sword is pretty dangerous! I don't envy Robert Gibbs right now; he is between that "rock and hard place". He doesn't know what Obama will do. Robert, I have to say "Barack is a politician, and he will drop you like a bad habit" if it appears you are a pariah to his ambitions. That "double edged sword" may cut off your political head!!
(No post tomorow I have some appointments, see you Monday)
Jay Leno makes a living saying things most people only think. Jay makes a very nice living blurting out words to millions of Americans on a nightly basis. He shows a real "non-partisan" attitude when it comes to making fun with truthful observations of America's current situations and those involved in them. I'm sure NBC doesn't tell Jay much about what he is allowed to say; he generates too much income for NBC for them to "rock his boat". I'm sure that some folks out there smile in an uncomfortable way when Jay does his monologue. Like the bible says "the tongue is a double edged sword" and that tongue can cut pretty close to the bone when commenting on a touchy subject.
Lately, Robert Gibbs has been having a problem with his words. Not very long ago Robert said that the democrats could lose control of the House of Representatives in the November election. That statement did not go over well with Nancy Pelosi! The "Queen of Congress" was very upset over Gibbs's remark; she had meetings behind closed doors (Dems really like those secret meetings) where Gibbs's remarks were fervently discussed. Now, a new controversy is surrounding the words of Robert Gibbs. In an interview, Gibbs stated that the "professional left" wouldn't be happy until we had Canadian health care, and, eliminated the Pentagon. This explosion of honesty was not well received by the democrats. Congressman, and resident buffoon, Alan Grayson said Gibbs should be fired calling Gibbs "Bozo the Spokesman". Robert Gibbs, to his credit, is sticking to his guns under fire from the far left of his party. He has already said he is not going anywhere.
This situation is putting Barack Obama in a tough position, as he is in the midst of trying to woo his far left base, where he has been losing support. If Obama hangs Gibbs out to dry, he may help his cause with the far left, but he will also show another poor choice he made in the appointment to a key position on his staff. That double edged sword is pretty dangerous! I don't envy Robert Gibbs right now; he is between that "rock and hard place". He doesn't know what Obama will do. Robert, I have to say "Barack is a politician, and he will drop you like a bad habit" if it appears you are a pariah to his ambitions. That "double edged sword" may cut off your political head!!
(No post tomorow I have some appointments, see you Monday)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
"Old Mistakes, New Mistakes!"
Yesterday, I wrote about my trip to Chicago. I had a really good time as I walked through my old neighborhood. In some ways, I relived those days. I saw things in my "mind's eye". I remember my buddy Will's little brother running down the block "buck naked", as his poor Mom yelled "WAYNE!!" at the top of her lungs; Wayne was about two years old and hated his clothes. I remember Madelyn, my first love from afar as a seven year old; dark hair, dark eyes, an Italian dream. I remember my Dad spanking me for running across Grace Street (I can still feel it). I even remember pulling a hot iron on my arm, and having bandages on it for a very long time. I've certainly made my share of mistakes, as have most of us. Every mistake is a learning experience if we take something of value from it. Criminals return to jail because most of them don't learn from their mistakes; they continue to repeat the mistakes of their past.
In 2006, former President George W. Bush told Congress (Democrat controlled) that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae needed some regulation or we could face some real financial problems down the road. Barney Frank, for lack of a better phrase, "blew him off", saying the loan programs were solid and problem free. As it turned out, Freddie and Fannie were the fuse that ignited the mortgage crisis in America. Loans given to unqualified purchasers began to fall apart; it marked a policy of poor decisions based on social justice. Homes for those who really couldn't afford them were the purpose of this spurious program.
Guess what is happening now? Freddie Mac needs more money! Freddie needs more of your money, to once again bolster a bad policy. Freddie needs 1.8 billion dollars of taxpayers' money to restructure mortgages for borrowers who can't afford their payments! In the last 3 months, Freddie lost 4.7 billion dollars; in the previous 3 months Freddie lost 6.8 billion dollars; talk about financial wizards! Now
Freddie needs 1.8 billion on top of the 60 BILLION DOLLARS that has already been provided. As a side note, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are not mentioned in the Obama financial reform bill. This seems odd, as neither organization has done very well handling other peoples' money.
How much longer can the American people continue to subsidize the loans of people who are "bad risks"? Owning a home is not a right, although the democrats believe this. People who use bad judgment in taking out loans they can't afford are not the responsibility of the taxpayer who lives within his means.
Soon Fannie Mae will be asking for more funds, as they are also operating at a loss. In the last 3 months, Fannie has lost 1.2 billion of your dollars. All this is in the quest for "social justice". Leveling the playing field for those who aren't good managers of their money should not be a government responsibility. When will we abandon these spurious policies? Why were these organizations not part of financial reform? Why is this administration not learning from past mistakes? We are now repeating the mistakes of the past. How many more old mistakes can America tolerate from this administration before we say "ENOUGH!"?
In 2006, former President George W. Bush told Congress (Democrat controlled) that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae needed some regulation or we could face some real financial problems down the road. Barney Frank, for lack of a better phrase, "blew him off", saying the loan programs were solid and problem free. As it turned out, Freddie and Fannie were the fuse that ignited the mortgage crisis in America. Loans given to unqualified purchasers began to fall apart; it marked a policy of poor decisions based on social justice. Homes for those who really couldn't afford them were the purpose of this spurious program.
Guess what is happening now? Freddie Mac needs more money! Freddie needs more of your money, to once again bolster a bad policy. Freddie needs 1.8 billion dollars of taxpayers' money to restructure mortgages for borrowers who can't afford their payments! In the last 3 months, Freddie lost 4.7 billion dollars; in the previous 3 months Freddie lost 6.8 billion dollars; talk about financial wizards! Now
Freddie needs 1.8 billion on top of the 60 BILLION DOLLARS that has already been provided. As a side note, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are not mentioned in the Obama financial reform bill. This seems odd, as neither organization has done very well handling other peoples' money.
How much longer can the American people continue to subsidize the loans of people who are "bad risks"? Owning a home is not a right, although the democrats believe this. People who use bad judgment in taking out loans they can't afford are not the responsibility of the taxpayer who lives within his means.
Soon Fannie Mae will be asking for more funds, as they are also operating at a loss. In the last 3 months, Fannie has lost 1.2 billion of your dollars. All this is in the quest for "social justice". Leveling the playing field for those who aren't good managers of their money should not be a government responsibility. When will we abandon these spurious policies? Why were these organizations not part of financial reform? Why is this administration not learning from past mistakes? We are now repeating the mistakes of the past. How many more old mistakes can America tolerate from this administration before we say "ENOUGH!"?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Last weekend, I traveled to Chicago to visit family and take a nostalgic ride into the city, to the places of my early childhood. I lived in the city proper until I was about ten years old, then we moved to the "burbs". I had some real revelations as I walked down the street. I saw a hole in my grade school fence that had not been repaired since 1951, I saw the curb where I had my first fight with my buddy Tony (I won!). I walked around the corner where a convenient store now occupies the space that was where "Foley's Sinclair" used to be; our old neighborhood grocery store, "Moppins", is now a tavern. Things certainly change over the years. I remember my first presidential race, Dwight D. Eisenhower vs. Adlai E. Stevenson. I remember Dad liked "Ike". Actually everybody liked Ike. The nation was facing the possibility of a recession and Ike was a warrior hero of WWII; a proven leader. He held the peoples trust. He handily won the election and proceeded to cut taxes, and strengthen defense. He recognized the threat of communism, and stood firmly in his opposition to a dangerous foe. He followed what the American people wanted. Television was new back then so we didn't see the President every ten minutes. He made statements to the nation as needed; without drama, and without political motivation. By following the will of the American people, President Eisenhower easily won re-election. America liked "Ike", because Ike liked and respected the American people. He knew he worked for them!
A little over a week ago, Missouri had a vote on the federal health-care bill. This was a good barometer of how the nation feels about "Obamacare". If you all remember the health-care bill (2000+ pages) was passed along party lines by the democrats. National polls overwhelmingly showed disapproval of the bill by the American people. There were demonstrations across America against this bill, yet Congress and the President pushed it on the people. Television was a virtual marathon of commercials touting "Obamacare" as "the greatest thing since sliced bread". Oddly enough, Americans weren't buying into it. Well, Missouri really made it clear about the way Middle-America feels about "Obamacare". 71% of the voters rejected the federal initiative; a HUGE number. Nearly three quarters of those voters are saying "SHOVE IT", to Obamacare. They have passed an amendment to their constitution that says they are not obligated to purchase health care provided by the federal government. Now, we all know how much Barack Obama likes to sue the states, so stay tuned. I'm sure Eric Holder will be gunning for Missouri. After all, what right has 71% of the voters have in the choice of health care?
How much longer will Obama, Pelosi, and Reid ignore the people of America in pursuit of an agenda that will force America into a fiscal abyss of financial irresponsibility and loss of individual rights? Unlike Dwight Eisenhower, Barack Obama has no regard for the will of the American people. He has shown he feels more connected to the will of the U.N., illegal aliens and socialist radical ideas, than those precepts that are America. America liked "IKE". America is losing patience with our self-serving "BaROCK STAR" president. SEND HIM A MESSAGE IN NOVEMBER!!!
A little over a week ago, Missouri had a vote on the federal health-care bill. This was a good barometer of how the nation feels about "Obamacare". If you all remember the health-care bill (2000+ pages) was passed along party lines by the democrats. National polls overwhelmingly showed disapproval of the bill by the American people. There were demonstrations across America against this bill, yet Congress and the President pushed it on the people. Television was a virtual marathon of commercials touting "Obamacare" as "the greatest thing since sliced bread". Oddly enough, Americans weren't buying into it. Well, Missouri really made it clear about the way Middle-America feels about "Obamacare". 71% of the voters rejected the federal initiative; a HUGE number. Nearly three quarters of those voters are saying "SHOVE IT", to Obamacare. They have passed an amendment to their constitution that says they are not obligated to purchase health care provided by the federal government. Now, we all know how much Barack Obama likes to sue the states, so stay tuned. I'm sure Eric Holder will be gunning for Missouri. After all, what right has 71% of the voters have in the choice of health care?
How much longer will Obama, Pelosi, and Reid ignore the people of America in pursuit of an agenda that will force America into a fiscal abyss of financial irresponsibility and loss of individual rights? Unlike Dwight Eisenhower, Barack Obama has no regard for the will of the American people. He has shown he feels more connected to the will of the U.N., illegal aliens and socialist radical ideas, than those precepts that are America. America liked "IKE". America is losing patience with our self-serving "BaROCK STAR" president. SEND HIM A MESSAGE IN NOVEMBER!!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
"We The People..."
When I was a recruit in the Army, I was told everything I did was to be controlled by my superior officers and noncoms; my will was not my own. If I was told to jump, all I could do was to ask "How high?" The Army is basically a dictatorial organization. You are told that you don't have to obey unlawful orders; orders that are criminal in their intent, or in opposition to constitutional mandate. When you eat, where you eat, if you eat, are all at the discretion of those in charge; pretty much government sanctioned slavery. I know this sounds terrible, but in a military scenario, this type of control is vital. National defense requires that soldiers must respond to orders to achieve their mission; sometimes, this means without question, as time may not permit debate. Those military goals are there so our men and women in uniform can protect our nation from foreign powers, and protect our freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution. The military keeps us from becoming slaves to anyone or anything.
13th Amendment to the Constitution states:
Section 1-Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2-Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Recently, Pete Stark (D-Ca.) was at a town hall meeting when he ran into something no politician wants to face; an informed constituent. Obamacare was brought up on the floor and a young lady stated "How can legislation be constitutional when it seems to be in conflict with the 13th Amendment?" At first, Stark gave the appearance of a boxer caught "flat-footed" by a knock-out punch. Then Stark made a huge mistake; he told the truth about how Congress feels about our Constitution. Stark stated "I think there are few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect your private life. The federal government can do most anything in this country!" I'm not sure he even knew what he said, but it spoke volumes of what our current Congress believes about their power over the people. It seems that our Congress wants to tell us "How high to jump", and we have no say-so in the matter. We are subject to their rule. This includes the mandatory purchase of a health-care initiative that America doesn't want; but is being ram-rodded down its throat. Oddly enough, if one reads the 13th Amendment, Congress is obligated to enforce just the opposite intent of what seems to be their current belief in constitutional law.
Americans are not Army recruits; we are citizens protected under the Constitution. We are not subject to Congress; they are subject to us! If Congress believes we are beholden to them, then democracy, as we know it, may be dying. As we approach November, we must remember the lessons of the past. The Germans allowed government to hold the whip hand and an entire society was destroyed. WE THE PEOPLE are in charge, we have to let our "public servants" know it!
(this is my last blog this week, I will return on Tuesday__Guard the Republic!)
13th Amendment to the Constitution states:
Section 1-Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2-Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Recently, Pete Stark (D-Ca.) was at a town hall meeting when he ran into something no politician wants to face; an informed constituent. Obamacare was brought up on the floor and a young lady stated "How can legislation be constitutional when it seems to be in conflict with the 13th Amendment?" At first, Stark gave the appearance of a boxer caught "flat-footed" by a knock-out punch. Then Stark made a huge mistake; he told the truth about how Congress feels about our Constitution. Stark stated "I think there are few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect your private life. The federal government can do most anything in this country!" I'm not sure he even knew what he said, but it spoke volumes of what our current Congress believes about their power over the people. It seems that our Congress wants to tell us "How high to jump", and we have no say-so in the matter. We are subject to their rule. This includes the mandatory purchase of a health-care initiative that America doesn't want; but is being ram-rodded down its throat. Oddly enough, if one reads the 13th Amendment, Congress is obligated to enforce just the opposite intent of what seems to be their current belief in constitutional law.
Americans are not Army recruits; we are citizens protected under the Constitution. We are not subject to Congress; they are subject to us! If Congress believes we are beholden to them, then democracy, as we know it, may be dying. As we approach November, we must remember the lessons of the past. The Germans allowed government to hold the whip hand and an entire society was destroyed. WE THE PEOPLE are in charge, we have to let our "public servants" know it!
(this is my last blog this week, I will return on Tuesday__Guard the Republic!)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
"When Will He Leave?"
I like having company in my home. Good food, good conversation, music and laughter make for a fun time for all involved. My Mom and Dad liked to entertain, and they had many friends. We always had our cousins around us on every occasion, on every holiday family flocked to our house. I promise you this; whenever a large group of Italians get together food and fun abound.
My Dad also had regular poker games at home, in our rec-room. Mom would prepare large platters of cold-cuts or roast beef, chips and dip and other types of finger food was always provided; and it was plentiful. I was never awake for an entire "poker night", as these nights lasted into the "wee hours". Everyone was gregarious when the game started, there was a lot of joke telling and reminiscing. Later on, the room became quiet as the game took over the socializing. I remember one occasion when I awoke and the game had just ended; it was about 9:00 A.M; Dad was saying his goodbyes, and Mom was picking up the house. When the door closed, I heard my Mom say "I thought they would never leave!" The gathering that started out so happily had become a trial of length; a grueling gauntlet of hospitality. The guests had overstayed their welcome; they didn't know when to leave the party.
In Congress, presently, Charlie Rangel is going through some changes. It seems Charlie has been a "BAD BOY". As the former head of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, he was among the most influential people in Washington. Charlie has been charged with some serious tax issues, and ethics violations. It has been said Charlie has a rent-controlled apartment in his district in New York's Harlem area. Actually, it is several apartments combined into one large residence that rivals Park Avenue condos. Charlie is a man of "discriminating taste". Charlie likes the good things in life; no matter who is paying for it! So far, eleven ethics violations have been alleged, not mentioning the tax abuse. Charlie has been in his district 40+ years, filling the seat formerly held by Adam Clayton-Powell. Charlie is an affable type, smiley and charming in his demeanor. He is the type of guest one would welcome into their homes. Unfortunately, this house guest not only has overstayed his welcome; it seems he has cheated at the card game. Congress went behind closed doors to give Charlie a chance to "leave the game" with little to no consequences; Charlie is staying. Charlie wants another term in Congress. A congressional trial is all but assured as Charlie won't take a hint about retiring. Even Barack Obama gave him a strong message about a dignified exit, but Charlie is deaf on the situation. This doesn't bode well for the democrats as they enter the fall election; a scandal at election time will reflect on the entire party.
Charlie needs to understand the "party's over" for him. I'm sure right now someone in the democrat party is whispering "Is he ever going to leave?"
My Dad also had regular poker games at home, in our rec-room. Mom would prepare large platters of cold-cuts or roast beef, chips and dip and other types of finger food was always provided; and it was plentiful. I was never awake for an entire "poker night", as these nights lasted into the "wee hours". Everyone was gregarious when the game started, there was a lot of joke telling and reminiscing. Later on, the room became quiet as the game took over the socializing. I remember one occasion when I awoke and the game had just ended; it was about 9:00 A.M; Dad was saying his goodbyes, and Mom was picking up the house. When the door closed, I heard my Mom say "I thought they would never leave!" The gathering that started out so happily had become a trial of length; a grueling gauntlet of hospitality. The guests had overstayed their welcome; they didn't know when to leave the party.
In Congress, presently, Charlie Rangel is going through some changes. It seems Charlie has been a "BAD BOY". As the former head of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, he was among the most influential people in Washington. Charlie has been charged with some serious tax issues, and ethics violations. It has been said Charlie has a rent-controlled apartment in his district in New York's Harlem area. Actually, it is several apartments combined into one large residence that rivals Park Avenue condos. Charlie is a man of "discriminating taste". Charlie likes the good things in life; no matter who is paying for it! So far, eleven ethics violations have been alleged, not mentioning the tax abuse. Charlie has been in his district 40+ years, filling the seat formerly held by Adam Clayton-Powell. Charlie is an affable type, smiley and charming in his demeanor. He is the type of guest one would welcome into their homes. Unfortunately, this house guest not only has overstayed his welcome; it seems he has cheated at the card game. Congress went behind closed doors to give Charlie a chance to "leave the game" with little to no consequences; Charlie is staying. Charlie wants another term in Congress. A congressional trial is all but assured as Charlie won't take a hint about retiring. Even Barack Obama gave him a strong message about a dignified exit, but Charlie is deaf on the situation. This doesn't bode well for the democrats as they enter the fall election; a scandal at election time will reflect on the entire party.
Charlie needs to understand the "party's over" for him. I'm sure right now someone in the democrat party is whispering "Is he ever going to leave?"
Monday, August 2, 2010
"Improper Use of Tools!"
Do you own tools? I have tools that I use regularly; power drill, sander, socket wrenches, power saw, chain saw, yard tools of all types and of course, my kitchen tools; pots, pans, crock pot, deep fryer and much more. I take care of my tools for a couple of reasons; they are costly to replace and they mean something to me; I depend on them for repairs and construction. My Dad had numerous tools, and he kept them in excellent condition; always cleaned and oiled. Every tool has a specific use and is to be used for only those purposes. I'm sure everyone has used a butter knife instead of a screw driver on one occasion or another; not good for the knife or the screw, both are usually damaged in the process. A shoe is not a hammer; a knife is not a saw!
Our Constitution is a group of tools designed for specific purposes. Each tool does something differently than its counterparts. Executive, Legislative, Judicial; all of these groups serve in a different capacity and are not intended to infringe on the responsibilities of one another.
We are all pretty clear on the Executive branch; Commander-in-Chief, protector of our borders, signer of amendments to the Constitution, etc. The Legislature designs bills that could potentially become the law of the land. The Judicial branch measures these bills as to their constitutionality; it also hears cases that have been appealed to the highest court in the land. The Judicial branch is not a legislative body.
Supreme Court Judge, Antonin Scalia, believes that our court may be losing its way; legislating from the bench. He states the term "living Constitution" is now a common term used by potential Justices, and a term that is detrimental to the framers of our Constitution's intent. As an example of his opposition to judicial activism, Scalia said "Nothing I learned in my courses at Harvard Law school, none of my experience I acquired practicing law, qualifies me to decide whether there ought to be, and hence is, a fundamental right to abortion or assisted suicide." Appointed by President Reagan in 1986, Justice Scalia is a Constitutionalist in his beliefs, and is highly regarded by all members of the legal profession. He made a statement that really rings true today in regards to judicial activism, "Most Americans are not alarmed by loss of liberty because they do not understand the Constitution or the American system of government.... ignorance shields activist judges from scrutiny and criticism even as their decisions have devastating consequences". The term "living breathing Constitution" is the progressive "mantra" that is allowing activist judges to legislate from the bench. In actuality, the duty of a Justice is to follow the Constitution, not rewrite it.
Barack Obama said "I'm not unsympathetic to Judge Scalia's position, ultimately, though, I have to side with Justice Breyer's view of the Constitution__that it is not static, but, rather a living document , and it must be read in the context of an ever changing world. How could it be otherwise?"
So one presumes, he (Obama) would have no problem with judges making policy__and LAW__from the bench. It appears Mr. Obama is using a butter knife for a screw driver on the Constitution. It also appears America is the one to be SCREWED!!!
Our Constitution is a group of tools designed for specific purposes. Each tool does something differently than its counterparts. Executive, Legislative, Judicial; all of these groups serve in a different capacity and are not intended to infringe on the responsibilities of one another.
We are all pretty clear on the Executive branch; Commander-in-Chief, protector of our borders, signer of amendments to the Constitution, etc. The Legislature designs bills that could potentially become the law of the land. The Judicial branch measures these bills as to their constitutionality; it also hears cases that have been appealed to the highest court in the land. The Judicial branch is not a legislative body.
Supreme Court Judge, Antonin Scalia, believes that our court may be losing its way; legislating from the bench. He states the term "living Constitution" is now a common term used by potential Justices, and a term that is detrimental to the framers of our Constitution's intent. As an example of his opposition to judicial activism, Scalia said "Nothing I learned in my courses at Harvard Law school, none of my experience I acquired practicing law, qualifies me to decide whether there ought to be, and hence is, a fundamental right to abortion or assisted suicide." Appointed by President Reagan in 1986, Justice Scalia is a Constitutionalist in his beliefs, and is highly regarded by all members of the legal profession. He made a statement that really rings true today in regards to judicial activism, "Most Americans are not alarmed by loss of liberty because they do not understand the Constitution or the American system of government.... ignorance shields activist judges from scrutiny and criticism even as their decisions have devastating consequences". The term "living breathing Constitution" is the progressive "mantra" that is allowing activist judges to legislate from the bench. In actuality, the duty of a Justice is to follow the Constitution, not rewrite it.
Barack Obama said "I'm not unsympathetic to Judge Scalia's position, ultimately, though, I have to side with Justice Breyer's view of the Constitution__that it is not static, but, rather a living document , and it must be read in the context of an ever changing world. How could it be otherwise?"
So one presumes, he (Obama) would have no problem with judges making policy__and LAW__from the bench. It appears Mr. Obama is using a butter knife for a screw driver on the Constitution. It also appears America is the one to be SCREWED!!!
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