A week from Monday is Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer, the kick off of picnics, barbecues, and vacations. Many of us will be joining friends and relatives to celebrate with food and fun. Some communities will have parades and ceremonies to commemorate the holiday. We are all hoping for a sunny day with warm temperatures; after all we haven't had an outside holiday since Labor Day, we deserve it.
From the fields of Gettysburg, to the battle of New Orleans; from Belleau Woods, to the shores of Iwo Jima; from Pork Chop Hill, to the Seige at Khe Sanh, all the way to Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom and The War on Terror in Afghanistan, American soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen have spilled their blood in the quest to preserve our freedom and our rights. Over 160,000 men and women gave their lives and limbs in the above mentioned battles; and it was all done for us, the people of America. Countless mothers, fathers, wives, brothers and sisters have received telegrams, and visits from military personnel with the news that their loved ones won't be returning home. Memorial Day is very different for them than it is for the rest of America.
When I think of the sacrifice that these brave American troops made for us, I look at our Constitution and think it should be printed out in "red". Blood is the cost of freedom, from our beginning we have purchased our freedom and guarded our rights with American fighting men and women. They are just Americans, regular people, who stepped forward to answer the call of duty. If you ask most soldiers why they do what they do, you will probably find answers like, love of country, protect our families, protect our freedoms; sounds simple and sincere, and from the heart.
We exercise our rights every day of the week, every time you read a newspaper, listen to the radio, or voice your opinion about any subject, you should thank a veteran, and remember those who aren't here to be thanked.
Enjoy the holiday, enjoy the freedom, enjoy America; there is no other place like it in the world! I like America just the way it is, I thank those who gave so much to keep it just the way it is.
When you go to that parade on Memorial Day, take a good look at that flag, and at those "red" stripes; it took more than red dye to make them red. Thank God for those who purchased our freedom! This day is for them!!
( this is my last blog til June, spending time with my lovely wife, see you then)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
" A Lesson For Congress"
Last night, America once again flexed her muscles. The American electorate said one more time, "...enough is enough.." as the rage against incumbent politicians continues. People who, two years ago, puffed out their collective chests in the wake of an Obama victory, are now reaping the fruit of ignoring the will of the American voter.
Regardless of all the "touchy feely", spend, and tax, social change, and apology to the world policies of Barack Obama, America wants a fiscally responsible government that responds to what the tax-paying citizens expect from government. It seems that common sense is raising its' "ugly head" to the incumbent politicians of America. All of those who stayed in Washington to force a health care bill that has been massively rejected by the public are probably quaking in their boots as they see some of their colleagues being given the "bums rush" out of office.
This is more than just a minor glitch to those who will be seeking re-election in November, as in previous months, we have seen other tax and spenders thrown out by the disenchanted American citizenry. It seems the people need more than "change" in their pockets. The current Congress will soon face "cap and trade", which promises higher taxes and higher energy costs, not popular with the voting public. What will they do? Maintaining the status quo in Washington doesn't seem to be what America wants. I wonder if our representatives understand this?
Career politicians are all about being re-elected at all costs, but it seems as if the American public is catching on to this and they aren't buying it anymore. Those who try to be "all things to all men" are in for a rude awakening, come November.
The new "poster boy" for this is Arlen Specter, as he was not just thrown out of office; he was practically put in orbit by an angry voting public. The "kiss of death" for Specter was an ad
that showed him saying he changed his party so he could be re-elected, and he practically hissed it out like a comic book villain! This blatant admission was deadly for Specter, it showed his true colors to America; a self-serving bureaucrat who's only real loyalty was to himself!
I hope this was a wake-up call to all those who seek government office; integrity and service is what it's all about. Political survival will come when the will of the people is followed. All loyalty is reserved for the American people, not philosophy, not agenda. Let's see if future office seekers learn this lesson!
Regardless of all the "touchy feely", spend, and tax, social change, and apology to the world policies of Barack Obama, America wants a fiscally responsible government that responds to what the tax-paying citizens expect from government. It seems that common sense is raising its' "ugly head" to the incumbent politicians of America. All of those who stayed in Washington to force a health care bill that has been massively rejected by the public are probably quaking in their boots as they see some of their colleagues being given the "bums rush" out of office.
This is more than just a minor glitch to those who will be seeking re-election in November, as in previous months, we have seen other tax and spenders thrown out by the disenchanted American citizenry. It seems the people need more than "change" in their pockets. The current Congress will soon face "cap and trade", which promises higher taxes and higher energy costs, not popular with the voting public. What will they do? Maintaining the status quo in Washington doesn't seem to be what America wants. I wonder if our representatives understand this?
Career politicians are all about being re-elected at all costs, but it seems as if the American public is catching on to this and they aren't buying it anymore. Those who try to be "all things to all men" are in for a rude awakening, come November.
The new "poster boy" for this is Arlen Specter, as he was not just thrown out of office; he was practically put in orbit by an angry voting public. The "kiss of death" for Specter was an ad
that showed him saying he changed his party so he could be re-elected, and he practically hissed it out like a comic book villain! This blatant admission was deadly for Specter, it showed his true colors to America; a self-serving bureaucrat who's only real loyalty was to himself!
I hope this was a wake-up call to all those who seek government office; integrity and service is what it's all about. Political survival will come when the will of the people is followed. All loyalty is reserved for the American people, not philosophy, not agenda. Let's see if future office seekers learn this lesson!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
" What Are You Hiding?"
Today, in Hollywood, pretty much anything goes; scandal seems to be an asset to an actor's career now. The axiom "...any press is good press..." holds true in our society for today's entertainers. Years ago, Hollywood was a much different place. Image was the rule of the day. Any hint of scandal was suppressed by the studio; squeaky clean was the perception the studios wanted the public to see. All studios employed press agents to make sure the "right news" was provided to columnists, projecting the agenda of an "All-American" sweetheart to the viewing public. Drug use, promiscuity, or homosexuality were death sentences for those actors of bygone days. When the studio had a "hot property", it launched a publicity campaign to sell the "property" to the public; anything unseemly was avoided and sanitized. Hollywood legend, Robert Mitchum, was nearly ruined when he was arrested for marijuana possession in the 1950's. He served a jail sentence and made a public apology in order to save his career.
Today, we know quite a bit about most public figures. We get the occasional revelation of scandal, yet by and large we see virtually everything public figures are up to. The web and the paparazzi keep us abreast of most celebrities' actions around the world. We are well informed.
Management of news, sanitizing of facts, censoring of information, are not welcome in American society. In a time when we face monumental Constitutional issues, we need to know all there is about possible considerations to the highest court in our land. Pointed questions, thorough investigation, and total honesty are imperative in selecting an appointee. Supreme Court Judges are there for life, we need to know it all!
Recently the White House has issued a video interview with Ms. Kagan. The interview was a collection of softball questions and nostalgia about her youth; nothing of substance, nothing about her political leanings, sanitized! She has yet to submit to an open interview to the general media. The interview we received was as if your Mom was interviewing you for a job, lite and easy. People who were previously interviewed by the press have been quieted about their knowledge of Ms. Kagan. Her cousin, Gail Katz-James, two days after answering casual question from the New York Times, said, "I'm sorry, I'm not able to talk to you." It certainly seems as if pressure has been brought about to suppress information. Kagan's brother is a teacher at Hunter College High School. The school tentatively agreed to allow the New York Times to monitor the class, but that agreement was later withdrawn because of White House pressure.
What is so terrible that the White House is censoring information about this possible appointee? Why is the White house managing the media access to this lady? Is there something we should know that Mr. Obama doesn't want us to know? This is an appointment for life! We are entitled to know it all! Is the "Studio Headman" putting his "press agents" to work on this issue? Well Mr. DeMille, we are ready for a close-up!
Today, we know quite a bit about most public figures. We get the occasional revelation of scandal, yet by and large we see virtually everything public figures are up to. The web and the paparazzi keep us abreast of most celebrities' actions around the world. We are well informed.
Management of news, sanitizing of facts, censoring of information, are not welcome in American society. In a time when we face monumental Constitutional issues, we need to know all there is about possible considerations to the highest court in our land. Pointed questions, thorough investigation, and total honesty are imperative in selecting an appointee. Supreme Court Judges are there for life, we need to know it all!
Recently the White House has issued a video interview with Ms. Kagan. The interview was a collection of softball questions and nostalgia about her youth; nothing of substance, nothing about her political leanings, sanitized! She has yet to submit to an open interview to the general media. The interview we received was as if your Mom was interviewing you for a job, lite and easy. People who were previously interviewed by the press have been quieted about their knowledge of Ms. Kagan. Her cousin, Gail Katz-James, two days after answering casual question from the New York Times, said, "I'm sorry, I'm not able to talk to you." It certainly seems as if pressure has been brought about to suppress information. Kagan's brother is a teacher at Hunter College High School. The school tentatively agreed to allow the New York Times to monitor the class, but that agreement was later withdrawn because of White House pressure.
What is so terrible that the White House is censoring information about this possible appointee? Why is the White house managing the media access to this lady? Is there something we should know that Mr. Obama doesn't want us to know? This is an appointment for life! We are entitled to know it all! Is the "Studio Headman" putting his "press agents" to work on this issue? Well Mr. DeMille, we are ready for a close-up!
Monday, May 17, 2010
" Are They Really This Stupid!?"
Sometimes people and organizations make it too easy to criticize them. I've certainly had my share of material provided by the U. (useless)N. (nitwits).
Just recently the U.N. put Iran on the women's rights committee. I thought they couldn't possibly top this. I thought they had reached the summit of stupidity; yet they moved to a new level of idiocy, the nirvana of "duncedom".
They have announced their new members of the U.N. Human Rights Council. Put on your seat belts! Libya, a nation who holds political prisoners in communicado, has no rights to free trial, no freedom of the press, no free speech, no free assembly, no freedom of religion; a history of domestic violence against women, and charges of human trafficking is one of the appointments.
Angola, is known for secret detention of prisoners, arbitrary arrests, suppression of human rights organizations and activists; a nation that evicted 10,000 families forcibly from their homes by police and soldiers, is also appointed to the council.
Malaysia, is another country famous for police abuse of detainees, arrest without charge, and severe restriction on religious freedom. The U.S. State Department listed numerous complaints of death while in police custody, human trafficking, and selling children in sex slavery. Yes, they are on the Human Rights Council also.
Uganda ,another appointment is well known for torture, child labor, violence against homosexuals to the extent of punishment up to and including death. Another bastion of human rights on the council.
There are other nations who have been appointed with equally stellar records on human rights, just as bad as the ones previously listed.
If this in itself is not ridiculous enough, last week the United Nations condemned the state of Arizona as an abuser of human rights. The clowns in the U.N. have the audacity to comment on a law, that under close examination, seems to be perfectly Constitutional, and specifically prohibits racial profiling, and unlawful detention. They said the law goes against the "Global Accord" which is binding to the United States! The last time I looked, I wasn't bound by the laws of any foreign body. I am bound by the Constitution of the United States of America.
The hypocrisy of the United Nations is appalling, their logic is bizarre, and their self righteousness is beyond belief. We need to ask ourselves, why are we wasting our time and finances in this organization? As Americans, we are not answerable to this corrupt and ineffectual body of self serving dogmatists. LET'S GET OUT OF THERE!!
Just recently the U.N. put Iran on the women's rights committee. I thought they couldn't possibly top this. I thought they had reached the summit of stupidity; yet they moved to a new level of idiocy, the nirvana of "duncedom".
They have announced their new members of the U.N. Human Rights Council. Put on your seat belts! Libya, a nation who holds political prisoners in communicado, has no rights to free trial, no freedom of the press, no free speech, no free assembly, no freedom of religion; a history of domestic violence against women, and charges of human trafficking is one of the appointments.
Angola, is known for secret detention of prisoners, arbitrary arrests, suppression of human rights organizations and activists; a nation that evicted 10,000 families forcibly from their homes by police and soldiers, is also appointed to the council.
Malaysia, is another country famous for police abuse of detainees, arrest without charge, and severe restriction on religious freedom. The U.S. State Department listed numerous complaints of death while in police custody, human trafficking, and selling children in sex slavery. Yes, they are on the Human Rights Council also.
Uganda ,another appointment is well known for torture, child labor, violence against homosexuals to the extent of punishment up to and including death. Another bastion of human rights on the council.
There are other nations who have been appointed with equally stellar records on human rights, just as bad as the ones previously listed.
If this in itself is not ridiculous enough, last week the United Nations condemned the state of Arizona as an abuser of human rights. The clowns in the U.N. have the audacity to comment on a law, that under close examination, seems to be perfectly Constitutional, and specifically prohibits racial profiling, and unlawful detention. They said the law goes against the "Global Accord" which is binding to the United States! The last time I looked, I wasn't bound by the laws of any foreign body. I am bound by the Constitution of the United States of America.
The hypocrisy of the United Nations is appalling, their logic is bizarre, and their self righteousness is beyond belief. We need to ask ourselves, why are we wasting our time and finances in this organization? As Americans, we are not answerable to this corrupt and ineffectual body of self serving dogmatists. LET'S GET OUT OF THERE!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
" Risk and Reward"
What is risk? Any of us that have gone to Las Vegas have taken a risk every time we put a penny into a slot machine; we risked a penny at the possibility of making more pennies. There are machines that risk $1, $5, $10, $20, and $50; the higher the risk the higher the reward, or the loss. Every morning when we wake up, we take a risk that we will have an auto accident as soon as we pull into traffic, yet we go out every day, a slight risk. Every time we eat in a restaurant we take a risk, who knows what is really going on in that kitchen! Every time we meet a new person, we take the risk of exposing ourselves to a new relationship where we may be harmed or disappointed. Any time we engage in physical activity, we take the risk of injury, we weigh this against the benefit of the exercise, this is calculated risk. Almost every decision we make has some element of risk involved in the following of that decision. Soldiers make life and death decisions on a daily basis when in battle; each decision could be their last!
Our founding fathers were risk takers. Most of them were fairly prosperous, living a fruitful life in the colonies. We must ask why these men of some wealth and comfort put all they had in jeopardy; what was their expected reward? Men like Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Clay, and Lee were of the successful class. They would have little to gain from open rebellion against England, their former homeland and the most formidable armed force in the world. When they signed the Declaration of Independence, Franklin said, " If we sign this we will surely all hang together, if we don't sign it we will all surely hang separately.."; that is commitment to an idea!
Never during this time was financial consideration brought up except by English loyalists. Franklin was quite correct in his assessment of the prospect of being hanged for his position; the crown wouldn't give any consideration to the upstart colonial rebels.
The only motivation of our founding fathers was FREEDOM, the ability to self govern, to speak without fear, to be able to control their own destiny. Washington spent much of his own money to help finance the army; how many Congressmen would do this today? Washington wept at colonial defeats, yet he did not seek glory for himself in victory. This was all done for love of country, and nothing else. These great patriots risked everything, not for money, not for influence. This was done for the freedom of their fellow men!
What do our leaders risk today? Is American freedom the foremost principle in their minds today? Has political agenda taken the place of the will of the people? Has personal power taken the place of servant hood in public office?
Our current office holders need to read a little history to see what the heritage of American leadership is supposed to reflect! None of our founding fathers assumed leadership with the hope of gaining anything; only freedom, not power, not influence; not only for themselves, but for all Americans. High ideals can mean great risk, but the reward is worth it!!
Our founding fathers were risk takers. Most of them were fairly prosperous, living a fruitful life in the colonies. We must ask why these men of some wealth and comfort put all they had in jeopardy; what was their expected reward? Men like Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Clay, and Lee were of the successful class. They would have little to gain from open rebellion against England, their former homeland and the most formidable armed force in the world. When they signed the Declaration of Independence, Franklin said, " If we sign this we will surely all hang together, if we don't sign it we will all surely hang separately.."; that is commitment to an idea!
Never during this time was financial consideration brought up except by English loyalists. Franklin was quite correct in his assessment of the prospect of being hanged for his position; the crown wouldn't give any consideration to the upstart colonial rebels.
The only motivation of our founding fathers was FREEDOM, the ability to self govern, to speak without fear, to be able to control their own destiny. Washington spent much of his own money to help finance the army; how many Congressmen would do this today? Washington wept at colonial defeats, yet he did not seek glory for himself in victory. This was all done for love of country, and nothing else. These great patriots risked everything, not for money, not for influence. This was done for the freedom of their fellow men!
What do our leaders risk today? Is American freedom the foremost principle in their minds today? Has political agenda taken the place of the will of the people? Has personal power taken the place of servant hood in public office?
Our current office holders need to read a little history to see what the heritage of American leadership is supposed to reflect! None of our founding fathers assumed leadership with the hope of gaining anything; only freedom, not power, not influence; not only for themselves, but for all Americans. High ideals can mean great risk, but the reward is worth it!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
" Belief Should Be Consistant!"
"After this, I have no territorial ambitions..", Adolf Hitler, after he was given Sudetanland, he lied! "I'm a legitimate businessman who wants to live out his days in Israel..", Meyer Lansky, member of "the commission" of organized crime in New York City; he was lying. "I did not have sex with that woman..", Bill Clinton in reference to Monica Lewinski, he lied. "I'm not a crook...", Richard Nixon, in reference to the Watergate Affair, he lied.
What is a hypocrite? A hypocrite, by definition, is "a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings". I believe this statement describes all of the above individuals; they deceived through their statements. Their actions and their ambitions were contrary to what they said they were. Hitler even lied to Stalin; wow what a bummer! When one dictator lies to another, who can you trust? I'll bet Stalin was really upset!
At a Catholic conference, Nancy Pelosi called upon those to whom she was speaking to, "speak from the pulpit", to "play a very major role" in supporting immigration reform. She said, " ..immigration reform is a manifestation of our living Gospels..". This is the same Nancy Pelosi who supports abortion rights. When Ms. Pelosi met with Pope Benedict XVI, the Pope said, " Her pro-abortion support puts her in serious difficulties as a Catholic, ...". Ms. Pelosi said later on "Meet the Press", "...it shouldn't have an impact on the woman's right to choose..".
It is odd that Ms Pelosi calls on the church to support immigration reform, when she is in direct opposition to the church's position on abortion. She says it stems from the Gospels. I find this a little odd, as I am a reader of the bible and have found no evidence of this in any of the Gospels. Jesus preached that we are obligated to obey the law of the land and to love one another. The Gospel message is the message of salvation through the sacrifice of Christ for our sins; nothing in the Gospel is about pending legislation!
Ms. Pelosi, it seems, uses her, "so-called" faith when it suits her, and discards it when it isn't convenient for her purposes. Isn't it funny that those on the left are all about separation of church and state when a child wants to pray in school, but it's okay to use faith to push a bill in Congress? Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!!?
What is a hypocrite? A hypocrite, by definition, is "a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings". I believe this statement describes all of the above individuals; they deceived through their statements. Their actions and their ambitions were contrary to what they said they were. Hitler even lied to Stalin; wow what a bummer! When one dictator lies to another, who can you trust? I'll bet Stalin was really upset!
At a Catholic conference, Nancy Pelosi called upon those to whom she was speaking to, "speak from the pulpit", to "play a very major role" in supporting immigration reform. She said, " ..immigration reform is a manifestation of our living Gospels..". This is the same Nancy Pelosi who supports abortion rights. When Ms. Pelosi met with Pope Benedict XVI, the Pope said, " Her pro-abortion support puts her in serious difficulties as a Catholic, ...". Ms. Pelosi said later on "Meet the Press", "...it shouldn't have an impact on the woman's right to choose..".
It is odd that Ms Pelosi calls on the church to support immigration reform, when she is in direct opposition to the church's position on abortion. She says it stems from the Gospels. I find this a little odd, as I am a reader of the bible and have found no evidence of this in any of the Gospels. Jesus preached that we are obligated to obey the law of the land and to love one another. The Gospel message is the message of salvation through the sacrifice of Christ for our sins; nothing in the Gospel is about pending legislation!
Ms. Pelosi, it seems, uses her, "so-called" faith when it suits her, and discards it when it isn't convenient for her purposes. Isn't it funny that those on the left are all about separation of church and state when a child wants to pray in school, but it's okay to use faith to push a bill in Congress? Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!!?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
" Old Glory!"
I am an Italian-American, and I'm very proud of my cultural heritage. We arguably have given America the best food in the world! Seriously though, Italian-Americans wear their patriotism on their sleeves proudly. I'm sure this is not limited to Italian-Americans. We love this nation because it gives us the freedom to be Americans and still love where we came from.
During the 1960's, the Flag of the United States was being defiled by the "great unwashed" in protest to the war in Viet Nam. Flag burning was the order of the day for those protesters. As a former soldier, I find this type of protest disgusting. I'm sure most of those protesting know little to nothing about our flag.
On January 1, 1776, George Washington ordered the "Grand Union" flag flown over his post at Prospect Hill. The "Grand Union" flag was 13 stripes with the Union Jack in the upper left corner. In May of 1776, Betsy Ross sewed the first "American Flag", 13 stars and 13 stripes, the flag known as "Old Glory". The "Star Spangled Banner" was inspired by our flag as Francis Scott Key watched it fly throughout a battle. In 1945, U.S. marines raised the flag on Mount Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima; to this day, it is one of the most inspiring photos ever taken of our flag and the cost of our freedom. On April 25, 1976, outfielder Rick Monday rescued the flag from some protesters who wanted to burn our flag at a baseball game. Americans are passionate about their flag!
Recently, there has been a problem at a high school over the wearing of the American Flag on May 5th of this year. As most of you know "Cinco de Mayo" is a Mexican holiday much like our Fourth of July. Evidently, some students wore American Flag shirts and the Mexican-American students felt this was an insult to the Mexican holiday. This has turned into a constitutional issue, as those students were sent home when they refused to turn their shirts inside out when ordered to do so. Many of the Mexican- American students wore clothing with the Mexican flag on it and nothing was done to them. I'm sure some of the actions by these students were a political statement, yet it is disturbing that the wearing of the American Flag merited those students being sent home. This is America! Under the flag of this nation, millions of immigrants have found freedom and success on our shores. In little Italy on the fourth of July you will find the American flag flying proudly with the Italian flag crossed along with it; there is no conflict there.
As the original designers flew our flag for the first time, they saw it as a symbol of unification, not division. All Americans can be proud of their origins, but they need to remember they are Americans first. The opportunities they enjoy are because of our Constitution and our shared cultures. Love America first!
During the 1960's, the Flag of the United States was being defiled by the "great unwashed" in protest to the war in Viet Nam. Flag burning was the order of the day for those protesters. As a former soldier, I find this type of protest disgusting. I'm sure most of those protesting know little to nothing about our flag.
On January 1, 1776, George Washington ordered the "Grand Union" flag flown over his post at Prospect Hill. The "Grand Union" flag was 13 stripes with the Union Jack in the upper left corner. In May of 1776, Betsy Ross sewed the first "American Flag", 13 stars and 13 stripes, the flag known as "Old Glory". The "Star Spangled Banner" was inspired by our flag as Francis Scott Key watched it fly throughout a battle. In 1945, U.S. marines raised the flag on Mount Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima; to this day, it is one of the most inspiring photos ever taken of our flag and the cost of our freedom. On April 25, 1976, outfielder Rick Monday rescued the flag from some protesters who wanted to burn our flag at a baseball game. Americans are passionate about their flag!
Recently, there has been a problem at a high school over the wearing of the American Flag on May 5th of this year. As most of you know "Cinco de Mayo" is a Mexican holiday much like our Fourth of July. Evidently, some students wore American Flag shirts and the Mexican-American students felt this was an insult to the Mexican holiday. This has turned into a constitutional issue, as those students were sent home when they refused to turn their shirts inside out when ordered to do so. Many of the Mexican- American students wore clothing with the Mexican flag on it and nothing was done to them. I'm sure some of the actions by these students were a political statement, yet it is disturbing that the wearing of the American Flag merited those students being sent home. This is America! Under the flag of this nation, millions of immigrants have found freedom and success on our shores. In little Italy on the fourth of July you will find the American flag flying proudly with the Italian flag crossed along with it; there is no conflict there.
As the original designers flew our flag for the first time, they saw it as a symbol of unification, not division. All Americans can be proud of their origins, but they need to remember they are Americans first. The opportunities they enjoy are because of our Constitution and our shared cultures. Love America first!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
" Lets All Get Distracted!"
There is a phrase that says, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing", and there is some truth in that statement. If we only know a small amount about any subject or problem, we can make spurious conclusions, limited information is a bad thing. If you go to the library of any large city, you will be amazed at the vast quantity of books they hold; floor after floor, bookcase after bookcase. A virtual plethora of accumulated knowledge; more valuable than gold our possession of ideas in books is a great treasure we need to protect. This is all part of our freedom of speech, the free exchange of thought. This should never be limited in our free society!
April 6, 1933 is a very interesting date in history. On that day the German Student Association sponsored "Sauberung", a purge, a "cleansing by fire". They described it as an action against "un-German" spirit; a literary purge. It was a purge against "Jewish Intellectualism", against ideas and philosophy that was in conflict to the "New Germany". Some of the authors on the students list to be burned were Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Ernest Hemingway, and Jack London. You can find more names with some research; the list is too long to fully display, but it is very disturbing.
Last week President Obama spoke at Hampton University's commencement ceremony. During the course of the speech, the President made a statement I found to be quite disturbing. It was a reference to the students about technology and its dangers. He said "..information becomes a distraction and a diversion..". Why would information ever be a distraction? Isn't information the root of informed decision making? Why would information be a diversion, unless it took the seeker away from the pool of ideas that may disagree with an agenda which one doesn't want questioned?!
I listened to the speech in its entirety. Parts of it were the usual commencement rhetoric about success, and part of it was a warning about listening to points of view that he wasn't happy with. When we start to say that information can be a distraction, we are not far from saying information is something we need not concern ourselves with, it is unnecessary. I'm of the mind that we need as much information as possible on all issues; granted all information needs to be sifted for truth and intent. Don't stop examining all sides of every argument or every issue; it is the only way to find the truth. Let us not become a nation that manages information, that's only a step away from "Sauberung"!
April 6, 1933 is a very interesting date in history. On that day the German Student Association sponsored "Sauberung", a purge, a "cleansing by fire". They described it as an action against "un-German" spirit; a literary purge. It was a purge against "Jewish Intellectualism", against ideas and philosophy that was in conflict to the "New Germany". Some of the authors on the students list to be burned were Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Ernest Hemingway, and Jack London. You can find more names with some research; the list is too long to fully display, but it is very disturbing.
Last week President Obama spoke at Hampton University's commencement ceremony. During the course of the speech, the President made a statement I found to be quite disturbing. It was a reference to the students about technology and its dangers. He said "..information becomes a distraction and a diversion..". Why would information ever be a distraction? Isn't information the root of informed decision making? Why would information be a diversion, unless it took the seeker away from the pool of ideas that may disagree with an agenda which one doesn't want questioned?!
I listened to the speech in its entirety. Parts of it were the usual commencement rhetoric about success, and part of it was a warning about listening to points of view that he wasn't happy with. When we start to say that information can be a distraction, we are not far from saying information is something we need not concern ourselves with, it is unnecessary. I'm of the mind that we need as much information as possible on all issues; granted all information needs to be sifted for truth and intent. Don't stop examining all sides of every argument or every issue; it is the only way to find the truth. Let us not become a nation that manages information, that's only a step away from "Sauberung"!
Monday, May 10, 2010
" Big Leaguer?"
I really like baseball. When I was a boy, I couldn't get enough baseball; little league for two months during the summer, pickup games when I didn't play league games, WGN TV and radio coverage of both Chicago teams, and, of course, coverage of the pennant races and the World Series on the major networks. During the winter, I used to watch winter ball from Cuba at night; I lived for baseball as a kid.
My team was the White Sox, but I had grudging respect for the New York Yankees, as they were the perennial favorites of America to "win it all" every year. You can't really blame the public as the history of this team is loaded with "Hall of Famers"; Ruth, Gherig. Dimaggio, Berra, and Mantle are just a few of the former Yankees that names echo through the "Hall"; they have a rich heritage.
The Hall of Fame is the ultimate achievement of any player. It means you are the "best of the best", the goal setter for all the other ball players! There are many good ball players who didn't make it into the "Hall". It is not for everyone, it is the mountain top.
The Supreme Court of the United States is the "Hall of Fame" for the judiciary of America. It should be for the best of the best! Names like John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, William Howard Taft, William O. Douglas, Louis J. Brandeis, and Oliver Wendell Holmes are the names of some who have sat on the highest court of the land. This short list is pretty impressive to say the least. We should be very picky about who will sit on this court.
Elena Kagan has been rumored to be the next nominee for the Supreme Court by Barack Obama. She is currently the Solicitor General of the United States. She is a graduate of Princeton, holds a masters degree from Oxford, graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law and was also the dean of Harvard Law School. Her education is excellent, her intelligence is unquestioned. The problem I have with Ms. Kagan is her lack of real judicial experience; she has never sat on the bench, not for a traffic ticket, a felony, a misdemeanor,..., no experience in the real world of a judge except as a law clerk for Abner Mikva at the D.C. Court of Appeals. To take a phrase from baseball, she got no time " in the bigs". We have no example of her ability to "play with the Hall of Famers". This is a big jump in the world of law and America deserves someone with a proven track record. As I said earlier, I believe Ms. Kagan is a very intelligent person, but is she ready?
There are numerous judges in our nation who are experts on constitutional law, with decades of experience on the bench that merit consideration for this high appointment. Maybe Ms. Kagan needs a little seasoning in the "minors" before we throw her into the "World Series". I think President Obama should check the roster before he takes a chance on a rookie!
My team was the White Sox, but I had grudging respect for the New York Yankees, as they were the perennial favorites of America to "win it all" every year. You can't really blame the public as the history of this team is loaded with "Hall of Famers"; Ruth, Gherig. Dimaggio, Berra, and Mantle are just a few of the former Yankees that names echo through the "Hall"; they have a rich heritage.
The Hall of Fame is the ultimate achievement of any player. It means you are the "best of the best", the goal setter for all the other ball players! There are many good ball players who didn't make it into the "Hall". It is not for everyone, it is the mountain top.
The Supreme Court of the United States is the "Hall of Fame" for the judiciary of America. It should be for the best of the best! Names like John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, William Howard Taft, William O. Douglas, Louis J. Brandeis, and Oliver Wendell Holmes are the names of some who have sat on the highest court of the land. This short list is pretty impressive to say the least. We should be very picky about who will sit on this court.
Elena Kagan has been rumored to be the next nominee for the Supreme Court by Barack Obama. She is currently the Solicitor General of the United States. She is a graduate of Princeton, holds a masters degree from Oxford, graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law and was also the dean of Harvard Law School. Her education is excellent, her intelligence is unquestioned. The problem I have with Ms. Kagan is her lack of real judicial experience; she has never sat on the bench, not for a traffic ticket, a felony, a misdemeanor,..., no experience in the real world of a judge except as a law clerk for Abner Mikva at the D.C. Court of Appeals. To take a phrase from baseball, she got no time " in the bigs". We have no example of her ability to "play with the Hall of Famers". This is a big jump in the world of law and America deserves someone with a proven track record. As I said earlier, I believe Ms. Kagan is a very intelligent person, but is she ready?
There are numerous judges in our nation who are experts on constitutional law, with decades of experience on the bench that merit consideration for this high appointment. Maybe Ms. Kagan needs a little seasoning in the "minors" before we throw her into the "World Series". I think President Obama should check the roster before he takes a chance on a rookie!
Friday, May 7, 2010
" All of Our Moms, Thanks!!"
Earlier this week, I commented on the United Nations appointment of Iran to the committee on women's rights. The more I thought about this, the more I thought what an inappropriate week to do this!
Does everyone know what Sunday is!? MOTHERS DAY!!; yes, the day we choose to honor the mothers of America for the wonderful influences they have been on our lives. How weird is it that the U.N. picked a nation that treats women like cattle to champion women's rights!? Especially this week, this decision seems insulting to all women of the world. Sorry Moms, the U.N. is clueless!!
Well, now that I've blown off some steam, I'd like to talk about Moms. Not just Moms, but all of the surrogate Moms we deal with in our lives: wives, sisters, cousins, teachers, and all of those wonderful women who gave us love, support, and sometimes criticism when we needed it. What a blessing all of these women are to all of us who have benefited from their care and guidance! My Mom taught me how to be compassionate toward other people, and to exercise patience when things weren't going my way. She was intelligent, perhaps the most intelligent person I've ever known. She gave me the gift of learning to love fine literature. Hemingway, Updike, Buck, Steinbeck, Tolstoy are the names of a few of the authors my Mom introduced me to. One of our first gifts as children were Child Craft Books, fairy tales, short stories, and poetry fit for children filled those pages; to this day I still remember some of those stories, thanks Mom!
My wife has been my rock, my partner in life through all its trials and tribulations, my confidant, my critic, my friend, and my great love. She is the mother of a fine daughter, of whom we are both very proud, and love greatly. She always puts herself second to the needs of others; I'm the most fortunate of all men!
My sisters and my cousins are unbelievable! They are the most fun, the most lovable, and some of the weirdest people on this planet! All family gatherings are delightful when we get together and remember our days as children. They are all funny and intelligent, they all hold a piece of my heart, and I thank God that they are part of my life!
Mothers' day comes once a year, yet each day we practice those lessons learned at our mothers' sides. This Sunday, remember your Moms and all the other wonderful women who you have been blessed with. You know they really deserve more than one day a year!!
Does everyone know what Sunday is!? MOTHERS DAY!!; yes, the day we choose to honor the mothers of America for the wonderful influences they have been on our lives. How weird is it that the U.N. picked a nation that treats women like cattle to champion women's rights!? Especially this week, this decision seems insulting to all women of the world. Sorry Moms, the U.N. is clueless!!
Well, now that I've blown off some steam, I'd like to talk about Moms. Not just Moms, but all of the surrogate Moms we deal with in our lives: wives, sisters, cousins, teachers, and all of those wonderful women who gave us love, support, and sometimes criticism when we needed it. What a blessing all of these women are to all of us who have benefited from their care and guidance! My Mom taught me how to be compassionate toward other people, and to exercise patience when things weren't going my way. She was intelligent, perhaps the most intelligent person I've ever known. She gave me the gift of learning to love fine literature. Hemingway, Updike, Buck, Steinbeck, Tolstoy are the names of a few of the authors my Mom introduced me to. One of our first gifts as children were Child Craft Books, fairy tales, short stories, and poetry fit for children filled those pages; to this day I still remember some of those stories, thanks Mom!
My wife has been my rock, my partner in life through all its trials and tribulations, my confidant, my critic, my friend, and my great love. She is the mother of a fine daughter, of whom we are both very proud, and love greatly. She always puts herself second to the needs of others; I'm the most fortunate of all men!
My sisters and my cousins are unbelievable! They are the most fun, the most lovable, and some of the weirdest people on this planet! All family gatherings are delightful when we get together and remember our days as children. They are all funny and intelligent, they all hold a piece of my heart, and I thank God that they are part of my life!
Mothers' day comes once a year, yet each day we practice those lessons learned at our mothers' sides. This Sunday, remember your Moms and all the other wonderful women who you have been blessed with. You know they really deserve more than one day a year!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
" Pick And Choose!"
Every week my wife and I go to the grocery store for the needs we have generated over the previous week. Our town has three grocery stores, and we shop at each of them in order to get the best deal for our buck. My wife ad matches in order to save even more money; this is a wise practice, especially in the current financial crisis each of us face on a daily basis. We can save anywhere from 25 to 50 dollars on any given week.
We get to choose what we want and where we can go to get what we want. Choice is a great thing to have. Living in America gives us multitudinous choices. America also gives us some obligations. We are obligated to pay our taxes, follow the speed limit, respect others' property, and not commit violence on others. There are numerous laws and ordinances in each of our towns, states, cities, and villages across our nation. We have a constitution with laws that apply to all citizens in the United States.
I'm sure each of us has opinions about the laws of this nation, and we don't particularly like following every law with great vigor; yet the law is the law and must be observed. Our constitution gives us the power to LEGALLY change the law.
I started out talking about choice, and I believe in choice; but what if we decided to choose what laws we will follow and what laws we won't?
I don't like to pay taxes, so I'll take that off my list. I don't like going 65 on the interstate, so I'll take that off my list. I have laws I don't like but I must obey them; I'm not an autonomous state that can make my own rules. If I get pulled over by the police, I can't tell the officer I have chosen not to follow the speed laws as I feel they are unjust and oppressive. If this were possible, should drug dealers be able to sell drugs on the street corners as their customers want the drugs and feel the current drug laws are oppressive?
In certain situations we don't always have a choice. We are obligated to follow all the laws of our land, until the law is changed LEGALLY.
I'm not saying we don't have the right to peacefully protest against any law we feel is unjust. But until that law is rescinded, we cannot disregard it; it is the law!
Until the Arizona law is changed, it must be upheld. If it is constitutional, it will stand up in court; if it is not, it will fall. This is the American system of justice, and it will work if we give it a chance.
Choice is a good thing at the grocery store, not in the obedience of the law. If you don't like it, be verbal about it, but obey it. That is all Americans choice!
We get to choose what we want and where we can go to get what we want. Choice is a great thing to have. Living in America gives us multitudinous choices. America also gives us some obligations. We are obligated to pay our taxes, follow the speed limit, respect others' property, and not commit violence on others. There are numerous laws and ordinances in each of our towns, states, cities, and villages across our nation. We have a constitution with laws that apply to all citizens in the United States.
I'm sure each of us has opinions about the laws of this nation, and we don't particularly like following every law with great vigor; yet the law is the law and must be observed. Our constitution gives us the power to LEGALLY change the law.
I started out talking about choice, and I believe in choice; but what if we decided to choose what laws we will follow and what laws we won't?
I don't like to pay taxes, so I'll take that off my list. I don't like going 65 on the interstate, so I'll take that off my list. I have laws I don't like but I must obey them; I'm not an autonomous state that can make my own rules. If I get pulled over by the police, I can't tell the officer I have chosen not to follow the speed laws as I feel they are unjust and oppressive. If this were possible, should drug dealers be able to sell drugs on the street corners as their customers want the drugs and feel the current drug laws are oppressive?
In certain situations we don't always have a choice. We are obligated to follow all the laws of our land, until the law is changed LEGALLY.
I'm not saying we don't have the right to peacefully protest against any law we feel is unjust. But until that law is rescinded, we cannot disregard it; it is the law!
Until the Arizona law is changed, it must be upheld. If it is constitutional, it will stand up in court; if it is not, it will fall. This is the American system of justice, and it will work if we give it a chance.
Choice is a good thing at the grocery store, not in the obedience of the law. If you don't like it, be verbal about it, but obey it. That is all Americans choice!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
" Who Is Your Idol?"
Last night American Idol did the songs of Frank Sinatra. Most of my readers know I'm an Italian-American, and Frank Sinatra is just short of a deity to many of us. I'm a huge Sinatra fan; some like Crosby, and that's fine, but nobody can make a song as personal as Francis Albert did.
All the contestants did their best last night, yet I couldn't keep my mind focused on their performances without comparing them to the "Master".
Simon Cowell was given a monogrammed handkerchief that was Frank's, and he was visibly moved, he is a fan. Sinatra is a measuring stick for singers, and he will be for generations to come; he was larger than life. Those who wish to be great try to emulate greatness.
Abraham Lincoln is well known to be an admirer of George Washington and said he wished to lead as Washington did. Washington was there at the birth pangs of our nation, leading men, with little more than raw courage, in victory over the most powerful nation on the earth. His wisdom is quoted to this day as a template for responsible government. Lincoln used Washington as his "measuring stick" for leadership; he wanted to emulate Washington's greatness.
Today, in Washington, we have a man in office who seems to wish to emulate Jimmy Carter, or perhaps Lyndon Johnson. Huge spending programs of government entitlement, high unemployment, ambiguous defense policies, and falling support from the majority of Americans. These two were not exactly Washington-like in their governing ability, and it appears that Barack Obama is going down the same road. Even as he sees that his policies are not being well received by the public, Mr. Obama continues to pursue his agenda of enlarged debt and social entitlement programs. "Avoid entangling alliances" and small government was some of the advice George Washington gave to those who wished to govern this nation. Today, that is still good advice; perhaps Mr. Obama could glean some knowledge from George. If you emulate failed policy, what outcome can you expect? Aim at Washington and forget Carter or you may end up the same way the "peanut farmer" did!
All the contestants did their best last night, yet I couldn't keep my mind focused on their performances without comparing them to the "Master".
Simon Cowell was given a monogrammed handkerchief that was Frank's, and he was visibly moved, he is a fan. Sinatra is a measuring stick for singers, and he will be for generations to come; he was larger than life. Those who wish to be great try to emulate greatness.
Abraham Lincoln is well known to be an admirer of George Washington and said he wished to lead as Washington did. Washington was there at the birth pangs of our nation, leading men, with little more than raw courage, in victory over the most powerful nation on the earth. His wisdom is quoted to this day as a template for responsible government. Lincoln used Washington as his "measuring stick" for leadership; he wanted to emulate Washington's greatness.
Today, in Washington, we have a man in office who seems to wish to emulate Jimmy Carter, or perhaps Lyndon Johnson. Huge spending programs of government entitlement, high unemployment, ambiguous defense policies, and falling support from the majority of Americans. These two were not exactly Washington-like in their governing ability, and it appears that Barack Obama is going down the same road. Even as he sees that his policies are not being well received by the public, Mr. Obama continues to pursue his agenda of enlarged debt and social entitlement programs. "Avoid entangling alliances" and small government was some of the advice George Washington gave to those who wished to govern this nation. Today, that is still good advice; perhaps Mr. Obama could glean some knowledge from George. If you emulate failed policy, what outcome can you expect? Aim at Washington and forget Carter or you may end up the same way the "peanut farmer" did!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
" Equal Protection!"
The United States has had a very busy 24 hours; since last night an arrest was made in the alleged terrorist bomb attempt in Times Square in New York.
A naturalized citizen, Faisal Shahzad, was arrested aboard a plane destined for Dubai then connecting for Pakistan. This is a tribute to our citizens and the law enforcement community. We should all get on our knees this morning and thank God that this terrorist didn't complete his task.
As a naturalized citizen, Mr. Shahzad is entitled to all the rights under the constitution that all Americans enjoy. Thus far, charges have yet to be filed, and all people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Once again we should all thank God for living in a country that is designed for the protection of the rights of all its' citizens.
It is odd that those nations that support and endorse terrorism don't provide such freedom and constitutional protection that we are so accustomed to here. If Mr. Shahzad is found to be involved in this plot, my personal opinion is that he be prosecuted for treason against the United States of America. He is a citizen, therefore this alleged act is treasonous and eligible for all punishment connected with treason and seditious activity. These are federal charges and should be pursued by the attorney general. We, as a nation, need to set an example to those who wish to destroy our nation and murder our citizens.
We have seen over the last week, Joe Klein has called loyal Americans seditious for being critical of government policies. It will be interesting to see if Mr. Klein will be as verbal about a possible violent terrorist as he was about Americans exercising their first amendment rights.
This administration has been very clear about protecting the rights of suspected terrorists, making sure they get equal justice under the law. This is all well and good. They should be equally zealous in the protection of the rights of all those who disagree with public policy and condemn those who purport dissent as a seditious act.
All Americans need their rights protected; whether you're accused of a terrorist act or speaking out on policy. Criticism may be hurtful, but it isn't a crime, and it isn't un-American. Protect Glenn Beck with the same fervor that will be used to protect Faisal Shahzad!
A naturalized citizen, Faisal Shahzad, was arrested aboard a plane destined for Dubai then connecting for Pakistan. This is a tribute to our citizens and the law enforcement community. We should all get on our knees this morning and thank God that this terrorist didn't complete his task.
As a naturalized citizen, Mr. Shahzad is entitled to all the rights under the constitution that all Americans enjoy. Thus far, charges have yet to be filed, and all people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Once again we should all thank God for living in a country that is designed for the protection of the rights of all its' citizens.
It is odd that those nations that support and endorse terrorism don't provide such freedom and constitutional protection that we are so accustomed to here. If Mr. Shahzad is found to be involved in this plot, my personal opinion is that he be prosecuted for treason against the United States of America. He is a citizen, therefore this alleged act is treasonous and eligible for all punishment connected with treason and seditious activity. These are federal charges and should be pursued by the attorney general. We, as a nation, need to set an example to those who wish to destroy our nation and murder our citizens.
We have seen over the last week, Joe Klein has called loyal Americans seditious for being critical of government policies. It will be interesting to see if Mr. Klein will be as verbal about a possible violent terrorist as he was about Americans exercising their first amendment rights.
This administration has been very clear about protecting the rights of suspected terrorists, making sure they get equal justice under the law. This is all well and good. They should be equally zealous in the protection of the rights of all those who disagree with public policy and condemn those who purport dissent as a seditious act.
All Americans need their rights protected; whether you're accused of a terrorist act or speaking out on policy. Criticism may be hurtful, but it isn't a crime, and it isn't un-American. Protect Glenn Beck with the same fervor that will be used to protect Faisal Shahzad!
Monday, May 3, 2010
" United Nations (Unbelievable Numb Skulls)!"
I like watching "World's Dumbest Criminals"; it is hilarious as I watch would be felons screw up by the numbers when their nefarious acts run afoul. There was an incident when the criminal wanted to steal an ATM machine and found out how heavy it was and tried to pull it out with his car; too heavy it just pulled the front bumper off his car, leaving his license plate and a quick arrest was made. A convenient store was being robbed and the robber had his rifle taken away by the clerk; then he asked for his weapon back! Yes most criminals are stupid, there are few Professor Moriarty's out there. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!!? Most of those who seek a life of crime are not very bright and choose what seems like the easy way to them; take what you want. Brains are not a prerequisite for thugs, drug dealers, and burglars. Most cops will tell you crooks are dumb!
In the real world people need some modicum of intelligence to succeed on any job. Burger King could not function if its' employees couldn't follow procedure on the job. Jiffy Lube needs people who have knowledge of basic auto maintenance or they couldn't function. Any business needs qualified people in order to succeed. They need people who can exercise good judgment in their daily decisions on the job.
The United Nations (Unbelievable Numb skulls) have shown just how intelligent and well qualified they are in recent days.
Last week, the U.N. was establishing a committee on women's' rights. This should have been a "no brainer"; U.S., Britain, France, any nation with equal rights in their constitutions. Who did the U.N. put on this committee? IRAN! Yes Iran, a nation that has women's' rights set somewhere around 6 B.C.! This backward nation barely believes women are human beings. I was personally stunned by this appointment; even for the U.N. this was a new level of stupidity. This is what many nations see as the preferred governing body for the world! How can America invest confidence in a body that uses such poor judgment. If these people are the "best and brightest" from their nations we are in "BIG TROUBLE". It is no surprise that Ahmadinejad is ignoring those "severe" sanctions about their nuclear program. He knows he can do whatever he wants and the U.N. continues to posture with no real action.
I expect house-breakers, muggers, and thieves to be stupid. It is too bad that this "revered" world body seems to be filled with a group that is so out of touch that they don't know who they appoint and what they believe about any issue. The sad part about all this is that the United States didn't raise a finger to protest Iran's appointment. What an example to the free nations of the world; Mr. Obama should be ashamed!
In the real world people need some modicum of intelligence to succeed on any job. Burger King could not function if its' employees couldn't follow procedure on the job. Jiffy Lube needs people who have knowledge of basic auto maintenance or they couldn't function. Any business needs qualified people in order to succeed. They need people who can exercise good judgment in their daily decisions on the job.
The United Nations (Unbelievable Numb skulls) have shown just how intelligent and well qualified they are in recent days.
Last week, the U.N. was establishing a committee on women's' rights. This should have been a "no brainer"; U.S., Britain, France, any nation with equal rights in their constitutions. Who did the U.N. put on this committee? IRAN! Yes Iran, a nation that has women's' rights set somewhere around 6 B.C.! This backward nation barely believes women are human beings. I was personally stunned by this appointment; even for the U.N. this was a new level of stupidity. This is what many nations see as the preferred governing body for the world! How can America invest confidence in a body that uses such poor judgment. If these people are the "best and brightest" from their nations we are in "BIG TROUBLE". It is no surprise that Ahmadinejad is ignoring those "severe" sanctions about their nuclear program. He knows he can do whatever he wants and the U.N. continues to posture with no real action.
I expect house-breakers, muggers, and thieves to be stupid. It is too bad that this "revered" world body seems to be filled with a group that is so out of touch that they don't know who they appoint and what they believe about any issue. The sad part about all this is that the United States didn't raise a finger to protest Iran's appointment. What an example to the free nations of the world; Mr. Obama should be ashamed!
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