Wednesday, October 28, 2009
"Days Off"
I will be going out of town for a few days and plan on returning by monday of next week . I will have a new blog on tuesday. Until I return please keep an eye on Pelosi , Reid , and the gang at the White House , They may want to re-fund A.C.O.R.N. .Keep the faith!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
"Empty Barrel"
"Fox News peddles a fair amount of hateful crap.Some of it borders on sedition.Much of it is flat untrue." This quote was made by Joe Klein of Time Magazine. Lets examine what this statement really says ; "hateful crap" , not exactly great prose but still descriptive , yet is it truth? I have been watching Fox News for a very long time , yet I cannot remember any commentary one could consider hateful , I've heard things that were convicting , things that could make people under scrutiny uncomfortable , but , no personal attacks about the subjects race , creed , or national origin. And for their reporting this as "crap" I have yet to see anyone in any branch of the media or the government providing any facts supporting the statement , that Fox reporting is anything but truthful. "Some of it borders on SEDITION." This is a very serious charge , the legal term of sedition is "overt conduct ..tending toward insurrection against an established legal order".This also may include open violence against the laws. In 1798 president John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts that provided 2 years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine , in 1798 a pretty good piece of change , some of it's wording is " opposing and resisting any laws of the United States...writing or publishing false statements ". For Mr. Klein to make such a heinous accusation is both untrue and libelous , not to mention irresponsible. Mr Klein is noted for his far left rantings so his venomous remarks are not beyond the realm of his repertoire , yet he fails to provide any facts to back up his spurious accusations. Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannitty have offered Mr. Klein air time to prove his case , he has yet to respond . Is it possible that Fox reporting is cutting a little too close to the bone and the left felt it was necessary to send out one of their attack dogs , even though he had no teeth to use in his attack ? Being in the public forum makes persons and organizations open for criticism , but it dose not give license to assassinate the character of those being criticized. My mother always said the loudest noise comes from the emptiest barrel , there is a lot of truth in that statement. When unfounded accusations are thrown about with wild abandon we must consider the source and the source's motives. I'm sure all of us will be waiting a very long time to hear a response to Fox from Mr.Klein . Why don't you try to put something in that empty barrel next time , otherwise you will appear the fool!
Monday, October 26, 2009
" Tom , John , You , and Me"
"A well regulated Militia , being necessary to the security of a free State , the right of the People to keep and bear Arms , shall not be infringed." Many years ago a group of men got together to ratify a document upon which the greatest nation in the world would base their principles and laws . This document has been lauded by every free thinking government on this planet as the standard for personal rights and freedom above any other written work short of the "Holy Bible" , which was an inspiration for much of this document's content. The beginning statement of my article today is the second amendment to this document. As you have probably figured out by now we are talking about the United States Constitution . It took nine years for this group of dedicated patriots to come up with a document which they all could agree on . Remember this was after the revolution in a time of peace . Some of the basic precepts of that document are now under assault by a segment of our society which believes this amazing work of individual freedom is out of date , no longer viable in the world of 2009. We have already seen attacks against our first amendment by those who feel honest dissent is "un-American"and alternative thinking is something not to be tolerated. Now our second amendment is under the microscope of those who fear an armed populous . Many times rising crime rates are cited as an argument to limit a citizen's right to possess firearms , but how many people really believe that a criminal would let the law keep him from finding a weapon , their is a plentiful black market of illegal weapons in this country. Those seeking unlawful weapons will have no problems in locating whatever they want , as they have always been able to do in the past. The foolish concept of taking weapons away from honest citizens only strengthens the position of the criminal. If you know anyone in law enforcement ask them how many confiscated weapons were legally owned and how many were not , you might learn something . There are hidden clauses in some impending legislation put in for the express purpose of infringing on your second amendment rights. As people living in a free society we must keep a watchful eye on any person or organization who wishes to make fundamental changes to our individual rights under the Constitution . I know Mr. Obama is a gun control advocate and I totally oppose his views on this subject, we must remember that Hitler , Stalin , Mao , and Sadam all took firearms away from their people when they assumed power . I will not give up my gun ! John Adams , Thomas Jefferson , Henry Clay , and many others , in whom I hold in much higher regard than our current president said I don't have to. Keep an eye on your rights America , Jefferson would have wanted it that way!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
"It's Alive,Alive!!"
As Halloween approaches many of us have thoughts of ghosts , goblins , and monsters. As a boy I watched a show called "Shock Theatre" , it featured classic horror films such as , "Dracula ,the Wolfman , and Frankenstein" the movies came on on Saturday night at ten o'clock and were over by midnight. The most fascinating story for me was "Frankenstein". It was the story of Dr. Frankenstein who wanted to build a man from the harvested parts of the dead in an effort to produce a super being of great stature and strength. The snag in the doctor's plan was when his assistant acquired the wrong brain to put in his creation's head ; a criminal brain which would eventually reign terror on the innocent villagers. The doctor worked savagely to give life to his perverse creation , until finally allowing the electricity of a lightning bolt to provide the spark of life. After attaining life the creature roamed the countryside murdering and terrifying all those he encountered. The well intentioned doctor wanted to create a being who would be a boon to humanity , with his great size , strength ,and intellect ; instead the creation was the antithesis of the doctor's intent. All of the parts assembled for the creation of the perfect being somehow became the scourge of the society the doctor wanted to serve.What does this classic tale have to do with today's world? When Barack Obama became our president he promised change in America , a transformed nation , a re-structuring of our nation. When he took office Mr. Obama began his reconstruction of America by bringing on a team of advisers known as his "czars" , the parts of his new creation , each part had a specific agenda in the administration's mission to transform America . As the months have gone by we have found out certain things about these "parts" of the new American dream that were quite disturbing . Van Jones turned out to be a self avowed communist , Mark Lloyd has been revealed as an advocate of Hugo Chavez the communist leader of Venezuela , and Kevin Jennings has been show to have ties to N.A.M.B.L.A. the homosexual pedophile organization , not exactly what those who elected Mr.Obama had in mind .We as a nation were expecting change , but , not the re-creation of a nation founded on radical beliefs and perverse desires. Is Mr. Obama the evil brain controlling the body of a political monster that is threatening the lives of the villagers who only wanted a servant not a rampaging monster? It is time for the villagers to arise and carry those torches of dissent and truth , reveal the nature of the beast before it's to late. Villagers like Fox news and conservative radio have been carrying the torches for America . Don't let the evil brain allow those torch bearers to be stopped . Keep America free by keeping speech free , don't let White House pressure stifle dissent. Remember the torches destroyed the monster!
Friday, October 23, 2009
"Blockbuster or Bomb?"
I like to go to the movies , it is fun to spend a couple of hours escaping into the fantasy of a movie theatre. Back in 1997 the highest grossing movie to date was made , it was called the "Titanic",and it's final gross was over one billion dollars . For those who like big numbers that is one thousand million dollars , WOW!! This is a staggering amount of cash , and it made the "Titanic" the measuring stick for financial success in the movie industry. The movie industry in the United States makes approximately nine hundred movies a year , many of them make far less then the standard set by "Titanic", but still make a substantial amount of money. At present the movie industry has projected sales of 44 billion dollars per anum , another very large amount of cash. Now let's do some math , One trillion is one thousand billions , and one billion is one thousand millions . Our projected national deficit in ten years is 9 trillion dollars. Let's play with some numbers. If Hollywood made their average 900 movies a year for ten years we come up with 9 trillion dollars , that is if each film is as successful as the all-time box office smash "Titanic". If the industry makes the 44 billion it currently pulls in it will make 4.4trillion in ten years. Now we must remember these amounts are income before taxes , which will be considerable. Our nation is looking at a projected debt so large it would take all the money made in Hollywood over the next ten years , if it had banner years back to back the entire time , to come close to resolving the debt ; even at that it would probably come up a little short. This is more borrowed money then this country has ever accumulated in it's entire history! We are in the midst of the largest financial crisis since the depression of the 1930's. Is it logical to take a nation that is on shaky monetary legs and plunge it into great debt? We are also looking at increasing possibility of higher taxes to pay for an expanding agenda of government entitlements that the Obama administration seems very fond of. When a building is on fire is it a good idea to throw kerosene into the blaze? I started this article out by talking about the "Titanic" , and we all know the outcome of that ships voyage. The Obama administration needs to exercise some responsibility in it's fiscal policies . It is sailing through dangerous waters and the entire nation rides on this ship. Captain Ahab lost everything because of his obsession , let's hope "Captain Obama" dosen't do the same thing.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
"Does Size Matter?"
Many years ago ABC had a sports program called "Super Stars" ; the purpose was to pit different athletes against each other in a group of events not related to the sports they participated in. This was a great show because it showed all of these great athletes out of their element , having fun , and yet still exposing their competitive nature. I remember Joe Frazier nearly drowning in the pool during the swimming trials , and a Nascar driver falling all over himself trying to master the obstacle course. One of the shows was titled "Super Teams" where whole teams participated against one another . The teams I remember the most were the football and baseball teams. The N.F.L. was represented by the Minnesota Vikings , who had won the N.F.C. title the previous year , and the Major League Baseball representative was the Philadelphia Phillies , who won the National League Pennant the previous year.The competition was hot and heavy and great fun to watch , both teams tried their best during each event , their efforts resulted in a dead heat going into the final event , The tug of "war" , and war it would be. The teams had a weight limit as to not give any team a special advantage ; on one side you had the "Purple People Eaters" of football ,and they were huge with big legs and gigantic arms staring menacingly across from the Phillies all looking extremely small in comparison to their football rivals. The baseballers had the look of people who were beaten before they started , the shear size and stature of the Vikings was enough to scare rats out of a junk yard.The tugging started and it was intense there were eight football players dug into the sand and eleven baseball players pulling with all of the strength they could muster. The titans of football had the early advantage but as time grew long a shift was perceived and the baseballers began to move the flag towards themselves. After nearly thirty minutes the wall of the footballers gave way and the Phillie's were victorious. How could this happen? The answer was simple more arms and legs , meant more to victory then giant arms and legs did.Numbers and determination were the keys to victory. As we look at our situation today how do we compare what I have just illustrated to our position against an administration that seems overpowering in it's stature and intimidating in it's nature. We have seen over the past several days the Obama administration castigate Fox news , and give a veiled threat to the media and to anyone who has a position that offers an opinion they may have that is perceived different from what the president and congress approves of. Being in the seat of power definitely gives the administration an edge , but it doesn't give them the final victory. We must remember their are more of us than there are of them . We must continue to pressure them for truth no matter what intimidation tactics they may use. We as Americans are not noted for our timidity in the face of adversity , and we should take pride in this and push forward , not roll over . Remember we are America , not our servants ,who have been elected to do our bidding , they may loom large but we have more arms and legs. The eventual victory must be ours!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
"My Friend Charlie"
Just over a year ago I lost one of my very best friends , my black lab "Charlie".When I got him he was just a little bigger then my gym shoe and about as cute as any dog should be allowed to be. He was the most intelligent dog I've ever encountered , and he had the sweetest disposition I've ever seen on any animal. Our family spent some of our best times playing with Charlie and laughing at all of the things he would get into . He loved to steal sox out of the laundry basket and then taunt us running around the house daring us to catch him. I probably spent the most time with him because my work shifts were irregular lending me to spend more alone time with him.At times I would have long "coversati0ns" with him and he was a great listener. We would go on long walks and take afternoon naps together.About May of last year he began having some physical problems and we began the many trips to the vet to find out what was wrong .Nothing seemed to be working , I was willing to spend anything to save him but by the time we found out what his problem was it was to late , and I had to do one of the worst things of my life ;I had to end Charlies , I had no alternative. Sometimes in life we are confronted with things over which we have no control , and no option is a pleasant one. Our country is in a very precarious situation over several issues , and our options are diminishing at a rapid rate. It seems our elected leaders do not want to follow the will of the people and are more interested in their own ideological interests as they direct the path of our nations future. These actions are the first signs of a cancer in our government that must be treated early before it can become terminal and destroy the very fabric of democracy in America. We all love our country yet at times we feel at odds with it's leadership. My Charlie died because I waited too long in seeking a second opinion , the disease had advanced beyond the reach of any cure. The longer we wait before we seek a second opinion the more difficult it will be to stop this administration's spiral toward socialism. No matter what state you live in you must let your senators and representatives know how you feel and you will remember their actions at the ballot box next year. I lost my friend Charlie because I waited too long. Let's not wait too long , let's not let the cancer spread , let the White House and Congress know we have a second opinion on the "health" of America , and we want them to listen or face the reality of the ballot box referendum next year.Let's not put America to sleep!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
"Required Reading"
I remember when I attended high school we had something called "required reading".As a young teen who was more interested in sports ,girls , and fun this policy didn't sit to well with my social schedule.Fortunately for me I had a mom who was a reader ,and she would read to me as a small child , she had the benefit of growing up without television. I told her about my aversion to the reading policy and she said I would be cheating myself of a great experience if I didn't embrace the reading of great books , she urged I give it a chance. Thanks to Mom I gave in and read my first serious novel "The Call Of The Wild" by Jack London ,now I was hooked I couldn't get enough ,this was better than the movies.I learned to enjoy the printed page.My favorite book is "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck ,when I got to the last page I was a little sad because I wanted it to go on. The longest book I've ever read was "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William Schirrer,it was fascinating and it was also 1265 pages long so it took me a while to get through it , but it was well worth the effort. No one was paying me to read these books , I did it for the enjoyment of the journey. Right now in Washington we have 535 congressional representatives and 100 senators who are engaged in the pursuit of changing the health-care system in this country.They have been through several months of committee meetings and there several proposed bills waiting for consideration , the principal bill that is being reviewed now is approximately 1500 pages ,and I'm sure the reading is pretty dry , yet when I hear that members of our Congress refuse to read the bill in it's entirety I become a little upset. This piece of legislation will affect the lives of 300 million Americans and medical treatment is a very basic need not to be taken lightly. When a senator or representative cannot seem to find the time to do what he has been elected to do we must consider his dedication to his constituents . We as Americans have a right to know what is contained in a bill of such magnitude . Perhaps our elected representatives need to be reminded of their duties . A cashier at Wal-Mart has required duties and procedures that must be followed and so do those who have accepted the responsibility of speaking for the people of the United States of America . I believe any legislation brought before the Congress of the United States is required reading , so I think it's time to do your duty READ THE BILL!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
"Is That A New Suit?"
When I was a very young boy my Mom bought us a set of books called "Child Craft",they were great.These volumes contained classic children's stories , poems , and fairy tales.One of my very favorite stories was "The Emperor's New Clothes", it was the story about vanity , pride , honesty ,and truth. For those of you who don't know the story,it's about the ruler of a small kingdom who wanted a fine set of clothes to parade before his people to reveal his splendor to them . Many tailors came before the king bringing him fabrics from all over the world , yet the king rejected each sample brought before him . Then one day a wily tailor came to the kings court with a large box tied with a golden ribbon.He knelt before the king and said,"Your Majesty , I have brought you a fabric so fine and so unique that only especially gifted people can see or even feel it.People of limited intelligence will not be able to see or feel this rare fabric".The tailor then opened the box and made un-folding motions in front of the king and his court,in reality the box held nothing , but he made elaborate gestures of shaking out the mythical cloth. He first looked at a duke and said "Have you ever seen anything like this before in your life?",and the duke not wanting to appear un-intelligent began raving about the finery of the fabric.Well to make a long story short the emperor commissioned the tailor to make him a fine new suit from this rare cloth. The day of the emperor's parade arrived and the tailor went to the emperor's bedroom and carefully "dressed" the emperor in his regalia. The national band lead the parade down the street which was full of loyal citizens ,all of whom had heard the tale of the amazing fabric used in their ruler's new suit. Down the street came the emperor holding his head high , the crowd stood cheering ,none willing to admit to the kings nudity not wanting to appear stupid, until a young boy screamed out "He doesn't have any clothes on!".The boys statement began a wave of laughter until the noise filled the tiny kingdom. The tailor had the good sense to run away , and the emperor learned a valuable lesson in humility.I believe this classic tale has a lesson that still applies today. The "main-stream media"reminds me very much of the kings court , they seem to take anything the Obama administration says as absolute truth no matter what it is or what any other source or opinion may be.Once again this weekend the White House has spoken out against the Fox News Network , dismissing them as an un-valid news agency.It seems to me that Fox looks quite a bit like that little boy who pointed out to the rest of the citizens that the emperor was naked. One voice among many speaking the truth can be a great benefit to the many who have been mislead by popular opinion or deception. This continuing attack on Fox News is reminiscent of the Nixon administration as it targeted those they considered enemies of the then sitting president.For an administration that pledged it would be the most transparent ever they seem awfully upset by a single news agency that may be revealing that the emperor is naked. America needs those who look beyond the surface ,those who are willing to show both sides of the issues , those willing to challenge the status quo; when those who speak out are marginalized by the people in power then maybe they are on to something. Perhaps America should pay a little more attention to this administration's wardrobe , at least we have one small voice that does!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
"Sitting and Waiting"
January 21,1968-April 8,1968 , along time ago I'm sure most of us don't recall what they were doing those 77 days forty-one years ago. I have a good friend who I haven't seen in many years , Jimmy was a lance-corporal in the Marine Corp. , his unit was the 26th. Marines . Jimmy , I'm sure , remembers exactly where he was during those dates so long ago. Those dates were the days known as the "Siege at Khe Sanh". Most men who served don't talk much about war time experiences , it is sometimes very painful , they really only relate them to other vets who have a better understanding of wars impact on those who have seen it first hand. On the first hour of the attack on the base 18 marines were killed and 40 were wounded. The artillery barrage was a daily affair at times the rate of enemy artillery fire was 1300 rounds a day . I can speak first hand in telling you artillery fire shakes the ground worse than any earthquake you can imagine , you are literally lifted off the ground by close impact of an artillery round . On March 22 the Vietnamese began launching missiles at the base , on that day 1000 missiles were launched hitting on or near the base , a rate of 100 rounds per hour. When Jimmy told me about it he would become visibly shaken . The Marine back-up did a great job dropping supplies from C-123's and C130's , they were even able to medivac the wounded. This action took 77 days before Americans ran off the invaders from the north and could offer relief to these valiant men. Seventy-seven days is about thirteen days short of a seasonal change . Try to imagine being confined to a small room that long while having the constant threat of immediate death . I'm glad the Marines did what was necessary to help their men with the support they needed to stay alive. As you are reading this we have Marines and Army units waiting for the tools they need to complete their mission , to survive , and to come home safely when their job is done. Our president has wasted time on the Olympics ,and pushing his health-care agenda while our best and brightest wait for him to take action. I've said this before , this president doesn't have his priorities straight . Terrorists destroyed the "Towers" they are a continued threat to our national security,our fighting forces are in the business of finding and killing terrorists. They now sit and wait for you Mr.Obama ; McChrystal told you we need additional help in order to achieve victory , yet you sit on your hands . Is the destruction of the health-care industry more important to you then the eliminating of foreign enemies dedicated to the demise of America. I know you have never sat in a fox hole waiting for relief , have never worn a uniform in the defense of your country , but remember this , you are able to push your agenda because of men who did . Don't leave our best hanging out to dry ,SEND HELP!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
"Identity Crisis"
How do we become who we are? We , I believe are a combination of our personal choices, and the influences of those people that made an impact on our lives.The person who had the greatest impact on me was my father , he taught me what a father and husband was , he was the major molder of my character.I could write a nearly infinite amount of words about this wonderful man.He taught me how precious family was and he taught me about personal sacrifice for the people you love.He worked two jobs for many years rarely taking time off because he wanted to do his best to provide for his family,yet he always found time to be "Dad",loving, happy, funny, and accessible . He never let my mother feel unappreciated and , in my opinion , could not have been a more loving husband.I remember a little league coach , Mr. Pomella , he had two sons Albert and Vinney , really great kids ,He taught me basic baseball and he also taught me more about being a good father. He was much like my own father except he had 30 kids to take care of, and he treated us all as if we were all his own sons. In keeping with baseball I remember Mr. Alfano , I shared coaching duties with him while coaching my younger brothers when they began their baseball careers. Frank Alfano was the man you would love to have coaching young boys , his son Frank Jr. , liked lasagna more than baseball , but he was a real tryer. When I got to practice Frank was always their first helping little Frank with fundamentals , yet he never made little Frank feel like he was being pushed , he made sure the game was always fun . I've had other men I could list but I don't wish to write a novel today,I'm just trying to make point. Who has been the influences in the life of our president ,Barack Obama? Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was born in Kenya in 1936 had his education in the United States and died in 1982. He was married in Kenya and had four children with his first wife , a Kenyan native . He deserted his wife while she was pregnant to go to Hawaii to attend school , there he met Ann Dunham and married her even though he was still married to his first wife.They had one son together , our president . They divorced in 1964 when little Barack was 3 years old.He visited his son once in 1971, never to see him again,quite a guy for a dad. His mother was raised in a mid western home with a Christian background . After her divorce from Obama Sr. she married Lolo Saetoro , an Indonesian , they moved to Jakarta ,young Obama was six years old. The family held very little religious views , fluctuating somewhere between Islam , Christianity , and humanism. They divorced in 1980.During his college years Mr. Obama stated he was influenced by Marxists , socialists , and militant black activists. His former pastor Jeremiah Wright preached "Black Liberation Theology", a belief in victimization through oppression. Most people have heard his now infamous ranting about "Not God bless America ,God Damn America!",to say the least marginal thinking. And there is the oft denied connection to William Ayers , 60's radical , convicted of destroying government facilities during the Viet Nam conflict , member of the communist "weatherman"underground movement. Ayers is now a teacher at the U.of I. Chicago Circle campus. He has described his relationship to Obama as neighbors and family friends, although some evidence indicates something closer , more of an advisory relationship. If my original premise is true what does this say about Barack Obama and the belief system he has developed over the course of his life ? Do we really know who Barack Obama really is ? Look around at the people who have influenced his life ,and the people with whom he now surrounds himself . Is this the influence you want for America , what kind of "change" does he want for us?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
"Shell Game?"
There is a place in California called "Magic Mansion" it is a place specializing in magic acts of all types , ranging from large elaborate tricks to small slight of hand tricks that both astound and amaze the patrons of the club. I remember when David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear on national television. We all realize that the statue didn't actually disappear , it was a trick , a deception . A good magician suspends reality to present something as real when it is not.I have a friend who performs magic and he does tricks just inches from your face and to this day I don't know how he does it. The magician will tell you it is mis-direction , looking where he wants you to while he does his trickery where you are not looking . I enjoy being fooled in this way , because I know it's a trick. There is an old trick called the hidden ball trick , three shells are on a table and a small ball is placed under one of the shells , then the trickster moves the shells in circular motions quickly daring the other participant to guess under which shell the ball is resting; of course there is a wager involved and the house never loses.The "mark" is duped by the deception of the mis-direction of the operator. You can be hurt by the mis-use of ,let's call it, "black magic". Recently Iran has been involved in the controversy of a secret nuclear facility that many believe is making weapons grade plutonium . The United Nations is requested that Iran allow inspection of the facility in question. Iran has been ambiguous in it's compliance to this request. The U.N. has threatened sanctions against them if they refuse such inspections. At first the security council was in agreement about the possibility of economic sanctions to force Iran into compliance.Yesterday Vladimir Putin said Russia would not participate in the proposed sanctions feeling it would be counter productive in the possibility of peaceful negotiations with the Iranian government. Russia and Iran control two thirds of the natural gas reserves in Europe and the middle east , this is a very lucrative coalition.Iran has purchased weapons technology from Russia and inquired about delivery systems for those systems. Is it possible Vladimir Putin was practicing his own version of slight-of-hand in his dealings as a member of the U.N. Security Council , was there a back door agreement with Iran allowing them to buy time and continue their development of weapons grade plutonium or allow them to move that plutonium out of the reach of possible inspection , kind of like a shell-game. The U.N. and the members of the Security Council hailed the idea of talks and sanctions as a step towards a peaceful solution to a dangerous situation. Were these diplomats the victims of an elaborate con-game , putting the middle east in even more jeopardy then it was facing before the plant was discovered. As we yield more and more power to the United Nations it is becoming apparent they are a toothless tiger. It is time for the United States to step forward and demand disclosure of any nuclear ambitions that this rogue power is involved in. We need to exhibit strength in this situation , talks without the option of something stronger is a waste of time and effort. If the rest of the world sits on their collective hands it is the duty of the president to act. His first duty is to protect the citizens of the United States , even if the rest of the world disapproves . Mr. Obama don't be fooled by the old shell game , it's what is happening under the table that you should be paying attention to. Mr. Obama don't let America be the "mark" in this terrorist shell game!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
"Don't Kill the Messenger!"
Did you ever get caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing by a sibling during your youth ? My sister had a unique way of saying "Your in trouble ! " and you knew that she was going to snitch to Mom , or worse Dad . We had great parents , but we had rules at home and we were expected to follow them . During those occasions where I was the perpetrator of the rule breaking , and the victim of the snitching , I vowed to get even with my sister at whatever cost . She was put on my enemies list , any way I could get back at her I would try. I remember becoming my sisters nemesis informing my parents on every infraction she perpetrated , real or imagined . " Mom Gayle is making faces at me !" , " Mom Gayle made a mess in the kitchen !" , "Mom Gayle is calling me names!" , my barrage of complaints about my sister were endless . As adults we look back on those days with much humor , but back in the day we were oil and water . I'm sure most of you remember John Gotti , the Mafia don who died in prison a few years ago , he was convicted of murder , mostly because of the testimony of another mob member Sammy "The Bull" Gravanno . In mob life the worst thing you can do is be an informer . If a person or organization is doing something wrong they usually don't take kindly to having their mis-deeds made public . Anita Dunn a spokesperson for the Obama administration has declared Fox News an enemy , and said Fox News will be treated as an opponent of the administration . A statement declaring any voice that makes any person , or news agency , for all intents and purposes , an enemy of the state is frightening . If we are to live in a free society then all opinions must be allowed , and any revelation of truth must be made available to all members of society no matter how many toes get stepped on . Fox , it seems , has made the Obama administration uncomfortable in its' pursuit of truth and now they have become a perceived threat to their well being . Whatever became of the phrase "The loyal opposition." The job of the press is to hold up a mirror to society and show everything both good and bad that is going on. When an administration singles out a news agency out as an enemy we must be very concerned . Our founding fathers were dissenters and believed profoundly in the right to speak out. As Americans we must be vocal in this matter , this is not an "imperial presidency" the administration must be open to all , not just the chosen few. Mr Obama needs to open the doors to all members of the press , perhaps it will make him a better president when he is willing to listen to other points of view. Maybe he will find a "change he can believe in" by opening up his mind. America expects a free press don't tread on our 1st. amendment!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Is He The New "Kingfish"?
Many years ago a musical comedy was released called "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying " , it was based on a book by Abe Burrows and Jack Weinstock . The story revolves around a young man named J. Pierpont Finch who starts out as a window washer for a company called World-Wide Wickets . Finch is totally un-qualified to do anything other than be a window washer , yet through a book about the fast track to corporate success he climbs over the bodies of supervisors to rise to the top of the corporate ladder . This of course was a musical comedy and it was very entertaining . Finch was a very likable character who easily ingratiated himself with boyish charm and good looks. Finch used his charm to glean whatever leverage he could to self-promote his own personal agenda and step over those he used to reach his goal . In the setting of a comedy this is a funny premise . In real life individuals who operate in this manner are considered un-trustworthy , without character , an individual who will say and do whatever he feels necessary to advance his quest for power and glory. In public life we have had a few men like this , perhaps you may remember Huey Long , he was known as "Kingfish", he served as governor of Louisiana from 1928 through 1932 . He served as a U.S. senator from 1932 through 1935 , as a senator Long proposed the "Share Our Wealth" program designed to re-distribute the national wealth during the depression , he also advocated the net asset tax on corporations to finance socialist welfare in another re-distribution program . Long had a failed presidential bid and was later murdered Sept. 8 , 1935 on the steps of the Louisiana state house. It was a former associate Dr. Carl Austin Weiss who shot Long and he was killed immediately by Long's bodyguards. Long attained power by use of strong oratorical skill , it was said he could move crowds with almost hypnotic magnetism . Today we have a leader who has great skill in public speaking , although his experience before assuming office was limited , and his practical knowledge questionable . He has the ability to move the masses with his words , even when the rhetoric is clouded and ambiguous . He has thrown some former supporters under the bus , remember Rev. Wright , William Ayers , the distancing himself from A.C.O.R.N. . He received what he needed from them then he turned away , they had served their purposes. This type of behavior raises serious questions about what Mr. Obama really wants and what he really believes , other than the self-promotion of Barack Obama . We need to ask ourselves where is this man taking our nation , what is beneath the surface of his smooth exterior , and what is he willing to do or say in order to further his agenda . The parallels between Mr. Obama and "Kingfish" Huey Long are quite striking and disturbing . Is Mr. Obama trying to succeed by climbing over the American people in order to achieve his goal of personal power and the ability to "fundamentally change America" into an image Jefferson and Adams could never envision ? Americans need to take a hard look at this President's motives , and , if they are comfortable with them . We don't need another "Kingfish" in American politics .
Saturday, October 10, 2009
"Time Well Spent?"
How many of us can take a joke , without becoming defensive in the belief the attempt at humor was a personal attack . When we were children most of us poked fun at one another , yet when we were poked back we became a little hurt and perhaps even a bit vindictive towards the perpetrator of the hurtful jest. There are times when this type of humor is totally out of line , as in the case of someone who has a mental or physical handicap , those who find humor in this need to examine their own mental capacity and seek the help of a professional expert in personality disorders . As a teen growing up and a member of athletic teams in and out of school I can attest to the barrage of barbs and arrows that freely fly around any team locker room . It almost became a badge of honor to be able to toss out as many insults as one received and a good retort was lauded by all within ear shot of those verbal duels . As I've grown into maturity (although some may debate this statement) I enjoy good humor , and believe if you can dish it out you ought to be able to take it . During the Bush administration our former chief executive withstood multitudes of characterizations making light of his intelligence , spiritual life , and his command of the English language . Talk shows , comedians , and late night variety shows all took a shot or two at Mr. Bush , yet I don't ever recall anyone in the White House ever taking much offense over this . It is to his credit that he didn't respond in kind to his critics and showed the true character of this oft maligned public servant . No member of the "main-steam" media ever questioned any of the material spouted in these so-called attempts at humor at the expense of the then sitting president . Last week on N.B.C.'s Saturday Night Live the show had a sketch about Barack Obama , poking a little fun at Mr. Obama's first few months in office . I watched the clip of the sketch and I found it funny , I'll admit I'm not a fan of the president , but I don't see why this was considered a big deal . C.N.N. on their program called the "Situation Room" did a fact check about some aspects of the comedy sketch and were visibley upset that it twisted the story for comedic purposes . I find it ridiculous that a so-called major news agency would go to such lengths to criticize an obviously satirical look at Mr. Obama . It's odd that during the entire eight year term of George W. Bush , neither C.N.N., N.B.C., A.B.C. , M.S.N.B.C. , or any other news agency found it necessary to fact check anything that was said in satirical presentations about the former chief executive . Why is the media so protective of Mr. Obama's image when it cared so little for Mr. Bush's . Could it be that the media is ,as many have said ,in the bag for this administration and will tolerate no form of criticism on any level . If C.N.N. wants to do a fact check they should spend some time looking into some of the facts about some recent presidential appointments . Let's spend more time on real issues of importance and forget who might be making a joke about the president . Don't you people have something better to do with your time !
Friday, October 9, 2009
"The Family Dinner Table"
Those of you who have looked at my profile have read that I come from a large traditional family , obviously my real name is not Thomas Paine , but he is a hero of mine for his forthright opinions and his love of freedom . My ethnic heritage is Italian . Our home comprised of Mom , Dad , six children , my Grandmother (Nona) , and my great uncle Salvatore . Needless to say every meal was like a party , yet when the holiday season arrived family gatherings went into overdrive . The dinner table expanded adding my uncle Sammy , aunt Pookie their two children , my great uncle Louie and aunt Mary , and anyone else who my Dad might invite . To say the least the foods was remarkable , my mother and Nona would spend about two days preparing the banquet , fresh pasta , antipasto , a fish and seafood course , at least two meat courses , and deserts that would rival the finest restaurants anywhere . These meals took about three to four hours to consume , and interlaced with all the eating was conversation about everything under the sun , but when the subject turned to politics it really got interesting , uncle Louie was just to the left of Karl Marx and Uncle Salvatore was just to the right of Mussolini , two brothers at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Uncle Louie loved F.D.R. uncle Salvatore used Roosevelt campaign buttons to close his fly . Their "discussions" could become quite heated , and by the end of the evening they had resolved nothing . The freedom of speech and thought expressed at that table has stayed with me my entire life . Free exchange of ideas is the greatest gift we have been given , and any threat to that freedom should be taken very seriously. President Obama has a man named Mark Lloyd his diversity "czar" , who is a great admirer of Hugo Chavez , a communist who has virtually eliminated free speech and dissent in his personal kingdom. Lloyd has lauded Chavez's management of the media to suppress opposing opinions through whatever means necessary , to insure Chavez is not questioned . Conservative talk radio , and Fox news have been singled out as a threat to this administration , those Americans who have spoken out at town hall meetings or attended "tea-partys" have been labeled as "astro-turf Americans" or worse "un-American". What is happening at our American "dinner table" , is the free exchange of ideas now becoming off-limits , is a segment of the American public now considered an enemy of the state . Why did president Obama deny Fox an interview about his health-care program while speaking to virtually every other news organization on the planet . A man like Lloyd ,with his radical views against free speech should not have a place in the most powerful decision arena we have. I ask Mr. Obama to reconsider his decision to have a man of Mr. Lloyd's ilk in a position of influence. Our greatest freedom is free speech don't allow Mark Lloyd or men like him to put a gag in the mouth of the American people. Mr. President for the sake of our basic American freedoms please respect our constitution and let Mark Lloyd find employment elsewhere!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
"With a Little Help From My Friends"
Because of my status as a senoir citizen in Illinois over the years I have been able to observe that most unusual animal , Illinois politics and the great statesmen in it's history . The latest political icon is former governor Rod Blagoiavich , now under indictment accused of trying to auction Barack Obama's vacant senate seat . The boyish Blago has stated when the truth comes out he will be vindicated , well let's wait and see , but federal prosecutors seldom move forward without pretty solid evidence . How about Dan Walker , another former governor who was a guest of the state after being found guilty of malfeasance in office , another great Illinois statesman . Now the most infamous Illinois politician has to be the late Paul Powell , at the time of his death as people were cleaning out his residence a virtual treasure trove was un-earthed , numerous shoe boxes were found containing millions of dollars in un-cashed checks . Back in the day checks were made payable directly to the secretary of state , not his office therefore all the checks were technically his , and I guess he thought that money was really his . People across the state were aghast , as Powell was lauded as one of Illinois' most ethical office holders . Nothing could be done about Powell's fraud because he fooled them all by dieing , thus avoiding prosecution , pretty sly on his part . Yesterday in Washington Charlie Rangel head of the powerful ways and means committee had his name brought forward for possible investigation on tax fraud and tax evasion . Rangel of New York has been accused of failure to report over $500,000 in income , plus income on offshore accounts , and unclaimed income on rental property . Rangel has tried to make light of this situation calling it an over-sight and he would look into it . Basically the powerful Democrat feels he is above the law , and guess what Nancy Pelosi feels the same way , she effectively quashed a congressional censure and a move to remove him as chair of the ways and means committee . I challenge President Obama to step in and show some character in this abhorrent example of looking the other way in a real question of integrity and legality in congressional partisanship . The political "Buddy System" doesn't speak well in an administration that touts transparency. Well this is surely transparent , it's an obvious cover-up of the mis-deeds of a political crony . During the election Rangel chanted " Who will save the world , Barack Obama !!". Well Mr. President will you , by your lack of action in this matter , save Charlie Rangel . Time to show America what your all about , taking care of your buddy's or taking care of America .
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
"Watch Dog Or Fox?"
I've had a few dogs in my life , I've loved them all . They were all house pets , not working dogs . I also had a friend who was a canine officer on the Chicago Police Dept. , his dog was named "King" , my friend was a devout Elvis fan so the name was a great fit for him . Canine police bring their dogs home with them after duty hours and will behave as a house dog unless ordered to go into duty mode . King knew his job and did it well . I delivered auto parts in my youth to body shops and junk yards , on several occasions I went to junk yards that had junk-yard dogs . Unlike King these dogs were flat out mean to anybody but the junk yard owner because he fed them. They were watch dogs meant to protect the property of the owner of the junk yard . Anybody that threatened the security of the owners property was in jeopardy no matter who it was . A watch dog that allowed a thief into the yard was useless and was not kept around very long . A chicken farmer usually has a dog around to keep the fox out of the hen house , a good farm dog is worth his weight in gold because he is protecting the lives of the farmer's flock . Now why am I spending so much time talking about dogs , well we have a new "czar" Kevin Jennings , the school safety czar. I have major concerns about Mr. Jennings . A few years ago when he was a high school advisor , a 15 year old student said that he was having relations with a male teacher at the school . Mr. Jennings advice was that the young boy use condoms! Mr. Jennings is a proponent of advancing the cause of "diversity" in all levels of education . There is a possibility of a connection between Jennings and the group called N.A.M.B.L.A. , the North American Man Boy Love Association , a notorious organization which promotes homosexual contact with young boys . What is Mr. Obama thinking by considering a person of ,to say the least , unusual opinions about sexual behavior , as the safety "czar" for our children ! If adults choose to live a homosexual life , this is America and they are free to do so , but , a child who's moral compass should be guided by his parents , should not be influenced by those who have a specific agenda of indoctrination to a lifestyle other than traditional America agrees with. I know Mr. Obama is trying to mend fences with his gay constituency , but this is beyond fence-mending . This decision is in total disregard of the opinions of main stream America , and shows an arrogance which cannot be tolerated. Any person with so many red flags in his past should not be considered in such an important position . Mr. Obama this dog can't hunt , this dog will let the fox in the hen house , this dog is rabid ! Mr. President let's not be political in this decision , let's protect our children instead , America will remember what you do here ; do the right thing !!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Are You In The Team Picture?
Every team I ever participated on took team pictures , from little league through high school wrestling . Most of us probably have these pictures somewhere tucked away in a box in your attic or closet along with other memories of times gone by . The difference between my little league picture and my wrestling picture is the demeanor of the players ,as young boy 9 or 10 years old we were ourselves , smiling , looking around , and generally doing what little kids do when left to their own devices . My wrestling picture is much different , we were given specific instructions on how we were to stand how to flex our muscles to make them appear larger and the expression on our faces , grim and menacing . Look like a team was the order of the day , and believe me if you had coach Grady you were not going to give any argument , where that man walked the grass stopped growing . We certainly looked like we meant business in our pictures and we did have a good team . Presenting an image was what is was all about , if we looked tough to the other teams we received a mental edge and any edge in contact sports is good . We had great uniforms , all black with a gold stripe down the leg of our tights , very dark and menacing , an edge. Sometimes an edge was not enough , sometimes the other team had more talent , and the dark uniforms , the menacing facial expressions , and a scary coach couldn't overcome the fact that they were a better team than us. Now where am I going with this , yesterday our president held a press conference at the White House to promote his health-care agenda . The rhetoric was the same script that he has been using throughout his quest for government provided insurance , but this time there was a difference , he surrounded himself with doctors. What I found to be so interesting was that all of the doctors had on lab-coats , how fortunate for the president that they all decided to wear them on the same day. Another fun fact about this is that the doctors belong to a group called " doctors for America " a group that was a campaign arm of the group " doctors for Obama" , how amazing is that. The part I have a problem with is the manipulation of the press , this was purported to be a non-partisan group , I have serious doubts this group could be called non-partisan. And the lab coats , really how theatrical can you get , this type of cheap manipulation is beneath the office of President of the United States . When Mr. Obama must rely on an orchestrated press conference filled with "ringers" to help sell his agenda then we must ask ourselves does this program have any real merit , if a program cannot stand up against any genuine scrutiny then it may not be a valid program . Mr. Obama you took a great team picture , but , it will take more then a nice photo-op to sell your plan . Why don't you let all the medical organizations into your press conferences . Do you fear an alternate view-point? All Americans want is a level and fair playing field on all important issues . Mr. Obama let's forget about team pictures and take on some tough questions about your programs , the American people deserve it !
Monday, October 5, 2009
It Ain't Funny Joe!
Did you ever make a statement that the moment it slipped out of your mouth you wished you could pull it back in ? I know I'm not alone in this , yet many people refuse to admit to these vocal mis-steps . Sometimes they can be quite humorous , Chicago mayor Richard J. Daley once said "this is the greatest country in the nation " and " The police are not here to promote rioting , they are here to preserve it. " Although he was not a great orator he managed to remain mayor until his death in 1976 , and has managed to pass the torch of leadership to his son Richie who also has a great command of verbiage nearly equal to his dad's. We now have some one who is just as entertaining in high office today.Who is it you ask , why it's Joe Biden , our vice-president and resident comic relief in the White House . I'll admit Joe does have a certain charm and likability about him , he's glib and smiley and knows how to work a crowd . As a man is he qualified to be a heart beat away from the presidency , well I have my own opinion in this matter . Joe graduated college 506th. in a class of 688 , not the brightest bulb on the tree , in law school he was accused of plagiarism , was allowed to retake the course and received an "F" which was miraculously removed from his records . This inauspicious collegiate record has to be of some concern to any of us who would prefer a brighter guy in case he would have to fill the most important seat in our government , to say nothing of leadership of the free world . Joe has said "We need to spend more money in order to stay out of debt." , and this unforgettable quote, " When president Roosevelt addressed the nation about the depression he got on television to let the whole nation know what his plans would be. " , not much on t.v. in the late 1930's. Is this the judgement we should pay alot of attention to? Joe made a statement yesterday about our troop strength in Afghanistan , he has recommended we should not send further troops to the area and begin a withdrawal from the area . Is it in the best interest of the American people to show weakness to the Taliban at a time when the middle-east is heating up to what may be Biblical proportions . I hope Mr. Obama will discount Joe's counsel in this vital matter of national security. I know the far left wants immediate withdrawal from all of our military commitments , but , this is no time for political pandering to his base supporters . We can't afford any political gaffes in this matter , please Mr. President don't listen to Joe this time the results may not be very funny especially for the people of America.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Wrestler or Boxer ?
I love sports , ask my wife or daughter , sometimes to their dismay I spend hours watching baseball , football , boxing , and yes , professional wrestling . Now the first three sports I watch are for the competition and the fight each participant puts forth to attain victory ; professional wrestling however I watch for a different reason , it's a soap-opera for men . The participants all know the outcome of the match before they enter the ring . The participants all do their best not to injure their opponents , as they may have to wrestle them the next day in another town . It's not that pro-wrestlers aren't athletes , it's they are not in a real competition , it's more like a show. Boxers on the other hand enter the ring with only one goal , to do whatever is necessary , within the rules , to secure victory even if it means beating your opponent to unconsciousness . Many people don't appreciate the art of boxing , yes it is an art . Not only do you have to beat your opponent physically , you have to beat him mentally ; become a ring general . Wrestlers work in concert with one another to provide a vicarious thrill for their audience without any real consequence , whereas a boxer also provides thrills with the possible consequence of grave injury or on some occasions even death . In today's world of international turmoil who are the wrestlers and who are the boxers . Some nations provide both types of leaders , Hugo Chavez is a wrestler to his own people , he has elections where he already knows the outcome before a single ballot is cast , yet those who oppose him know he will stop at nothing to insure that his will and his will only is imposed . We had Sadam Hussien who operated in the same way as Chavez , and would still be doing so had it not been for the United States efforts to deliver freedom to an oppressed people. Is the Iranian ruler Ahamadinejad a boxer or a wrestler, you can draw your own conclusions . He has admitted that he wants to remove Israel from the map of the middle east , he has admitted he wants to start the Muslim Holocaust , initiating the end of the Christian nations throughout the world , and now we find out about undisclosed uranium enrichment going on under the guise of power for domestic use . This was followed by long and short range missile testing . I believe Mr. Ahmadinejad is a boxer of deadly proportion and is willing to do anything to attain his goal , Muslim domination of the world through war both conventional and nuclear. A man like this will sit down at any negotiating table and put up a deceptive front to get his targets to drop their guard . President Obama , I believe , is too much of a dove to deal with a man like Ahmadinejad , and will take him as sincere in his negotiations . I hope Mr. Obama is not the wrestler in this scenario , because his adversary is not . Mr. Obama don't allow your opponent to lure you into a corner only to knock you out with a blow you didn't see coming . Remember it will not only be you that takes the count , it will be America , the middle-east and the rest of the free world!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
"The Way-Back Machine"
I grew up watching cartoons on t.v. every Saturday morning . One of my favorites was on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show , it was about a dog named Mr. Peabody and his little boy Sherman . They would normally travel back in time courtesy of the "way-back machine" a device for seeing into the past , and conversing with historical figures . I always thought wouldn't it be great to own a way-back machine , think of all the wrongs that could be made right , and all of the lies and mis-interpretations that could be cleared up . We all remember the statement " I did not have sexual relations with that woman " , boy I would really like to clear that one up , or " I'm not a crook " another statement that is open to wide interpretation . " I have no further territorial demands in eastern Europe " , that statement came from that bastion of truth Adolf Hitler after he annexed Sudetanland in 1938 . Throughout history we can follow numerous broken promises and lies given by world leaders , some were intended as valid statements , while others were used to purposely mislead and mis-direct . George H.W. Bush made this now famous statement " Read my lips no new taxes " , unfortunately that statement came back to haunt him and was instrumental in his bid for re-election , causing him to lose to Bill Clinton. Now lets take a ride on the way-back machine , way back in time to 2008 , we are at a Democrat Rally for Barack Obama , Mr. Obama approaches the podium and begins his speech , he comes to a key statement ;" No one making under $250,000 will pay any new taxes ", this statement met with cheers and applause by the throng of supporters . Now lets move a few months further into the campaign , another rally a similar speech , but not quite the same , " I will not raise taxes one anyone making $200,000 or less " , a little change from his previous statement. Now lets move along in our journey for truth recently the Obama administration has said it will not increase taxes on those making $150,000 a year or less. Now we have arrived at the present , what do we find , the proposed health-care plan has a penalty clause stating that those who don't wish to accept the government plan and choose not to carry insurance will receive a penalty of $1900 per year , plus the threat of incarceration . Some will say this is not a tax , but I'm afraid they would be wrong in this assumption ,it is an excise tax , a kind of punishment tax for doing something the government doesn't want you to do . Now what can we conclude from our trip on the "way-back machine" . Key statements made during the campaign don't match up with what is actually happening now that Mr. Obama sits in the Oval Office . We all heard ambiguous statements about "change ,and yes we can" , maybe the change Mr. Obama meant was the change he makes in his words to fit the situation he may be presently involved in . So far our president has been a man without definition , he changes as the wind blows . Perhaps Mr. Obama would like to take a ride on the "way-back machine" and make some changes we can believe in!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
" What Me Worry?"
Anyone growing up in the 50's and 60's must remember a fellow named Alfred E. Newman , he was the cover boy of MAD magazine. This bumbling mascot was famous for wandering clueless through life unaware of any real danger or threat that may be going on around him. He lived in the belief that everything would be okay no matter how grim the situation may look. This attitude was quite prominent during the 60's when sex ,drugs , and rock-n-roll was driving the pop culture of the day. As we moved into the 70's the drugs got more dangerous , the sex got deadly , and the rock-n-roll turned to disco ( a real disaster). We elected Jimmy Carter president , we had an energy crisis , and a problem with a rogue nation , Iran. The nation plunged into double digit unemployment and inflation was at record levels , yet , our president Jimmy Carter , moved along on a path of tax and spend that moved the country close to collapse.Jimmy Carter may be a very nice man , but , as a chief executive he was a complete disaster. During the hostage crisis he asked the U.N. for advice , and we all know how effective the U.N. is , then he tried a small scale rescue attempt which was almost humorous had it not been for the loss of life by American soldiers . Now lets flash forward to 2009 , we have the current world situation , a drug problem with methaphetamines , cocaine , and marijuana ; an energy problem ,we are practically a hostage to O.P.E.C. , the music our children listen to is laced with profanity and sexual innuendo . The most frightening parallel is the looming threat from a rogue nation Iran . We have a president who at this moment does not even want to impose sanctions against this very real danger that faces not only the middle east but the entire free world. It seems his major priorities are socialist health-care and getting the Olympics for the city of Chicago . Don't worry America everything will be okay! What is he thinking ! I've said in the past we need to pay attention to past history or we will repeat it , only with worse consequences. Mr. Obama flew to Denmark for a 45 minute meeting in an attempt to win the Olympics for his home town , while the Iranians are planning the demise of Israel ! Is it possible Obama is channeling Jimmy Carter ! We have more pressing issues then his pet projects or , watching him do guest shots on late night television shows . It seems that our current chief executive is living on another planet , he seems oblivious to the most important issues that he should hold foremost in his concern and priority. America what more can we expect from this man as he pays so little attention to a real crisis situation . Korea , Iran , who ? what ? huh? It'll be okay . What Me Worry?
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