Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Who are these guys?
Several years ago the National Football League had a strike shortened season that resulted in the fans watching teams filled with players with whom they had never seen before. I'll admit I watched those games , but I had a difficult time trying to define my team because of my lack of knowledge of the players on the field . I remember afternoons viewing the "Spare Bears" with very mixed feelings. I wanted them to win but I had no real connection with these unknown players . I knew the strike would not last forever , the real Bears would eventually return and I could enjoy the game more fully in the future. N.F.L. owners were steadfast in their position during the strike and vowed to continue the season with or without the regular players , so the rosters were filled with people the fans , those for whom the game is really played , knew nothing about. President Obama has filled his administration with a large number of advises (czars) in powerful positions , yet , we the people know little to nothing about their qualifications or their background except for very superficial statements from the administration. As the electorate do we not have a right to know who has the ear of the president especially during these trying times.Senator Russ Feingold (D.-Wisconsin) is trying to launch an investigation to find out who these people are and what are their views and their ties to any special interest groups. Even staunch Democrat Robert Byrd ( D,-W.Vir.) has asked this very question . There are currently thirty-three people in these positions and except for Fox News and the conservative commentators on radio we would know very little about any of them. The White House have given out some soft biographical information glossing over anything that might be considered disturbing or possibly spurious . The Van Jones debacle is just the tip of the iceberg . Before the election John McCain scratched the surface of Obama's "nontraditional" group of friends and advisers. Obama himself said while in college he gravitated toward militant blacks and Marxists , so why should we , as Americans , not be concerned with the direction in which his hand-picked advisers are moving our nation. It is imperative that we find out more about these people . Unlike the Spare Bears this group will not be replaced by the "first team" in the near future. Mr. Obama you owe the American people an explanation as to who you choose to advise you in critical decisions about our nation's well being . As an American I demand that you tell all of us everything we need to know about this cadre of individuals who are so close to you. This is no football season , and our constitution is not a contract that is negotiable to change.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Over the last week or so President Obama has done at least two things that did little to inspire confidence about his commitment to a strong defense of the United States. His reduction of our nuclear umbrella in eastern Europe , and his indecisive actions in Afghanistan have shown his lack of experience many people feared was a real problem prior to his election. His philosophy of taking a step backwards and allowing us to accept outside influences in vital areas of national security is very disturbing and possibly the most foolish thing that he has tried to institute thus far. Giving up any form of our national defense at a time when other nations are doing their best to develop weapons of mass destruction is at best foolish and at worst stupid ! When Obama began hedging over additional troop commitments in Afghanistan he sent a message to our enemies that the United States was a weakening power in the war against terrorism . We also found out about new nuclear development in Iran last week , yet , all we got was the usual weak statements about U.N. sanctions ; and we all know how well that always works . This was followed by missile tests designed to show the U.N. and the U.S. that they have little or no regard for their sanctions , practically laughing in the face of the international community. We are supposed to be the leader of the free world , this means we must step up with more than a nasty letter and the shame on you sign . This started months ago when Korea did the same thing and little to nothing was done to put a stop to veiled threats from a rogue nation. Mr. Obama's hesitance to act in a decisive manner in these situations shows what many have feared , that this job might be to big for him. Being president is much more difficult than being a community organizer , state legislator , or a half term senator. On the job training is fine for a hamburger flipper at McDonalds , but it doesn't work in the White House . Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that said "the buck stops here" , continuing to point at the previous administration will not work in the present world situation . You are the responsible man now , as we said on my high school wrestling team , it's time to man-up ! The middle-east and Afghanistian are a powder-keg , and by showing a watered down policy to our enemies only gives them more fuel in their evil agenda against not only us , but the entire free world . It is my sincerest desire that the president seeks a strong response to those nations who choose to pose a real threat to peaceful peoples throughout the world . Mr. Obama it's time to "MAN-UP" , please don't drop the ball !!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Caveat Emptor !!
When anybody buys a new car , if they have any kind of a brain in their heads , want to know some things about the vehicle and the loan agreement that they are about to accept . This is a fairly common sense kind of thing to do . If one goes into a dealer and that salesman says to the prospective purchaser I don't think this information can be made available to you , a discriminating buyer would probably look elsewhere for their auto purchase. " Caveat Emptor" , let the buyer beware , is good advice in any agreement ; know what your getting into and who you are dealing with is an accepted good practice in all phases of life . Why does this congress feel it is a bad idea to allow the public to know specifics on their agenda for the American people ; why does this White House feel it is necessary to stonewall the people when it comes to allowing the senate to question prospective "czars" who will have great influence on presidential decisions . Hidden information is not a good thing , it usually means some one is going to get swindled or cheated . President Obama promised a transparent administration , yet , the White House has told the senate it will not allow them to hold any hearings directed at any of Obama's current or prospective "czars" . My question in this matter is , what is he trying to hide , another Van Jones , or perhaps something even worse ? So much for transparency! Our congress is refusing to post the proposed health-care bill on the internet for an interested American public to read . Now I propose a similar question , what is the congress hiding from the American people , and why do they fear an informed electorate? We put all of these people in the positions they now hold , yet , they feel they can withhold important facts from us , those they are pledged to serve. As Americans we should be very concerned about this veil of secrecy ,we do not live in a dictatorship where citizens must follow blindly any command sent down by leadership .I urge all Americans to exert as much pressure on you elected representatives to give us the promised transparency we expect . Please Mr. Obama keep your promises!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Evil , Crazy , or Both?
Yesterday I had the unusual experience of listening to Libyan president Qaddafi . To say the least I was stunned , as if I was driving by a terrible auto accident , it was so disturbing I wanted to turn away , yet it was fascinating in it's grotesque attraction . Qaddafi rambled on for over ninety minutes from subjects ranging from jet lag to the Kennedy assassination . He complained about his lack of sleep , airport security , and the re-location of the U.N. (which I would love to see). I had some real empathy for those diplomats who were his captive audience during his inane diatribe . The sadder note is that this loon is the head of a sovereign nation . Now we can all understand the importance of term limits! Not quite as humorous yet , just as insane Iranian president Ahmaddinejad spoke , his statements were at best spurious . He spoke about his democratic election , the mandate he received from the Iranian people. This had all the credibility of a Cook County Aldermanic election without any of the glitz. Ahmadinejad has denied the Holocaust , his hatred of Israel is legendary. This border-line sociopath will soon have the ability to deliver nuclear weapons against those nations he deems to merit the wrath of Allah. He has stated that it would be his honor to launch the battle that would begin the Muslim end of the world. The forum provided for these lunatics to rant insane theories is held up as a bastion for peace yet , it has done little to nothing to stabilize the world from threats and conflicts brought about by the lunatic fringe . As Americans you need to see how much funding the U.N. receives from your taxpayers dollars , the amount is staggering approximately 25% of it's cost is shouldered by us! We can dismiss Qaddafi and Ahmaddinejad has just crazy , but , this may be a very dangerous assumption , I believe they mean what they say. Will the U.N. do anything to prevent rogue nations from doing grave harm to those who they perceive to be their enemies . We need to be prepared to defend ourselves and those who remain our allies , and not depend on a non-elected body for the security of our citizens , and our friends . My question is , did anybody vote for anyone in the U.N. , and should we turn over control to an organization that gives a measure of credibility to evil leadership? Crazy , Evil , you make up your own mind , I've made up mine!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Don't Ask , Don't Tell , or Else!
Humana health-care has been given some friendly advice from the White House , they have been informed it would be in their best interest to stop sending mailers to their medicare patients stating that there are possible changes coming that may be un-pleaseant and not be of any advantage to seniors , as far as cost and coverage are concerned. Humana has told it's clients that single patient coverage ( Obama- care) will not be a good option for them. I find it disturbing that the government found it necessary to use veiled threats against a private organization in an effort to limit information to those who have a right to know every view-point available on not only this ,but any issue of public concern. Dissenting opinions are becoming more and more un-welcome by this administration. Those who have differing opinions are being characterized as un-American , crack-pots , and racists . This administration's czar Mark Lloyd has advocated the possible take over of the internet when the White House perceives a threat. This smacks of a 1st. amendment infringement that cannot be tolerated on any level. We have heard of past administration's using the IRS as a tool of intimidation to suppress dissent , the fear of an audit is very powerful . The White House throws a great shadow , and this shadow can cover a multitude of wrongs . No mandate or any statement can be tolerated that limits our free speech rights. Nixon had his enemies list , no American who wishes to express his or her opinion should ever be on an enemies list , I fear this administration has its' own list of undesirables . Liberal or conservative , every American should be able to speak out without fear of repercussion by those in power. When an "Iron Hand in a Velvet Glove " is used to intimidate our collective ears should perk up. Be it a Nixon or an Obama this behavior is not to be accepted as proper . As Americans we need to be aware and speak out when our first amendment rights are threatened. What would Jefferson or Adams have said about a government that threatens its' constituents. We must remember our heritage of freedom and dearly protect it. God bless and protect our great nation!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Viet Nam Mistakes
President Obama is mulling over whether we should send additional troops to Afghanistan , or whether to continue as we are , or , pull out completely. As a member of the Viet Nam generation I remember the politics of that era quite clearly , both the Johnson and Nixon administration . To briefly review that era the war took place for the United States from 1961 through 1975 , the longest conflict in our history. We suffered thousands of causalities and deaths during that conflict , and we withdrew under the shadow of defeat. The pressure of the war caused Johnson not to seek re-election in 1968 , and protesters during the Dems. convention all but assured Nixon a victory. As an amateur student of history I have my own observations of this tumultuous time in our history. Both Johnson and Nixon tried to govern through the polls instead of what they personally believed what was the good of the nation , and the result was a military disaster that we still feel to this very day. If there is a lesson to be learned from this it must be that the one in power must put popularity aside and seek the counsel of those who are the most intimately involved in the conflict. Field generals , battalion commanders , company commanders , and foot soldiers are your best eyes in this unique situation. The president must not allow political , or special interest groups to influence his decision on matters of national security.The entertainment industry , environmentalist groups , and protesters have limited knowledge of what is actually happening on the ground , thus they have a limited perspective on what they know. During the Viet Nam war I was privileged to knowledge that the general public still doesn't know about to this very day . Perhaps the president will respond to public pressure and do the popular thing , I hope not,this is his chance to respond as a man who cares more about whats right than whats popular . Mr. Obama I urge you , support our troops and forget about the polls , America will benefit , and that is what matters!
Monday, September 21, 2009
A.C.O.R.N.=FRAUD;I'm too busy!
As an American I realize that the president is a very busy man with alot of things to deal with and only a limited amount of time to deal with each issue . Although I don't understand why he is to busy to address the issue of A.C.O.R N. and the allegations of voter fraud , possible tax fraud , child prostitution , and now using tax-payer dollars to help illegal aliens obtain low or no interest mortgages . In a recent interview president Obama stated that he was to busy to keep up with the accusations that have been leveled against one of his major supporters during his bid for the presidency. This denial of time to consider the issues raised against A.C.O.R.N. seems as if he is going to cut them loose to avoid the spurious connection that it had in it's vital role in the election of Obama. We must ask ourselves when such grave allegations have been raised against an organization that had such a major role in the last election why would Obama not want to look more closely at the situation. The " main stream " is doing very little in investigating other than some superficial comments , and a few soft ball questions. Is tax fraud a minor issue , is child prostitution a minor issue , is VOTER FRAUD a minor issue ; and preferential treatment for illegal aliens a minor issue?It seems to me that this president believes that by avoidance he will make these issues go away . This is the logic of a spoiled child in denial of a problem he refuses to face. What can we expect from a man who feels that by not admitting a problem exists there is no problem . How will he deal with a direct threat against our nation . Oh it will go away is not a good solution to any problem . Perhaps this works for a six year old , but not for the highest office holder in America . If he doesn't step up to the plate and address the A.C.O.R.N. scandal it will speak volumes about his character and how he chooses to deal with a real criminal conspiracy. This would be a good time to e-mail the White House and ask why our highest official has his head in the sand . Is this the "change we can believe in".
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Historical Date
This week in history marked a very historical date , September 17th. , a day that is remembered by millions of people across the world . Now some of you are probably asking yourselves why is this date so significant , for three important reasons. Reason one; 202 years ago on this date the most important document ever signed in this country became our law and the measuring stick against all other legal decisions in our nation , give up , our amazing and wonderful constitution!Yes 202 years ago our founding fathers , after 9 years of hard work and dedication hammered out a document so well written nations around the world hold it up as a work of genius.Reason number two ; in 1939 on this date the Soviet Union marched into Poland and did not leave until it established a puppet government that lasted a generation. Yes one of the worlds great tyrants , Joseph Stalin , put his mark on Polish history by imposing his will on a country that had just suffered under the yoke of the Nazi occupation . This date is remembered for very different reasons than we remember it in America. Reason number three , this week our president took away some of our security by removing our nuclear umbrella in eastern Europe . It is my sincerest hope that as a nation we don't live to regret this foolish action . A boxer will tell you the worst thing you can do in a prize-fight is to drop your guard , I fear Obama's hasty decision will come back to , not only jeopardize our friends in eastern Europe and Israel, but also give our enemies the perception that we are a paper tiger. The Cuban missile crisis was resolved by a show of strength ,as was the fall of the Soviet Union. Mister Obama has yet to understand that weakness will be perceived by his actions , and weakness gives our enemies confidence.Let's all hope that September 17th. 2009 is not a date that the United States will live to regret!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Yesterday our president decided it was in our best interest to give up a strategic defense system in eastern Europe . Most military minds are in agreement that this is a bad idea. We have Iran just waiting for the day when they can launch nuclear weapons against Israel , our most trustworthy allie in the middle east.This also leaves our allies in eastern Europe hanging out to dry, abandoning defense agreements we have pledged to them for years. Those who believe that Russia is no longer a threat to it's neighbors must not be reading the signals of the last several months . Just ask those citizens of Georgia if their neighbors to the east are very friendly! This is only a side bar in what can possible in the repercussions of this decision. Iran has approached the Russians about obtaining missile delivery systems ; is this not a gigantic red flag! During Obama's middle east apology tour he bent over backwards to show the Muslim nations , and , particularly Iran , that we wanted to let the residents of their region dictate their own destiny. World War 2 should have taught us all one thing ; you cannot show weakness or appeasement to a dangerous regime.In Obama's quest to turn the United States into an arm of the United Nations he may be playing right into the hands of those who are most dedicated to our downfall as a nation. Peace through strength is a proven method of control of rogue nations. How many of you think Reagan , or , Jack Kennedy would sign off on this foolish decision. I urge you to e-mail the White House and let them know that weakness is not a good option we will only encourage those who would see us in ruins!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Nancy Pelosi and Charles Gibson Lost on Venus?
Over the last several days the American public has been witness to the ongoing saga of the A.C. O.R.N. scandal . Each day a new layer of the onion peals off revealing even more corruption . In only a few days this organization has lost what little credibility it had in the eyes of informed Americans.Oddly enough Charlie Gibson ,of the main stream media , and Nancy Pelosi , the Speaker of the House , have plead ignorance to any knowledge of this situation. There can be only a limited amount of explanations to account for this .The first is they are lying , but how can two upstanding Americans possibly be liars about such a topic that seems to be at the forefront of nearly all of recent political conversations.The second is they choose not to believe anything that Fox News or any conservative voice says , but that can't be possible for two prominent Americans who I am sure wish to expose corruption no matter where it may lie.The last I believe is the most plausible , they were taken away by space aliens and deposited on Venus , thus explaining their lack of knowledge in the A.C.O.R.N. affair. This must be the truth I'm sure there is no way they would stonewall the press about their awareness of such a volatile scandal.They must have been so far away from Earth that basic cable stations could not reach them , thus , my Venus theory must be valid. I assume they were there when Washington was flooded with unhappy constituents last Saturday , thus explaining their dismissal of that situation. We must have sympathy for these poor people and the trials they must have faced in order to escape from their captors on Venus to return to earth only to find out so much has happened in their absence. Now I understand why the media and Congress are having so many problems communicating with us plain folks , they are SPACE CADETS!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Racism vs. Our 1st. amendment
It seems that recently the term racist has been thrown around with abandon when anything critical of the Obama administration is said. Why is every argument dismissed as a racial issue instead of honest dissent.No one of any value as a human being believes racist values nor do they endorse them. These spurious arguments against dissent are a direct threat against every Americans' 1st. amendment rights. , by marginalizing any opposing views as racial rantings thus labeling their content as "Hate Speech". Like spoiled children the current Congress has either resorted to name-calling or out-right insult against any member of our society that questions their judgement or decisions.When those who oppose are reduced to the perception of being either racist or un-American we are treading on dangerous ground.People like Bill Maher have been in the forefront in this ridiculous portrayal of dissenters as a group of racially biased lunatics , and sadly many uninformed people take his perverse opinions as gospel.The question is are our free speech rights in jeopardy ; possibly under the hate speech laws we could be faced with a real problem. If you tell a lie often enough it's perception will take on the visage of truth , and there lies the danger.Those people who choose to holler race at every opportunity are putting our most precious right in real jeopardy. I oppose this administration because I fear a march toward impending socialism , Mr. Obama's pigmentation has nothing to do with it , I would have done cartwheels to the poles to vote Condy Rice , too bad for the conservatives she decided against running. Ask your reps. and sens. to take the high road in their arguments and criticisms. We are Americans , we are better then that!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A.C.O.R.N. loses funds
Thank God for Fox News and independent reporters! The senate today overwhelmingly voted to withdraw federal funding from A.C.O.R.N. , only 7 senators voted to maintain funds for the now embattled organization. In the wake of a scandal promoting tax fraud and child prostitution that has spread like wildfire across the nation public opinion has forced the senate to act.Earlier this week the Census cut ties with this spurious group even before more allegations have already surfaced against it.This is the very same group that Barak Obama pledged that he would seek counsel from in his restructuring of America.This group is already under investigation for voter registration fraud in several states.We are now beginning to scratch the surface of corruption that will soon become apparent in its' permeation of the Obama administration.Since Glenn Beck began his fact laced probe of Obama's cadre of Czars he has been dismissed as a right-wing radical , now his so-called ramblings don't seem quite so radical to those whom had given him little attention or credibility.53million dollars were at the disposal of A.C.O.R.N. ,who share headquarters with S.E.I.U. , in a funeral home building in Louisiana. Incidentally these organizations are headed by the Rathke brothers.Another point of interest is Obama's gigantic endorsement by this powerful ,if not questionable , union. We will soon find out more about these ties as Obama's Gordeon Knot begins to unravel . Keep the public pressure on until we have all the answers, America we can make our public servants serve the public interest ,remember they work for us!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
912 project
America will prove the experiment still works today as they stand up and face the lion in his den.The 912 project is a great idea that has bloomed into a movement that bolsters the idea that Americans still have the ability to influence our fate despite what the power brokers in Washington fear more than anything else on earth , an informed electorate. It is sad when we see the so-called watch-dog media has become the lap-dog of an arrogant administration , thus , making it necessary for the citizens to do a job the media should be doing. Today thousands of Americans will step out and say enough is enough , now , let's see what the "main-stream " media will say about it. As the tea partys were dismissed as the disgruntled and marginalized minority , I expect the same treatment today by a media so influenced by the Obama administration , that the title of news reporters is more of misnomer than a truth. Fox News has been vilified for its criticism of the administration , I find it disturbing that any dissent is considered "un-American"in a nation that is basically founded on dissent.I sincerely hope those who sit in the capitol take notice of what is becoming a ground-swell movement across the country; this is not an aberration , but their constituents , who expect to be heard and have their will followed . I ask you to support and pray for those brave Americans who are willing to stand up and be counted ,rather than hide in the shadows and hope for a change that may never take place.
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